8 Security Technical Implementation Guidelines (STIG) Rules Enhanced by Oracle

Security Technical Implementation Guidelines (STIG) rules enhanced by Oracle.

8.1 STIG Database Checks

The following STIG database rules are enhanced by Oracle. Bold text in the Collection Query denotes the change.

8.1.1 DG0008

Name: Application objects should be owned by accounts authorized for ownership

Collection Query:

(select distinct 'Unauthorized user '||owner||' owns application objects in the database.'  from dba_objects
where owner not in
and owner not in
(select grantee from dba_role_privs where granted_role='DBA'))

Change to STIG Rule: Added Default Users/Roles

8.1.2 DG0077

Name: Production databases should be protected from unauthorized access by developers on shared production/development host systems.

Collection Query:

select 'User/Role '||grantee||' granted '||privilege||' on production system' from dba_sys_privs
where (privilege like 'CREATE%' or privilege like 'ALTER%'
or privilege like 'DROP%')
and privilege <> 'CREATE SESSION'
and grantee not in
order by 1;

Change to STIG Rule: Added Default Users/Roles.

8.1.3 DG0079

Name: DBMS login accounts require passwords to meet complexity requirements.

Collection Query:

select profile||': '||limit
from dba_profiles,
(select limit as def_pwd_verify_func
from dba_profiles
where resource_name='PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION'
and profile='DEFAULT')
where resource_name='PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION'
and replace(limit, 'DEFAULT', def_pwd_verify_func) in

Change to STIG Rule: Incorrect query. Replaced NULL with string 'NULL'.

8.1.4 DG0091

Name: Custom and GOTS application source code stored in the database should be protected with encryption or encoding.

Collection Query:

(select 'Application source code of '||owner||'.'||name||' is not encrypted.' 
from dba_source
where line=1 and owner not in('SYS', 'CTXSYS', 'MDSYS', 'ODM', 'OE', 'OLAPSYS', 'ORDPLUGINS',
and owner not like 'OEM%'
and text not like '%wrapped%'

Change to STIG Rule: Added default users.

8.1.5 DG0116

Name: Database privileged role assignments should be restricted to IAO-authorized DBMS accounts.

Collection Query:

select 'Privileged role '||granted_role||' is assigned to user '||grantee details
from dba_role_privs
where grantee not in
and grantee not in
and grantee not in
(select grantee from dba_role_privs where granted_role = 'DBA')
and grantee not in (select distinct owner from dba_objects)
and granted_role in
and granted_role not in ('CONNECT', 'RESOURCE', 'AUTHENTICATEDUSER')
order by 1;

Change to STIG Rule: Added default users.

8.1.6 DG0117

Name: Administrative privileges should be assigned to database accounts via database roles.

Collection Query:

select 'Grantee '||grantee||' is directly granted '||privilege||' privilege. The privilege should be granted via a role.'
from dba_sys_privs
where grantee not in
and grantee not in
(select distinct granted_role from dba_role_privs)
and privilege <> 'UNLIMITED TABLESPACE'
order by 1

Change to STIG Rule: Added Default Users.

8.1.7 DG0119

Name: DBMS application users should not be granted administrative privileges to the DBMS.

Collection Query:

select 'Application user '||grantee||' has administrative privilege  '||privilege||' on '||owner||'.'|| table_name from dba_tab_privs
where privilege in ('ALTER', 'REFERENCES', 'INDEX')
and grantee not in ('DBA', 'SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'LBACSYS', 'XDBADMIN', 'ANONYMOUS',
and table_name not in
and grantee not in
(select grantee from dba_role_privs where granted_role = 'DBA')
and grantee not in (select distinct owner from dba_objects) order by 1

Change to STIG Rule: Added default users.

8.1.8 DG0121

Name: Application users privileges should be restricted to assignment using application user roles.

Collection Query:

select 'User '||grantee||' has direct privilege '||privilege||' on the table '||owner||'.'||table_name||'. The privilege should be granted via a role.'
from dba_tab_privs where grantee not in
(select role from dba_roles)
and grantee not in
and table_name not like '%RP'
and grantee not in
(select grantee from dba_tab_privs
where table_name in ('DBMS_DEFER', 'DEFLOB'))

Change to STIG Rule: Added default users.

8.1.9 DG0123

Name: Access to DBMS system tables and other configuration or metadata should be restricted to DBAs.

Collection Query:

select 'Application user '|| grantee||' is granted '||privilege||' on system table '|| owner||'.'|| table_name from dba_tab_privs
where (owner='SYS' or table_name like 'DBA_%')
and privilege <> 'EXECUTE'
and grantee not in
and grantee not in
(select grantee from dba_role_privs where granted_role='DBA')
order by 1

Change to STIG Rule: Added default users.

8.1.10 DO0155

Name: Only authorized system accounts should have the SYSTEM tablespace specified as the default tablespace.

Collection Query:

(select 'User '||username||' is using SYSTEM as temporary or default tablespace.' from dba_users
where (default_tablespace = 'SYSTEM' or temporary_tablespace = 'SYSTEM')
and username not in

Change to STIG Rule: Added default users.

8.1.11 DO0231

Name: Application owner accounts should have a dedicated application tablespace.

Collection Query:

select distinct tablespace_name||' tablespace used by '||owner||' is not a dedicated tablespace.' from (
select distinct owner, tablespace_name
from dba_tables
where owner not in
and tablespace_name is not NULL
and (owner, table_name) not in
(select owner, table_name from dba_external_tables)
order by 1)

Change to STIG Rule: Added default users.

8.1.12 DO0250

Name: Fixed user and public database links should be authorized for use.

Collection Query:

select 'Fixed user database link '||db_link||' found for '||owner value from dba_db_links 
where db_link not in (select master from sys.dba_repcatlog)

Comment: Combined the rule queries to return db_link as violations only if dba_repcatalog has records

8.1.13 DO0270

Name: A minimum of two Oracle redo log groups/files should be defined and configured to be stored on separate, archived physical disks or archived directories on a RAID device.

Collection Query:

select 'redo_logs_count', log_count from
(select count(*) log_count from  V$LOG where members > 1)
where log_count < 2 

Comment: Used the more strict query to get the violation. Need to manually check if a RAID device is used.

8.1.14 DO0340

Name: Oracle application administration roles should be disabled if not required and authorized.

Collection Query:

select 'Oracle Administration role '||granted_role||' granted to '||grantee||'.'
from dba_role_privs
where default_role='YES'
and granted_role in
(select grantee from dba_sys_privs where upper(privilege) like '%USER%')
and grantee not in
and grantee not in (select distinct owner from dba_tables)
and grantee not in
(select distinct username from dba_users where upper(account_status) like

Change to STIG Rule: Added default users.

8.1.15 DO0350

Name: Oracle system privileges should not be directly assigned to unauthorized accounts.

Collection Query:

select 'User/Role '||grantee||' granted system privilege '||PRIVILEGE from dba_sys_privs
where privilege<>'CREATE SESSION' and grantee not in
and grantee not in
(select grantee from dba_role_privs where granted_role='DBA')
and grantee not in
(select username from dba_users where upper(account_status) like
'%LOCKED%') order by 1

Change to STIG Rule: Added default users and roles.

8.1.16 DO3536

Name: The IDLE_TIME profile parameter should be set for Oracle profiles IAW DoD policy.

Collection Query:

select 'IDLE_TIME set to '||limit||' for profile '||profile||'.' from (
select profile, limit from DBA_PROFILES
where profile = 'DEFAULT'
and resource_name = 'IDLE_TIME')
where TO_NUMBER(DECODE (limit, 'UNLIMITED', 1000, limit)) > 15
select profile, limit from (
select profile, limit from DBA_PROFILES
where profile <> 'DEFAULT'
and resource_name = 'IDLE_TIME')
where TO_NUMBER(DECODE (limit, 'UNLIMITED', 1000, 'DEFAULT', (SELECT DECODE(limit, 'UNLIMITED', 1000, limit)
 from DBA_PROFILES where resource_name='IDLE_TIME' and profile='DEFAULT'), limit))
> 60

Comment: Combined the queries. De-referenced the DEFAULT value for the limit.

8.1.17 DO3609

Name: System privileges granted using the WITH ADMIN OPTION should not be granted to unauthorized user accounts.

Collection Query:

select 'User '||grantee||' granted '||privilege||' privilege WITH ADMIN OPTION.'
from dba_sys_privs
where grantee not in
'WMSYS', 'APEX_030200', 'OWBSYS')
and admin_option = 'YES'
and grantee not in
(select grantee from dba_role_privs where granted_role = 'DBA') order by 1

Change to STIG Rule: Added default users and roles.

8.1.18 DO3689

Name: Object permissions granted to PUBLIC should be restricted.

Collection Query:

select privilege||' on '||owner ||'.'|| table_name ||' is granted to PUBLIC.' from dba_tab_privs
where grantee = 'PUBLIC'
and owner not in

Change to STIG Rule: Added default users and roles.

8.2 STIG Installation Checks

Oracle provides scripts for the following STIG installation checks.

8.2.1 DG0009

Name: Access to DBMS software files and directories should not be granted to unauthorized users.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.2 DG0012

Name: Database software directories including DBMS configuration files are stored in dedicated directories separate from the host OS and other applications.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.3 DG0019

Name: Application software should be owned by a Software Application account.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.4 DG0102

Name: DBMS processes or services should run under custom, dedicated OS accounts.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.5 DG0152

Name: DBMS network communications should comply with PPS usage restrictions.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.6 DG0179

Name: The DBMS warning banner should meet Department of Defense (DoD) policy requirements.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.7 DO0120

Name: The Oracle software installation account should not be granted excessive host system privileges.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.8 DO0145

Name: OS DBA group membership should be restricted to authorized accounts.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.9 DO0286

Name: The Oracle INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT and SQLNET.INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT parameters should be set to a value greater than 0.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.10 DO0287

Name: The Oracle SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME parameter should be set to a value greater than 0.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.11 DO6740

Name: The Oracle Listener ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS parameter if present should be set to ON.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.12 DO6746

Name: The Oracle listener.ora file should specify IP addresses rather than host names to identify hosts.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle

8.2.13 DO6751

Name: The SQLNet SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION parameter should be set to a value of 10 or higher.

Comment: Script provided by Oracle.