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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Performance Analyzer     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Overview of the Performance Analyzer

2.  Performance Data

3.  Collecting Performance Data

4.  The Performance Analyzer Tool

Starting the Performance Analyzer

Analyzer Command Options

Java Options

-j | --jdkhome jvm-path


Control Options

-f | --fontsize size

-v | --verbose

Information Options

-V | --version

-? | --h | --help

Analyzer Default Settings

Performance Analyzer GUI

The Menu Bar

The Toolbar

Analyzer Data Displays

Data Tabs in Left Pane

The MPI Timeline Tab

MPI Chart Tab

The Races Tab

The Deadlocks tab

The Functions Tab

The Callers-Callees Tab

The Call Tree Tab

The Dual-Source Tab

The Source/Disassembly Tab

The Source Tab

The Lines Tab

The Disassembly Tab

The PCs Tab

The OpenMP Parallel Region Tab

The OpenMP Task Tab

The Timeline Tab

The LeakList Tab

The DataObjects Tab

The DataLayout Tab

The Inst-Freq Tab

The Statistics Tab

The Experiments Tab

The Index Objects Tabs

The Threads Tab

The Samples Tab

The CPUs Tab

The Seconds Tab

The Processes Tab

The Experiment IDs Tab

The MemoryObjects Tabs

Tabs in Right Pane

The MPI Timeline Controls Tab

The MPI Chart Controls Tab

The Summary Tab

The Timeline Details Tab

The Threads Chart Controls Tab

The Leak Tab

The Race Detail Tab

The Deadlock Detail Tab

Setting Data Presentation Options

Metrics Tab

Sort Tab

Source/Disassembly Tab

Formats Tab

Timeline Tab

Search Path Tab

Pathmaps Tab

Tabs Tab

Finding Text and Data

Showing or Hiding Functions

Filtering Data

Using Context Filters

Managing Filters

Using Custom Filters

Using Labels for Filtering

Recording Experiments from Analyzer

Default Settings for Analyzer

Saving Performance Analyzer Settings

Settings in the .er.rc File

Comparing Experiments

Enabling Comparison Mode By Default

5.  The er_print Command Line Performance Analysis Tool

6.  Understanding the Performance Analyzer and Its Data

7.  Understanding Annotated Source and Disassembly Data

8.  Manipulating Experiments

9.  Kernel Profiling


Chapter 4

The Performance Analyzer Tool

The Performance Analyzer is a graphical data-analysis tool that analyzes performance data collected by the Collector. The Collector can be started from a Performance Analyzer menu option, or by using the collect command, or the collector commands in dbx. The Collector gathers performance information to create an experiment during the execution of a process, as described in Chapter 3, Collecting Performance Data. The Performance Analyzer reads in such experiments, analyzes the data, and displays the data in tabular and graphical displays. A command-line tool, the er_print utility, is also available for displaying the experiment data in ASCII text form. See Chapter 5, The er_print Command Line Performance Analysis Tool for more information.

This chapter covers the following topics: