7 Inventory Utilities

The inventory utilities are designed to aid in the analysis of the contents of an Oracle Home. These utilities provide the ability to output basic information about an specific Oracle Home, or compare the contents of two different Oracle Homes, using a variety of output formats.

The following inventory utilities are described:

7.1 Inventory View

This utility provides the ability to output the following information from an Oracle Home:

  • Distributions: Name and version.

  • Feature-sets: Name and version.

  • Components: Name and version.

  • Patches: Patch ID and Unique ID.

The information can be presented in the following formats:

See Inventory View Utility Usage for the available parameters for the inventory view utility.

7.1.1 Console Output

This mode outputs the information to the console in a format that allows the viewer to identify the hierarchy of the distributions, feature-sets, components, and patches. Example 7-1 show a sample of how this output format looks:

Example 7-1 Inventory View Console Output Example

Oracle Home: D:\P4\src\gdr\1.0\src\test\xml\TestInventory\oracle_home
   Distribution: ComponentArchiveInstallerDistribution
     FeatureSet: ComponentArchiveInstallerFeature
       Component: test.dirs
         Patch: ID: test.patch UID: 1
       Component: test.dirs.multi
       Component: test.files
       Component: test.files.multi
       Component: test.filters
       Component: test.rules
   Distribution: TestDistribution
     FeatureSet: TestFeature
       Component: test.component
         Patch: ID: test.patch.2 UID: 2

7.1.2 CSV File Output

This mode outputs the information to a .csv file. The first column contains the identifiers for the structure being presented (distribution, feature-set, component or patch) followed by the name and version, or IDs, depending on the structure. Figure 7-1 shows an example of how this output format looks:

Figure 7-1 Inventory View CSV File Output Example

Surrounding text describes Figure 7-1 .

7.1.3 XML File Output

This mode outputs the information to a XML file. Figure 7-2 shows an example of how this output format looks:

Figure 7-2 Inventory View XML File Output Example

Surrounding text describes Figure 7-2 .

7.1.4 Inventory View Utility Usage

An executable file will be installed as part of any OUI distribution in the <OracleHome>/oui/bin directory. The command that must be called differs between Windows and Unix-based systems:

  • For Windows:

  • For Unix-based systems (such as, Oracle Solaris):


Table 7-1 shows the parameters the command accepts:

Table 7-1 Inventory View Parameters

Parameter Description

Not required. The complete path of the Oracle Home to analyze. If not present, then Inventory View will assume you are under an oracle home and will view it.


Not required. The <xml, csv or report> identifier indicates the output format for this operation. For example, xml and csv will create an output file of that format, and a report will print to the console.

If this parameter is not specified, the output will be automatically detected based on the output_file parameter.


Not required. Only used when the desired output file should be xml or csv. If this parameter is not specified, the output will be printed in the console.

7.2 Inventory Compare

This utility provides the ability to compare two oracle homes and output the information described below:

  • Oracle Home: It displays the oracle home directory.

  • Distributions: Name and version.

  • Feature-sets: Name and version.

  • Components: Name and version.

  • Patches: Patch ID and Unique ID.

All of the artifacts will be listed and those that are different between the two oracle home directories will be indicated with either an oh1 or oh2 identifier.

The information can be presented in the following formats:

See Inventory Compare Utility Usage for the available parameters for the inventory compare utility.

7.2.1 Console Output

This mode outputs the information to the console in a format that allows the viewer to identify the hierarchy of the distributions, feature-sets, components, and patches. Example 7-2 shows a sample output of the successful execution of an inventory compare:

Example 7-2 Inventory Compare Console Output Example

Oracle Home1: D:\ade\depot\src\gdr\1.0\src\test\xml\TestInventory\oh_more
 Oracle Home2: D:\ade\depot\src\gdr\1.0\src\test\xml\TestInventory\oh_less
   Distribution: ComponentArchiveInstallerDistribution
     FeatureSet: ComponentArchiveInstallerFeature
       Component: test.dirs
         Patch:  ID:1234 UID:4321
       Component: test.dirs.multi,oh1
       Component: test.files,oh1
       Component: test.files.multi,oh1
       Component: test.filters
       Component: test.rules
   Distribution: TestDistribution,oh1
     FeatureSet: TestFeature,oh1
       Component: test.component,oh1
         Patch:  ID:12345 UID:54321,oh1

7.2.2 CSV File Output

This mode outputs the information to a .csv file. The first column contains the identifiers for the structure being presented (oracle-home, distribution, feature-set, component, or patch) followed by the name and version, or IDs, depending on the structure. The last column shows the difference with an oh1 or oh2 identifier. Figure 7-3 shows an example of how this output format looks:

Figure 7-3 Inventory Compare CSV File Output Example

Surrounding text describes Figure 7-3 .

7.2.3 XML File Output

This mode outputs the information to a XML file. Figure 7-4 shows an example of how this output format looks:


The oh-diff attribute will contain the information about the difference between oracle homes. When both oracle homes are having the same artifact, it will contain the value both.

This value will be used only in this xml file output. In the other formats, it is assumed that not showing it means that both oracle homes have the same artifact.

Figure 7-4 Inventory Compare XML File Output Example

Surrounding text describes Figure 7-4 .

7.2.4 Inventory Compare Utility Usage

An executable file will be installed as part of any OUI distribution in the <OracleHome>/oui/bin directory. The command that must be called differs between Windows and Unix-based systems:

  • For Windows:

  • For Unix-based systems:


These are the parameters the command accepts:

Table 7-2 Inventory Compare Parameters

Parameter Description

Required. The complete path of the Oracle Home1 to compare with, it can be either an xml file or a directory.


Required. The complete path of the Oracle Home2 to compare with, it can be either an xml file or a directory.


Not required. A <dir or xml> is used to specify the source for the first oracle home. If this parameter is not provided, then Inventory Compare will automatically detect it.


Not required. A <dir or xml> is used to specify the source for the second oracle home. If this parameter is not provided, then Inventory Compare will automatically detect it.


Not required. Only used when the desired output is either xml or csv. The file will be generated in the specified location and with the given name.

If this parameter is not specified, then the inventory compare will be output to the console.

If this parameter is provided, then the output file will be generated based on the extension.


Prints usage instructions.