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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Performance Analyzer MPI Tutorial     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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1.  Performance Analyzer MPI Tutorial

About MPI and Performance Analyzer

Setting Up for the Tutorial

Obtaining MPI Software

MPI Software for Oracle Solaris 10 and Linux

MPI Software for Oracle Solaris 11

Prepare the Sample Source Code

Sample Code for ClusterTools and Open MPI

Sample Code for Oracle Message Passing Toolkit in Oracle Solaris 11

Compile and Run the Sample Program

Collecting Data on the ring_c Example

Opening the Experiment

Navigating the MPI Timeline

Viewing Message Details

Viewing Function Details and Application Source Code

Filtering Data in the MPI Tabs

Using the Filter Stack

Using the MPI Chart Tab

Using the MPI Chart Controls

Make a Chart to Show Where Messages are Being Sent

Make a Chart to Show Which Ranks Waited Longest to Receive a Message

Look for Slow Message Effects on Time Spent in MPI Functions


A.  MPI Chart Control Settings

B.  Sample Code for the Tutorial

Using the MPI Chart Tab

With MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize already filtered out, explore the MPI Chart features. The initial chart shows which functions took the most time.

  1. Click the MPI Chart tab to see a chart similar to the following.

    image:MPI Chart of Functions

    The MPI Chart tab opens with a chart that shows the sum of the durations of the functions as they ran in all the processes. The vertical rainbow scale to the right of the chart shows the mapping between colors and values. The MPI_Send and Application functions take almost no time, whereas in the example, the cumulative time in MPI_Recv was nearly three seconds.

  2. Click on the bar for the MPI_Recv function.

    The exact value of the bar is displayed in the MPI Chart Controls tab.

In this particular application, every process waits until the token has passed to every other process. As a result, significant time is spent in MPI_Recv, and little time is spent in Application, a state that represents time between MPI functions. As you will see later, a delay in message delivery to one rank prevents all other ranks from making progress.

Using the MPI Chart Controls

This section shows how to use the MPI Chart Controls tab in different ways to visualize the data. Depending on the program under analysis, some chart options are more useful than others. See Appendix A, MPI Chart Control Settings for descriptions of all the MPI Chart controls.

Make a Chart to Show Where Messages are Being Sent

  1. Create a chart to look at messages by making the following selections in the MPI Chart Controls tab:

    Data Type:



    2–D Chart

    X Axis:

    Send Process

    Y Axis:

    Receive Process





  2. Click Redraw, and you should see a chart similar to the following:

    image:MPI Chart of Messages Duration

    This chart shows that Process 0 sends only to Process 1. Process 1 only sends to Process 2, and so on. The color of each box is set by the metric selected (Duration) and the operator (Maximum). Since this graph's Data Type is Messages, this will be the sum of duration of the messages, or the length of message lines in the time dimension.

    The chart colors indicate maximum message durations between ranks. In this example, the message that took the longest to arrive was sent from P14 to P15.

Make a Chart to Show Which Ranks Waited Longest to Receive a Message

  1. Make the following selections in the MPI Chart Controls tab:

    Data Type:



    Y Histogram

    X Axis:


    Y Axis:

    Receive Process





  2. Click Redraw to draw a new chart

    image:Chart showing rank with the longest wait

    In this example, the chart shows that the P15 rank waited the longest to receive a message.

  3. To show a histogram for when these long duration messages occurred, make the following selections for the controls:

    Data Type:



    X Histogram

    X Axis:

    Receive Time

    Y Axis:






  4. Click Redraw to see a chart similar to the following:

    image:MPI Chart showing message duration over time

    In this example, the slowest message was received at 3.981 seconds.

Look for Slow Message Effects on Time Spent in MPI Functions

To see the effect of the long duration messages, create a graph that shows duration of functions versus time.

  1. Create a chart to look at messages by making the following selections in the MPI Chart Controls tab:

    Data Type:



    2–D Chart

    X Axis:

    Exit Time

    Y Axis:






  2. Click Redraw.

    In this example, the graph shows several time regions that have long-duration functions. Note that at t=3.99, there are function durations longer than 20 seconds. This time corresponds to the long message flight-times viewed in the previous chart.

    image:MPI Chart of function duration
  3. Isolate these long duration functions by dragging a box around them to zoom:

    image:Zoomed MPI Chart of function duration
  4. Click the Filter button to examine the only these function calls.

    image:MPI Chart filtered to show long-duration function calls
  5. Click the MPI Timeline tab.

    You can now identify the high duration functions on the MPI Timeline. They are the result of messages with slow delivery times.

    image:MPI Timeline showing long-duration function calls
  6. Click the Remove and Reapply buttons to toggle the context around the long duration functions.

For more information about the MPI Chart Controls, see Appendix A, MPI Chart Control Settings