Migrating Data

This section summarizes the steps required to migrate data from one enviornment to another. For example, you might need to do this when you migrate from a testing to a production environment.

To migrate data from one environment to another, do the following:

  1. Always backup your system before you migrate data. For information about backing up your system, see Backing up and Restoring Business Transaction Management.

  2. Use CLI commands to export your data as follows. It does not matter in which order you do the export:

    • Use the exportProfile command to export property definitions. If you have no properties defined, you do not need to do this.

    • Use the exportTransactionDefns command to export transaction definitions.

    • If you do not use autocreation of business objects, use the exportBusinessObjects command to export consumer data.

    • If you have created downtime schedules you plan to use in your new environment, use the exportSchedules command to export these.

    • Use the exportPolicies command to export policy definitions.

      You only need to export user-defined policies. These are most likely to be SLA policies. You do not need to, and should not, export system policies or policies created for the transaction. System policies relate to the configuration of your environment, which is likely to differ in the new environment. System-generated policies for your transaction will be automatically re-created when you import the transaction definition.

  3. Install and configure your new BTM environment.

    Make sure that the new system has an opportunity to observe everything in the production environment that you used to create the transactions you exported. If you know what services your transactions include, you can use the BTM console to look for the services you need and to make sure that they have been observed.

  4. Use CLI commands to import your data in the order shown:

    1. Use the importProfile command if you have exported any profiles.

    2. Use the importTransactionsDefns command to import transaction definitions.

      If an import fails, this is most likely due to the fact that the system has not observed a service that is included in your transaction. You can run more traffic, and then try the import again.

    3. Use the importBusinessObjects command if needed.

    4. Use the importSchedules command if needed.

    5. Use the importPolicies command to import policy definitions.

Your transactions should now be functional in your new environment. You should run some traffic to make sure that transanction monitoring is working as expected.