9 Creating Reports

This chapter explains how you create reports based on the performance information gathered by Business Transaction Management.

It contains the following sections:

9.1 Overview

Business Transaction Management provides the following elements to help you create reports:

  • the retrieveObjectData command, which produces the data that you want to use in your report. You specify the data you are interested in using command parameters. For example, you could extract data about fault count by service, maximum response time by transaction, condition alert rate by transaction, and so on.

  • templates that you can use with the Oracle BI Publisher (11 g) application to create well-formatted reports in HTML, PDF, RTF, Excel, PowerPoint, MHTML, and Data formats.

  • sample retrieveObjectData commands that you can use for the type of report you want to generate.

  • sample retrieveObjectData output files that you can use to experiment with your reporting tool without having to generate data.

Material to help you create reports is found in the following directory:


The directory includes two sub-directories:

  • templates: this directory includes templates you can use only with the template tools provided by the Oracle BI Publisher (11 g) application. It also includes the reports.xls file, an Excel spreadsheet that shows, for each template, the appropriate retrieveObjectData command that will provide the output data to be combined with the template to generate the report.

    For example, the retrieveObjectData command to be used with the AvgResponseTimeByService template is

    btmcli retrieveObjectData -s sphere -l sphereLogin -type service 
         -attributeNames  friendlyName averageResponseTime -inTheLast 24h 
         -intervalSize 1h -format xmltable > AvgResponseTimeByService.xml

    Or, the retrieveObjectData command to be used with the FaultCountByService template is

    btmcli retrieveObjectData -s sphere -l sphereLogin -type service
         -attributeNames friendlyName faultCount -inTheLast 24h -intervalSize 1h
         -format xmltable > FaultCountByService.xml
  • sampleData: this directory contains sample retrieveObjectData output files that you can use to see what reports might look like without having to generate data.

9.2 Generating Reports

Using the sample templates and command lines for reference, you can learn to create the output data and the templates of your choice to generate reports. You might also need to use the listInstruments command to determine what attribute names and segment names to use for the retrieveObjectData command.

For information on how to use Business Transaction Management templates when working with BI Publisher, visit http://www.oracle.com/support/contact.html or visit http://www.oracle.com/accessibility/support.html if you are hearing impaired.