
Use the registerDevice command to register a management device with the sphere. Although Business Transaction Management is able to infer the existence of load balancing devices by analyzing message traffic, explicitly registering a device enables the display of its friendly name and of other information, and provides access to the device's administrative interface if any.

Currently, hardware and software load balancers are the only supported device type for this command, and the F5 BigIP is the only fully-supported load-balancer.

In most cases, Business Transaction Management automatically detects and models routing entry points by observing message traffic and reading destination information from the message header. However, if the observed messages do not carry information about their original recipient (the load balancer) in the HTTP Host headers, you will need to manually assign a routing entry point to the load balancer. You will also need to add target entry points to indicate where the messages are being routed. You need to use the Business Transaction Management management console to do this. See Setting up Load Balancers, (setting up a load balancer) for a full discussion.

If you register multiple devices, you can use the setDefaultLoadBalancer command to set the default device. (Any newly discovered routing entry points will be modeled as part of the default device unless they belong to an F5 load balancer.)

To unregister a device, you must use the management console.

Command Syntax

btmcli registerDevice -baseAddress baseAddress -fn friendlyName 
                      -vendor vendor
                      [-administratorUI administratorUI]
                      [-phaseInLifecycle DEBRECATED | deprecated 
                      | DEVELOPMENT | development |PRODUCTION | production
                      | STAGING | staging |TEST | test]
                      -deviceLogin login:password
                      -s sphereUrl -l login:password
Name Long Name Description
-- -baseAddress The base address of the URL of your load balancer; for example https://myf5:443/.
-fn -friendlyName The friendly name for your load balancer. This name is displayed in the Business Transaction Management Management Console.
-- -vendor If you are registering an F5 BigIP device, specify F5 (case insensitive). When set to this value, the vendor flag is functional.

For other types of load balancers, this flag is required, but it is purely descriptive. You can specify any value (except F5). The specified value is displayed in the Management Console.

-- -administratorUI For devices other than F5, the URL of your load balancer's HTML administrative console. The management console uses this URL to display a link to your load balancer's console.

This flag is not required for F5 devices because the URL is automatically obtained.

-- -phaseInLifecycle Specifies the lifecycle phase of the device container and all of the endpoints that are created within it. Valid values are deprecated, development, production, staging, and test. These are case insensitive.
-- -deviceLogin This flag is required for F5 devices and ignored for other types of load balancers.

The login credentials for the F5 load balancer in the format login:password. A user role of Guest provides sufficient privileges.

If this is a limited-privilege account, Business Transaction Management will discover the objects and policies managed by the device, but you might not be able to modify them using Business Transaction Management.

You can encrypt passwords using the encryptPassword CLI command, for example:

btmcli encryptPassword -password "myPassword"

-s -sphereUrl Required unless you have set the AP_SPHERE_URL environment variable for your sphere.

Specify the URL of the sphere with which you want to register the device; for example:


Replace the host name and port number with appropriate values. This URL always ends with btmcentral/sphere/.

-l -userLogin The username and password associated with the sphere, in the format: username:password. This set of credentials must belong to a user in the btmadmin role.

See Security Options in Accessing CLI Commands for information on furnishing login credentials.

You can encrypt passwords using the encryptPassword command.


The following example shows how you use the registerDevice command to register an F5 load balancer.

btmcli registerDevice -baseAddress https://myF5:443
                      -fn MyF5LoadBalancer
                      -vendor F5
                      -phaseInLifecycle development
                      -deviceLogin my_F5_username:my_F5_password
                      -s http://mySphereHost:1771/btmcentral/sphere/
                      -l admin:abracadabra