
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  I  J  K  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Z 


add a container event
guaranteed events, 14.4.3
add a data source for open data access, 19.3.1
add a single event
guaranteed events, 14.4.3
adding jar files to classpath for XML, 5.2
adding records to interface tables, 11.3
classic XAPI events
EnterpriseOne-to-EnterpriseOne inbound response generation, 16.5.4
flat files, 12.6
guaranteed real-time events, 15.2.2
guaranteed XAPI events
EnterpriseOne and third-party request, 16.4.2
EnterpriseOne and third-party response, 16.4.4
EnterpriseOne-to-EnterpriseOne executor error handling, 16.5.6
EnterpriseOne-to-EnterpriseOne outbound request handling, 16.5.2
XML XTS, 7.3.1


batch interface model types
electronic data interface (EDI), 18.2
interface tables, 18.1
output stream access (OSA) UBEs, 18.4
table conversion, 18.3
batch interfaces, overview,, 18
benefits, 2.2.1
business function calls
defined, 4.1
finding the right business function, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3
Business Service Cross Reference (P952000), 21.1
business services,
architecture, 3.2
architecture description, 3.2
environment, 3.3
event notification, 3.1.3
integration patterns, 3.4
overview,, 3.1


call object, 8.4.2
call object error handling, 8.4.4
call object error text, 8.4.5
callobject, 8.1, 8.2
callobject process, 8.3
capabilities, 2.3, 2.3.3
business function calls,, 4.1
business services,
flat files,
J2EE connectivity,
web services,
Z transactions,, 11.1
configure a data source for open data access, 19.3.4
configuring the Type 3 JDBC driver, 20.2
configuring the Type 4 JDBC driver, 20.2
connect a data source for open data access, 19.3.5
connection mode for JDBC driver, 20.1.2
copying data into outbound interface tables,
creating a composite event for guaranteed events, 15.2.3
creating a logical subscriber
guaranteed events, 14.5.4
creating an aggregate event for guaranteed events, 15.2.3
creating business function documentation, 4.3
creating custom real-time events, 14.9.1
cross reference facility
find a business function, 4.4.2


Data Export Control table (F0047), 17.4.4, 17.5.1
Data Export Controls program (P0047), 17.5.1
debug tools, find a business function, 4.4.3
default response queue, 13.3.5
defining events
guaranteed event delivery, 14.4.1
delete a data source for open data access, 19.3.3
delete interface table data, 11.7


overview, 18.2
EDI, overview,
enabling Z event processing, 17.4.2
error codes for XML callobject, 8.6
error handling
XML dispatch, 6.6
error queue, 13.3.4
ESB subscriber, 14.5.1
establish session
XML element, 5.3.3
Event Activation Status table (F90705), 14.4.1
event notification
JMS Queue, 3.1.3
JMS Topic, 3.1.3
eventsguaranteed events, 14
example code
create an XML list, 10.4.1
delete data from an XML list, 10.4.3
get column information for an XML list, 10.4.4
guaranteed events
creating a composite event, 15.2.3
creating an aggregate event, 15.2.3
guaranteed real-time events
interoperability event interface calls, 15.2.3
guaranteed XAPI events
EnterpriseOne and third-party inbound response API usage, 16.4.5
EnterpriseOne and third-party outbound request API usage, 16.4.3
EnterpriseOne-to-EnterpriseOne inbound response parsing API usage, 16.5.5
EnterpriseOne-to-EnterpriseOne outbound request parsing API usage, 16.5.3
minimum required values, C
retrieving data using XML list, 10.4.2
XML callobject request, 8.5.2
XML callobject response, 8.5.3
XML format
events, D
inbound sales order, B.1
real-time events template, D.2
request and response, B.3
Z events, D.1
XML transaction request and response, 9.4.2
example for using JDBC connection properties,
expire session
XML element, 5.3.4
explicit transaction
XML element, 5.3.5
extraction batch process,


F0046 table, 17.4.4
F0047 table, 17.4.4, 17.5.1
F47002 table, 17.4.3
F90701 table, 17.4.7
F90705 table, 14.4.1
F986113 table, 17.4.2, 17.4.5
features, 2.2
features of JDBC driver, 20.6
finding the right business function
create business function documentation, 4.3
review API documentation, 4.2
review business function documentation, 4.2
use cross reference facility, 4.4.2
use debug tools, 4.4.3
use existing application as model, 4.4
use object management workbench, 4.4.1
using an existing application as a model, 4.4
flat file cross reference for Z events, 17.4.3
Flat File Cross-Reference program (P47002), 17.4.3
Flat File Cross-Reference table (F47002), 17.4.3
flat file encoding, 12.6.2
flat files
business function, 12.5
errors, 12.5.3
inbound flat file conversion program, 12.4
overview,, 12.1
setting up, 12.3
flat files, 12.2


guaranteed events
aggregate event, 15.2.1
aggregating events, 14.2.2
associate subscription with subscribed environment, 14.5.7
associate subscription with subscribed events, 14.5.6
composite events, 15.2.1
configuring the transaction server, 14.2.4
creating logical subscriber, 14.5.4
creating MSMQ queue, 14.6, 14.6.2, 14.6.3
verifying delivery, 14.6.4
creating WebLogic MQ queue, 14.8.2
verifying delivery, 14.8.7
creating WebSphere MQ queue, 14.7, 14.7.2, 14.7.3
configure WebSphere, 14.7.4
verifying delivery, 14.7.5
WebLogic connection factory, 14.8.5
WebLogic destination, 14.8.6
defining, 14.4.1
EnterpriseOne as XAPI executor
process flow, 16.3
EnterpriseOne as XAPI originator
process flow, 16.2
generating real-time events, 15.2.1
journaling, 14.2.3
logging events, 14.2.3
overview, 14.1
process flow, 14.2.1
real-time event APIs, 15.2.2
real-time events, 15.1
single event, 15.2.1
subscription, 14.5.1, 14.5.5
XAPI element name for XML documents,
XAPI EnterpriseOne and third-party, 16.1.1, 16.4.1
inbound response APIs, 16.4.4
outbound request APIs, 16.4.2
XAPI EnterpriseOne-to-EnterpriseOne, 16.1.3
executor error handling APIs, 16.5.6
inbound response generation APIs, 16.5.4
mapping a business function, 16.6.1
mapping APIs, 16.6.1
originator and executor error processing,
originator and executor security,
outbound request handling APIs, 16.5.2
overview, 16.5.1
XAPI events, 16.1
XAPI third-party to EnterpriseOne, 16.1.2
Z events, 17.1
enabling outbound processing, 17.4.2
flat file cross reference, 17.4.3
process, 17.2
purging data from interface tables, 17.4.6
setting up data export controls, 17.5.1
subsystem job, 17.4.5
synchronizing F47002 records with F90701 records, 17.4.7
updating processing log table, 17.4.4
vendor-specific functions, 17.3


IBM WebSphere MQ queue for guaranteed events
WebLogic configurations, 14.8.5, 14.8.6
WebSphere configurations, 14.7.4
ID/IDREF support, 8.4.7
implicit transaction
XML element, 5.3.6
import flat files
APIs, 12.6
business function, 12.5
inbound processing using interface tables, 18.1.2
inbound queue, 13.3.1
inbound response API usage EnterpriseOne and third-party sample code, 16.4.5
inbound response API usage EnterpriseOne-to-EnterpriseOne sample code, 16.5.5
inbound sales order XML format sample code, B.1
industry standard support, 2.5
integration patterns
consumer, asynchronous HTTP request/response, 3.4.6
consumer, asynchronous web service, 3.4.8
consumer, notification, 3.4.4
consumer, synchronous HTTP request/response, 3.4.7
consumer, synchronous web service request/reply, 3.4.5
provider, asynchronous notification, 3.4.2
provider, asynchronous request/reply, 3.4.3
provider, synchronous request/reply, 3.4.1
interface table
list of processes, A.1
interface tables
adding records, 11.3
extraction batch process,
inbound processing, 18.1.2
outbound processing, 18.1.3
overview,, 18.1
purge data, 11.7
purge records, 18.1.5
revision application, 18.1.4
structure, 18.1.1
benefits, 2.2.1
capabilities, 2.3, 2.3.3
features, 2.2
industry standard support, 2.5
selecting, 2.4
models, 2.3, 2.3.4
overview, 2.1
Interoperability Event Definition program (P90701A), 14.2.4, 14.3.1, 14.4.1
Interoperability Event Definition table (F90701), 17.4.7
interoperability event interface calls sample code for guaranteed events, 15.2.3
Interoperability Event Subscription program (P90702), 14.5.1
Interoperability Generic Outbound Scheduler UBE (R00461), 17.4.4
Interoperability Generic Outbound Subsystem UBE (R00460, 17.4.4


J2EE connectivity,
jar files for XML, 5.2
JDBC driver
class name for driver connection, 20.3.1
connection mode, 20.1.2
connection properties, 20.3.3,
features, 20.6
purpose, 20.1
security considerations, 20.4
SQL, 20.5
troubleshooting, 20.7
URL for connecting, 20.3.2
when to use, 20.1.1
Type 3,
Type 4,
jde.ini, 13.4
jde.ini file settings
list-retrieval engine, 10.5
XML callobject, 8.5
XML dispatch, 6.5
XML list, 10.6
XML transaction, 9.4
XML XTS, 7.4
jdeRequest type
XML element, 5.3.2
jdeResponse type
XML element, 5.3.2
JMS queue,
JMS Queue, 3.1.3
JMS server
creating a JMS server, 14.8.3
JMS topic,
JMS Topic, 3.1.3


keywords in the connection string for open data access, 19.4.2


messaging adapter queues, 13.3
messaging adapters
messaging queue systems, 13.1, 13.2, 13.2.1, 13.2.2
minimum required values sample code, C
models, 2.3, 2.3.4
batch interfaces,, 18
interface tables,
messaging adapters,
open data access (ODA),
output stream access (OSA),
table conversion,
modify a data source for open data access, 19.3.2
modify interface table records, 18.1.4
MSMQ queue for guaranteed events, 14.6, 14.6.2, 14.6.3, 14.6.4
multiple requests per document, 8.4.6


name Z transactions, 11.2


object management workbench
find a business function, 4.4.1
for guaranteed real-time events, 14.3.1
for guaranteed XAPI events, 14.3.1
OCM setup for guaranteed events, 14.3.1
ODAopendata access, 19.1
on error handling, 8.4.3
open data access
add a data source, 19.3.1
business view names, 19.4.1
column security, 19.4.1
configure a data source, 19.3.4
connect a data source, 19.3.5
connection string keywords, 19.4.2
currency, 19.4.1
decimal shifting, 19.4.1
delete a data source, 19.3.3
driver architecture, 19.2.4
error messages, 19.5
hardware requirements, 19.2.1
Julian date, 19.4.1
long column names, 19.4.1
long table names, 19.4.1
media object, 19.4.1
modify a data source, 19.3.2
ODBC component files, 19.2.3
overview, 19.1
row security, 19.4.1
run Excel query, 19.4.3
software requirements, 19.2.2
user defined codes, 19.4.1
open data access error messages
access violation, 19.5
attempt to fetch before the first row, 19.5
business view contains invalid join, 19.5
business view contains unsupported union operator, 19.5
column security violation, 19.5
configuration request error, 19.5
cross system joins not supported, 19.5
currency columns can only be simple column references, 19.5
data cannot be converted, 19.5
data returned for one or more columns was truncated, 19.5
data source does not exist, 19.5
data source name not valid, 19.5
data truncated, 19.5
driver does not support requested conversion, 19.5
driver not capable, 19.5
fractional truncation, 19.5
internal data conversion error, 19.5
internal execution error, 19.5
invalid column number, 19.5
invalid cursor state, 19.5
invalid date/time string, 19.5
invalid numeric string, 19.5
invalid request type, 19.5
media object columns can only be simple column references, 19.5
multiple business views referenced, 19.5
numeric value out of range, 19.5
option value changed, 19.5, 19.5
server connection failed, 19.5
statement must be a select, 19.5
syntax error, 19.5
unable to allocate memory, 19.5
unable to connect to the EnterpriseOne environment, 19.5
unable to display connection dialog, 19.5
unable to open business view, 19.5
unable to open table, 19.5
user defined code columns can only be simple column references, 19.5
open data access (ODA)
orchestration cross-references
adding cross-references, 21.3
adding object types, 21.2
categorizing by code and key, 21.1.1
code references, 21.1
deleting cross-references, 21.5
key references, 21.1
modifying cross-references, 21.4
reviewing cross-references, 21.4
understanding, 21.1
OSB subscriber, 14.5.1
outbound batch
subsystem business function,
outbound notification,
outbound processing using interface tables, 18.1.3
outbound queue, 13.3.2
outbound request API usage EnterpriseOne and third-party sample code, 16.4.3
outbound request parsing API usage XAPI EnterpriseOne-to-EnterpriseOne sample code, 16.5.3
outbound table adapter function,
outbound XML request and response format sample code, B.3
output stream access (OSA)
output stream access (OSA) UBEs
overview, 18.4
overview, 2.1
batch interfaces,
business function calls,
business services,
flat files,, 12.1
guaranteed events, 14.1
real-time events, 15.1
XAPI EnterpriseOne-to-EnterpriseOne, 16.5.1
XAPI events, 16.1
Z events, 17.1
messaging adapters,
open data access, 19.1
Z transactions,


P0046 program, 17.4.4
P0047 program, 17.5.1
P47002 program, 17.4.3
P90701A program, 14.2.4, 14.3.1, 14.4.1
P952000 Program, 21.1
parsing XML strings, 13.2.3
Populate Event Activation Status Table UBE (R90705), 14.4.1, 17.4.7
XML element, 5.3.7
Processing Log program (P0046), 17.4.4
Processing Log table (F0046), 17.4.4
processing log table updates, 17.4.4
processing options for adding JMS Queue as a subscriber
WebLogic Application Server, 14.5.3
WebSphere Application Server, 14.5.3
processing Z events
guaranteed events, 17.2
published business service,
purpose of JDBC driver, 20.1


R00460 UBE, 17.4.4
R00461 UBE, 17.4.4
R90705 UBE, 14.4.1, 17.4.7
real-time events template sample code, D.2
real-time eventsguaranteed events, 15
return NULL values, 8.4.8
reviewing API and business function documentation, 4.2
run a subsystem job, 11.4.2
run an input batch process, 11.4.1


schema generation utility, 14.10
configuring, 14.10.2
displaying event schema,
generating header schema,
generating schema for more than one event,
generating schema for single and multiple events,
logging into,
troubleshooting, 14.10.4
using, 14.10.3,
security considerations for JDBC driver, 20.4
selector, 7.3
service oriented architecture, 3.1
setting up interface tables, 18.1.1
special characters in XML, 5.4.3
SQL for JDBC driver, 20.5
structure for interface tables, 18.1.1
submitting UBE to request inbound XML, 6.7
subscribing to events
guaranteed events, 14.5.1, 14.5.5
associating subscription with subscribed environments, 14.5.7
associating subscription with subscribed events, 14.5.6
Subsystem Job Master table (F986113), 17.4.2, 17.4.5
success queue, 13.3.3


table conversion
overview,, 18.3
terminate session
XML element, 5.3.8
transaction server configuration for guaranteed events, 14.2.4
Transformation ServiceXMLXTS, 7.1
XML kernels, 5.6
troubleshooting JDBC driver, 20.7
Type 3 JDBC driver
configuring, 20.2
Type 4 JDBC driver
configuring, 20.2


unicode, 12.6.2
updating the database, 11.4.1
updating the EnterpriseOne database, 11.4
URL to connect JDBC driver, 20.3.2
using Microsoft Except with open data access, 19.4.3


vendor-specific outbound functions for Z events, 17.3


web service consumer, 3.1.2
web service consumer integration pattern
asynchronous HTTP request/response, 3.4.6
asynchronous web service, 3.4.8
notification, 3.4.4
synchronous HTTP request/response, 3.4.7
synchronous web service request/reply, 3.4.5
web service provider, 3.1.1
web service provider integration pattern
asynchronous notification, 3.4.2
asynchronous request/reply, 3.4.3
synchronous request/reply, 3.4.1
web servicebusinessservices, 3.1
web services,
WebLogic configurations
guaranteed events, 14.8.5, 14.8.6
WebLogic Message queue for guaranteed events, 14.8.7
WebLogic MQ queue for guaranteed events, 14.8.2
WebLogic server
creating a JMS module in WebLogic server, 14.8.4
creating a JMS server, 14.8.3
WebSphere configurations
guaranteed events, 14.7.4
WebSphere MQ queue for guaranteed events, 14.7, 14.7.2, 14.7.3, 14.7.5


XAPI eventsguaranteedevents, 16
APIs for XTS, 7.3.1
errors, 8.6
dispatch kernel, 6.1
kernel troubleshooting, 5.6
recognizers for XML Dispatch, 6.3
transports for XML dispatch, 6.4
XML dispatch processing, 6.2
XTS, 7.1
XTS processing, 7.2
XTSbuild selector, 7.3
XML and EnterpriseOne, 5.1
XML callobject, 8.1
jde.ini file settings, 8.5
process, 8.3
templates, 8.2
XML dispatch
jde.ini file settings, 6.5
XML documents
EnterpriseOne date standards, 5.4.2
EnterpriseOne separator standards, 5.4.1
EnterpriseOne standards, 5.4
formatting, 5.3.1
callobject, 8.4.1
XML element
call object
error text, 8.4.5
XML elements
call object, 8.4.2
callobject, 8.4.1
error handling, 8.4.4
ID/IDREF support, 8.4.7
multiple requests per document, 8.4.6
on error handling, 8.4.3
return null values, 8.4.8
establish session, 5.3.3
expire session, 5.3.4
explicit transaction, 5.3.5
implicit transaction, 5.3.6
jdeRequest, 5.3.2
jdeResponse, 5.3.2
prepare/commit/rollback, 5.3.7
terminate session, 5.3.8
XML example
EnterpriseOne version 1 format, 7.2.2
native EnterpriseOne format, 7.2.1
selector creating, 7.3.2
XML interface table inquiry, 13.2.3
XML list, 10.1
creating a list, 10.4.1
deleting a list, 10.4.3
get column information for a list, 10.4.4
jde.ini file settings, 10.6
list retrieval engine table conversion wrapper, 10.2
process, 10.3
requests, 10.4
retrieve data from a list, 10.4.2
XML list-retrieval engine
jde.ini file settings, 10.5
XML special characters, 5.4.3
XML standards
creating documents for EnterpriseOne, 5.4
date, 5.4.2
separators, 5.4.1
XML system environment settings, 5.5
XML system settings
IBM i, 5.5.2
UNIX, 5.5.1
windows and NT, 5.5.3
XML transaction, 9.1
data request process, 9.3
jde.ini file settings, 9.4
update process, 9.2
jde.ini file settings, 7.4


Z event XML format sample code, D.1
Z eventsguaranteed events, 17
Z tableinterface table, 11.3
Z tables,
Z transaction
adding records to interface tables, 11.3
input batch process, 11.4, 11.4.1
subsystem job, 11.4
update confirmation, 11.6
updating EnterpriseOne, 11.4
updating the database, 11.4.1
Z transaction, check for errors, 11.5
Z transactions, 18.1.2
naming, 11.2
overview,, 11.1
processing, 11.1
subsystem jobs, 11.4.2