
Use the registerExternalContainer command to group the endpoints of one or more entry points (not part of an observed container) into their own external container. This is only necessary for manually-registered endpoints. In the console, such endpoints show up under the Unassigned Endpoints node.

Note that there is no command that allows you to move endpoints between containers individually; you have to use this command to move all endpoints starting with the given base address.

By default, manually registered endpoints are allocated to the System container. The registerExternalContainer command allows you to create an external container for endpoints that you want to treat and examine as a group. For example, this container might allow you to model the fact that two or more base addresses for manually registered endpoints are located in the same application server.

You cannot use base addresses from a physical container or a device, but you can use base addresses from another external container if you specify the -f flag. That is, you cannot group endpoints that have been discovered into an external container.

The optional flags for this command allow you to specify information that is then displayed in the container's profile information. To update this information, execute this command again with different option values.

When updating an existing container, if the first entry in the list of base addresses changes, the container's primary base address also changes. If you omit base addresses that previously belonged to the container, they are excluded from the container and returned to the System container.

You can run this command before or after services with endpoints in this container have been registered.

Command Syntax

btmcli registerExternalContainer -baseAddress baseAddress1 [[baseAddress2]...]
                                 [-fn friendlyName] [-vendor vendor]
                                 [-containerInfo containerInfo]
                                 [-ofName osName] [-osVersion osVersion]
                                 [-administratorUI administratorUI]
                                 [-phaseInLifecycle DEBRECATED | deprecated 
                                 | DEVELOPMENT | development  
                                 |PRODUCTION | production
                                 | STAGING | staging |TEST | test]
                                 [-caseInsensitive] [-f]
                                 -s sphereUrl -l username:password
Name Long Name Description
-- -baseAddress Known base addresses for endpoints that you want to associate with the container. If you specify more than one, the first one is considered the primary base address.
-fn -friendlyName The friendly name for the new container. By default, this is the host:port of the primary base address.
-- -vendor Vendor of the application server software for the container; for example, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft.
-- -containerInfo The name and version of the application server software for the container in the format name/version. For example, WebLogic Server/10.3.
-- -osName The name of the operating system the container is running in. For example, Windows or Linux.
-- -osVersion The version of the operating system the container is running in. For example: 2003, 4.3.
-- -administratorUI A URL that can be used to access the administrative UI of the container.
-- -phaseInLifecycle Specifies the lifecycle phase of the container.
-- -caseInsensitive If set, URLs in this container are compared without attention to case.
-f -force Specifies that you want to re-associate a base address that currently belongs to a different external container.
-s -sphereUrl The URL of the sphere with which you want to register the container.


This flag is not required if you have set the AP_SPHERE_URL environment variable for your sphere.

-l -userLogin The username and password associated with the sphere, in the format: username:password. This set of credentials must belong to a user in the btmadmin role.

See Security Options in Accessing CLI Commands for information on furnishing login credentials.

You can encrypt passwords using the encryptPassword command.


The following example registers an external container that will contain the endpoints with the specified base addresses.

btmcli registerExternalContainer 
                       -baseAddress http://my_host:1234/ http://my_host/4567/
                       -s http://my_host:1234/btmcentral/sphere/ 
                       -l admin:abracadabra