4 Using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accessibility with the Screen Reader Software

This chapter contains the following topics:

4.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Web Client Accessibility Compliance

A single HTML server port is used for both standard and visually impaired accessibility, as opposed to a separate HTML server set up in LOW interactivity for visually impaired users. When the Accessibility mode is set to Yes in the User Profile Revisions application (P0092), the web client is rendered in LOW interactivity, irrespective of the jas.ini setting. All the extra tags with relevant information are rendered so that they can be read by the screen reader software.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne components that are accessible include:

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application accessibility.

  • EnterpriseOne Menu accessibility.

  • Data Browser accessibility.

4.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Accessibility

These components of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications are accessible through the screen reader software:

  • Forms in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

  • Controls in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

  • Hot Keys

  • HTML pages

  • Hyper Exit Menu

  • Processing Indicator

  • EnterpriseOne Pages

  • One View Report

  • Advanced Query

4.2.1 Forms in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

The screen reader software reads the form title when a form initially loads.

When the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application is launched, the mouse cursor is set to the User ID field.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate through the log in page of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne:

Table 4-1

Navigation Path Details given by the screen reader software

User ID

Reads as User ID edit, type in text.


Reads as Password edit, type in text .

Note: When you enter the password, the screen reader software reads each letter as * (Star).

Sign In

Reads as Sign In button. You can press Enter to login. Hover forms (Release 9.1 Update 2)

You can use the links list window of the screen reader software to access the hover forms.

If the hover form is enabled for any of the fields in the form or a grid, it is displayed as a link in the links list window of the screen reader software.

For example, if the hover form is enabled for the Item Number field in a form, it will be displayed as Item Number Hover in the links list window. Use Up and Down arrow keys to select the hover form link of the field that you want to access. Press Enter key to access the hover form.

Press the Tab key to navigate through the tabs in the hover form if any. The screen reader software reads the content on each tab of the hover form. Press Escape key to close the hover form.

4.2.2 Controls in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

The screen reader software reads the names of the controls and the associated details when you navigate to the various form controls in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate through the various form controls:

Name of the Form Control Details given by the screen reader software
Edit Reads the following details:
  • The text description of the associated label, when the edit control has an associated label.

  • Required field - when the edit control is a required field.

  • Errors and warnings when an error or warning is set on the edit control. The error details include information which indicates "Error on Control" or "Warning on Control," the error "No," and the cause and resolution for the error or warning.

  • Visual assist details when the edit control is associated with a visual assist. The visual assist details include information which indicates if the visual assist is a form interconnect, calendar, calculator or UTime.

  • The text for the associated description, when a value entered in the edit control has an associated description loaded onto the screen.

  • The value entered in the edit control.

Push Button Reads the title for the push button control. If a hot key is defined for the push button control, the screen reader software reads the hot key information within parenthesis.
Check Box Reads the text description of the label associated with the check box control.
Radio Button Reads the text description of the label associated with the radio button control. When you navigate to a radio button that is logically grouped inside a group box, the screen reader software reads the title for the Group Box (if any) and then the text description of the label associated with the radio button.
Combo Box Reads the text description of the label associated with the combo box control. When you navigate through the list of items in the combo box, the screen reader software reads the text description for each item.
Static Text Reads the text description of the associated static text control.
Image Reads the text description of the ALT associated with the image control.
Text Block Reads the text description for the segment associated with the text block control.
Text Search Reads the following details:
  • Keywords - if you navigate to the Keywords Edit Box.

  • Case sensitive - if you navigate to the Case Sensitive check box.

  • Include Similar Words - if you navigate to the Include Similar Words check box.

Tab Control Reads the following details:
  • Active Tab and then the name of the tab page if you navigate to the currently active Tab page. For example if the Versions tab is the currently active tab, the screen reader software reads it as Active Tab: Versions.

  • Tab and then the name of the tab page if you navigate to the currently inactive Tab page. For example when you navigate to the Process tab that is inactive, the screen reader software reads it as Tab: Process.

Note: When the Tab pages are displayed as links, you can navigate to the Tab Page links using the screen reader software links list window.

Apart from the controls listed in this table, there are some additional controls in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications that are accessible through the screen reader software.

The other controls include:

  • Calendar control

  • Grid control

  • Parent Child control

  • Tree control

Calendar Control

The screen reader software reads the associated details when you navigate to the calendar controls in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate to the various calendar controls:

Navigation Path Details given by the screen reader software
Day tab Reads as Active Tab: Day (Ctrl+Alt+D), when the Day tab is the currently active tab.
Week tab Reads as Tab: Week (Ctrl+Alt+W).
Month tab Reads as Tab: Month (Ctrl+Alt+M).
Add Activity button Reads as Add Activity (Ctrl+Alt+A).
Previous link/image on the Calendar control Reads as:
  • Previous Day (Ctrl+Alt+LeftArrow), when the Day tab is the currently active tab.

  • Previous Week (Ctrl+Alt+LeftArrow), when the Week tab is the currently active tab.

  • Previous Month (Ctrl+Alt+LeftArrow), when the Month tab is the currently active tab.

Next link/image Reads as:
  • Next Day (Ctrl+Alt+RightArrow), when the Day tab is the currently active tab.

  • Next Week (Ctrl+Alt+RightArrow), when the Week tab is the currently active tab.

  • Next Month (Ctrl+Alt+RightArrow), when the Month tab is the currently active tab.

Link for an activity added Reads the text describing the activity details.
Calendar icon for an activity Reads as Calendar Icon.
Previous image Reads as Previous (Ctrl+Alt+LeftArrow): Month Year. For example, for a Previous image on the Reference calendar for month of June, 2017, the screen reader software reads it as Previous (Ctrl+Alt+LeftArrow): June 2017.
Next image Reads as Next (Ctrl+Alt+RightArrow): Month Year. For example, for a Next image on the Reference calendar for month of June, 2017, the screen reader software reads it as Next (Ctrl+Alt+RightArrow): June 2017.
Calendar Week Drill image Reads as Calendar Week Drill: Week No Month Year. For example, for a Calendar Week Drill image referring to the first week of month of June, 2017 on the Reference calendar, the screen reader software reads it as "Calendar Week Drill: Week 1. June 2017."

Note: The Week No can vary from 1 to 5, depending on the week the Calendar Week Drill image refers to.

Day link Reads the date, month, and the year details. For example, for the day link for 28 June 2017, the screen reader software reads it as 28 June 2017.


For a tab that is currently active, the prefix is set as "Active Tab" while for the other tabs the prefix is set as "Tab."

Grid Control

The screen reader software reads the associated details when you navigate through the grid in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application.

The grid control is accessible as a table.

The QBE row and the column header row constitute one table, with the QBE row being the first row and the column header row being the second row. When you navigate to the table for the QBE row, the screen reader software reads the name for the grid (same as the form title) and then QBE Row. For example, for the QBE row table in the Work with Addresses Grid in the P01012 application, the screen reader software reads it as "Work with Addresses. QBE Row."

Each data row is rendered as a separate table, with the Column Header row being the first row and the actual data row being the second row. When you navigate to the table for the data row, the screen reader software reads the name for the Grid (same as the Form Title) and then the specific Row Number. For example, for the third data row table in the Work with Addresses Grid in the P01012 application, the screen reader software reads it as "Work with Addresses Grid. Row 3."

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate through the grid:

Navigation Path Details given by the screen reader software
QBE edit field in a QBE row Reads the following details:
  • The text description of the label for the QBE edit field which is actually the corresponding column's header and then the text QBE. For example, for the Address Number QBE field, the screen reader software reads it as Address Number QBE.

  • The visual assist details, when the QBE edit field is associated with a visual assist. The visual assist details include information which indicates if the visual assist is a form interconnect, calendar, calculator or UTime.

Cells in a data row Reads the corresponding column header text and then the contents of the current cell.
Grid cell set with a special color Reads as Special Setting and then the corresponding color information. For example, when you navigate to a grid cell set with a color called magenta, the screen reader software reads Special Setting: Color is Magenta along with all the other details.
Grid cell set with a special font Reads as Special Setting and then the corresponding font information. When you navigate to a grid cell set with a special font, the screen reader software reads as Special Setting: Font is Broadway. Font Style is Italic. Text Decoration is Underline. Font Weight is Bold, where broadway is the font name, italic is the font style, underline is the text decoration, and bold is the font weight.
Row selector check box cell in a data row Reads as Checkbox checked or not checked and then reads the Row No.
Paper clip image Reads Attachment or No Attachment, when you navigate to a paper clip image for Attachment in the Click to search for the Attachments cell.
Next image Reads as Next and then the name for the grid (same as the Form Title) as a suffix. Hence, if there is more than one grid on the form, you can clearly identify the grid to which the Next image belongs. For example, the Next image on the Work with Addresses grid, the screen reader software reads as Next: Work with Addresses.
Previous image Reads as Previous and then reads the name of the grid as a suffix.
Customize Grid link Reads as Customize Grid and then the name of the grid as a suffix.
Grid formats combo box Reads as Grid Column Display and then the name of the grid as a suffix.
image for Export Grid Data Reads as Export Grid Data (Ctrl+Shift+E) and then the name of the grid as a suffix.
image for Import Grid Data Reads as Import Grid Data (Ctrl+Shift+I) and then the name of the grid as a suffix.
Restore Grid Reads as Restore Grid (Alt+R) and then the name of the grid as a suffix.


The name for the grid is added as a suffix for all the links and images on the grid control. This enables you to clearly identify the grid to which the link or image belongs if there is more than one grid on the form.

You must install a screen reader software script to enable you to move up and down in a column in a grid. You can use the key strokes Windows + N to move down the column and Windows + Shift + N to move up the column.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate to the grid cells:

Navigation Path Details given by the screen reader software
Check Box When you navigate to a grid cell that has its display style set to check box, the screen reader software reads the corresponding Column Header text and then Check Box checked or unchecked.
Combo Box When you navigate to a grid cell that has its display style set to combo box, the screen reader software reads the corresponding Column Header text and then the text description of the item selected in the combo box cell.
Edit Box When you navigate to a grid cell that has its display style set to edit box, the screen reader software reads the following information:
  • The corresponding column header text.

  • The value of the current cell.

  • The error or warning details when an error or warning is set on the editable cell. The error details include information which indicates "Error on Cell" or "Warning on Cell", the error or warning description, and the cause and resolution for the error or warning.

  • The visual assist details when the editable cell is associated with a visual assist. The visual assist details include information which indicates if the visual assist is a form interconnect, calendar, calculator or UTime.

Icon When you navigate to a grid cell that has its display style set to icon, the screen reader software reads this information:
  • The corresponding column header text.

  • The value of the current cell.

  • The ALT details of the <IMG> element corresponding to the icon.

Clickable Text When you navigate to a grid cell that has its display style set to clickable text, the screen reader software reads the corresponding column header text and then the data content of the current cell.

Tree Control

The screen reader software reads the associated details when you navigate to the various tree controls in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application.

The tree control is accessible as a table, where the first row in the table is the header row consisting of two columns with the headers set as:

  • Row Selector

  • Tree Node Text

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate to the Row Selector radio button in the tree control:

Name of the Node Details given by the the screen reader software
Root Node (collapsed) Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Root Node, the value in the cell, and Collapsed.
Root Node (expanded) Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Root Node, the value in the cell and Expanded.
Child Node at Level N (sibling collapsed) Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Child Node at Level N with Sibling, the value in the cell, and Collapsed.
Child Node at Level N (sibling expanded) Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Child Node at Level N with Sibling, the value in the cell, and Expanded.
Child Node at Level N (without sibling collapsed) Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Child Node at Level N without Sibling, the value in the cell, and Collapsed.
Child Node at Level N (without sibling expanded) Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Child Node at Level N without Sibling, the value in the cell, and Expanded.
Leaf Node (with sibling at Level N) Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Leaf Node with sibling: Level N and then the value in the cell.
Leaf Node (without sibling at Level N) Reads it as Tree Row Selector for Leaf Node without sibling: Level N and then the value in the cell.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate to TreeNodeCell in the tree control:

Name of the Node Details given by the screen reader software
Root Node (collapsed) Reads it as Root Node, the value in the cell, and collapsed.
Root Node (expanded) Reads it as Root Node, the value in the cell and expanded.
Child Node at Level N (sibling collapsed) Reads it as Child Node at Level N with Sibling, the value in the cell, and Collapsed. To expand use (Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow).
Child Node at Level N (sibling expanded) Reads it as Child Node at Level N with Sibling, the value in the cell, and Expanded. To collapse use (Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow).
Child Node at Level N (without sibling collapsed) Reads it as Child Node at Level N without Sibling, the value in the cell, and Collapsed. To expand use (Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow).
Child Node at Level N (without sibling expanded) Reads it as Child Node at Level N without Sibling, the value in the cell, and Expanded. To collapse use (Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow).
Leaf Node (with sibling at Level N) Reads it as Leaf Node with sibling: Level N: and then the value in the cell.
Leaf Node (without sibling at Level N) Reads it as Leaf Node without sibling: Level N and then the value in the cell.

When you navigate to a TreeNodeCell of text type that is set with a special bitmap, along with the other details, the screen reader software reads Special Setting for Node and the corresponding name of the image. For example, when you navigate to a TreeNodeCell that is set with a special bitmap called Group, along with all the other details, the screen reader software reads it as Special Setting For Node:Group.

4.2.3 Hot Keys

When you navigate to a button, image, or icon in the hyper exit menus, EnterpriseOne Menu, grid, calendar or the tree controls where an EnterpriseOne hot key is defined, the screen reader software reads the hot key information within parenthesis.

Click the 'i' button on any open JD Edwards EnterpriseOne form to open the information dialog. Then click on Display list of all hot keys to obtain the list of hot keys supported by the JD Edward EnterpriseOne software. You can also use Cntrl+ Shift+K to open the hot keys information window.

4.2.4 Hyper Exit Menus

When you navigate to a hyper exit menu, the screen reader software reads the name of the hyper exit menu. If the hyper exit menu has a hot key defined, then the screen reader software reads the hot key information within parenthesis.

When you navigate to a hyper exit menu that has sub-menus or items underneath it using the screen reader software links list window, the screen reader software reads the name of the hyper exit menu and then the text corresponding to the menu item or sub-menu. For example, when you navigate to the Refresh menu item under the Tools menu, the screen reader software reads it as Tools: Refresh.

Navigation between the Hyper Exit Menu Items

You can navigate between the hyper exit menu items using the Up and Down arrow keys.

To navigate between the hyper exit menu items or a hyper exit menu that has sub-menus, you must use the Up and Down arrow keys. When you use the Down arrow key for the first time, the screen reader software reads it as a hyper exit menu that has a sub-menu. When you use the Down arrow key for the second time, the focus moves to the graphic item that is used for the layout. You must press the Enter key to display the sub-menu. When you use the Down arrow key for the third time, the focus moves to the blank graphic that is used for the layout. Now, when you use the Right arrow key, the focus moves to the actual hyper exit menu item and the screen reader software reads the text corresponding to the menu item.

4.2.5 Processing Indicator

When you fast path to an application from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Menu, as the application is in the process of opening, the Processing Indicator text conveys the message "Opening Application. You may continue working while the application loads." When you navigate through the Processing Indicator page, the screen reader software reads the static text of the page.


The Processing Indicator text is accessible only until the application is loaded onto the screen.

4.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Drop-down Menu Accessibility (Release 9.1 Update 2)

The screen reader software reads the names of the links and the associated details when you navigate through the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Menu. All the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne menus are accessible as links using the screen reader software's links list window.

The Ctrl+M hot key brings the focus to the drop-down menu Home link. You can use the tab key to move to other menus, such as Favorites, Open Applications, and Reports.

Use the following navigation options in the main drop-down menu:

  • Up/Down Arrow - For navigating up or down in the drop-down menu.

  • Right Arrow - Displays submenu and the focus is set to the first element.

  • Left Arrow - Collapses the present submenu and the focus is set back to the parent drop-down menu.

You can use the CTRL or Shift key along with the right arrow to see the available options context menu for the folders or tasks. Then, you can use the up/down arrow to navigate within these option. Use the Enter key to open these options.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software for the corresponding controls or links when you navigate through the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Menu:

Controls/Navigation Path Details given by the the screen reader software
Home The screen reader software reads as Home link.
Drop-down menu Reads as menu Name of the drop-down menu, to move through items press Up or Down arrow key.
Link for the Application task Reads the names of the task, application, form, version and then the E1 Menu Application Task.
Link for the Report task Reads the names of the task, application, form, version and then E1 Menu Report Task.
Link for the URL task Reads the task name and then URL is followed by the URL name. For example, when you navigate to a URL task link called "Test URL" that refers to the URL – http://www.yahoo.com , the screen reader software reads as "Test URL. E1 Menu URL Task. URL Is http://www.yahoo.com".
Link for a Flyout task Reads the task name and then E1 Menu Flyout. For example, when you navigate to the Flyout link for the Favorites task, the screen reader software reads Favorites. E1 Menu Flyout.

Note. You can use the CTRL or Shift key along with the right arrow to see the available options dialogue.

Link for an Action task Reads the Action name followed by E1 Menu Action. For example, when you navigate to the My System Options action link, the screen reader software reads My System Options. Application: P0085 Form: W0085N. E1 Menu Action.
Link for Roles combo box Reads as E1 Menu Roles.
Link for Preferences Reads as Preferences, to move through items press Up or Down arrow.
Link for an Open Application Reads the Application name, the number "N" which indicates that it is the Nth application that has been launched and finally E1 Menu Open Application. For Example, when you navigate to the "Work with Addresses" Open Application link, the screen reader software reads Work with Addresses (1). E1 Menu Open Application, where (1) indicates that "Work with Addresses" was the first application to be launched.


When you activate a Flyout link for a task and then navigate to a specific Flyout Item link under the Flyout, the screen reader software first reads the name of the Flyout Item and then "E1 Menu Flyout Item For" followed by the task name. For example, when you Activate the Flyout link for the "Favorites" task and then navigate to the Flyout Item "Documentation", the screen reader software reads "Documentation. E1 Menu Flyout Item for Favorites."

4.3.1 Favorites Drop-down Menu Accessibility (Release 9.1 Update 2)

The screen reader software reads the Favorites drop-down menu as Favorites sub-menu. To move through items, press the Up or Down arrow key.

When you move through the submenus in the Favorites drop-down menu, the screen reader software reads the name of the sub-menu.

When you are in the Manage Favorites window, press the Tab key to move through the favorite tasks and folders. Press Enter to select a favorite task or folder. Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access the Delete, Rename, Reorganize, Move Up and Move Down buttons. Use these buttons to perform specific functions.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software for the corresponding controls and the function of the controls when you navigate through the Manage Favorites window.

Table 4-2

Controls Description


The screen reader software reads the title of the push button control.

Use the Tab key to move through the tasks in the Mange Favorites window. Press Enter to select a particular task or folder. Access the links list window of the screen reader software and then, select Delete and press Enter to delete the Favorite task or folder. Select OK and press Enter to confirm. Select Cancel and press Enter to cancel the delete operation.


The screen reader software reads the title of the push button control.

You can use the Rename button to edit the name of the user defined favorite folder or task. Use the Tab key to move through the tasks in the Manage Favorites window. Press Enter to select a particular task or folder. Access the links list window of the screen reader software and then, select Rename and press Enter to enter the required name for your favorite task.

Move Up and Move Down

The screen reader software reads the title of the push button control.

You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to reorder the favorite tasks and folders. Use the Tab key to move through the tasks in the Mange Favorites window. Press Enter to select a particular task or folder. Access the links list window of the screen reader software and then, select Move Up and press enter. The selected task is moved above the previously listed task or folder. Similarly, you can use the Move Down option to move the task/folder below a particular task/folder.

You cannot use the Move Up option for the first task/folder listed in the Manage Favorites window. Also, you cannot use the Move Down option for the last task/folder listed in the Manage Favorites window.


The screen reader software reads the title of the push button control.

You can use the Reorganize button to reorganize the favorite tasks and folders . Use the Tab key to move through the tasks in the Mange Favorites window. Press Enter to select a particular task/folder. Access the links list window of the screen reader software and then, select Reorganize. A drop-down window appears listing all the user defined folders. Use Up/Down arrow keys to select a user defined folder and then, press Enter. The task will be moved into the selected user defined folder.

The Reorganize option is not available for the user defined folders. You cannot move a user defined folder into another user defined folder and also, you cannot move a favorite task or a favorite user defined folder into a favorite folder.

4.4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Pages Accessibility (Release 9.1 Update 2)

The screen reader software reads the names of the fields, buttons, and links, and the associated details when you navigate through the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne pages.

The EnterpriseOne pages are displayed as links. You can navigate to the EnterpriseOne pages links using the screen reader software's links list window.

If there are any links (URLs) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne pages, they are displayed in the links list window of the screen reader software.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate through the various form controls:

Table 4-3

Navigation Path Details given by the screen reader software


The screen reader software reads the number of frames/pages available after you log in.

EnterpriseOne Pages

The screen reader software recognizes the EnterpriseOne pages as links. When accessed the screen reader software reads the title and content of the EnterpriseOne page.

4.5 Data Browser Accessibility

The screen reader software, reads the names of the fields and the associated details when you navigate through the Query Selector page.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software for the corresponding fields when you navigate through the Query Selector page:

Navigation Path Details given by the the screen reader software
Personal Queries radio button Reads as personal queries.
Select a Personal Query combo box Reads the label for the combo box as queries you have created and then the text for the selected query.
Public Queries radio button Reads as public queries.
Select a Public Query combo box Reads the label for the combo box as queries you have created and then the text for the selected query.
By Table radio button Reads as By Table. The screen reader software also helps you to search and select tables.
Name Edit field to enter table name Reads the label for the edit field as Table Name and then the visual assist details, the associated description details (if any) and the pre – existing value (if any).
By Business View radio button Reads as By Business Views. The screen reader software also helps you to search and select business view.
Name Edit field to enter a business view Reads the label for the edit field as Business View Name and then the visual assist details, the associated description details (if any) and the preexisting value (if any).
Data Source Edit field to enter the data source name Reads the label for the edit field as Data Source and then the visual assist details and the preexisting value (if any).

4.6 One View Report Accessibility (Release 9.1 Update 2)

The One View menu is available as a link in the screen reader software's links list window when you access a One View Reporting enabled form. You can click the link to access the One View Report menu. Use the Up/Down arrows to open the sub-menu items if any. Press the Escape key to close the One View menu.


Accessibility for One View Reporting is available only at runtime. There is no design time support.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software for the corresponding menus when you navigate through the One View Report menu.

Table 4-4

Navigation Path Details given by the screen reader software

One View Menu

Available in the links list window of the screen reader software. The screen reader software reads it as One View menu.

My Reports

The screen reader software reads the "My Reports" section containing all the personal reports, if there are any, in alphabetical order.

Add Report

The screen reader software reads it as Add Report, if the user has edit permission on the form.

Manage Report

The screen reader software reads the flyout menu as Manage Report, if there is any Personal or Shared Report.

4.7 Advanced Query Accessibility (Release 9.1 Update 2)

The advanced query option is displayed as a link in the links list window of the screen reader software. The link is labeled as Add, Edit Queries.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software for the corresponding controls when you use the advanced query option.

Table 4-5

Navigation Path Details given by the screen reader software

Advanced query

Displayed as a link in the links list window of the screen reader software. The screen reader software reads it as Add, Edit Queries. Use Up or Down arrow to select the Add, Edit Queries link and then, press Enter to access the Query Management window.

Query Management window

The screen reader software reads the title of the window; the focus is set to the Query field.


The screen reader software reads it as Query Edit, to change selection use Arrow keys.

Set As Default

The screen reader software reads it as Set as Default not checked. Note. The screen reader software reads it as Set as Default checked, if the check button is selected.

Run query when selected

The screen reader software reads it as Run query when selected checked.


The fields that can be added into the query is displayed as links in the links list window. For example, you can use Up and Down arrows to select Add Order Number link and press Enter to add the Order Number field to the query.

Note: Use Tab key, Up and Down arrows to select conditions and to enter value to your query.


Find button is displayed as a link in the links list window of the screen reader software. The screen reader software reads it as Find.

Remove Query

Remove query is displayed as the Delete Query link in the links list window of the screen reader software.


Select the link Close side panel in the links list window of the screen reader software and press Enter to close the Query Management window.

4.8 Customize Grid Accessibility (Release 9.1 Update 2)

The Customize Grid link is displayed as a link in the links list window of the screen reader software.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software for the corresponding controls when you use the Customize Grid link to customize the grid.

Table 4-6

Navigation Path/Controls Details given by the screen reader software

Customize Grid

Reads as Customize grid link. Press enter to select.


Create, Modify, Delete, Update Style and Close buttons.

Display and Order Add All

Display and Order Remove All

Display and Order Add

Display and Order Remove

Move Select Column UP

Move Select Column Down

Data Sequencing Add All

Data Sequencing Remove All

Data Sequencing Add

Data Sequencing Remove

Data Sequencing UP

Data Sequencing Down

Move Sequence Column Up

Move Sequence Column Down

Reads the title for the push button control.

OK and Cancel buttons

Reads the title for the push button control.

Select OK button and press Enter to save the grid format. Select Cancel and press Enter to cancel.

Data Sequencing Available columns

Reads as Data Sequencing Available columns list box, to move through items use the Arrow keys.

Data Sequencing Available columns is displayed as a link in the Form Field dialog of the screen reader software.

Sequenced Columns

Reads as Sequenced Columns list box, to move through items use the Arrow keys.

Sequenced Columns is displayed as a link in the Form Field dialog window of the screen reader software.

Display and Order Available columns

Reads as Display and Order Available columns list box, to move through items use the Arrow keys.

Display and Order Available columns is displayed as a link in the Form Field dialog window of the screen reader software.

Display and Order

Reads as Display and Order list box ,to move through items use the Arrow keys.

Display and Order is displayed as a link in the Form Field dialog window of the screen reader software.

Column Color

Reads as Column Color Edit, type in text.

Text Color

Reads as Text Color Edit, type in text.

Column Width

Reads as Column Width Edit, type in text.

Check boxes - Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut.

Reads the title of the check box, and also reads if the check box is checked or unchecked.

4.9 Watchlists Accessibility (Release 9.1 Update 3.1)

One View Watchlists represent collections of items that match user-defined criteria. They enable users to define information to which they would like to be alerted.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications One View Watchlists Implementation Guide.

These components of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Watchlists are accessible through the screen reader software:

  • Watchlist Management window

  • Watchlists drop-down menu

4.9.1 Accessibility for Watchlist Management Window

The Watchlist Management window is used to add, edit, share, or delete watchlists.


You must login to the JD Edwards Enterprise One web client with a User ID that has the right to create, share and view Watchlists.

Use the Ctrl+Y hot key to open or close the Watchlist Management window.

You can also use the links list window of the screen reader software to access the Add, Edit Watchlists link to open the Watchlist Management window. Ensure that the application you use has an Advanced Query created.

Use the Tab key to focus on the required fields in the Watchlists Management window. The screen reader software reads the label and value (if there is any) of the fields.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate through the Watchlist Management window.

Table 4-7

Navigation Path/Controls Details

Watchlist Name

The screen reader software reads the title of the field.

In the Watchlist Name combo box, private watchlists created by the user is displayed under My Watchlists section. The published watchlists assigned to the user are displayed under a Shared Watchlists section and shared watchlists reserved by the user is displayed under a Reserved Watchlists section.

My Watchlists section

When you navigate to the first or last watchlist in the My Watchlists section, the screen reader software reads as Alert My Watchlists followed by the watchlist name to specify that it is the beginning of the My Watchlists section.

Reserved Watchlists section

When you navigate to the first watchlist in the Reserved Watchlists section, the screen reader software reads as Alert Reserved Watchlists (Reserved by the User ID) followed by the watchlist name to specify that it is the beginning of the Reserved Watchlists section.

Shared Watchlists section

When you navigate to the first watchlist in the Shared Watchlists section, the screen reader software reads as Alert Shared Watchlists followed by the watchlist name to specify that it is the beginning of the Shared Watchlists section.

When you navigate to any Reserved Watchlist or a Shared Watchlist that has also been reserved, the screen reader software reads as Alert Reserved by the User ID followed by the watchlist name to identify to the user that the watchlist has been reserved by the specific user.

Watchlist Description

The screen reader software reads the name of the field.

Warning Threshold

The screen reader software reads the name of the field.

Critical Threshold

The screen reader software reads the name of the field.

Advanced Options Link

Use the tab key to navigate to the Advanced Options link and press the Enter key to expand it and display the fields under it.

After expanding the Advanced Options link, use the Tab key to access Refresh Interval and Max Records to Return fields. You can also use the links list Window of the screen reader software to activate the Advanced Options link and display the fields under it. To collapse the Advanced Options link, use the Tab key to set the focus on the Advanced Options link and then, press Enter.

Query to be used

Use this combo box to select the Advanced Query over which the watchlist is to be created.

Use Up or Down arrow keys to navigate through the Advanced Query values and after selecting a value, the details of the query is loaded into the Query Details group box. Use the Tab key to set focus on the Query Details group box that has the complete details of the Advanced Query.

Use the Tab key to set the focus on Match all of the following or Match any of the following text and the screen reader software will read the text.

Use the Tab key to set the focus on the first Query condition. The screen reader software will read the Query condition. Use the Tab key to move to the next query condition.

Save Watchlist

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Save Watchlist As

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Publish Watchlist

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Reserve Watchlist

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Delete Watchlist

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

About Watchlist

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Close Side Panel

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to access this link.

Validation errors or errors returned from the server

The screen reader software reads these error messages as Alert followed by the appropriate error message.

Use the Tab key to navigate through the fields. When the focus is set on the field that contains an error, the screen reader software reads the name of the field and it's value as Invalid Entry to indicate that it is an error field.

Creating a new watchlist

When you are creating a new watchlist using the Save Watchlist/Save Watchlist As link or Publishing a Watchlist using the Publish Watchlist link, an Enter New Watchlist Name window is displayed.

This window has a text field to enter the new watchlist name and an OK button to Save/Publish the Watchlist.

You can use the Tab key to shift focus from the text field to the OK button. Press Enter key to select the OK button.

Use the links list window of the screen reader software to select Close option to close the Watchlist Name window.

4.9.2 Accessibility for Watchlists Drop-down Menu

The screen reader software, reads the names of the links and the associated details when you navigate through the Watchlists drop-down menu.


The Watchlists drop-down menu is displayed only if the user has created the watchlists or if any published watchlists are assigned to the user.

Use the Alt+W hot key to navigate to the Watchlists drop-down menu. The screen reader software reads as Watchlists Sub-menu. You can also use Ctrl+M hot key to first navigate to the Home Link and then use the Tab key to navigate to the Watchlists drop-down menu. Use the Down Arrow key to expand the Watchlists drop-down menu.

In the Watchlists drop-down menu there may be three sections.

  1. Private Watchlists - These are created by the user and are displayed under My Watchlists section heading.

  2. Shared Watchlists - These are the published Watchlists that are assigned to the user and are displayed under Shared Watchlists section heading.

  3. Reserved Watchlists - These are the published Watchlists that are reserved by the user and are displayed under the Reserved Watchlists section heading.

Use the Down and Up Arrow keys to navigate through the individual Watchlist items and section headings such as My Watchlists, Reserved Watchlists and Shared Watchlists.

This table lists the details read by the screen reader software when you navigate through the Watchlist drop-down menu.

Navigation Path/Controls Details
My Watchlists section heading in the Watchlists drop-down menu The screen reader software reads as My Watchlists Sub-menu.
Reserved Watchlists section heading in the Watchlists drop-down menu. The screen reader software reads as My Watchlists Sub-menu.
Shared Watchlists section heading in the Watchlists drop-down menu. The screen reader software reads as My Watchlists Sub-menu.
Refresh Watchlist Control When you are on a section heading, use the Down Arrow key to navigate to the Refresh Watchlist Control.

The screen reader software reads the appropriate status for the Refresh Watchlist Control followed by the watchlist name. Status for the Refresh Watchlist Control can be any one of the following:

  • Update in progress for.

  • Update pending, followed by Refresh.

  • Update failed, followed by Refresh.

  • Update interrupted, followed by Refresh.

  • Time since last update, followed by the elapsed time, and then Refresh.

Refresh Watchlist Control Use the Enter key to refresh the Watchlist count. After the refresh is completed, the focus will be set back to the Refresh Watchlist Control.

Use the Down Arrow key to navigate to a watchlist item. The screen reader software reads the watchlist name and the count of the records returned by the Advanced Query.

When the focus is set to the watchlist item , if the count for that watchlist is greater than or equal to the Critical Threshold then, apart from reading the watchlist name and count, the screen reader software also reads 'Count is greater than or equal to Critical Threshold'.

When the focus is set to the watchlist item, if the count for that watchlist is greater than or equal to the Warning Threshold then apart from reading the watchlist name and count, the screen reader software also reads 'Count is greater than or equal to Warning Threshold.'

Watchlist item When the focus is set to the watchlist item, use the Enter key to launch the Enterprise One application that has the Advanced Query and over which the Watchlist is created.
Close Use the Esc key to close the Watchlists drop-down menu.