

An abbreviation for Database Configuration Assistant.

JAR file

JAR files are a Java Archive and are built based on the ZIP file format and use the .jar file extension. This format is typically used to combine Java class files and associated metadata and resources into one file that can distribute application software or libraries for the Java platform.


An abbreviation for Java Database Connectivity. The JDBC Connector is a program that allows different databases to be accessed by Java application servers that are run on the J2EE platform.

LDAP directory

LDAP is an abbreviation for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. This directory is a data store for user data, such as the user ID, password, and user name.


An abbreviation for Minimum Technical Requirements.

WAR file

A WAR file is a Web application ARchive is a JAR file used to for the distribution of JavaServer Pages, Java Servlets, Java classes, XML files, tag libraries and static Web pages that comprise a Web application.


An abbreviation for WebSphere Application Server.