6 Using Messages and Queues

This chapter contains the following topics:

6.1 Messages and Queues Overview

With JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you can send and receive electronic mail (email) messages through the Work Center program. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne email system includes messages sent by users and messages sent by a workflow process.

You can organize your messages by placing them into queues (storage areas for your messages) provided by the software or by setting up your own queues. This section explains how to work with your messages and with your queues. In addition, you can indicate your work-time location and add remarks to your time log.

6.1.1 Internal and External Messages

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne sends your email messages in different ways, depending upon whether the message is internal or external to the system.

Messages Description
Internal Messages Internal messages stay within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. They are read using the Work Center.
External Messages External messages are sent to third-party email software packages such as Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes.

You system administrator configures your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user account to receive either internal or external email. However, certain messages are sent as internal email regardless of this preference; for example, notifications of submitted UBE jobs.

6.1.2 Workflow Messages

In addition to sending and receiving internal and external messages, you can receive an active message, which is a type of message that a system workflow process automatically sends to a recipient.

Messages Description
Active Messages Workflow processes sometimes generate messages that require you to take action, such as approving or rejecting a change to a customer record. A lightning bolt button identifies an active message.

Active messages contain a shortcut button that links directly to an application. When you click the shortcut button, the system retrieves the most current information from the database, which ensures that you get accurate information even if changes are made after an active message is sent to you.

You can set up a workflow process to send active messages to specific queues.


Click here to view a recording of this feature.This tutorial shows the pre-9.1.5 user interface.

6.1.3 Queues

Queues are storage areas that enable you to organize messages using the Work Center. For example, messages can be organized into queues for priority mail or for submitted jobs. Through a queue, users can approve or reject specific tasks in a workflow process. A queue is actually a UDC, and you set up a queue in the same way that you would set up a UDC. Queues Provided with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides these queues:

Queues Description
Sent Messages that you have sent to others.
Deleted Messages that you have deleted. After you delete a message, you can view it but you cannot move it to another queue.

The system administrator has the authority to purge deleted messages from the system, which is typically done periodically or on a predetermined schedule. You can also remove a message from the system by deleting it from your Deleted queue.

Submitted Jobs Messages generated by the system for jobs that you have submitted for batch processing, such as the General Ledger Post. Workflow Queues

Workflow includes several predefined queues, but you might want to set up a custom queue for messages generated by processes that you create. For example, you might want to set up a queue for messages generated by a credit limit approval process. This queue would gather any approval or rejection messages related to credit limits for customers. A user could then open that queue and act on the message contained within it.

6.2 Working with Messages

This section contains the following topics:

  • Sending Messages

  • Using Shortcuts

  • Using the Work Center

  • Printing Messages

6.2.1 Sending Messages

When you send internal e-mail messages, you send them to other users within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software. You can control the time of delivery for a message by assigning a tickler date to the message. A tickler date is a date in the future when the system automatically shows the message. Assigning a tickler date is especially helpful if you plan to be out of the office on the day that you want others to receive your message, or if you want to remind yourself about upcoming meetings or other obligations.

When you send internal messages, you can also include an attachment. Attachments enable you to include files, images, or links that conform to the OLE standard, such as word processing documents and spreadsheets.

You can send messages to one or more recipients. If you are sending a message to multiple recipients, you can use a quick list, a predefined distribution list, or a role. Sending an Internal Message to a Single Recipient

  1. Open the Navigator drop-down menu, select Actions, and then select Work with Work Center.

  2. On the Work with Work Center form, select New Message.

  3. On Send Internal Mail, click the Search button in the "To: Address Number/ User/ Role" field.

  4. On Address Number / User / Role, select one of the following options to search for a recipient by address number or user ID, and then click OK:

    • Address Number

    • User

  5. Find and select the address number or user to whom you want to send the message.

  6. Type the subject of the message in the Subject field.

  7. Complete the following optional fields, as necessary:

    • Keep Copy

    • Receipt Notify

    • Contact

    • Address

    • Tickler Date

    • Phone Number

  8. Type your message in the text area at the bottom of the form.

  9. To include an attachment with your message, right-click the panel with the Text button.

  10. Choose New, and then one of these options:

    • Image

    • OLE

    • Shortcut

    • URL/File

  11. Click OK to send the message.

    If you opt to keep a copy of a message that you send, you can view it in the same queue from which you sent the message. Using a Quick List to Send a Message to Multiple Recipients

  1. Open the Navigator drop-down menu, select Actions, and then select Work with Work Center.

  2. On the Work with Work Center form, select New Message.

  3. On Send Internal Mail, select To:Quick List from the Form menu.

  4. On Quick List, complete either of the following fields for each person you want on the list, and then click OK:

    • Alpha Name

    • Address Number

  5. Follow the steps for sending an internal message to a single recipient.


    You cannot save a quick list. Sending a Message to Members of a Role

  1. Open the Navigator drop-down menu, select Actions, and then select Work with Work Center.

  2. On the Work with Work Center form, select New Message.

  3. On Send Internal Mail, click the Search button in the "Send To Address Number / User / Role" field.

  4. On Address Number / User / Role, select the Role option, and then click OK.

  5. Highlight the row that contains the role that you want to use and then click Select.

  6. Follow the steps for sending an internal message to a single recipient.

6.2.2 Using Shortcuts

With the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne messaging system, you can send messages that contain a shortcut to a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application. When you send a shortcut, you can preface it with a message for the recipient to review and approve. For example, you might want your manager to approve a change that you made to a customer record. After sending a shortcut to your manager, he or she can view the record immediately by clicking the shortcut button. When you send a shortcut, the system sends the key for that particular record to the recipient. When the recipient clicks the shortcut button, the system opens the application and retrieves the record.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system uses workflow to automatically send messages with a shortcut to an application. These types of messages, called active messages, require that the recipient open the shortcut to verify information or approve a transaction.

Since JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software supports Windows and Web clients, the message can contain a shortcut for a Windows application or a Web application. Sending a Non-Workflow Shortcut

From the application from which you want to create a shortcut, access any records you want the recipient to view.

  1. Open the Tools drop-down menu and select Send Shortcut.

    The Send Shortcut form appears with a shortcut to the application.

  2. On Send Shortcut, complete these fields:

    • Address Number, User, Role, or Distribution List

    • Mail Box (Internal Messages Only)

    • Subject

  3. Type your message.

  4. Click OK to send the message.

6.2.3 Using the Work Center

Use the Work Center to send and receive internal email messages within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. Work Center enables you to perform standard email functions. Viewing Messages

You can view your messages in the Work Center. Messages sent from other users will appear in either your Personal In Basket queue or, if you set them up, your Priority Mail and Secondary queues. You can also view workflow messages, or active messages, sent by a workflow process.


If you cannot view messages, make sure that queue security is set up to enable you to view the Address Book number and queue that you want to view.

To view messages:

  1. Open the Navigator drop-down menu, select Actions, and then select Work with Work Center.

  2. On Work Center, expand a queue that contains a message.

    Unless the All Queues check box is selected, only those queues that contain mail will display. Any messages in that queue appear. Messages that have not been viewed appear in bold.

  3. Click the message that you want to view.

    The message appears in the view area on the right side of the Work Center form.

This play button is used to access a tutorial.Tutorial:

Click here to view a recording of this feature.This tutorial shows the pre-9.1.5 user interface. Revising Messages

You can revise the text of messages in any of your queues. This feature opens up the actual message and enables you to change the text or add new text.

To revise messages:.

  1. Open the Navigator drop-down menu, select Actions, and then select Work with Work Center.

  2. On Work Center, select the message that you want to revise.

  3. From the Row menu, select Message Revisions.

  4. On the Message Revisions form, change any of the following fields and then click OK:

    • From

    • Contact

    • Subject

    • Phone Number

    • Tickler Date

    • Text area Moving a Message to Another Queue

You can move a message from one queue to another. For example, you might want to move a message from your Priority queue to your Personal To Do List queue.

To move a message to another queue:

  1. Open the Navigator drop-down menu, select Actions, and then select Work with Work Center.

  2. On Work Center, click the All Queues option if the target queue to which you want to move the message does not appear.

  3. Click and drag the message to the target queue.

  4. To verify the placement of the message, double-click the target queue and view the contents. Redirecting Messages to the Priority or Secondary Queue

You can redirect messages that you receive from an individual to your Priority Mail queue. When you do this, the system sends all future messages from that individual directly to your Priority Mail queue. Alternatively, you can redirect messages from an individual to your Secondary queue.


To redirect messages to the Priority Mail or Secondary queue, you must follow these steps and not the ones for moving messages. Moving messages only moves individual messages, whereas redirecting messages to the Priority Mail or Secondary queue affects all messages from that user until you remove the designation.

Although you can move a message to the Archived or Deleted queue, the system does not redirect future messages from the sender to that queue. You must manually move the sender's message to the Archived or Deleted queue each time.

You can redirect messages from more than one person to your Priority Mail and Secondary queues. You can also prevent messages from being delivered to a specific queue.

To redirect messages:

  1. Open the Navigator drop-down menu, select Actions, and then select Work with Work Center.

  2. On Work Center, select the message that you want to redirect to your Priority Mail or Secondary queue.

  3. From the Row menu, select one of these options:

    • Priority

    • Secondary

  4. Expand the target queue to verify the placement of your message.

    Any further messages that you receive from this sender will arrive in the queue that you selected. Repeat these steps for redirecting other users' messages. Canceling the Delivery of Messages

If you decide that you no longer want the system to automatically redirect messages from an individual to a Priority Mail queue, you can cancel the automatic delivery of messages to your Priority Mail or Secondary queue.

To cancel the delivery of messages:

  1. Open the Navigator drop-down menu, select Actions, and then select Work with Work Center.

  2. On Work Center, select a message from the user for which you want to cancel automatic delivery.

  3. From the Row menu, select Remove.

  4. Move any other messages from this particular sender out of the Priority Mail or Secondary queue.

    As long as you keep any messages in your Priority Mail or Secondary queue from the sender whom you removed, future messages from that sender will appear in that queue. Reassigning Messages

The messaging system enables you to reassign a message to another user after the message is sent to the original recipient. This process changes whose queue the message appears in. For example, if you originally sent a message to Jim, you can reassign that message to Betty. The message will now be in Betty's queue and will not be in Jim's queue. You can also reassign messages that you receive.


You can only reassign messages in other users' queues if your queue security enables.

To reassign messages:

  1. Open the Navigator drop-down menu, select Actions, and then select Work with Work Center.

  2. On Work Center, select the message that you want to reassign, and then, from the Row menu, select Reassign.

  3. On Assign Message, complete these fields and click OK:

    • Address Number / User / Role

    • Queue Designator Deleting Messages

To delete a message, drag the message to the Deleted queue. Alternatively, select the message and click Delete.

You cannot recover a message after you move it to the Deleted queue. It remains in your Deleted queue until your system administrator purges messages, which is typically done on a periodic or predetermined schedule. Alternatively, you can remove a message from the system by deleting it from your Deleted queue.

6.2.4 Printing Messages

You might find that you want a printed copy of a message for your records. You can do either of these tasks:

  • Print a message.

    You can print a message from any of your queues.

  • Print a report that lists all messages within a queue.

    This report includes a summary for each message. The two types of message reports are:

    • Message Center - Summary

    • Message Center - Detail

    These reports show the sender and recipient of the message, as well as the subject of the message. The detail report shows the content of each message. Printing a Message

To print a message:

  1. Open the Navigator drop-down menu, select Actions, and then select Work with Work Center.

  2. On Work Center, select the message that you want to print.

  3. From the Row menu, select Print.

  4. On Printer Selection, click OK. Printing a Report that Lists All Messages in a Queue

To print a report that lists all messages in a queue:

  1. Open the Navigator drop-down menu, select Actions, and then select Work with Work Center.

  2. On Work Center, select the message queue that you want to print.

  3. From the Form menu, select Print.

  4. On Work with Batch Versions - Available Versions, select the version and submit the report.

6.3 Working with Queues

Queues are a way to group related messages together in the Work Center. This topic describes how to manage your queues by creating new ones or adding security. As with a message, you can also add a shortcut to a queue.

You set up queues in the system as UDCs. The following task describes how to create queues or modify existing queues.

6.3.1 Setting Up a Queue

Access the Work With User Defined Codes form.

  1. On Work With User Defined Codes, click Add.

  2. On User Defined Codes, complete the following fields in an empty row on the grid and click OK:

    • Codes

      Enter a unique number for the queue.

    • Description 1

      Enter a name for the queue.

    • Description 2

    • Special Handling

    • Hard Coded

      Enter N in this field.


A list of valid codes for a specific user defined code list.

Description 1

A user defined name or remark.

Description 2

Additional text that further describes or clarifies a field in the system.

Special Handling

A code that indicates special processing requirements for certain user defined code values. The value that you enter in this field is unique for each user defined code type.Programming is required to activate this field.

Hard Coded

A code that indicates whether a user defined code is hard-coded. Values are:


The user defined code is hard-coded


The user defined code is not hard-coded

A check mark indicates that the user defined code is hard-coded. Specifying the Queues that a User Can View

You can change the security status for a user or group of users within a queue. You can either give a user authority to monitor every queue within a group, or you can deny users access to certain queues.

You can add security by user, distribution list, or role. For example, you might want to set up security so that a manager can monitor all messages within certain queues. Or you might set up security by distribution list or role so that users within the group have authority to monitor certain queues.

If you want to give only a few people within a distribution list or a role access to certain queues, you enter the distribution list or the role, and then enter the users' address book numbers to define which queues those users in the group can access.

Access the Work With Workflow Message Security form.

  1. On Work With Workflow Message Security, click Add.

  2. On Workflow Message Security Revisions, complete these fields:

    • User

    • Group/Role

  3. Specify the queues that a user can view by completing the Authority Y/N field and clicking OK.


A user in the workflow system. This can also be a group.


A group or list of users in the workflow system. The address book number that identifies a list of users in the workflow system.

Authority Y/N

Indicates whether the user is authorized to make changes to security information.


For workflow, indicates whether the user can view other queues in the Work Center.

6.3.2 Logging Time and Adding Remarks

The Work Center enables you to inform others of your whereabouts. You can specify when you are in or out of the office by using the Check In and Check Out options. You can add remarks to your check out to provide detailed information about where you are. You can view this information from the Time Log form. Checking In and Out

Checking in and out informs others of your whereabouts. When you check out, you can also enter a remark, return date, and return time. If you do not enter a remark, the system supplies the wordhome. If you do not enter a return date, the system enters the next business day. The check in and check out information that appears on the Time Log form is discussed later in this topic.

Access the Work With Employee Queue Manager form.

  1. On Work With Employee Queue Manager, locate and select your record.

  2. From the Row menu, select one of these menu options:

    • Check In

    • Check Out

      Each time you select Check In or Check Out, the system updates your status, which you can view from the Time Log. Entering Remarks

You can enter a remark to provide more information about your whereabouts, your schedule, and so on. For example, you might enter a remark indicating that you are in a meeting, on vacation, or can be reached at a particular phone number. You can update an existing remark.

Access the Work With Employee Queue Manager form.

  1. On Work With Employee Queue Manager, locate and select your record.

  2. From the Row menu, select Remark.

  3. On the Check In/Out and Update Remark form, select the Update Remark option.

  4. Enter your remark in the Remark field.

  5. The following fields in the Return area are optional; complete them if necessary:

    • Return Time

    • Return Date

  6. Click OK.

  7. To view your remark, click Find on Work With Employee Queue Manager. Viewing Time Logs

You can view the times when you or other employees check in and out, and you can view any remarks.

Access the Work With Employee Queue Manager form.

  1. On Work with Employee Queue Manager, select the employee record time log that you want to view.

  2. From the Row menu, select Time Log.