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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite
11g Release 1 (

Part Number E10224-09
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5 Introduction to Interaction Patterns in a BPEL Process

This chapter describes common interaction patterns between a BPEL process service component and an external service, and shows the best use practices for each.

This chapter includes the following sections:

5.1 Introduction to One-Way Messages

In a one-way message, or fire and forget, the client sends a message to the service (d1 in Figure 5-1), and the service is not required to reply. The client sending the message does not wait for a response, but continues executing immediately. Example 5-1 shows the portType and operation part of the BPEL process WSDL file for this environment.

Example 5-1 One-Way WSDL File

. . .
<wsdl:portType name="BPELProcess1">
      <wsdl:operation name="process">
         <wsdl:input  message="client:BPELProcess1RequestMessage" />
. . .

Figure 5-1 provides an overview.

Figure 5-1 One-Way Message

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of "Figure 5-1 One-Way Message"

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

As the client, the BPEL process service component needs a valid partner link and an invoke activity with the target service and the message. As with all partner activities, the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file defines the interaction.

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

To accept a message from the client, the BPEL process service component needs a receive activity.

5.2 Introduction to Synchronous Interactions

In a synchronous interaction, a client sends a request to a service (d1 in Figure 5-2), and receives an immediate reply (d2 in Figure 5-2). A BPEL process service component can be at either end of this interaction, and must be coded based on its role as either the client or the service. For example, a user requests a subscription to an online newspaper and immediately receives email confirmation that their request has been accepted. Example 5-2 shows the portType and operation part of the BPEL process WSDL file for this environment.

Example 5-2 Synchronous WSDL File

. . .
<wsdl:portType name="BPELProcess1">
      <wsdl:operation name="process">
         <wsdl:input  message="client:BPELProcess1RequestMessage" />
         <wsdl:output message="client:BPELProcess1ResponseMessage"/>

Figure 5-2 provides an overview.

Figure 5-2 Synchronous Interaction

Description of Figure 5-2 follows
Description of "Figure 5-2 Synchronous Interaction"

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of a synchronous transaction, it needs an invoke activity. The port on the client side both sends the request and receives the reply. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

When the BPEL process service component is on the service side of a synchronous transaction, it needs a receive activity to accept the incoming request, and a reply activity to return either the requested information or an error message (a fault; f1 in Figure 5-2) defined in the WSDL.

For more information about synchronous interactions, see Chapter 7, "Invoking a Synchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process."

5.3 Introduction to Asynchronous Interactions

In an asynchronous interaction, a client sends a request to a service and waits until the service replies. Example 5-3 shows the portType and operation part of the BPEL process WSDL file for this environment.

Example 5-3 Asynchronous WSDL File

. . .
<wsdl:portType name="BPELProcess1">
      <wsdl:operation name="process">
         <wsdl:input message="client:BPELProcess1RequestMessage"/>

. . .
<wsdl:portType name="BPELProcess1Callback">
      <wsdl:operation name="processResponse">
         <wsdl:input message="client:BPELProcess1ResponseMessage"/>

Figure 5-3 provides an overview.

Figure 5-3 Asynchronous Interaction

Description of Figure 5-3 follows
Description of "Figure 5-3 Asynchronous Interaction"

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of an asynchronous transaction, it needs an invoke activity to send the request and a receive activity to receive the reply. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

As with a synchronous transaction, when the BPEL process service component is on the service side of an asynchronous transaction, it needs a receive activity to accept the incoming request and an invoke activity to return either the requested information or a fault. Note the difference between this and responding from a synchronous BPEL process: a synchronous BPEL process uses a reply activity to respond to the client and an asynchronous service uses an invoke activity.

For more information about asynchronous interactions, see Chapter 8, "Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process."

5.4 Introduction to Asynchronous Interactions with a Timeout

In an asynchronous interaction with a timeout (which you perform in BPEL with a pick activity), a client sends a request to a service and waits until it receives a reply, or until a certain time limit is reached, whichever comes first. For example, a client requests a loan offer. If the client does not receive a loan offer reply within a specified amount of time, the request is canceled. Figure 5-4 provides an overview.

Figure 5-4 Asynchronous Interaction with Timeout

Description of Figure 5-4 follows
Description of "Figure 5-4 Asynchronous Interaction with Timeout"

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of an asynchronous transaction with a timeout, it needs an invoke activity to send the request and a pick activity with two branches: an onMessage branch and an onAlarm branch. If the reply comes after the time limit has expired, the message goes to the dead letter queue. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

For more information about asynchronous interactions with a timeout, see Section 14.2, "Creating a Pick Activity to Select Between Continuing a Process or Waiting."

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The behavior of the BPEL process service component as a service matches the behavior with the asynchronous interaction with the BPEL process service component as the service.

5.5 Introduction to Asynchronous Interactions with a Notification Timer

In an asynchronous interaction with a notification time, a client sends a request to a service and waits for a reply, although a notification is sent after a timer expires. The client continues to wait for the reply from the service even after the timer has expired. Figure 5-5 provides an overview.

Figure 5-5 Asynchronous Interaction with a Notification Time

Description of Figure 5-5 follows
Description of "Figure 5-5 Asynchronous Interaction with a Notification Time"

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of this transaction, it needs a scope activity containing an invoke activity to send the request, and a receive activity to accept the reply. The onAlarm handler of the scope activity has a time limit and instructions on what to do when the timer expires. For example, wait 30 minutes, then send a warning indicating that the process is taking longer than expected. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The behavior for the BPEL process service component as the service matches the behavior with the asynchronous interaction with the BPEL process service component as the service.

5.6 Introduction to One Request, Multiple Responses

In this interaction type, the client sends a single request to a service and receives multiple responses in return. For example, the request can be to order a product online, and the first response can be the estimated delivery time, the second response a payment confirmation, and the third response a notification that the product has shipped. In this example, the number and types of responses are expected. Figure 5-6 provides an overview.

Figure 5-6 One Request, Multiple Responses

Description of Figure 5-6 follows
Description of "Figure 5-6 One Request, Multiple Responses"

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of this transaction, it needs an invoke activity to send the request, and a sequence activity with three receive activities, one for each reply. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The BPEL service needs a receive activity to accept the message from the client, and a sequence attribute with three invoke activities, one for each reply.

5.7 Introduction to One Request, One of Two Possible Responses

In an interaction using one request and one of two possible responses, the client sends a single request to a service and receives one of two possible responses. For example, the request can be to order a product online, and the first response can be either an in-stock message or an out-of-stock message. Figure 5-7 provides an overview.

Figure 5-7 One Request, One of Two Possible Responses

Description of Figure 5-7 follows
Description of "Figure 5-7 One Request, One of Two Possible Responses"

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of this transaction, it needs the following:

As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

For more information about interactions using one request and one of two possible responses, see Section 14.2, "Creating a Pick Activity to Select Between Continuing a Process or Waiting."

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The BPEL service needs a receive activity to accept the message from the client, and a switch activity with two branches, one with an invoke activity sending the in-stock message if the item is available, and a second branch with an invoke activity sending the out-of-stock message if the item is not available.

5.8 Introduction to One Request, a Mandatory Response, and an Optional Response

In this type of interaction, the client sends a single request to a service and receives one or two responses. Here, the request is to order a product online. If the product is delayed, the service sends a message letting the customer know. In any case, the service always sends a notification when the item ships. Figure 5-8 provides an overview.

Figure 5-8 One Request, a Mandatory Response, and an Optional Response

Description of Figure 5-8 follows
Description of "Figure 5-8 One Request, a Mandatory Response, and an Optional Response"

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of this transaction, it needs a scope activity containing the invoke activity to send the request, and a receive activity to accept the mandatory reply. The onMessage handler of the scope activity is set to accept the optional message and instructions on what to do if the optional message is received (for example, notify you that the product has been delayed). The client BPEL process service component waits to receive the mandatory reply. If the mandatory reply is received first, the BPEL process service component continues without waiting for the optional reply. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The BPEL service needs a scope activity containing the receive activity and an invoke activity to send the mandatory shipping message, and the scope's onAlarm handler to send the optional delayed message if a timer expires (for example, send the delayed message if the item is not shipped in 24 hours).

5.9 Introduction to Partial Processing

In partial processing, the client sends a request to a service and receives an immediate response, but processing continues on the service side. For example, the client sends a request to purchase a vacation package, and the service sends an immediate reply confirming the purchase, then continues on to book the hotel, the flight, the rental car, and so on. This pattern can also include multiple shot callbacks, followed by longer-term processing. Figure 5-9 provides an overview.

Figure 5-9 Partial Processing

Description of Figure 5-9 follows
Description of "Figure 5-9 Partial Processing"

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

In this case, the BPEL client is simple; it needs an invoke activity for each request and a receive activity for each reply for asynchronous transactions, or just an invoke activity for each synchronous transaction. Once those transactions are complete, the remaining work is handled by the service. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The BPEL service needs a receive activity for each request from the client, and an invoke activity for each response. Once the responses are finished, the BPEL process service component as the service can continue with its processing, using the information gathered in the interaction to perform the necessary tasks without any further input from the client.

5.10 Introduction to Multiple Application Interactions

In some cases, there are more than two applications involved in a transaction, for example, a buyer, seller, and shipper. In this case, the buyer sends a request to the seller, the seller sends a request to the shipper, and the shipper sends a notification to the buyer. This A-to-B-to-C-to-A transaction pattern can handle many transactions at the same time. Therefore, a mechanism is required for keeping track of which message goes where. Figure 5-10 provides an overview.

As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

Figure 5-10 Multiple Party Interactions

Description of Figure 5-10 follows
Description of "Figure 5-10 Multiple Party Interactions"

This kind of coordination can be managed using WS-Addressing or correlation sets. For more information about both, see Chapter 8, "Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process."