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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: C++ User's Guide     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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Part I C++ Compiler

1.  The C++ Compiler

2.  Using the C++ Compiler

3.  Using the C++ Compiler Options

3.1 Syntax Overview

3.2 General Guidelines

3.3 Options Summarized by Function

3.3.1 Code Generation Options

3.3.2 Compile-Time Performance Options

3.3.3 Compile-Time and Link-Time Options

3.3.4 Debugging Options

3.3.5 Floating-Point Options

3.3.6 Language Options

3.3.7 Library Options

3.3.8 Obsolete Options

3.3.9 Output Options

3.3.10 Run-Time Performance Options

3.3.11 Preprocessor Options

3.3.12 Profiling Options

3.3.13 Reference Options

3.3.14 Source Options

3.3.15 Template Options

3.3.16 Thread Options

3.4 User-Supplied Default Options File

Part II Writing C++ Programs

4.  Language Extensions

5.  Program Organization

6.  Creating and Using Templates

7.  Compiling Templates

8.  Exception Handling

9.  Improving Program Performance

10.  Building Multithreaded Programs

Part III Libraries

11.  Using Libraries

12.  Using the C++ Standard Library

13.  Using the Classic iostream Library

14.  Building Libraries

Part IV Appendixes

A.  C++ Compiler Options

B.  Pragmas



Chapter 3

Using the C++ Compiler Options

This chapter explains how to use the command-line C++ compiler options and then summarizes their use by function. Detailed explanations of the options are provided in A.2 Option Reference.