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Oracle® Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Content Server
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Part Number E10792-03
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A User Interface

This appendix contains the following topics about the Oracle Content Server administration interface:

System Properties and Settings Interface

Security and User Access Interface

Components Interface

System Migration Interface

A.1 System Properties and Settings Interface

The following interfaces are used to configure Oracle Content Server system properties and settings:

A.1.1 Admin Server Interface

The following screens are available when using the Admin Server.

A.1.1.1 Admin Server Page

The Admin Server page is used to view server status, manage components, and to access Oracle Content Server system properties, log, and audit information.

To access the Admin Server page:

  1. From the portal navigation bar, select the Administration tray. The Administration selections are displayed.

  2. Select Admin Server. The Admin Server page is displayed.

Surrounding text describes Content Admin Server screen.
Element Description
Server Status link Displays the current Oracle Content Server status on the Admin Server home page. Use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to start, stop, or restart the Oracle Content Server instance.
Component Manager link Displays the Component Manager Page. Use this page to view, enable, and disable Oracle Content Server components. From this page you also can access the Advanced Component Manager Page.
General Configuration link Displays the Admin Server: General Configuration Page. Use this page to view or modify general Oracle Content Server configuration.
Content Security link Displays the Admin Server: Content Security Page, which contains the same information as shown on the System Properties: Content Security Tab. Use this page to view or modify Oracle Content Server security configuration.
Internet Configuration link Displays theAdmin Server: Internet Configuration Page, which contains the same information as shown on the System Properties: Internet Tab. Use this page to view or modify internet configuration for the Oracle Content Server instance.
View Admin Output link Displays the Admin Server Output Page. Use this page to view console output.
View Server Logs link Displays the list of Oracle Content Server log files.
View Providers link Displays the Providers Page.
System Audit Information Displays the System Audit Information Page, which provides general information about the Oracle Content Server instance, plus information on localization, tracing sections, cache, configuration entry, and component reports.

A.1.1.2 Admin Server Status Page

The Server Status page displays the current status of the Oracle Content Serverinstance; for example, Running. To access this page, click the Server Status link on the Admin Server Page.

Content Admin Server Status screen
Element Description
Current Status Displays the current status of the Oracle Content Server instance.
Home Page button Displays the Oracle Content Server Home page.
Administration button Displays the Oracle Content Server Administration page, which shows icons and names for administrative functions.

A.1.1.3 Admin Server Output Page

The Admin Server Output page displays the Java output of the Admin Server, which includes status and error messages for troubleshooting. To access this page, click the View Admin Output link on the Admin Server Page.

Admin Server Output page
Element Description
Refresh Page button Refreshes the output messages.
Clear button Clears the output messages. The output will not be displayed until the Content Admin service is restarted.
Output messages Shows status and error messages for the Admin Server.

A.1.1.4 Administration Page

The Administration page displays icons and names which are links to Oracle Content Server administration functions. To access this page, click Administration on the Admin Server Status Page.

Surrounding text describes Administration page.
Element Description
Content Server Logs link Displays the Content Server Logs Screen.
Archiver Logs link Displays the Archiver Log Screen.
Actions for Instance link Displays current actions for the Oracle Content Server instance.
Admin Applets link Displays the Admin Applets screen, which provides links for several administration applications.
Configuration for Instance link Displays the Configuration Information Page.
System Audit Information link Displays the System Audit Information Page.
Providers link Displays the Providers Page.
Filter Administration link Displays the Configure Web Server Filter Page.
Oracle Query Optimizer link Displays the Oracle Query Optimizer Page.
File Store Provider link Displays the File Store Provider Information Page.
Connection Passwords link Displays the Proxied Connection Authentication/Authorization Information Screen.
Credential Maps link Displays the Credential Maps Screen.
Config Migration Admin link Displays the Config Migration Admin Screen.
Admin Server link Displays the Admin Server Page.
Environment Packager link Displays the Environment Packager Page.
Conversion Options link Displays Inbound Refinery conversion options. For details, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Conversion.
Conversion Job Status link Displays Inbound Refinery conversion job status information. For details, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Conversion.
IBR Provider Status link Displays Inbound Refinery provider status information. For details, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Conversion.

A.1.2 System Properties Configuration Interface

The following screens are used to configure system properties for the Oracle Content Server instance:

A.1.2.1 System Properties Page

The System Properties utility can be used to configure the system options and functionality of the Oracle Content Server instance. It can be started only as a standalone application from the computer where the Oracle Content Server instance is installed.

Surrounding text describes System Properties screen.
Element Description
Options tab Used to set optional functionality for the Oracle Content Server instance.
Content Security tab Used to set options related to content item security.
Internet tab Used to set options related to Oracle Content Server interaction with web entities
Database tab Used to set database options.
Server tab Used to set optional functionality for the Oracle Content Server instance.
Localization tab Used to set localization options.
Paths tab Used to set Oracle Content Server directory paths.
OK button Saves the changes and closes the System Properties screen. You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance for any changes to take effect.
Cancel button Closes the System Properties screen without saving any changes.

A.1.2.2 General Options Configuration

You can set general options on the System Properties: Options Tab or on the Admin Server: General Configuration Page.

You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.

A. System Properties: Options Tab

You can set general options on the System Properties: Options Tab. You can run this application in standalone mode from the computer where the Oracle Content Server instance is installed. The method required to start these programs differs slightly between Windows and UNIX installations.

Surrounding text describes System Properties Options tab.
Element Description
Allow override format on check in checkbox


Unselected: Users cannot select the format of a document during checkin. This is the default.

Selected: Users can select the format of a document during checkin. This is useful in the following situations:

  • When an application's default extension is not used for a file name. For example, a Microsoft Word document named customer.ltr does not have the default application extension .doc, but a contributor could select Microsoft Word Document from the Formats list on the checkin page to tell the Oracle Content Server instance how to convert the file.

  • When the user must decide how the file should be converted and indexed. For example, say you have set Corel WordPerfect documents to be passed through as text files. If a contributor leaves the Format option on the checkin page as use default, the file is converted to text and full-text indexed automatically. If the contributor selects Corel WordPerfect Document, the file is passed through in its native format and is not full-text indexed.

Enable download applet checkbox


Selected: Users can select multiple files to check out or download at the same time. For details, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Content Server.

Unselected: Users cannot check out or download multiple files. This is the default.

If the upload or download applet is enabled in the System Properties application or Admin Server, users can enable and disable the applet individually on their User Profile page. If an applet is disabled at the system level, the applet field is not displayed on User Profile pages.

Enable upload applet checkbox


Selected: Users can check in multiple files as a single Zip file. For details, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Content Server.

Unselected: Users cannot check in multiple files. This is the default.

Enable search keyword highlighting checkbox


Selected: All full-text search terms are highlighted in returned PDF, HTML, and text documents. This is the default.

Unselected: Full-text search terms are not highlighted. This can shorten the time required to view a file from the Search Results page.

Enable Enterprise Search on Standard query pages checkbox


Selected: Enterprise Search fields are displayed on search pages. The Enterprise Search add-on module must be purchased and installed.

Unselected: Enterprise Search fields are not displayed on search pages. This is the default.

Automatically assign a Content ID on check in checkbox


Selected: Content IDs are generated automatically as six-digit, sequential numbers.

Unselected: A Content ID must be entered by the user during checkin. This is the default.

Auto Name/Number Prefix field


If automatic Content ID generation is enabled, the string specified in this field is added as a prefix to the six-digit, sequential number.
Major Revision Label Sequence field


Specifies how the first number or letter in a revision number is incremented.
Minor Revision Label Sequence field


Specifies how the optional second number or letter in a revision number is incremented.
Enable Java Server Page (Jsp) checkbox


Selected: Internal JSP support is enabled in the Oracle Content Server instance.

Unselected: Internal JSP support is disabled.

For details, see the Java Server Page and JavaBean Guide.

This checkbox is displayed on the Admin Server General Configuration page, but not on the System Properties Options tab. See "System Properties: Server Tab".

Jsp Enabled Groups field


Specifies the security groups that are enabled for internal JSP support.

For details, see the Java Server Page and JavaBean Guide.

This field is displayed on the Admin Server General Configuration page, but not on the System Properties Options tab. See "System Properties: Server Tab".

Additional Configuration Variables field


Used to edit variables in the Oracle Content Server configuration file.
  • Changes you make in this field will be reflected in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file when the Oracle Content Server instance is restarted.

  • Placing a # symbol at the beginning of a line comments out that line.

A. Admin Server: General Configuration Page

To access this page, click Admin Server from the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar. Click the Oracle Content Server instance you want to access and select General Configuration from the Options for instance menu.

This page provides access to the same information as provided in the System Properties: Options Tab.

In the following table, the term in parentheses is the corresponding configuration setting defined in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file.

If you plan to use the Batch Loader to update and insert a large number of files on your Oracle Content Server instance simultaneously, you must create a batch load file. Two of the optional parameters that you can include in your batch load file are primaryOverrideFormat and alternateOverrideFormat. However, these options will only work as parameters in the batch load file if you enable the IsOverrideFormat configuration variable. You can set this variable in the System Properties application.

Admin Server General Configuration screen
Element Description
Allow override format on check in checkbox


Unselected: Users cannot select the format of a document during checkin. This is the default.

Selected: Users can select the format of a document during checkin. This is useful in the following situations:

  • When an application's default extension is not used for a file name. For example, a Microsoft Word document named customer.ltr does not have the default application extension .doc, but a contributor could select Microsoft Word Document from the Formats list on the checkin page to tell the Oracle Content Server instance how to convert the file.

  • When the user must decide how the file should be converted and indexed. For example, say you have set Corel WordPerfect documents to be passed through as text files. If a contributor leaves the Format option on the checkin page as use default, the file is converted to text and full-text indexed automatically. If the contributor selects Corel WordPerfect Document, the file is passed through in its native format and is not full-text indexed.

Enable download applet checkbox


Selected: Users can select multiple files to check out or download at the same time. For details, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Content Server.

Unselected: Users cannot check out or download multiple files. This is the default.

If the upload or download applet is enabled in the System Properties application or Admin Server, users can enable and disable the applet individually on their User Profile page. If an applet is disabled at the system level, the applet field is not displayed on User Profile pages.

Enable upload applet checkbox


Selected: Users can check in multiple files as a single Zip file. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Content Server.

Unselected: Users cannot check in multiple files. This is the default.

Enable Accounts checkbox Selected: Accounts are functional on the Oracle Content Server instance.

Unselected: Accounts are not functional on the Oracle Content Server instance.

Automatically assign a document name on check in checkbox


Selected: Content IDs are generated automatically as six-digit, sequential numbers.

Unselected: A Content ID must be entered by the user during checkin. This is the default.

Auto Name/Number Prefix field


If automatic Content ID generation is enabled, the string specified in this field is added as a prefix to the six-digit, sequential number.
Major Revision Label Sequence field


Specifies how the first number or letter in a revision number is incremented.
Minor Revision Label Sequence field


Specifies how the optional second number or letter in a revision number is incremented.
Enable Java Server Page (Jsp) checkbox


Selected: Internal JSP support is enabled in the Oracle Content Server instance.

Unselected: Internal JSP support is disabled.

For details, see the Java Server Page and JavaBean Guide.

This checkbox is displayed on the Admin Server General Configuration page, but not on the System Properties Options tab. See "System Properties: Server Tab".

Jsp Enabled Groups field


Specifies the security groups that are enabled for internal JSP support.

For details, see the Java Server Page and JavaBean Guide.

This field is displayed on the Admin Server General Configuration page, but not on the System Properties Options tab. See "System Properties: Server Tab".

Additional Configuration Variables field


Used to edit variables in the Oracle Content Server configuration file.
  • Changes you make in this field will be reflected in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file when the Oracle Content Server instance is restarted.

  • Placing a # symbol at the beginning of a line comments out that line.

A.1.2.3 Content Security Configuration

You can set content security options on the System Properties: Content Security Tab or on the Admin Server: Content Security Page.

You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.

A. System Properties: Content Security Tab

You can set content security options on the System Properties: Content Security Tab. You can run this application in standalone mode from the computer where the Oracle Content Server instance is installed. The method required to start these programs differs slightly between Windows and UNIX installations.

System Properties Content Security tab
Element Description
Allow get copy for user with read privilege checkbox


Selected: Users with only Read permission to a content item's security group can get a copy of the native file.

Unselected: Users with only Read permission to a content item's security group cannot get a copy of the native file.

Allow only original contributor to check out checkbox


Selected: Only the Author or a user with Admin permission to a content item's security group can check out the content item.

Unselected: Any user with Write permission to a content item's security group can check out the content item.

Allow author to delete revision checkbox


Selected: The Author of a content item can delete the content item, even if they do not have Delete permission to the content item's security group.

Unselected: All users must have Delete permission to a content item's security group to delete the content item.

Show only known accounts checkbox


Selected: Only predefined accounts appear in the Accounts option list on checkin and search pages.

Unselected: User-defined accounts and predefined accounts appear in the Accounts option list on checkin and search pages.

A. Admin Server: Content Security Page

You can set content security options on the Admin Server: Content Security Configuration Page.

To access this page, click Admin Server from the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar. Select Content Security from the Options for instance menu.

This page provides access to the same information as provided on the System Properties: Content Security Tab.

In the following table, the term in parentheses is the corresponding configuration setting defined in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file.

Admin Server Content Security Options screen
Element Description
Allow get copy for user with read privilege checkbox


Selected: Users with only Read permission to a content item's security group can get a copy of the native file.

Unselected: Users with only Read permission to a content item's security group cannot get a copy of the native file.

Allow only original contributor to check out checkbox


Selected: Only the Author or a user with Admin permission to a content item's security group can check out the content item.

Unselected: EuAny user with Write permission to a content item's security group can check out the content item.

Allow author to delete revision checkbox


Selected: The Author of a content item can delete the content item, even if they do not have Delete permission to the content item's security group.

Unselected: All users must have Delete permission to a content item's security group to delete the content item.

Show only known accounts checkbox


Selected: Only predefined accounts appear in the Accounts option list on checkin and search pages.

Unselected: User-defined accounts and predefined accounts appear in the Accounts option list on checkin and search pages.

A.1.2.4 Internet Information Configuration

You can set Internet options on the System Properties: Internet Tab or on the Admin Server: Internet Configuration Page.

You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.

A. System Properties: Internet Tab

You can set Internet options on the System Properties: Internet Tab. You can run this application in standalone mode from the computer where the Oracle Content Server instance is installed. The method required to start these programs differs slightly between Windows and UNIX installations.

Surrounding text describes System Properties Internet tab
Element Description
HTTP Server Address field*


The name of the web server.

For security reasons, this field cannot be changed from the Admin Server. You must change the field using the standalone application.

Mail Server field


The e-mail server used to send e-mail notifications from the Oracle Content Server instance. This generally takes the form of If applicable, make sure to allow for sending mail through a firewall.
Administrator Mail Address field


The e-mail address that the Oracle Content Server instance uses to send e-mail notifications. This address will receive returned messages if delivery failures occur.
SMTP Port field*


The port used for SMTP communications. This is typically 25, but consult your network system administrator for any changes.

For security reasons, this field cannot be changed from the Admin Server. You must change the field using the standalone application.

Http Relative Web Root field*


The relative web root that is used by the web server to resolve URLs to files in the IntradocDir/weblayout/ directory.

For security reasons, this field cannot be changed from the Admin Server. You must change the field using the standalone application.

Use Secure Sockets Layer checkbox*


Selected: A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-enabled web server is being used.

Unselected: A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-enabled web server is not being used.

For security reasons, this field cannot be changed from the Admin Server. You must change the field using the standalone application.

A. Admin Server: Internet Configuration Page

You can set Internet options from the Admin Server: Internet Configuration page.

To access this page, click Admin Server from the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar. Select Internet Configuration from the Options for instance menu.

This page provides access to the same information as provided on the System Properties: Internet Tab.

In the following table, the term in parentheses is the corresponding configuration setting defined in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file.

Admin Server Internet Configuration screen
Element Description
HTTP Server Address field*


The hostname and port of the web server.

For security reasons, this field cannot be changed using the Admin Server. You must change the field using the standalone application.

Mail Server field


The e-mail server used to send e-mail notifications from the Oracle Content Server instance. This generally takes the form of If applicable, make sure to allow for sending mail through a firewall.
Administrator Mail Address field


The e-mail address that the Oracle Content Server instance uses to send e-mail notifications. This address will receive returned messages if delivery failures occur.
SMTP Port field*


The port used for SMTP communications. This is typically 25, but consult your network system administrator for any changes.

For security reasons, this field cannot be changed from the Admin Server. You must change the field using the standalone application.

Http Relative Web Root field*


The relative web root that is used by the web server to resolve URLs to files in the IntradocDir/weblayout/ directory.

For security reasons, this field cannot be changed from the Admin Server. You must change the field using the standalone application.

Use Secure Sockets Layer field*


True: A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-enabled web server is being used.

False: A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-enabled web server is not being used.

For security reasons, this field cannot be changed from the Admin Server. You must change the field using the standalone application.

A.1.2.5 System Properties: Database Tab

You can set JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) configuration options on the System Properties: Database Tab. For security reasons, the Admin Server cannot be used to configure the database. You must use the standalone application to configure the database.

You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.

In the following table, the term in parentheses is the corresponding configuration setting defined in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file.

Surrounding text describes System Properties Database tab.
Element Description
Use Java Database Connectivity checkbox


Selected: JDBC is enabled, and the options are active. This is the default.

Unselected: JDBC is disabled.

JDBC options


The type of database driver.
  • For all options except Other JDBC Driver, the JDBC Driver Name and JDBC Connection String are entered automatically.

  • For the Other JDBC Driver option, you must enter the correct JDBC Driver Name and JDBC Connection String.

Enable database preserve case checkbox


Selected: The database is case sensitive (such as Oracle or Informix).

Unselected: The database is not case sensitive.

Specify Database Driver Classpath checkbox Selected: A database driver classpath must be specified in the Database Driver Classpath field to support a database connection.

Unselected: No database driver classpath is required.

Database Driver Classpath field The classpath for the database driver.
JDBC Driver Name field


The name of the JDBC driver.
  • For all options except Other JDBC Driver, the correct name is entered automatically.

  • For the Other JDBC Driver option, you must enter the correct driver name.

JDBC Connection String field


The connection string for the JDBC driver.
  • For all options except Other JDBC Driver, the correct connection string is entered automatically.

  • For the Other JDBC Driver option, you must enter the correct connection string.

The connection string format is JDBC:ODBC:name, where name is the System Data Source Name. To find this name on a Windows system, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Programs in the Start menu

  2. Click Administrative tools in the Programs menu

  3. Click Data Sources in the Administrative tools, to open ODBC screen.

  4. Select the system DSN tab on the ODBC Data Source Administrator screen. The System Data Source Names are displayed on this tab

JDBC User Name field


The user name that owns the tables inside the database.
JDBC User Password field


The password for the user name that owns the tables inside the database.

A.1.2.6 System Properties: Server Tab

You can set Oracle Content Server options on the System Properties: Server Tab. For security reasons, the Admin Server cannot be used to configure these options. You must use the standalone application to configure options.

You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.

In the following tables, the term in parentheses is the corresponding configuration setting defined in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file.

Surrounding text describes System Properties Server tab.
Element Description
System Locale list


Specifies how the Oracle Content Server instance handles several language-specific issues such as the language of the user interface, stemming rules, sort order, and date/time format.
System Timezone list


The time zone in which the Oracle Content Server instance is located. The specified time zone can be used to present times relative to other time zones, such as correcting for Daylight Savings Time, or presenting the date and time of a content item on a Oracle Content Server instance in North America to users in Europe.

If the Detect timezone automatically option is selected, a time zone is not specified in the configuration file, and the Oracle Content Server instance uses the time zone set for the computer's operating system.

Instance Menu Label field


The instance name that is displayed in the Windows Start menu.
Instance Description field


Not currently used.
IP Address Filter field

(SocketHostAddressSecurity Filter)

Restricts access to the Oracle Content Server instance to computers with a specified IP address.
  • By default, this field is pre-filled with the IP address of the local host (

  • You can specify multiple IP addresses, separated by pipes ( | ). Make sure that there are no spaces on either side of the pipe character. (For example,|

  • You can use wildcards in this field, * for zero or many characters, and ? for any one character. (For example, 10.10.3.*)

  • Generally, use only the IP Address Filter field or Hostname Filter field, not both. (IP Address Filter is more commonly used.)

Proxy Password field Specifies the password for the proxy.
Confirm Password field Confirms the password.
Execute Java Server Page (JSP) checkbox


Selected: Internal JSP support is enabled in the Oracle Content Server instance.

Unselected: Internal JSP support is disabled.

For details, see the Java Server Page and JavaBean Guide.

In the Admin Server, this checkbox is displayed on the Admin Server: General Configuration Page.

JSP Enabled Groups field


Specifies the security groups that are enabled for internal JSP support.

For details, see the Java Server Page and JavaBean Guide.

In the Admin Server, this field is displayed on the Admin Server: General Configuration Page.

A.1.2.7 System Properties: Paths Tab

You can use the System Properties: Paths Tab to change the location of the help browser, Java classpath, and the shared directory path. For security reasons, the Admin Server cannot be used to configure the path options. You must use the standalone application for this configuration.

You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.

In the following table, the term in parentheses is the corresponding configuration setting defined in the DomainHome/ucm/cs/bin/intradoc.cfg file.

Surrounding text describes System Properties Paths tab.
Element Description
Browser Executable Path field


The location of the browser executable that will be used to display the online help from the standalone Overview of Administration Utilities and Applets.
  • For Windows 2000 systems, the default is c:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe.

  • For UNIX systems, the path for the web browser is requested during installation.

Browse button


Used to navigate to and select the executable file for the Help browser.
Custom Java Classpath field


Specifies the path to the Java class files.
  • By default, the CLASSPATH points at classes/, shared/classes/, and shared/classes/

  • If an Oracle or Informix database is used, the CLASSPATH will include a JDBC driver zip file, such as shared/classes/

Shared Directory Path field


Defines the path to the shared directory.
  • This directory contains shared files for the Oracle Content Server instance, such as resource files, template files, and binaries such as mkvdk.

  • If the Inbound Refinery is installed, this directory contains the conversion engines, and all Inbound Refinery temp work is done in this directory and its subdirectories.

  • The default is IdcHomeDir/resources/.

A.1.3 Indexing and Search Content Interface

The following screens are used when working with the search index, configuring zone text fields, and searching content using the Oracle Query Optimizer component:

A.1.3.1 Repository Manager: Indexer Tab

The Indexer tab of the Repository Manager application is used to monitor, run, and configure Indexer update cycles and collection rebuild cycles. It also provides access to the OracleTextSearch feature for fast rebuilds. To access the Repository Manager application, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then select Admin Applets, then select Repository Manager. To access the Indexer functions, click the Indexer tab on the Repository Manager window.

For more information, see "Managing Repository Content" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Administrator's Guide for Oracle Content Server.

Surrounding text describes Repository Manager Indexer tab.
Element Description
Automatic Update Cycle pane Incrementally updates the index database automatically approximately every five minutes, regardless of whether an event (such as file checkin) has triggered the Indexer.
Collection Rebuild Cycle pane The search index is entirely rebuilt, and the old index collection is replaced with a new index collection when the rebuild is successfully completed.
State field The current place in the indexing cycle:

Initialization: The indexing cycle is being initialized.

Adding to collection...: Revisions are being indexed.

Finished: The indexing cycle is completed or has been canceled.

Status field The status of the indexing cycle:

Idle: No indexing cycles are in process.

Active: An indexing cycle is currently running.

Interrupted: The indexing cycle was interrupted, either by a suspension or an unexpected event (such as a power, database, or file system failure).

Suspending: The indexing cycle is being suspended.

Cancelling: The indexing cycle is being canceled.

Start Date field The date and time the last indexing cycle started.
Finish Date field The date and time the last indexing cycle finished.
Active Date field If the indexing cycle is currently active, the date and time the cycle became active.
Indexer Counters field Counter values for the current indexing cycle.

Total: The total number of documents indexed.

Full Text: The number of full-text indexed documents.

Meta Only: The number of documents for which only metadata has been indexed.

Delete: The number of documents deleted from the search index.

Start/Restart button Begins the indexing cycle, or restarts a cycle that was suspended or interrupted. Corresponds to the Start index update and Start index rebuild links in the Actions section of the Administration tray. These links enable you to remotely manage indexing functions.
Suspend button Stops the indexing cycle and permits a restart. Corresponds to the Suspend index update and Suspend index rebuild links in the Actions section of the Administration tray. These links enable you to remotely manage indexing functions.
Cancel button Stops the indexing cycle but does not permit a restart. Corresponds to the Cancel index update and Cancel index rebuild links in the Actions section of the Administration tray. These links enable you to remotely manage indexing functions.
Configure button Displays either the Automatic Update Cycle Screen or the Collection Rebuild Cycle Screen, which enable you to adjust the files per batch, checkpoint, and debug level.

A.1.3.2 Automatic Update Cycle Screen

The Automatic Update Cycle screen is used to configure how the Indexer automatically indexes new files and revisions. To access this screen, click Configure in the Automatic Update Cycle pane of the Repository Manager: Indexer Tab.

Surrounding text describes Automatic Update Cycle screen.
Element Description
Content Items Per Indexer Batch field The maximum number of files that the search index will process simultaneously. The default is 25. For example, 25 files are indexed together, then the next 25 files are indexed. However, if one item fails, then the batch is processed again.

Thus, if you set this value to 2000 and a document fails, the entire batch would be reprocessed. This would take longer than if you use the default setting and an item fails. But, if there are no failures in the batch, then setting this value higher accelerates the process.

The only time you would change this setting to one (1) is if you are experiencing problems with the search engine indexing large and complicated files.

Content Items Per Checkpoint field The number of files that will go through all relevant indexing states at a time. You can have multiple batches of files indexed per checkpoint. After the checkpoint is reached, some merging of the collection is done before the next batch is processed.

If this is set to a high value and you try to cancel a rebuild or an update cycle, the Repository Manager does not stop processing until the checkpoint is reached. However, setting the value too low slows down the indexing process.

Indexer Debug Level list The Indexer debug level. The more debug information listed in the server window, the slower the indexing progresses. The following list shows the debug levels from the least to the most debug information:

none: No information for each file access is displayed, and no log will be generated.

verbose: Displays information for each file accessed. Indicates indexed, ignored, or failed, and generates a full report.

debug: Displays the medium level of information, which is specifically functional.

trace: Displays the lowest level of information for each activity performed.

all: Displays the highest level of debug information.

Indexer Auto Updates checkbox Selected: The index database is updated automatically.

Unselected: The index database is not updated automatically.

A.1.3.3 Collection Rebuild Cycle Screen

The Collection Rebuild Cycle screen is used to configure how the Indexer rebuilds the search collection. To access this screen, click Configure in the Collection Rebuild Cycle pane of the Repository Manager: Indexer Tab.

Surrounding text describes Collection Rebuild Cycle screen.
Element Description
Content Items Per Indexer Batch field The maximum number of files that the search index will process simultaneously. The default is 25. For example, 25 files are indexed together, then the next 25 files are indexed. However, if one item fails, then the batch is processed again.

Thus, if you set this value to 2000 and a document fails, the entire batch would be reprocessed. This would take longer than if you use the default setting and an item fails. But, if there are no failures in the batch, then setting this value higher accelerates the process.

The only time you would change this setting to one (1) is if you are experiencing problems with the search engine indexing large and complicated files.

Content Items Per Checkpoint field The number of files that will go through all relevant indexing states at a time. You can have multiple batches of files indexed per checkpoint. After the checkpoint is reached, some merging of the collection is done before the next batch is processed.

If this is set to a high value and you try to cancel a rebuild or an update cycle, the Repository Manager will not stop processing until the checkpoint is reached. However, setting the value too low will slow down the indexing process.

Indexer Debug Level list The Indexer debug level. The more debug information listed in the server window, the slower the indexing progresses. The following list shows the debug levels from the least to the most debug information:

none: No information for each file accessed is displayed.

verbose: Displays information for each file accessed. Indicates indexed, ignored, or failed.

debug: Displays the medium level of information.

trace: Displays the lowest level of information.

all: Displays the highest level of information.

Database and Database Full-Text Search do not support indexer debug levels, so only the none option is displayed if you use a database for search and index.

A.1.3.4 Indexer Rebuild Screen

If you are using OracleTextSearch as your search and indexing engine, when you use the Collection Rebuild Cycle Screen on the Repository Manager: Indexer Tab, you can choose to use the Indexer Rebuild function. Using Indexer Rebuild causes the search engine to add new information to the search collection without requiring a full collection rebuild. It does not cause all the information (metadata and full-text) to be re-indexed.

When you click Start on the Collection Rebuild Cycle Screen, the Indexer Rebuild screen is displayed. To use this function, click OK. To not use this function, deselect Use fast rebuild and click OK.

Surround text describes Indexer Rebuild screen.

A.1.3.5 Admin Actions Page

You can use the Admin actions status page to remotely view the status and perform basic administration tasks for localization indexing, automatic update cycle, and collection rebuild cycle functions. To access this page, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then click Admin Actions.

Surrounding text describes Admin Actions screen.
Element Description
Weblayout Publishing area Displays status information and actions for weblayout publishing. You can click to publish dynamic layout files, to publish static layout files, and to view a progress trace.
Schema Publishing area Displays status information and actions for schema publishing. You can click links to publish schema configuration, publish schema configuration and data, and to view a progress trace.
Localization Indexing area Displays status information and actions for localization indexing. You can click links to build a string index.
Automatic Update Cycle area Displays status information and actions for the document index update cycle. You can click links to start, suspend, and cancel an update cycle.
Collection Rebuild Cycle area Displays status information and actions for the document index rebuild cycle. You can click links to start, suspend, and cancel a rebuild cycle.

A.1.3.6 Zone Fields Configuration Page

Access the Zone Fields Configuration page by selecting Zone Fields Configuration from the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar.

Surrounding text describes Zone Fields Configuration screen.
Element Description
Search Engine drop-down list Select the search engine to be used to search the zone text fields (either Database or DatabaseFullText).
Zone Text Fields list Lists the zone text fields for the selected search engine. You can use the [Ctrl] and [Shift] keys on your keyboard to select multiple fields.
Text Fields list Lists the available text fields for selected search engine.

By default, text fields with a field length of 20 or less characters are not included in the Text Fields list. You can change this setting by modifying the MinFullTextFieldLength configuration variable.

Right and left arrow buttons Move selected fields between the Zone Text Fields and Text Fields lists.
Update button Enables text fields in the Zone Text Fields list as zone text fields, and disables text fields in the Text Field list. Parses the text within all zone text fields and creates a full-text index that can be queried using the Contains search operator.

Changing a text field to a zone text field can be a very time-consuming operation. The amount of time it takes to parse the text and create the full-text index depends on the number of content items in the Oracle Content Server instance and the amount of text stored in the text field. However, when the text field has been indexed, you should not experience significant performance issues when updating and adding content items.

Reset button Reverts the Zone Text Fields and Text Fields lists to the last saved lists.


Custom text fields (the Comments text field and any customer-created text fields) are shared between the Database and DatabaseFullText search engines, and therefore changing the status of these text fields for one search engine also applies the changes to the other search engine. Standard text fields (Author, Content ID, Content Type, Title, and so no) can be enabled or disabled independently for each search engine.

A.1.3.7 Oracle Query Optimizer Page

The Oracle Query Optimizer utility provides several methods for optimizing queries. To access the Oracle Query Optimizer page, on the Administration Page select Oracle Query Optimizer.

Surrounding text describes Oracle Query Optimizer screen.
Element Description
Hint Rules Configuration link Displays the Hint Rules Configuration Page.
Query Converter link Displays the Query Converter Page.
Hint Cache Updater link Displays the Hint Cache Updater Page.

A.1.3.8 Hint Rules Configuration Page

The Hint Rules Table contains the rules that the query optimizer uses to select hints during the Query Optimization Process. The rules in this table are displayed on the Hint Rules Configuration page. The Edit Hint Rules Form provides a way to add, remove, enable, or disable rules for the Hint Rules Table.

To access this page, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then Oracle Query Optimizer, then Hint Rules Configuration.

Surrounding text describes Hint Rules Configuration screen.
Element Description
Hint rules configuration table columns Key: The unique name to identify the rule.

Table: Identifies the specific database table.

Column: Identifies the specific column within the database table listed in the Table column.

Operator: A comma-delimited list of allowable operators.

Index: Identifies the specific index to use in the optimized queryif the condition meets the hint rule requirements.

Order: Contains the preferred order to use when the rule is included in the Hint Rules Table.

Values: This column is Idoc scriptable. This column can only be defined when the Operators column has one of two specific values.

AllowMultiple: Indicates whether the defined index is used with other indexes.

Disabled: Indicates whether a hint rule has been disabled.

Key field The unique name that identifies the hint rule.
Table field and menu Identifies the database table associated with the hint rule. The menu lists the current database tables. Selecting a table from the menu automatically populates the Column field, Column menu options, Index field and Index menu options.
Column field and menu Identifies the database table column associated with the hint rule. Selecting a column from the menu automatically populates the Index field and Index menu options.
Index field and menu Identifies the index associated with the hint rule.
Operators field and menu Identifies the specific operator(s) associated with the hint rule. Valid options include:

equal: Compares records to find equal values.

like: Compares records to find similar values.

in: Compares records to find values equal to any member of the specified item(s). Using this operator enables you to define the Values field.

greater: Compares records to find larger values on the left.

ge: (greater than or equal to) Compares records to find equal values or larger values on the left.

le: (less than or equal to) Compares records to find equal values or smaller values on the left.

less: Compares records to find larger values on the right.

notEqual: Compares records to find different values.

notIn: Compares records to find values that are not equal to any member of the specified item(s). Using this operator enables you to define the Values field.

notLike: Compares records to find dissimilar values.

generic: This operator is necessary if multiple operators are used in the conditions and are connected by an OR conjunction. For example: dIndexerState IS NULL OR dIndexerState IN ('N', 'Y').

range: This operator can be applied to an Integer field or a Date field. This operator is necessary when the Values field is defined with a valid range of values that would cause the hint to be applied. Using this operator enables you to define the Values field.

Order menu In descending order from 5 to 1, indicates the preference value of the hint rule. During the optimization process, the highest ranked hint rule that meets the condition's requirements is selected.
Values field Specifies applicable quantities when used with the operators in, notIn, and range; see the Operators field.
AllowMultiple menu Available options include:

Yes: The defined index can be used with other indexes.

No: The defined index must be used alone.

Add button Used to add a hint rule or activate a disabled hint rule.
Disable button Deactivates the selected rule.

A.1.3.9 Query Converter Page

The Query Converter page displays the result of a converted query and enables you to modify a converted query by adding, editing, or deleting conditions from the WHERE clause. Modifying a converted query enables you to see exactly what will be executed when the query is submitted. Converted queries can optionally include data sources. The Query Converter page is accessed from the Hint Rules Configuration Page by selecting the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then Oracle Query Optimizer, then Query Converter.

The following figures show two types of query converter pages: a page that uses a data source, and a page that does not use a data source.

Query Converter screen with data source
Query Converter screen without data source
Element Description
Use Data Source checkbox This checkbox acts as a toggle switch to display or hide the fields related to converting a data source.

Selected: On the Query Converter page, displays all the fields.

Unselected: On the Query Converter page, hides the DS Name menu and text area and the Additional Parameters field on the Hint Cache Updater Page.

DS Name menu and text area The menu lists the available data source names and, when you select one, the text area displays the current contents of the data source query.
Additional Parameters field One or more variables that are evaluated for the data source used to generate a query related to a specific environment.
Where Clause/Query field where Clause: This field is displayed when the Use Data Source checkbox is selected. Enables you to enter additional conditions that are appended to the existing WHERE clause in the data source. You can copy and paste an existing WHERE clause or enter it manually.

Query: This field displays when the Use Data Source checkbox is unselected. Enables you to enter a full query to be evaluated. You can copy and paste an existing query or enter it manually.

Convert Query button Submits the information for the data source or query to be evaluated using the Query Optimization Process. The submitted data source or query is converted from a standard query to an optimized query that uses customized hints.

A.1.3.10 Hint Cache Updater Page

The Hint Cache Updater Page enables you to add a new entry, edit an existing entry, or remove an existing entry which enables you to fine tune query hints. Additionally, you can monitor and edit entries in the hint cache at run time to customize them for specific queries. The Hint Cache Updater page is accessed from the Hint Rules Configuration Page by selecting the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then Oracle Query Optimizer, then Hint Cache Updater.

The following figures show two types of query converter pages: a page that uses a data source, and a page that does not use a data source.

Hint Cache Updater screen with data source
Hint Cache Updater screen without data source
Element Description
Use Data Source checkbox This checkbox acts as a toggle switch to display or hide the fields related to managing the data source-based entries in the hint cache.

Selected: On the Hint Cache Updater page, displays all the fields.

Unselected: On the Hint Cache Updater page, hides the DS Name menu and text area and the Additional Parameters field.

DS Name menu and text area The menu lists the available data source names and, when you select one, the text area displays the current contents of the data source query.
Additional Parameters field One or more variables that are evaluated for the data source used to generate a query related to a specific environment.
where Clause/Query field where Clause: This field is displayed when the Use Data Source checkbox is selected. Enables you to enter additional conditions that are appended to the existing WHERE clause in the data source. You can copy and paste an existing WHERE clause or enter it manually.

Query: This field displays when the Use Data Source checkbox is unselected. Enables you to enter a full query to be evaluated. You can copy and paste an existing query or enter it manually.

Hints field Enter any additional hints for the data source or query. If you enter one or more Content Server Hints, the Oracle Query Optimizer component will consider them as default hints and they will not go through the Query Optimization Process. If you enter multiple hints, the feature will look for the best hint and, if possible, select multiple hints.
Check Cache button Evaluates the submitted query and checks the hint cache to determine if matching hints already exist. If so, they are returned. If not, the message, Hint does not exist in cache is displayed.

With data source: Combines the WHERE clause and hints and applies the additional parameters before submitting the query for evaluation.

Without data source: Combines the query and hints before submitting the query for evaluation.

Update Cache button Ensures that the data source or query will always use the specified hints because the hint cache is updated. Thus, clicking this button results in a manual overwrite of the previously defined hint cache. From now on, the new hints will be used with this particular query.
Remove button Removes the information entered into any of the fields for the specified query.

A.1.4 File Store Administration Interface

The FileStoreProvider component is installed and enabled by default to support the file store system. This component adds the following pages to the Oracle Content Server instance:

A.1.4.1 Partition Listing Page

The Partition Listing page displays a list of all current partitions, indicating their root and status. To access the Partition Listing page, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then select File Store Administration. Elements of each partition listed can be modified using the Add/Edit Partition Page, and their values are stored in the PartitionList resource table in the fsconfig.hda file, located in the IntradocDir/data/filestore/config directory.

Surrounding text describes Partition Listing screen.
Element Description
Partition Name Displays the name of the partition as defined when the partition was created using the Add/Edit Partition Page. The partition name is part of the path expression used by the Oracle Content Server instance when storing content.
Partition Root Displays the root level to where content is being stored for this partition and is one of the arguments passed to the algorithm used by the Oracle Content Server instance to choose a storage location for content. This value can be a static string, such as C:/vault, an expression, such as $#env.VauldDir$, or an Idoc Script variable, such as $HttpWebRoot$.
Is Active Displays whether a partition is active (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Active partitions are available to store content.
Action Displays the item action menu for each partition, from which you can choose to edit or delete the partition.
Add Partition Clicking Add Partition displays the Add/Edit Partition Page, which can be used to add and activate a new partition for use by the Oracle Content Server instance.

A.1.4.2 Add/Edit Partition Page

The Add/Edit Partition Page is used to create and modify partitions used by Oracle Content Server instance to store content. To access the Add/Edit Partition page, click Add Partition on the Partition Listing Page. Values entered here are stored in the Partition List Table in the fsconfig.hda file, located in the IntradocDir/data/filestore/config/ directory.

Surrounding text describes Add/Edit Partition screen.
Element Description
Partition Name Defines the unique name of the partition. The partition name is displayed on the Partition Listing Page and is part of the path expression used by the Oracle Content Server instance to store content. As such, it must be unique for each partition created, and has the same character limitations as Idoc Script and HTML path expressions.
Partition Root Defines the root level of the path to where content is stored for this partition and is one of the arguments passed to the algorithm used by the Oracle Content Server instance to choose a storage location for content.
Capacity Check Interval Specifies the interval used in determining the disk space available for use by this partition. Expressed in seconds. This argument may not work on all platforms.
Slack Bytes Specifies the point at which a partition is full and can no longer accept content. If the available space on the partition is lower than the specified number of slack bytes, the partition no longer accepts new content.
Duplication Methods Specifies how native files are treated when not converted to a web-viewable rendition. For example, many image files do not require a rendition to be web-viewable. Linking to the native file instead of copying them to the web path helps manage storage space.

copy (default): copies the native file to the web path.

link: Resolves the web path to the native file in the vault

Is Active Specifies whether the partition is active and available for new content.
Update Submits the information specified creates or updates the partition.
Reset Resets the information to the previous state before updating the partition.

A.1.4.3 File Store Provider Information Page

The File Store Provider Information page for a file store displays information about the selected provider, including the connection state, last activity date, and the provider type, class, and connection.

To display the File Store Provider Information page, click Info next to a File Store provider on the Providers Page.

Click Edit on the File Store Provider Information page to display the Edit File Store Provider Page, where details of the File Store Provider can be modified.

File Store Provider Information screen

A.1.4.4 Edit File Store Provider Page

The Edit File Store Provider page is used to modify the existing file store configuration. To access the Edit File Store page, click Edit on the File Store Provider Information Page.

The information entered on this page is stored in the provider.hda file located in the IntradocDir/data/providers/defaultfilestore directory. The default values will handle most storage scenarios.

Edit File Store Provider page
Element Description
Provider Name Defines the name of the provider.
Provider Description A descriptive phrase displayed on the Providers Page identifying the provider.
Provider Class The path to the Java class file governing provider functionality. The default class file is BaseFileStore.
Connection Class This is a path to a Java class file that is not applicable to the Oracle Content Server instance. Do not enter a value.
Configuration Class The path to the Java class file used to configure file store provider functionality.
Access Implementor The path to the Java class file called to access content.
Descriptor Implementor The path to the Java class file called when describing content.
Event Implementor The path to the Java class file called when implementing an event, such as indexing or searching.
Metadata Implementor The path to the Java class file called when needing information about content.
Storage Rules Lists the storage rules used for the provider. Select the rule to edit, or select Add rule to create additional rules.
Edit Rule Accesses the Storage Rule Name Dialog for adding or modifying storage rules.

A.1.4.5 Storage Rule Name Dialog

The Storage Rule Name dialog is used to configure how and where each provider stores content checked into the Oracle Content Server instance. This dialog defines whether content items are stored on a file system or within a database, if a web rendition is created, and how the paths to the content are constructed.


All the Path Information fields can be edited, but $dispersion$ and $endDispMarker$ should not be edited in the Web-viewable Path or Web URL File Path fields. The dispersion rule expression can be edited in the Dispersion Rule field, but $endDispMarker$ cannot be changed.

To access the Storage Rule Name dialog, click Edit rule... next to the Storage Rules drop-down list on the Edit File Store Provider Page.

This figure shows the Storage Rule Name default page.
Element Description
File system only Specifies that content checked into the Oracle Content Server instance be stored only on a specified file system, and not in a database. This includes both the native and web-viewable files unless the Is Webless File Store option is enabled.
JDBC Storage Specifies that content checked into the Oracle Content Server instance be stored only in a database, and not on a file system. This includes both the native and web-viewable files unless an option is selected from the Renditions choice list.
Renditions Specifies a rendition to store on a file system when JDBC Storage is enabled.

No selection (default): Both the native and web-viewable renditions are stored in the database.

Web Files: Stores web-viewable renditions on a file system and native files in the database.

Vault Files: Stores native files on a file system and web-viewable files in the database.

Is Webless File Store Specifies that a web-viewable rendition content not be created.
Show Path Metadata Expands the screen to display detailed information about the metadata used for constructing paths used by the provider.
Vault Path The expression defining the path to the vault location where native content checked into the Oracle Content Server server is stored for the provider using this rule.
Weblayout Directory The expression defining the path on the file system to the weblayout directory.
Dispersion Rule The expression defining the dispersion of content on the file system. $endDispMarker$ cannot be changed.

Note: If the file system has been upgraded from an earlier Oracle Content Server release, this field is blank by default to support the existing configuration. If the file system has any existing documents, it will keep dispersion blank (empty).

Web-viewable Path The expression defining the path on the file system to the web-viewable rendition. Do not edit $dispersion$ and $endDispMarker$ in this path.
HttpWebRoot and URL Prefix The expression defining the weblayout directory and URL prefix for the root level to where content is being stored for the partition.
Web URL File Path The URL used to access the web-viewable rendition in a browser. Do not edit $dispersion$ and $endDispMarker$ in this path.


If the web root used in the web URL file path defined in the storage rule is something other than the default weblayout directory defined for the Oracle Content Server instance, you must add an alias or virtual directory in your web server for the web root used in the storage rule. Otherwise, the Oracle Content Server instance does not know where to access the file. For information on adding virtual directories to your web server, see the documentation that came with your web server.

A.1.4.6 Path Information Screen

The Path Information screen displays information about the current configuration of the path metadata that can be used in constructing paths for the file store provider. To view the Path Information screen, click Show Path Metadata on the Storage Rule Name Dialog.

Shows Path Information screen
Element Description
Field Name Name of a field in the current path metadata configuration.
Description Brief description of the function of a field.
Generation Algorithm Algorithm associated with a field.

A.1.5 Web Server Interface

This section covers these topics:

A.1.5.1 Configure Web Server Filter Page

The Configure Web Server Filter page is used to configure and troubleshoot web server filter communication with the Oracle Content Server instance. Because an Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Server handles web server communication, most of the options on this page are not relevant except for the GZIP encoding option. The settings can still be modified and can be relevant if a separate web server is used as an access point for the this Oracle Content Server instance.

To access this page, click the Filter Administration link in the Administration tray in the portal navigation menu.

Configure Web Server Filter screen
General Options Description
Cache Timeout field Sets the amount of time in minutes that the web server holds user credentials. To maintain the Oracle Content Server user credentials, you should select a finite time for the web server to cache user data.
Default Authentication field The first time a user logs in to the Oracle Content Server instance, a cookie is sent to the filter. If you change the default authentication from the default Basic to NTLM, the first time a user logs in to the Oracle Content Server instance the user will not be prompted to log in again because their credentials will automatically be authenticated.
Disable GZIP Compression For optimal performance, the Oracle Content Server instance compresses the HTML response pages. This option is useful for debugging purposes.

TRUE = Prevents the Oracle Content Server instance from compressing HTML response pages.

FALSE = Configures the Oracle Content Server instance to compress HTML response pages. This is the default setting.

When you select any of the logging options, a web server filter log file is created as follows:

  • Apache: IntradocDir/data/users/authfilt.log

Logging Options Description
CGI_DEBUG checkbox Enables logging of high-level information that is passed through the web server filter. This is helpful in determining password and user authentication problems.
CGI_SEND_DUMP checkbox Enables logging of all incoming data that is passed through the web server filter.
CGI_RECEIVE_DUMP checkbox Enables logging of all outgoing data that is passed through the web server filter.
FILTER_DEBUG checkbox Enables logging of events that occur inside the web server filter.
PLUGIN_DEBUG checkbox Enables logging of events that occur inside any web server plug-in filters that understand this flag.

The following buttons and other options are also available.

Other Options Description
Update button Saves any changes to the web filter configuration settings.
Reset button Returns the web filter configuration settings to their last saved values.

A.1.5.2 WebUrlMaps Screen

Use the WebUrlMaps screen to add or edit URL mapping entries. It does the mapping inside the Oracle WebLogic Server domain. To access this screen, select Administration, then select WebUrlMaps. This option is installed and enabled by default with Oracle Content Server deployment.

Surrounding text describes WebUrlMaps screen.
Element Description
Text pane Provides an overview and general information about the WebUrlMaps feature. Use the side scroll bar to view all the text.
Prefix field The abbreviation that is used as a filter to evaluate whether a URL should be processed using a defined mapping script.
Map field The script used to process applicable URLs and map them to the resulting URL.
Update button Saves the changes made in the Prefix and Map fields.
Reset button Reverts the values of the Prefix and Map fields to their previously saved settings. Any values entered but not saved are removed from the fields.

A.1.6 Provider Interface

The following screens are used when managing Oracle Content Server providers:

A.1.6.1 Providers Page

The Providers page is used to find provider information, test providers, add and edit providers. To access this page, do one of the following:

  • Click the Providers link from the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar.

  • Click the View Providers link in the side navigation bar on the Admin Server Page.

Surrounding text describes Providers screen.
Providers Table Description
Provider column Name of the provider that establishes connection to outside entities.
Description column Description of the provider that establishes connection to outside entities.
Type column The type of provider. This can include incoming, outgoing, database, preview, ldapuser, keepaliveincoming, keepaliveoutgoing, sslincoming, ssloutgoing, jpsuser, httpoutgoing, FileStore.
Connection State column Possible states are:
  • misconfigured

  • good

  • down

  • requires restart

Last Activity Date column The last date and time that the provider was active.
Action column The Info link displays the Provider Information Page for the provider.

The Test link refreshes the Connection State and Last Activity Date columns for the provider.

New Provider Table Description
Provider Type column The type of provider.This can include:
Description column Description of the provider type.
Action column Click the Add button to display the Add/Edit Provider Page for the provider type listed in the row.

A.1.6.2 Provider Information Page

The Provider Information page is used to review, edit, disable, or delete existing providers information. To access this page, click the Info link in the Action column for the row that corresponds to a provider on the Providers Page.


You can only edit, disable, or delete providers that you have created. You cannot edit, disable, or delete providers installed with the Oracle Content Server instance.
Surrounding text describes Provider Information screen.
Surrounding text describes Provider Information screen.
Element Description
Information fields Displays information about the provider. The information shown depends on the type of provider and the Oracle Content Server configuration. For a description of each field, see "Add/Edit Provider Page".
Edit button Displays the Add/Edit Provider Page for the provider. This button is not displayed for the default system providers.
Disable/Enable button Disables or enables the provider. The Oracle Content Server instance must be restarted after a provider is disabled or enabled.

This button is not displayed for the default system providers.

Delete button Deletes the provider. This button is not displayed for the default system providers.

A.1.6.3 Add/Edit Provider Page

The Add/Edit Provider page is used to create or edit a provider.

  • To access the Add Provider page, click the Add link in the row for the type of provider you want to create on the Providers Page.

  • To access the Edit Provider page, click Edit in the row for the provider type on the Provider Information Page.

The fields on the Add/Edit Provider page depend on the type of provider being created or edited:

Other providers may be listed depending on the Oracle Content Server configuration.

A.1.6.4 Outgoing Socket Provider Page

The Outgoing Socket Provider page is used to create or edit an outgoing socket provider. To access this page, click the Add link in the row for the provider type on the Providers Page, or click the Edit link in the row for the provider on the Provider Information Page.

Edit Outgoing Socket Provider screen
Element Description
Provider Name field The name of the provider, which will become a subdirectory in the IntradocDir/data/providers/ directory.
Provider Description field User-friendly description of the provider.
Provider Class field The name of the Java class for the provider. For example, intradoc.provider.SocketOutgoingProvider.
Connection Class field The name of the Java class that implements the provider connection. For example, intradoc.provider.SocketOutgoingConnection.
Configuration Class field The name of a Java class that performs some extra configuration. This class is very useful for database providers, where the connection classes are already providers.
Server Host Name field The server host name (IDC_Name) of the other Oracle Content Server instance.
HTTP Server Address field The HTTP address of the other Oracle Content Server instance. For example, intradoc:90.
Server Port field The port on which the provider communicates with the other Oracle Content Server instance.
Instance Name field The name of the other Oracle Content Server instance.
Relative Web Root field The relative web root of the other Oracle Content Server instance. For example, /_install_dir__instance_dir__2/.
Use Connection Password checkbox If selected, the target server can require a password in order to connect. The target server can allow connection through either a global proxy password or it can provide "named" password connections
Connection Password Name field Name of the connection password. The name can either be a blank value (which will select the global password) or a specific name to choose one of the target's proxied connections.
Connection Password field The connection password.
Client IP Filter field The client IP addresses that are allowed to use the connection to the target server.
Handles Inbound Refinery Conversion Jobs checkbox If selected, Inbound Refinery is used by this provider.
Inbound Refinery Read Only Mode checkbox If selected, prevents the Oracle Content Server instance from sending new conversion jobs to Inbound Refinery with this provider.
Add/Update button Saves the provider information.
Reset button Resets the provider information to the last saved values.

A.1.6.5 Database Provider Page

The Add/Edit Database Provider page is used to create or edit a database provider.


The SystemDatabase Provider uses the Oracle WebLogic Server data source, which in turn handles the actual database authentication and communication.

To access this page, click the Add link in the row for the provider type on the Providers Page, or click the Edit link in the row for the provider on the Provider Information Page.

Surrounding text describes Add Database Provider screen.
Element Description
Provider Name field The name of the provider, which will become a subdirectory in the IntradocDir/data/providers/ directory.
Provider Description field User-friendly description of the provider.
Provider Class field The name of the Java class for the provider. For example, intradoc.jdbc.JdbcWorkspace.
Connection Class field The name of the Java class that implements the provider connection. For example, intradoc.jdbc.JdbcConnection.
Configuration Class field The name of a Java class that performs some extra configuration. This class is very useful for database providers, where the connection classes are already providers.
Database Type menu The database type. Types include ORACLE, MSSQLSERVER, DB2, SYBASE.
JDBC Driver field The JDBC driver name for the database type. When the database type is selected, an appropriate driver is automatically filled.
JDBC Connection String field The JDBC connection string for the database type. When the database type is selected, an appropriate string is automatically filled.
Use Data Source checkbox When selected, this specifies that the provider use a data source.
Data Source field Specify the data source.
Test Query field The test query will be used to test the provider when the Test link on the Providers page is clicked. When the database type is selected, a test query is automatically filled. You can choose to enter a different test query.
Database Directory field The directory that contains the Oracle Content Server database information. For example, IntradocDir/database. Used only by DAO databases.
Database Name field Used only by DAO databases.
JDBC User field Your JdbcUser.
JDBC Password field Your JdbcPassword.
Number of Connections field The number of database connections the provider maintains. This is used only by JDBC databases.
Extra Storage Keys field The extra storage keys required for the connection. A system storage key is automatically filled.
Additional Settings field Any additional configuration settings for the database provider.
Add/Update button Saves the provider information.
Reset button Resets the provider information to the last saved values.

A.1.6.6 Incoming Provider Page

The Add/Edit Incoming Provider page is used to create or edit an incoming provider. To access this page, click the Add link in the row for the provider type on the Providers Page, or click the Edit link in the row for the provider on the Provider Information Page.

Surrounding text describes Add Incoming Provider screen.
Element Description
Provider Name field The name of the provider, which will become a subdirectory in the IntradocDir/data/providers/ directory.
Provider Description field User-friendly description of the provider.
Provider Class field The name of the Java class for the provider. For example, intradoc.provider.SocketIncomingProvider.
Connection Class field The name of the Java class that implements the provider connection. For example, idc.provider.SocketIncomingConnection.
Configuration Class field The name of a Java class that performs some extra configuration. This class is very useful for database providers, where the connection classes are already providers.
Server Port field The port the provider listens on for incoming connections. For example, the incoming system provider listens on port 4444 by default.
Add/Update button Saves the provider information.
Reset button Resets the provider information to the last saved values.

A.1.6.7 Preview Provider Page

The Add/Edit Preview Provider page is used to create or edit a preview provider. To access this page, click the Add link in the row for the provider type on the Providers Page, or click the Edit link in the row for the provider on the Provider Information Page.

Surrounding text describes Add Preview Provider screen.
Element Description
Provider Name field The name of the provider, which will become a subdirectory in the IntradocDir/data/providers/ directory.
Provider Description field User-friendly description of the provider.
Provider Class field The name of the Java class for the provider. For example, intradoc.provider.SocketOutgoingProvider.
Connection Class field The name of the Java class that implements the provider connection. For example, intradoc.provider.SocketOutgoingConnection.
Configuration Class field The name of a Java class that performs some extra configuration. This class is very useful for database providers, where the connection classes are already providers.
Server Host Name field The server host name of the other Oracle Content Server instance. For example, localhost.
HTTP Server Address field The HTTP address of the other Oracle Content Server instance. Use the value listed for HTTP Server on the Configuration Information page. For example, intradoc:90.
Server Port field The port on which the provider communicates with Oracle Content Publisher. Typically, this is 4441.
Add/Update button Saves the provider information.
Reset button Resets the provider information to the last saved values.

A.1.6.8 LDAP Provider Page

The Add LDAP Provider page is used to create or edit an LDAP provider and configure Oracle Content Server integration with LDAP security. To access this page, click the Add link in the row for the ldapuser provider type on the Providers Page, or click the Edit link in the row for the ldapuser provider on the Provider Information Page.


It is recommended that the JPS user provider be used with Oracle WebLogic Server. See "JPS User Provider Page".

In the following tables, the term in parentheses in the first column is the corresponding configuration setting in the IntradocDir/data/providers/provider_name/provider.hda file.

Surrrounding text describes Add LDAP Provider screen
Element Description
Provider Name field The name of the provider, which will become a subdirectory in the IntradocDir/data/providers/ directory.
Provider Description field* A user-friendly description of the provider.
Provider Class field*


The name of the Java class that implements the provider.
  • Default is intradoc.provider.LdapUserProvider.

Connection Class field


The name of the Java class that implements the connection to the LDAP server. Default is intradoc.provider.LdapConnection.
Configuration Class field


The name of a Java class that performs some extra configuration. This class is useful for database providers, where the connection classes are already providers.
Source Path field*


A unique string that identifies the LDAP provider. The first time a user requests credentials through the provider, this string is stored with the user information so it can be used to match the user with the provider next time the user asks for credentials. Try using the name of the provider as the Source Path.
LDAP Server field*


Host name of the LDAP server.
LDAP Suffix field*


The root suffix (naming context) to use for all LDAP operations (such as or dc=company,dc=com). All mapping of LDAP groups to Oracle Content Server roles and accounts will begin at this root.

Do not include spaces before or after commas.

LDAP Port field*


The port the LDAP server listens on. The default is 389. If you are using SSL, you should set this to 636.
Number of connections field


The number of LDAP server connections the provider maintains.
Connection timeout field The amount of time (in minutes) that a provider connection to the LDAP server is held open before the provider connection is closed and reopened.

For best results, set the amount of time to less than 15 minutes. If the amount of time is 15 minutes or greater, there could be a problem with the JNDI layer not holding the connection open.

Priority field


Specifies the order in which LDAP providers will be checked for the user credentials.
  • This field is used only when a user has not previously logged into the Oracle Content Server instance. If the user has previously requested credentials, the Source Path will be stored for that user, so the LDAP provider specified by the Source Path will be used.

  • Each LDAP provider in an Oracle Content Server instance must have a unique Priority number.

Credential Map field Specifies a credential map.
Use SSL checkbox


If you select this checkbox, you must have the appropriate certificates installed on the LDAP server. When SSL is initiated, the certificates will secure communication between the LDAP server and the Oracle Content Server instance.

If you use a self-signed certificate for your LDAP server and select to use SSL, you may need to add the LDAP server's certificate to the JVM trusted certificate keystore to avoid a connection error with LDAP Port 636. The basic command for importing a certificate into the JVM keystore is the following:

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -import -file 
server certificate file -alias server alias -keypass changeit -keystore
Use Group Filtering checkbox


Selected: The Role Prefix and Account Prefix definitions will be used to select the LDAP groups that will be mapped to Oracle Content Server roles and accounts.

Unselected: All LDAP groups will be mapped to Oracle Content Server roles and accounts. This is the default.

Use Full Group Names checkbox


Selected: The entire hierarchy (up to the specified prefix or naming context) for an LDAP group will be included in the mapping to a Oracle Content Server role or account.

Unselected: Only the lowest level unit of an LDAP group will be mapped to an Oracle Content Server role or account. This is the default.

Account Permissions Delimiter field


The string that separates the account names from the account permissions in an LDAP group name.
  • If an LDAP group name is mapped to an account and contains this substring, the string to the left of this substring will be the account name, and the string to the right of this substring will be the account permissions.

  • For example, if the delimiter is defined as a + (plus sign), the group name Acct1+rw would map to an account named Acct1 with Read and Write permission. If the delimiter is defined as an _ (underscore), the Acct1+rw group name would map to an account named Acct1+rw, with RWDA permission by default.

  • The default is _ (underscore).

  • This field appears only if accounts are enabled in the Oracle Content Server instance.

Default Network Roles field The default role or roles assigned to a user who enters through this provider; for example, contributor.
Default Network Accounts field


Defines the default account permissions for users who log in to the Oracle Content Server instance with LDAP credentials.
  • This must be a comma-delimited list of accounts. Do not include spaces before or after the commas that separate accounts.

  • Permissions for each account can be specified in parentheses after the account name, such as account(RWDA). If no permissions are specified, RWDA permission is granted by default.

  • The #none entry grants permission to documents that have no account assigned.

  • The #all entry grants permissions to all accounts.

  • The default is #none(RWDA).

  • This setting does not apply to anonymous users.

  • This setting defines the minimum account permissions. Account permissions defined by the external user base are added to these permissions. For example, if the default is #none(RW),Project(R), and a user's group maps to Project(RWD) permission, the user's permissions are #none(RW),Project(RWD).

  • This field appears only if accounts are enabled in the Oracle Content Server instance.

Role Prefix field The string that specifies where in the LDAP group name to start matching an Oracle Content Server role name.
Role Prefix Depth field A number that specifies how many levels the LDAP group name can contain after the Role Prefix for the group name to be considered a valid role. Placing an asterisk (*) in the depth parameter for a specific prefix ensures that the short name for any group mapped through the prefix is used.
Role Prefix Add button Adds the Role Prefix string and Depth as a clause in the Role Prefix box.
Role Prefix box


Lists the Role Prefix clauses that will be used to select LDAP groups when the Group Filtering checkbox is selected. This box can be edited directly.

Do not include spaces before or after the commas that separate units in a prefix.

Account Prefix field The string that specifies where in the LDAP group name to start matching an Oracle Content Server account name.

This field appears only if accounts are enabled in the Oracle Content Server instance.

Account Prefix Depth field A number that specifies how many levels the LDAP group name can contain after the Account Prefix for the group name to be considered a valid account.

This field appears only if accounts are enabled in the Oracle Content Server instance.

Placing an asterisk (*) in the depth parameter for a specific prefix ensures that the short name for any group mapped through the prefix is used.

Account Prefix Add button Adds the Account Prefix string and Depth as a clause in the Account Prefix box.

This button appears only if accounts are enabled in the Oracle Content Server instance.

Account Prefix box


Lists the Account Prefix clauses that will be used to select LDAP groups when the Group Filtering checkbox is selected. This box can be edited directly.

Do not include spaces before or after the commas that separate units in a prefix.

This box appears only if accounts are enabled in the Oracle Content Server instance.

LDAP Attribute field Enter an LDAP user attribute to be mapped to an Oracle Content Server user information field.
User Attribute field Select an Oracle Content Server user information field to be mapped from the LDAP Attribute field.
  • All Oracle Content Server user information fields for which you can change the value are listed.

  • Standard user information fields begin with a "d".

  • Custom user information fields begin with a "u".

User Attribute Add button Adds the LDAP Attribute and User Attribute as a colon-separated clause in the Attribute Map box.
Attribute Map box


Lists the Attribute Map clauses that will be used to map LDAP user attributes to Oracle Content Server information fields.
  • This box can be edited directly.

  • If this field is left blank, the default is:

LDAP Admin DN field


The user name that will be making calls to the LDAP server.
  • This user must have Read rights to the LDAP server.

  • If the user name is left blank, the provider will connect to the LDAP server anonymously.

Ldap Admin Password field


The password for the user that will be making calls to the LDAP server.
Add/Update button Saves the provider information.
Reset button Resets the provider information to the last saved values.

A.1.6.9 keepaliveincoming Provider Page

The Add/Edit Provider page for the keepaliveincoming function is used to create or modify a keepalive socket incoming provider. To access this page, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then select the Providers link to display the Providers Page. To access this page, click the Add link in the row for the provider type on the Providers Page, or click the Edit link in the row for the provider on the Provider Information Page.

Add Incoming Provider screen for keepalivesocket
Element Description
Provider Name field (Required) Name of the provider.
Provider Description field (Required) Description of the provider.
Provider Class field (Required) Name of the Java class for the provider. For example: idc.provider.ExtendedSocketIncomingProvider
Connection Class field Name of the Java class that implements the provider connection. For example: idc.provider.KeepaliveSocketIncomingConnection
Configuration Class field Name of a Java class that performs some extra configuration. This class is very useful for database providers, where the connection classes are already providers.
Server Thread Class field Name of the Java class for keepalive server threads. For example: idc.provider.KeepaliveIdcServerThread
Server Port field (Required) Port the provider listens on for incoming connections. For example, the incoming system provider for Universal Content Management listens on port 4444 by default.
Add/Update button Saves the provider information.
Reset button Resets the provider information to the last saved valued.

A.1.6.10 keepaliveoutgoing Provider Page

The Add/Edit Outgoing Socket Provider page for the keepaliveoutgoing function is used to create or modify a keepalive socket outgoing provider. To access this page, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then select the Providers link to display the Providers Page. To access this page, click the Add link in the row for the provider type on the Providers Page, or click the Edit link in the row for the provider on the Provider Information Page. The Outgoing Socket Provider Page is displayed. Use that page to specify the keepaliveoutgoing parameters.

The following two images show the entire keepaliveoutgoing provider page.

Add Outgoing Provider screen for keepalivesocket
Element Description
Provider Name field (Required) Name of the provider.
Provider Description field (Required) Description of the provider.
Provider Class field (Required) Name of the Java class for the provider. For example: idc.provider.KeepaliveSocketOutgoingProvider
Connection Class field Name of the Java class that implements the provider connection. For example: idc.provider.KeepaliveSocketOutgoingConnection
Configuration Class field Name of a Java class that performs some extra configuration.
Request Class field Name of the Java class that implements the server request. For example: idc.provider.KeepaliveServerRequest
Number of Connections field Maximum number of connections. For example, 3.
Server Host Name field (Required) Server host name of the other Oracle Content Server instance. For example, localhost.
HTTP Server Address field HTTP address of the other Oracle Content Server instance.
Server Port field (Required) Port on which the provider communicates with the other Oracle Content Server instance.
Instance Name field (Required) Name of the other Oracle Content Server instance.
Relative Web Root field (Required) Relative web root of the other Oracle Content Server instance.
Use Connection Password checkbox If selected, the target server can require a password in order to connect. The target server allows connection through either a global proxy password or it can provide "named" password connections.
Connection Password Name field The connection password name. The name can either be a blank value (which will select the global password) or a specific name to choose one of the target's proxied connections.
Connection Password field The connection password.
Client IP Filter field The possible client IP addresses who can use this connection to the target.
Conversion options Select the appropriate options if the provider uses Inbound Refinery.
Add button Saves the provider information.
Reset button Resets the provider information to the last saved values.

A.1.6.11 sslincoming Provider Page

The Add/Edit Incoming Provider page for the sslincoming function enables administrators to create or modify a SSL socket incoming provider. To access the page, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then select the Providers link to display the Providers Page. To access this page, click the Add link in the row for the provider type on the Providers Page, or click the Edit link in the row for the provider on the Provider Information Page.

Add Incoming Provider screen for keepalivesocket
Element Description
Provider Name field (Required) Name of the provider.
Provider Description field (Required) Description of the provider.
Provider Class field (Required) Name of the Java class for the provider. For example: idc.provider.ssl.SSLSocketIncomingProvider
Connection Class field Name of the Java class that implements the provider connection. For example: idc.provider.KeepaliveSocketIncomingConnection
Configuration Class field Name of a Java class that performs some extra configuration. This class is very useful for database providers, where the connection classes are already providers
Server Thread field Name of the server thread for incoming connections. For example: idc.provider.KeepaliveIdcServerThread
Server Port field (Required) Port the provider listens on for incoming connections. For example, the incoming system provider listens on port 4444 by default.
Request Client Authentication checkbox Enable this option if you want the provider to request client authentication from the incoming connection.
Require Client Authentication checkbox Enable this option if you want the provider to require client authentication from the incoming connection.
Keystore File Path field and Use Default checkbox The keystore file path. To use the default keystore file path, select the Use Default checkbox.
Keystore Password field The keystore password.
Alias field The alias name.
Alias Password field The alias password.
Truststore File Path field The truststore file path. To use the default truststore file path, select the Use Default checkbox.
Truststore Password The truststore password.
Add button Saves the provider information.
Reset button Resets the provider information to the last saved values.

A.1.6.12 ssloutgoing Provider Page

The Add/Edit Outgoing Socket Provider page for the ssloutgoing function enables administrators to create or modify a SSL socket outgoing provider. To access the page, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then select the Providers link to display the Providers Page. To access this page, click the Add link in the row for the provider type on the Providers Page, or click the Edit link in the row for the provider on the Provider Information Page.

Add Outgoing Socket Provider screen for keepalivesocket
Element Description
Provider Name field (Required) Name of the provider.
Provider Description field (Required) Description of the provider
Provider Class field (Required) Name of the Java class for the provider. For example: idc.provider.KeepaliveSocketOutgoingProvider
Connection Class field Name of the Java class that implements the provider connection. For example: idc.provider.KeepaliveSocketOutgoingConnection
Configuration Class field Name of a Java class that performs some extra configuration.
Request Class field Name of the Java class that implements the server request. For example: idc.provider.KeepaliveServerRequest
Number of Connections field Maximum number of connections. For example, 3.
Server Host Name field (Required) Server host name of the other Oracle Content Server instance. For example, localhost.
HTTP Server Address field HTTP address of the other Oracle Content Server instance.
Server Port field (Required) Port on which the provider communicates with the other Oracle Content Server instance.
Instance Name field (Required) Name of the other Oracle Content Server instance.
Relative Web Root field (Required) Relative web root of the other Oracle Content Server instance.
Keystore File Path field and Use Default checkbox The keystore file path. To use the default keystore file path, select the Use Default checkbox.
Keystore Password field The keystore password.
Alias field The alias name.
Alias Password field The alias password.
Truststore File Path field The truststore file path. To use the default truststore file path, select the Use Default checkbox.
Truststore Password The truststore password.
Use Connection Password checkbox Select this checkbox if the target server requires a password to allow the connection.
Connection Password Name field The target server may provide named password connections. A blank value selects the global password. A specific name chooses one of the target's proxied connections.
Connection Password field The connection password.
Client IP Filter field Enter the possible client IP addresses who can use this connection to the target. The wild card symbols * = match 0 or many and | = match either or can be used to match more then one potential client.
Conversion options Select the appropriate option to have the provider use Inbound Refinery.
  • Handles Inbound Refinery Conversion Jobs: Select only if this provider is an Inbound Refinery.

  • Inbound Refinery Read Only Mode: Select this option to prevent this Oracle Content Server instance from sending new conversion jobs to this Inbound Refinery.

Add button Saves the provider information.
Reset button Resets the provider information to the last saved values.

A.1.6.13 JPS User Provider Page

The Add/Edit JPS User Provider page is used to create or edit a user provider which integrates with Oracle JPS. To access this page, click the Add link in the row for the jpsuser type on the Providers Page, or click the Edit link in the row for the provider on the Provider Information Page.

Surrounding text describes JpsUserProvider screen.
Element Description
Provider Name field The name of the provider, which will become a subdirectory in the IntradocDir/data/providers/ directory.
Provider Description field A user-friendly description of the provider.
Provider Class field The name of the Java class that implements the provider.
Connection Class field The name of the Java class that implements the connection to the LDAP server.
Configuration Class field The name of a Java class that performs some extra configuration. This class is useful for database providers, where the connection classes are already providers.
Source Path field A unique string that identifies the provider. The first time a user requests credentials through the provider, this string is stored with the user information so it can be used to match the user with the provider the next time the user asks for credentials. Try using the name of the provider as the Source Path.
JPS Context field Host name of the Oracle JPS server.
JPS Attributes list Select a JPS attribute to be mapped to an Oracle Content Server user information field.
User Attribute list Select an Oracle Content Server user information field to be mapped from the JPS attributes field.
  • All Oracle Content Server user information fields for which you can change the value are listed.

  • Standard user information fields begin with a "d".

  • Custom user information fields begin with a "u".

User Attribute Add button Adds the JPS Attribute and User Attribute as a colon-separated clause in the Attribute Map box.
Attribute Map box Lists the Attribute Map clauses that will be used to map user attributes to Oracle Content Server information fields.
  • This box can be edited directly.

  • If this field is left blank, the default is:

Default Network Roles field The default role or roles assigned to a user who enters through this provider. For example, contributor or guest.
Account Permissions Delimiter field  
Default Network Accounts field The default network accounts accessed through this provider. The default value is #none
Account Prefix field The prefix used for accounts accessed through this provider. The default is @ (the "at" sign).
Add/Update button Saves the provider information.
Reset button Resets the provider information to the last saved values.

A.1.6.14 Outgoing Http Provider Page

The Add/Edit Outgoing Http Provider page enables an administrator to add an httpoutgoing provider on the master Oracle Content Server instance. To access this page, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then click Providers. On the Providers Page, click the Add link in the row for the provider type, or on the Provider Information Page, click the Edit link in the row for the provider.

Text describes Edit Outgoing Http Provider screen
Element Description
Provider Name field* The name of the provider.
Provider Description field* A user-friendly description of the provider.
Provider Class field* The name of the Java class for the provider. For example: proxyconnections.HttpOutgoingProvider
Connection Class field The name of the Java class that implements the provider connection. For example: proxyconnections.HttpOutgoingConnection
Configuration Class field The name of a Java class that performs some extra configuration. Leave this blank.
CGI URL field* The URL for the proxy server.
Instance Name field* The instance name of the proxy Oracle Content Server instance.
Relative Web Root field* The relative web root of the Oracle Content Server instance.
Connection Password Name field The name of a password connection (this can be an existing name or a name for a password connection that you will create on the proxy server). The name must specify one of the target master server's proxied connections. The target server requires a named password.
Connection Password field The password for the named password connection.
Client IP Filter field The client IP address or addresses that can use this connection to the target server.
Conversion Options Specify conversion options for Inbound Refinery. Enter the number of jobs allowed in the pre-converted queue. The default is 100.
  • Handles Inbound Refinery Conversion Jobs: Select this checkbox to prevent the Oracle Content Server instance from sending new conversion jobs to this Inbound Refinery. This Inbound Refinery returns conversion jobs as the jobs are finished.

  • Inbound Refinery Read Only Mode: Select this checkbox to prevent this Oracle Content Server instance from sending new conversion jobs to this Inbound Refinery.

Add button Saves the provider information.
Reset button Resets the provider information to the last saved values.

A.1.7 Batch Loader Interface

The following screens are used in batch loading operations:

A.1.7.1 Batch Loader Screen

The Batch Loader application is an administration application that is used to batch load files in the Oracle Content Server instance. To access this screen, follow the instructions for running administration applications in standalone mode.

Surrounding text describes Batch Loader screen.
Element Description
Options menu Save Configuration: Saves the current Batch Loader settings in the DomainHome/ucm/cs/bin/intradoc.cfg file.

Build Batch File: Displays the BatchBuilder Screen.

Exit: Closes the Batch Loader screen.

Help menu Contents: Displays the Oracle Content Server online help.

About Content Server: Displays version, build, and copyright information for the Oracle Content Server instance.

Batch Load File field The path and file name of the batch load file. If settings have not been saved to the intradoc.cfg file, the default is IntradocDir/samples/Batchloader/batchinsert.txt.
Browse button Enables you to navigate to and select the batch load file.
Maximum errors allowed field The number of errors after which the Batch Loader stops processing records from the batch load file. The default is 50.

If you plan to run the Batch Loader with a large number of files overnight, consider increasing this number so that the process does not stop prematurely.

If you are monitoring the Batch Loader closely, consider decreasing this number so you are notified of errors as they occur.

Clean up files after successful check in checkbox Deletes each file from the hard drive after it is successfully checked in or updated.
Enable error file for failed revision classes checkbox Creates a text file containing the file records that failed during batch loading. You can fix the errors in this content and rerun it as the batch load file.
Progress bar Displays the progress of the batch loading process.
Load Batch File button Starts the batch loading process.

A.1.7.2 BatchBuilder Screen

The BatchBuilder screen is used to create a batch load file. To access this screen, on the Batch Loader Screen select the Options menu, then Build Batch File.

Surrounding text describes Batch Builder screen.
Element Required? Description
Options: Save Configuration N/A Saves the current BatchBuilder settings in the DomainHome/ucm/cs/bin/intradoc.cfg file.
Options: Load Batch Loader N/A Displays the Batch Loader Screen.
Directory field Yes Enter the directory that contains the content to be included in the batch load file. All files in sub-directories of this directory will also be included in the batch load file.
Batch Load File field Yes Enter the path and file name of the batch load file to be created. If you enter the name of an existing file, the file will be replaced by the new batch load file.
Browse button N/A Enables you to navigate to and select the folder and enter a file name for the batch load file.
Mapping list Yes Select the mapping file to be used to specify metadata values.
Edit button N/A Displays the BatchBuilder Mapping List Screen.
File Filter field and Exclude Filter checkbox No Enter files to be included or excluded from the batch load file.

If this field is blank, all files in the specified directory and sub-directories are included.

If files are specified in this field and the Exclude Filter checkbox is unselected, only the specified files are included in the batch load file.

If files are specified in this field and the Exclude Filter checkbox is selected, all files except the specified files are included in the batch load file.

Whole file names or file extensions can be specified.

Separate file names and extensions with a comma.

Extensions can be entered as *.ext, .ext, or ext.

Build button N/A Creates a batch load file using the specified parameters.

A.1.7.3 BatchBuilder Mapping List Screen

The BatchBuilder Mapping List screen is used to create a mapping list for the batch load file. To access this screen, on the BatchBuilder Screen click Edit next to the Mapping field.

BatchBuilder Mapping List screen
Element Description
Name column Lists the available mapping files.
Description column Short description of each mapping file.
Add button Displays the Add BatchBuilder Mapping Screen.
Edit button Displays the Edit BatchBuilder Mapping Screen.
Delete button Deletes the selected mapping file.
Close button Closes the BatchBuilder Mapping List screen.

A.1.7.4 Add BatchBuilder Mapping Screen

The Add BatchBuilder Mapping screen is used to name a new mapping file. To access this screen, on the BatchBuilder Mapping List Screen click Add.

Add BatchBuilder Mapping screen
Element Description
Name field Unique name for the mapping file. Maximum field length is 30 characters. The following are not acceptable: spaces, tabs, linefeeds, carriage returns, and ; ^ ? : @ & + " # % < * ~ |
Description field Short description of the mapping file.
OK button Displays the Edit BatchBuilder Mapping Screen.
Cancel button Closes the Add BatchBuilder Mapping screen without creating a new mapping file.

A.1.7.5 Edit BatchBuilder Mapping Screen

The Edit BatchBuilder Mapping screen is used to edit a mapping file. To access this screen, do one of the following:

Edit BatchBuilder Mapping screen
Element Description
Description field Short description of the mapping file.
Field column Lists metadata fields that have values defined in the mapping file.
Value column Shows the values that will be assigned to the metadata fields in the batch load file.
Add button Displays the Add/Edit BatchBuilder Mapping Field Screen.
Edit button Displays the Add/Edit BatchBuilder Mapping Field Screen.
Delete button Deletes the selected metadata field from the mapping file.
OK button Saves the current settings in the mapping file.
Cancel button Closes the Edit BatchBuilder Mapping screen without applying any changes.

A.1.7.6 Add/Edit BatchBuilder Mapping Field Screen

The Add/Edit BatchBuilder Mapping Field screen is used to define the mapping value for a metadata field. To access this screen, click Add or Edit on the Edit BatchBuilder Mapping Screen.

Add BatchBuilder Mapping Field screen
Element Description
Field field Enter the name of the metadata field to be defined, such as dDocType or xComments.
Value Enter the value to be used in the batch load file. You can type directly in this field or insert predefined variables from the column to the right.
<< button Inserts the variable selected from the right column into the Value field.
Variable column Lists predefined variables you can use as values in the batch load file.
OK button Applies the field and value settings to the mapping file.
Cancel button Closes the Add/Edit BatchBuilder Mapping Field screen without applying any changes.

A.1.8 Content Server Analyzer Interface

The following screens are used to confirm the integrity of the Oracle Content Server repository components, including the file system, database, and search index. It can also assist system administrators in repairing some problems that are detected in the repository components.

The Content Server Analyzer contains two tabs:

The method to start the Content Server Analyzer depends on the operating system:

  • (Windows) Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle Content Server, then instance_name, then Content Server Analyzer.

  • (UNIX/Linux) Change to the DomainHome/ucm/cs/bin directory and run the Content Server Analyzer program.

Surrounding text describes Content Server Analyzer screen.

A.1.8.1 Content Server Analyzer: Configuration Tab

The Configuration tab of the Content Server Analyzer Configuration table is used to configure analysis options and specify a customized logging directory structure:

Option Description
Check database Performs all checks on the database, ensures the integrity of the database columns, and confirms the consistency of data between the DocMeta, Revision, and Documents tables.
Check RevClassIDs Ensures the accurate data synchronization between the dRevClassID and dDocName tables.
Clean database Removes inconsistent rows from the database. Extra entries in the DocMeta table are deleted, inadequately defined entries in the Document table are deleted, and entries without a corresponding reference in the Revisions table are deleted.
Check search index Analyzes the search index to ensure its integrity and checks for duplicate data records for indexed documents and any documents that might be missing from the search collection.
Clean search index Re-indexes the search index and replaces missing data records of any omitted documents.
Check file system Analyzes the file system (weblayout and vault file repositories) to ensure all necessary files are present.
Delete Permanently deletes extra files that were found during the file system analysis.
Safe delete Creates a safe delete directory in the logs/ directory and copies the extra files that were found during the file system analysis into this directory.
Check for extra files Identifies any possible extra files that might be in the file system.
Generate report Uses the console window to report statistics about the content items in the repository. It includes information pertaining to the status, release and processing states of content items in the file system and provides prior and current totals. Progress and error messages are also logged to the console window.
Range Specifies the first and last of the criteria analyze.
Log Directory The default directory used by Content Server Analyzer is DomainHome/ucm/cs/bin/logs/. Optionally, you can also enter a custom directory name. If the Safe delete option is selected, the files are moved to this directory.

A.1.8.2 Content Server Analyzer: Progress Tab

The Progress tab of the Content Server Analyzer displays the progress of the analysis processes and all generated information. To access this tab, click the tab on the Content Server Analyzer application, or click Start Analysis on the Content Server Analyzer application.

Element Description
Task progress bar Displays the combined progress of the specific analysis tasks selected on the Configuration tab.
Overall progress bar Displays the overall progress of the analysis process.
Console area Area that displays the information collected and summarized during the analysis processes. Displays applicable information for each selected option. Also displays progress and error messages generated during the analysis processes.
Start Analysis button Starts the Oracle Content Server analysis.

A.1.9 Error and Status Information Interface

This section includes user interface illustrations and reference descriptions for error and status information.

A.1.9.1 Content Server Logs Screen

Oracle Content Server log files are listed by date and time. One file is generated for each day. Entries are added to the file throughout the day as events occur. To access this screen, select Administration then Log Files from the portal navigation bar, then select Content Server Logs. To access a specific log file, click a log date and time link on the page.

Log Files for Content Server screen
Content Server Log File screen
Element Description
Type column Displays the type of log file entry:
  • Info: Displays basic status information.

  • Error: Displays errors that occur but do not stop the software from functioning.

  • Fatal: Displays errors that stop the software from functioning.

Time column Displays the date and time of the log file entry.
Description column Displays information about the log file entry. The level of detail depends on the type of entry.

A.1.9.2 Archiver Log Screen

Archiver log files show information about imports, exports, and replications. The log files are listed by date and time. One file is generated for each day. Entries are added to the file throughout the day as events occur To access this screen, select Administration then Log Files from the portal navigation bar, then select Archiver Logs.

Surrounding text describes Log Files for Archiver screen.
Surrounding text describes Archiver Log File screen.
Element Description
Type column Displays the type of log file entry:
  • Info: Displays basic status information.

  • Error: Displays errors that occur but do not stop the software from functioning.

  • Fatal: Displays errors that stop the software from functioning.

Time column Displays the date and time of the log file entry.
Description column Displays information about the log file entry. The level of detail depends on the type of entry.

A.1.9.3 Database Log Screen

Database log files are listed by date and time. One file is generated for each day. Entries are added to the file throughout the day as events occur. To access this screen, select Administration from the portal navigation bar, then Log Files, then Database Logs. To access a specific log file, click a log date and time link on the page.

Surrounding text describes Log Files for Database screen.
Surrounding text describes Database Log File screen.
Element Description
Type column Displays the type of log file entry:
  • Info: Displays basic status information.

  • Error: Displays errors that occur but do not stop the software from functioning.

  • Fatal: Displays errors that stop the software from functioning.

Time column Displays the date and time of the log file entry.
Description column Displays information about the log file entry. For more information, click Details.

A.1.9.4 Configuration Information Page

The Configuration Information Page provides configuration details for the Oracle Content Server instance. To access this page, click Administration in the portal navigation bar, then click Configuration for instance.

Surrounding text describes Configuration Information screen
Element Description
Server Name Name of the server on which the Oracle Content Server instance is deployed. Click Server Configurations to view Build, OS Name, Instance Name, Server Port, HTTP Web Root, and other server information.
Version Release and build numbers for the Oracle Content Server software.
ClassLoader Type of Classloader. Click Classpath Details to view load order and classpath.
Instance Directory Path of the install directory for the Oracle Content Server instance. For more information, click Directory Details.
Database Type Name of the type of database configured for use by the Oracle Content Server instance. For more information, click Database Connection Details.
Database Version Version number and type for the database configured for use by the Oracle Content Server instance.
HTTP Server Address Address for the HTTP server for the Oracle Content Server instance. For more information, click Internet Configurations.
Mail Server Specific name for the Oracle Content Server mail server (
Search Engine Name Name of the search engine configured for use with the Oracle Content Server instance.
Index Engine Name Name of the index engine configured for use with the Oracle Content Server instance.
Number of Installed Features Number of features installed on the Oracle Content Server instance. Click Feature Details to view feature names, versions, levels, and associated component names.
Number of Enabled Components Number of components enabled on the Oracle Content Server instance. Click Enabled Component Details to view component names, versions, locations, featured extensions, additional components, classpath, and libpath.

When details are displayed, click Configure for a specific component to modify configuration settings (if supported).

Number of Disabled Components Number of components disabled on the Oracle Content Server instance. Click Disabled Component Details to view component names, versions, locations, featured extensions, additional components, classpath, and libpath.
Auto Number Prefix Automatically generated prefix number. For more information, click Server Options.
Use Accounts If using accounts on the Oracle Content Server instance, then set to True. If not using accounts, then set to False.
Ntlm Security Enabled If Ntlm security is enabled, then set to True. If Ntlm security is disabled, then set to False.
Allow get copy for user with read privilege If users with Read privilege can get a copy of a content item, then set to True. If users with Read privilege can not get a copy of a content item, then set to False. For more information, click Content Security Details.
Allow only original contribute to check out If only the original contributor (user) can check out a content item, then set to True. If users besides the original contributor can check out a content item, then set to False.
Java Version Number of the Java software version used with the Oracle Content Server instance. For more information, click Java Properties.

A.1.9.5 System Audit Information Page

The System Audit Information page provides audit details for the Oracle Content Server instance. To access this page, click Administration in the portal navigation bar, then click System Audit Information.

Surrounding text describes System Audit Information screen.
Surrounding text describes System Audit Information screen.
Element Description
General Information area Provides the following information:
  • Amount of time the Oracle Content Server instance has been up and running.

  • Number of service requests processed, and whether the system is handling services requests successfully.

  • Total JVM memory capacity, and total JVM available memory. For more information, click Memory Details.

  • Total number of threads. For more information, click Thread Details.

  • Total number of active database connections. For more information, click Database Connection Details.

  • Total number of audit messages.

Localization Information area Provides the following information:
  • Number for the string key count.

  • Whether the localization system is using string index.

  • Number for the localization test run time.

  • Number for localization test lookups per second.

Tracing Sections Information area Provides the following information and options:
  • Full Verbose Tracing checkbox. Select to implement full verbose tracing.

  • Save checkbox. Select to save the tracing information.

  • Active Sections field, in which to specify the active sections to trace.

  • Event Trap Text field, in which to specify what text to trap in the trace.

  • Add Thread Dump checkbox. Select to add a thread dump to the trace.

  • Update button to capture the selections made in this area.

  • Reset button to clear the selections made in this area.

Cache Information area Provides the following information:
  • Number of permanently loaded pages and resource files.

  • Number at which cache is temporarily capped.

  • Whether any temporary items are loaded.

  • Total number of distinct search queries being executed. For more information, click Search Cache Details.

  • Total number of items in cache.

  • Total number of items stored in schema cache. For more information, click Schema Cache Details.

  • Number of bytes used out of number permitted.

  • Buffer Cache Summary. For more information, click Buffer Pool Details.

Configuration Entry Information area Provides the following information:
  • Number of environment keys. For details, click Show.

  • Number of overwritten config values. For details, click Show.

  • Number of ignored settings. For details, click Show.

  • Number of removed settings. For details, click Show.

Component Report area Lists server components by name. For details, click the name of a component. Details include a component's location, version number, and status.

A.1.9.6 Scheduled Jobs Administration Interface

The following screens are used in monitoring scheduled jobs run by system components in the Oracle Content Server instance.

A. Active Scheduled Jobs Screen

This screen enables administrators to view active scheduled jobs run by system components in the Oracle Content Server instance. To access this screen, select Administration from the portal navigation bar, then expand Scheduled Jobs Administration, then click Active Scheduled Jobs.

Surrounding text describes Active Scheduled Jobs screen.
Element Description
Job Name column Name of the active job.
Job Description column Describes the purpose of the active job.
Processed column Date and time the job was processed or started processing.
Status column Current status of a job. To display a brief description of the status represented by each icon, move the cursor over the icon.
  • High priority

  • Inactive

  • Repeat

  • Short

Actions column Use the Actions menu to perform the following actions on a job:
  • Info

  • Edit

  • Cancel

  • Delete

Use the Info icon to display the Job Information page.

A. Scheduled Jobs History Screen

This screen enables administrators to view scheduled jobs history run by system components in the Oracle Content Server instance. To access this screen, select Administration from the portal navigation bar, then expand Scheduled Jobs Administration, then click Scheduled Jobs History.

Surrounding text describes Scheduled Jobs History screen.
Element Description
Job Name column Name of the scheduled job.
Job Description column Description of the purpose of a job.
Last Processed column Date and time the job was last processed.
Last Status column Last status of a job: Succeeded, Failed.
Actions column Use the Info icon to display the Scheduled Jobs Information page.

A. Scheduled Jobs Information Screen

This screen enables administrators to view information about a scheduled job run by a system component in the Oracle Content Server instance. To access this screen, select Administration from the portal navigation bar, then expand Scheduled Jobs Administration. Select either the Active Scheduled Jobs Screen or the Scheduled Jobs History Screen and click the Info Icon to view jobs information. To display a Scheduled Jobs Information screen that can be edited, select Edit from the Actions menu on the Active Scheduled Jobs Screen.

Surrounding text describes Job Information Page.
Element Description
Name field Name of the scheduled job.
Description field Description of the scheduled job.
Category field Category of the scheduled job.
Exception Parent Job field This field can not be edited. If there is no exception parent job, nothing is displayed.
Initial User field Type of user that owns the scheduled job.
Queue Type field Type of queue: short, or long.
Type field Type of schedule: Immediate, Once, Repeat.
State field Current state of the scheduled job.
Priority field Priority number for the scheduled job.
Interval field Interval specified for the scheduled job to be processed: one hour, two hours, one day, one week.
Start Token field Token that triggers the schedule job to start processing.
Progress field The progress of the scheduled job.
Create Date field Date and time the scheduled job was created.
Update Date field Date and time the scheduled job was updated.
Process Date field Date and time the scheduled job was processed.
Last Processed Date field Date and time the scheduled job was last processed.
Last Processed Status field Status when the scheduled job was last processed.
Update button Updates the screen settings with edited changes.
Reset button Resets the screen settings to the original display.

A.1.9.7 Environment Packager Page

The Environment Packager is a diagnostic tool that creates a zip file of the desired state directories, log files, and other component and resource directories. To access this page, click Administration on the portal navigation bar, then click Environment Packager.

Surrounding text describes Environment Packager screen.
Element Description
Unix 'etc' Log Directory checkbox Select this box to include Unix 'etc' log directory information in the zip file.
Server Data State Directory checkbox Select this box to include the server data State directory information in the zip file.
Search Engine State Directory checkbox Select this box to include the search engine State directory information in the zip file.
Schema Resources Directory checkbox Select this box to include the schedule resources directory information in the zip file.
Content Server Logs checkbox Select this box to include Oracle Content Server log information in the zip file.
Archiver Logs checkbox Select this box to include Archiver log information in the zip file.
Verity Logs checkbox Select this box to include Verity log information in the zip file.
Database Logs checkbox Select this box to include database log information in the zip file.
Custom Components Directory checkboxes Select All Files to include the custom component directory in the zip file. Select Digests Only to include just the digests for the custom component directory in the zip file.
Classes Directory checkboxes Select All Files to include all Classes directory files in the zip file. Select Digests Only to include just the digests for the classes directory in the zip file.
Weblayout Common Directory for Applets checkboxes Select All Files to include all weblayout common directory for applets files in the zip file. Select Digests Only to include just the digests for the weblayout common directory for apples files in the zip file.
Layout and Skin Web Resources checkboxes Select All Files to include Layout and Skin Web resources in the zip file. Select Digests Only to include just the digests for layout and skin Web resources in the zip file.
wwResourcesDir checkboxes Select All Files to include wwResourcesDir in the zip file. Select Digests Only to include just the digests for wwResourcesDir in the zip file.
Start Packaging button Starts the environment packaging process for the selected items.
Reset button Resets the selected items to their default settings.

A.2 Security and User Access Interface

This section includes user interface illustrations and reference descriptions for managing security and user access.

A.2.1 Security Administration Interface

The following are the main screens used when managing security:

A.2.1.1 User Admin Screen

The User Admin application is an administration application used to set up and manage users, security groups, and accounts. You can run this application by accessing it using the browser interface or in standalone mode.

To access this screen, click Administration, then Admin Applets, then User Admin.

If you run the User Admin application by accessing it in standalone mode, it might cause ADSI authenticated users to lose their credentials.

Surrounding text describes User Admin screen.
Element Description
Options menu Tracing: Opens the Tracing Configuration screen, from which you can perform features related to system-wide tracing.

Exit: Closes the User Admin application.

Security menu Displays options to set:

Permissions by Group: Displays the Permissions By Group Screen.

Permissions by Role: Displays the Permissions By Role Screen.

Predefined Accounts: Displays the Predefined Accounts Screen. This option is available only if accounts are enabled.

Apps menu Used to open other administration applications. The other applications open in the same mode (applet or standalone) as the current application.
Help menu Contents: Displays the Oracle Content Server online help.

About Content Server: Displays version, build, and copyright information for the Oracle Content Server instance.

Users tab Used to add, edit, and delete user logins. See User Admin Screen: Users Tab.
Aliases tab Used to add, edit, and delete user aliases. See User Admin Screen: Aliases Tab.
Information Fields tab Used to add, edit, and delete user information fields. See User Admin Screen: Information Fields Tab.

A.2.1.2 Define Filter Screen

The Define Filter screen is used to narrow the list of information that is displayed on several administration application screens. The Define Filter screen displays a series of fields that are applicable to the administration application screen. Check the box next to the field to activate that field as a filter.

This screen can be accessed from a variety of other administration screens. For example, a Define Filter button is displayed on the Users tab part of the User Admin screen.

Surrounding text describes Define Filter screen.
Element Description
checkboxes Select one or more checkboxes to activate the filter fields.
Fields The Users list on the original screen will be filtered based on the criteria entered. The following wildcards can be used in these fields:
  • With MS Access or MSDE:

    * = one or more characters

    ? = single character

  • With all other databases:

    % = one or more characters

    _ = single character

User Name field The user login.
Full Name field The full name that corresponds to the user login.
User Type field An attribute defined by the system administrator as a way to classify users.
Auth Type field User authorization type, either Local, Global or External.
E-Mail Address field The e-mail address associated with the user. This is used for workflow and subscription notifications.
User Locale field The user's locale, which specifies the language of the user interface and date/time format.
Organization field The user's Organization Path value, which can be defined by the system administrator as a way of classifying global users.
Source field The LDAP user provider used to retrieve user information. Also, this field specifies if the user came from an NTLM or ADSI integration with the value: MSN.
Custom fields Any custom user information fields will be available as filter fields.

A.2.1.3 Show Columns Screen

The Show Columns screen is used to specify the columns that are displayed on several administration application screens. The Show Columns screen displays a series of fields that are applicable to the administration application screens. Check the box next to a field to have that field displayed as a column in the administration screens.

This screen can be accessed from a variety of other administration screens. For example, a Show Columns button is displayed on the Users tab part of the User Admin screen.

Surrounding text describes Show Columns screen.
Element Description
Show Columns checkboxes Selected: The field is displayed in the Users list on the original screen.

Unselected: The field is not displayed on the Users list.

For field descriptions, see the Define Filter Screen.

Save Settings checkbox Selected: The column settings are applied every time the original screen is displayed.

Unselected: The column settings apply only until the original screen is closed.0

A.2.2 Groups, Roles, and Permissions Interface

The following screens are used when creating groups and roles and establishing permissions:

A.2.2.1 Permissions By Group Screen

The Permissions By Group screen is used to add security groups, delete security groups, and edit permissions associated with existing security groups. To access this screen, select Security, and then Permissions by Group in the User Admin Screen.

Surrounding text describes Permissions By Group screen.


Security Group names cannot contain square brackets. This is due to limitations in the search engine technology.
Element Description
Groups list Lists existing security groups
Roles list Lists the roles associated with existing security groups.
Edit Permissions button Enables you to edit permissions for the security group.
Add Group button Displays the Add New Group Screen.
Delete Group button Enables you to delete an existing security group. (You will not be able to delete a security group if content still exists in that security group.)

A.2.2.2 Add New Group Screen

The Add New Group screen is used to define the name and description for a new security group. To access this screen, click Add Group on the Permissions By Group Screen.

Surrounding text describes Add New Group screen.
Element Description
Group Name field
  • The Group Name is limited to 30 characters.
  • The following characters are not allowed: spaces, tabs, linefeeds, returns, and ; : ^ ? & + " # % < * ~ |

  • Uppercase accented letters are not allowed; lowercase accented letters are acceptable. (For example, Älvdalsån will not work, but älvdalsån will.)

Description field A brief description of the security group.
  • The Description is limited to 80 characters.

  • This field is displayed only in the User Admin Screen.

A.2.2.3 Permissions By Role Screen

The Permissions By Role screen is used to add roles, delete roles, and edit rights and permissions associated with roles. To access this screen, click Security then Permissions by Role from the main menu on the User Admin Screen.

Surrounding text describes Permissions by Role screen.
Element Description
Roles list Lists existing roles.
Groups/Rights list Lists the security groups and the rights associated with the selected role.
Edit Permissions button Enables you to edit permissions for a security group and role. This button is available when you select a role and a group/right.
Edit Applet Rights button Enables you to edit rights for the role. This button is available when you select a role.
Add New Role button Displays the Add New Role Screen, on which you can set up a new role for users. Add the role name, and click OK.
Delete Role button Enables you to delete the selected role. (You will not be able to delete a role if any users are assigned to that role.)

A.2.2.4 Add New Role Screen

The Add New Role screen is used to define the name of a new role. To access this screen, click Add New Role on the Permissions By Role Screen.

Surrounding text describes Add New Role screen.
Element Description
Role Name field
  • The Role Name is limited to 30 characters.
  • The following characters are not allowed: spaces, tabs, linefeeds, returns, and ; : ^ ? & + " # % < * ~ |

  • Initially, a role is assigned Read (R) permission to the Public security group and no permissions to any other security groups.

A.2.2.5 Edit Permissions Screen

The Edit Permission screen is used to change permissions to a specific security group for a specific role. To access this screen, do one of the following:

Surrounding text describes Edit Permissions screen.
Element Description
Read checkbox Allows users to view files.
Write checkbox Allows users to view, check in, check out, and obtain a copy of files.
Delete checkbox Allows users to view, check in, check out, get a copy, and delete files.
Admin checkbox Allows users to view, check in, check out, get a copy, and delete files, and check in files for other users. In addition, if the user has Workflow rights, they can start or edit a workflow.

A.2.3 Accounts Interface

The following screens are used when adding accounts.

A.2.3.1 Predefined Accounts Screen

The Predefined Accounts screen is used to add and delete predefined accounts. This screen is available only when Accounts are enabled on the system. To access this screen, select Security, and then Predefined Accounts in the User Admin Screen.

Surrounding text describes Predefined Accounts screen.
Element Description
Predefined Accounts list Shows the predefined accounts.
Add button Displays the Enabling Accounts.
Delete button Deletes the selected account.

You can delete an account even if content with that account still exists. The account value will remain assigned to the content item, but will be considered a user-defined account.

A.2.3.2 Add New Predefined Account Screen

The Add New Predefined Account screen is used to name a new predefined account. To access this screen, click Add on the Predefined Accounts Screen.

Add New Predefined Account screen
Element Description
Predefined Account field Enter the name of the account to be added. Keep the names short and consistent. For example, set up all of your accounts with a three-letter abbreviation by location or department (MSP, NYC, and so no). Account names can be no longer than 30 characters, and the following are not acceptable: spaces, tabs, linefeeds, carriage returns, and the symbols: ; ^ ? : & + " # % < > * ~.

A.2.3.3 Add/Edit Account Permissions Screen

The Add New Account screen/Edit Permissions for Account screen is used to assign account permissions to users. To access this screen, click Add or Edit on the Add/Edit User Screen: Accounts Tab.

Surrounding text describes Add New Account screen.
Element Description
Account list Select a predefined account from the list, or enter a user-defined account.
Permissions checkboxes Set the Predefined Permissions that the user will have access to the account.

A.2.4 User Login and Alias Interface

The following screens are used when creating and editing user logins and aliases.

A.2.4.1 User Admin Screen: Users Tab

The Users tab of the User Admin screen is used to add, edit, and delete user logins. To access this tab, display the User Admin Screen.

Surrounding text describes User Admin screen Users tab.
Element Description
Use Filter checkbox Select this checkbox to narrow the Users list as defined by the Define Filter Screen.
Define Filter button Displays the Define Filter Screen.
Show Columns button Displays the Show Columns Screen.
Users list Shows the users that match the filter settings. Double-clicking a user displays the Add/Edit User Screen for that user.
Add button Displays the Choose/Change the Authorization Type Screen.
Add Similar button If you highlight a user and click Add Similar, the system displays the Add/Edit User Screen with some fields already populated.
Edit button Displays the Add/Edit User Screen for the selected user.
Change button Displays the Choose/Change the Authorization Type Screen for the selected user.
Delete button Enables you to delete a user login.

A.2.4.2 Choose/Change the Authorization Type Screen

The Choose/Change the Authorization Type screen is used to specify the user authorization type when adding a new user or changing the authorization type for a selected user. To access this screen, either click Add on the User Admin Screen: Users Tab or select a user name in the User Admin screen Users tab and then click Change.

External users are created automatically when they are granted Oracle Content Server access using an external user repository. User passwords for external users granted Oracle Content Server access must be initially set by the administrator.

Choose the Authorization Type screen
Element Description
Authorization Type list The type of user.

Local: Users defined by an administrator within the Oracle Content Server instance. Administrators assign these users one or more roles, which provide the user with access to security groups. Undefined users are assigned the guest role.

Global: Lightly-managed users. Both local and global user credentials can extend to multiple Oracle Content Server instances.

OK button Displays the Add/Edit User Screen: Info Tab (Local User) or the Add/Edit User Screen: Info Tab (Global User), depending on which Authorization Type is selected.

A.2.4.3 Add/Edit User Screen

The Add/Edit User screen is used to define user information, assign roles, and assign account permissions for a user. To access this screen, do one of the following:

The information that appears on this screen may be different than that on your system if custom metadata fields have been added. The fields shown in this screen shot are the defaults installed with the Oracle Content Server instance.

The tabs visible on this screen depend on which type of user is selected and whether accounts are enabled:

A.2.4.4 Add/Edit User Screen: Info Tab (Local User)

The Info tab of the Add/Edit User screen is used to add a user. To access this tab for a local user, do one of the following:

Add User screen Info tab (local user)
Element Description
Name field The name of the new user.
  • This field has a 50-character limit.

  • User names are case-sensitive.

Full Name field The entire name of the new user. This field has a 50-character limit.
Password field The password for the new user login.
  • This field has a 50-character limit.

  • Passwords are case-sensitive.

Confirm Password field Reenter the password from the previous field to confirm the spelling.
E-mail Address field The e-mail address associated with the user. This is used for workflow and subscription notifications.
User Type list Select a user type from the list of attributes which can be defined by the system administrator as a way to classify users.
List button Displays the Option List Screen.
User Locale field The user's locale, which specifies the language of the user interface and date/time format. Locale options must be enabled by the system administrator.

If you change the user locale for a user who has the sysmanager role, you must restart the Admin Server service for the Admin Server interface to appear in the user's locale language.

User Time Zone field Select a user time zone from the menu.

A.2.4.5 Add/Edit User Screen: Info Tab (Global User)

The Info tab of the Add/Edit User screen is used to add a user. To access this tab for a global user, do one of the following:

Add User screen Info tab (global user)
Element Description
Name field The name of the new user. This field has a 50-character limit.
Organization Path list A list that can be defined by the system administrator as a way of classifying users.
List button Displays the Option List Screen.
Password field The password for the new user login. This field has a 50-character limit.
Confirm Password field Reenter the password from the previous field to confirm the spelling. The same limit applies.
Full Name field The entire name of the new user. This field has a 50-character limit.
E-mail Address field The e-mail address associated with the user. This is used for workflows and subscriptions.
User Type field A list of attributes that can be defined by the system administrator as a way to classify users.
User Locale field The user's locale, which specifies the language of the user interface and date/time format. Locale options must be enabled by the system administrator.

If you change the user locale for a user who has the sysmanager role, you must restart the Admin Server service for the Admin Server interface to appear in the user's locale language.

User Time Zone field Select a user time zone from the menu.
Override checkboxes These settings apply only if the user is changed from a global user to an external user, or if user information is automatically assigned by a custom plug-in to the Oracle Content Server instance.

Selected: The user information assigned in the Add/Edit User screen overrides any externally assigned user information (such as user attributes from an LDAP server).

Unselected: The user information assigned in the Oracle Content Server instance is overridden by any externally assigned user information.

A.2.4.6 Add/Edit User Screen: Roles Tab

The Roles tab of the Add/Edit User screen is used to assign roles to a user. To access this tab, click Roles on the Add/Edit User Screen.

Surrounding text describes Add User screen Roles tab.
Element Description
Roles list These roles are displayed in the Roles field.
Groups/Rights list Lists the security group permissions associated with the selected role.
Add Role button Displays the Add Role Screen, on which you can select a role from a drop-down list.
Remove Role button Removes the selected role from the user login.

A.2.4.7 Add Role Screen

The Add Role screen is used to assign a role to a user. To access this screen, click Add Role on the Add/Edit User Screen: Roles Tab.

Surrounding text describes Add Role screen.
Element Description
Role Name field Select a role from the list to assign to the user.

A.2.4.8 Add/Edit User Screen: Accounts Tab

The Accounts tab of the Add/Edit User screen is used to assign accounts to a user. To access this tab, click Accounts on the Add/Edit User Screen.

This tab is available only if accounts are enabled.

Surrounding text describes Usser User screen Accounts tab.
Element Description
Accounts list Lists the accounts that are assigned to this user login. By default, all new users are assigned Read, Write, Delete, and Admin permission to documents that are not in an account.
Add button Displays the Add/Edit Account Permissions Screen.
Edit button Displays the Accounts Case Study.
Delete button Enables you to delete a new account.
Default Account list Select the account that will be entered as the default value on the Content Check In Form page for this user. All accounts for which the user has at least RW permission are listed.

A.2.4.9 Option List Screen

The Option List screen is used to create a list of options that can be used to group users. This screen can be accessed from a variety of interface locations. For grouping users, this screen is accessed by using the User Type menu on the Add/Edit User Screen: Info Tab (Local User) and Add/Edit User Screen: Info Tab (Global User).

These option lists do not have any security functionality in the Oracle Content Server instance; they are simply a means by which you can group users.

Option List for UserType screen
Element Description
Option list Enter the values that can be selected for the User Type or Organization Path. Each value must be on a separate line, with a carriage return between values.
Ascending option Sorts the list in alphabetical order.
Descending option Sorts the list in reverse alphabetical order.
Ignore Case checkbox Selected: Sorts the list in alphabetical order, regardless of case.

Unselected: Values that start with uppercase letters are grouped separately from values that start with lowercase letters.

Sort Now button Sorts the list in the manner specified by the Ascending, Descending, and Ignore Case options.

A.2.4.10 User Admin Screen: Aliases Tab

The Aliases tab of the User Admin screen is used to add, edit, and delete aliases. To access this tab, display the User Admin Screen, and click Aliases.

Surrounding text describes Add User screen Aliases tab.
Element Description
Name column Lists the alias names.
Description column Description of each alias.
Add button Displays the Add New Alias/Edit Alias Screen.
Edit button Displays the Add New Alias/Edit Alias Screen.
Delete button Enables you to delete the selected alias.

A.2.4.11 Add New Alias/Edit Alias Screen

The Add New Alias/Edit Alias screen is used to add, edit, and delete user logins for an alias. To access this screen, click Add or Edit on the User Admin Screen: Aliases Tab.

Surrounding text describes Add User Alias screen.
Element Description
Alias Name field The alias name is limited to 30 characters. The following are not allowed: spaces, tabs, line feeds, returns and ; : ^ ? @ & + " # % < * ~ |
Alias Display Name field Name of the alias that appears on a display.
Description field Maximum 80 characters.
Users list Lists the user logins that are included in the alias.
Add button Displays the Select Users Screen.
Delete button Deletes the selected user login from the alias.

A.2.4.12 Select Users Screen

The Select Users screen is used to add user logins to an alias. To access this screen, click Add on the Add New Alias/Edit Alias Screen.

Surrounding text describes Select Users screen.
Element Description
Use Filter checkbox Select this checkbox to narrow the Users list as defined by the Choose/Change the Authorization Type Screen.
Define Filter button Displays the Choose/Change the Authorization Type Screen.
Show Columns button Displays the Show Columns Screen.
Users list Shows the users that match the filter settings. For column descriptions, see the Choose/Change the Authorization Type Screen.

A.2.4.13 Sub-Administration Interface: Edit Rights Screen

The Edit Rights screen is used to assign sub-administration rights to a role. To access this screen, select a role and click Edit Applet Rights on the Permissions By Role Screen.

Surrounding text describes Edit Rights screen.
Element Description
Rights.Apps.UserAdmin checkbox Assigns sub-administration rights to the User Admin application.
Rights.Apps.WebLayout checkbox Assigns sub-administration rights to the Web Layout Editor application.
Rights.Apps.RepMan checkbox Assigns sub-administration rights to the Repository Manager application.
Rights.Apps.Workflow checkbox Assigns sub-administration rights to the Workflow Admin application.

A.2.4.14 User Admin Screen: Information Fields Tab

The Information Fields tab of the User Admin screen is used to add, edit, and delete user information fields. To access this tab, display the User Admin Screen and click Information Fields.

  • When a field is added in the Information Fields tab, it is also added to the user information on the Users tab.

  • You do not need to rebuild the search index after adding new user fields.

User Admin screen Information Fields tab
Element Description
Up button Moves the selected user information field up in the list.
Down button Moves the selected user information field down in the list.
Name column The name of the user information field.
Is Custom column No: Indicates a system (predefined) user information field. Yes: Indicates a custom user information field.
Type column The type of field:

Text: 30 characters.

Long Text: 200 characters.

Date: Date format (such as dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yy for the English-US locale).

Memo: 255 characters.

Integer: -231 to 2 31 (-2 billion to +2 billion). By definition, an integer is a natural number, so decimal values and commas are not permitted.

Caption column The field label that appears on Oracle Content Server pages.
Is Option List column False: The user information field does not have an option list.

True: The user information field has an option list.

Add button Displays the Add Metadata Field Name Screen, on which you can add a new field name.
Edit button Displays the Edit Metadata Field Screen.
Delete button Deletes the selected custom user information field. (System user information fields cannot be deleted.)
Update Database Design button Displays the Update Database Design Screen.

A.2.4.15 Add Metadata Field Name Screen

The Add Metadata Field screen is used to define the name of a custom user information field. To access this screen, click Add on the User Admin Screen: Information Fields Tab.

Surrounding text describes Add Metadata Field Name screen.
Element Description
Field Name field Duplicate names are not allowed. Maximum field length is 29 characters. The following are not acceptable: spaces, tabs, line feeds, carriage returns and ; ^ ? : @ & + " # % < * ~ |

When you add a custom user information field, the system automatically prefixes the name with a "u" to ensure that it is unique and does not conflict with any reserved names. However, you must be careful not to inadvertently use restricted names for columns in the user logins table because they may conflict with reserved names in databases.

For example, if you try to use "ID" to name a new custom user information field, the result will be "UID" when the system adds the prefix. This causes an error because UID is a reserved database name.

Similarly, when you define a custom metadata field, the system automatically prefixes the name with an "x" to ensure that it is unique and does not conflict with any reserved names.

OK button Displays the Edit Metadata Field Screen.

A.2.4.16 Edit Metadata Field Screen

The Edit Metadata Field screen is used to define a user information field. To access this screen, do one of the following:

Surrounding text describes Edit Metadata Field screen.
Element Description
Field Caption field Label for the field that is displayed on Oracle Content Server pages.
Field Type Text: 30 characters.

Long Text: 100 characters.

Date: Date format (such as dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm/yy for the English-US locale).

Memo: 255 characters.

Integer: -231 to 231 (-2 billion to +2 billion). By definition, an integer is a natural number, so decimal values and commas are not permitted.

Override Bit Flag For internal use.
Administrator Only Edit checkbox Selected: The field is not displayed on the User Profile pages. However, the field is visible to an admin user through the User Admin applet.

Unselected: The field is displayed on the User Profile page.

View Only Field checkbox Selected: The field is displayed on the User Profile page, but cannot be edited by the user.

Unselected: If the Administrator Only Edit checkbox is unselected, the View Only field can be edited by the user on the User Profile page.

Enable Option List checkbox If selected, the field has an option list that is defined by the Option List Type and Option List Key. Values shown in the Information Fields tab Is Option List are True or False.

A.2.4.17 Update Database Design Screen

The Update Database Design screen is used to add or delete user information fields in the Oracle Content Server database. To access this screen, add or delete a user information field and click Update Database Design on the Edit Metadata Field Screen.

Surrounding text describes Update Database Design screen.
Element Description
Info field(s) that will be added Lists the user information fields that were added since the last time the database was updated.
Info field(s) to delete checkboxes Lists the user information fields that were deleted since the last time the database was updated.

Selected: The user information field is deleted from the database.

Unselected: The user information field is not deleted from the database. The field remains hidden on the User Admin screen and User Profile pages, but it still exists in the database.

A.2.5 Proxy Connections Interface

The following screens are used when creating proxied connections:

A.2.5.1 Credential Maps Screen

The Credential Maps enables administrators to create credentials for specific users that can be mapped to allow users controlled access between a master Oracle Content Server instance and a proxy Oracle Content Server instance. To access the page select Administration in the portal navigation bar, then select Credential Maps.

Surrounding text describes Edit Credential Maps screen.
Element Description
Map Identifier field Enter the unique identifier for the credentials map.
Values field Enter the credential values in two columns with a comma used as a separator between the columns, and a carriage return between rows. The first column specifies input values. The second column specifies output values.
Update button Inputs the credential values specified in the Credential Maps page.

A.2.5.2 Proxied Connection Authentication/Authorization Information Screen

This screen enables administrators to create named passwords, which are passwords that are assigned to specific proxied connections by name. To access the page, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then select Connection Passwords.

Proxied Connection Authentication/Authorization Information
Element Description
Proxied Connection Name field Name given to the proxied connection.
Description field Brief description of the proxied connection.
Password field Password assigned to the proxied connection.
Confirm Password field Password assigned to the proxied connection.
IP Address Filter field IP address number of the client Oracle Content Server instance.
HTTP IP Filter field HTTP IP address filter, applied to the IP address of the client Oracle Content Server instance.
Update button Updates the page with any modified information.

A.3 Components Interface

This section provides information about the interface used with Oracle Content Server components and server features. It contains the following topics:

To display the Component Wizard:

The Component List Screen and the Component Wizard Main Screen are displayed.

A.3.1 Component List Screen

The Component List appears when you first access the Component Wizard. It lists all currently installed components. To access this screen, either start the Component Wizard or select Open from Options in the Component Wizard Main Screen.

Surrounding text describes Component List screen.
Element Function
Enable Tag Filtering checkbox Enables tag filtering for custom components.
Update Filter button Updates the filter used for tag filtering.
Inclusion Tag Filter menu Provides a menu of available inclusion tag filters.
Exclusion Tag Filter menu Provides a menu of available exclusion tag filters.
Custom Components list Shows the name, status (enabled or disabled), location, and types of the component definition file for each component that has been installed in the Oracle Content Server instance.
Add button Displays the Add Component Screen.
Open button Opens the selected component in the Component Wizard.
Install button Displays the Install Screen.
Uninstall button Removes the selected component from the Oracle Content Server instance. (The component files remain in the file system, but the component no longer appears on the list of components.)
Enable button Enables the selected component.
Disable button Disables the selected component.
Help button Displays a help page for the Component List screen.

A.3.2 Component Wizard Main Screen

The Component Wizard main screen is used to manage Oracle Content Server components.

Surrounding text describes Component Wizard screen.
Element Description
Options Menu Provides options for working with components and settings.
Build Menu Used to package component files into a Zip file.
Help Menu Provides links to online documentation.
Summary fields Show the name of the component, the location and file name of the component definition file, and the status of the component (enabled or disabled).
Launch Editor button (top right) Displays the component definition file ("glue" file) in the default text editor.
Resource Definition tab Lists the custom resource definitions that have been defined for the component. When a specific custom resource definition is selected, the tab is extended to display custom HTML includes and custom data includes for the definition.
Custom Resource Definition list Lists the custom resource definitions that have been defined for the component. Each definition is listed by type and file name.
Add button

(Custom Resource Definition tab)

Displays the Add Resource screen, which is used to add a new resource file to the component.
Remove button Removes the selected resource from the component.
Launch Editor button

(Resource Definition tab)

Displays the selected resource file in the default text editor.
Reload button Reloads the component definition file for the selected resource.
Custom resources pane Lists the custom parameters for the resource selected in the Custom Resource Definition list. This pane is different for each type of resource and can display HTML Includes, Data Includes, custom strings, custom environment parameters, and able names. Custom resources can be added, edited, or deleted.
Java Code tab Displays any custom Java code that has been defined for the component.
Install/Uninstall Settings tab Displays custom installation parameters, including whether the component has an install or uninstall filter, whether the component has preference resources, and preference prompts setup. Settings can be added, edited, or deleted.

A.3.2.1 Options Menu

The Options menu provides options for working with components and settings.

Menu Item Description
Add Displays the Add Component Screen.
Open Displays the Component List Screen.
Close Closes the open component.
Install Displays the Install Screen.
Enable Enables the component that is open in the Component Wizard.
Disable Disables the component that is open in the Component Wizard.
Configure Displays the Component Configuration Screen.
Edit Readme File Displays the readme.txt file for the open component in the default text editor. If a readme.txt file does not exist for the component, a blank readme.txt file is created.
Set HTML Editor Displays the HTML Editor Configuration screen, which is used to enter an HTML editor path.
Exit Closes the Component Wizard.

A.3.2.2 Build Menu

The Build menu is used to package component files into a zip file.

Menu Item Description
Build Settings Displays the Build Settings screen, which is used to specify the settings used to build a component Zip file.
Build Displays the Build screen, which is used to build a component Zip file.

A.3.2.3 Help Menu

This screen provides links to online documentation.

Menu Item Description
Contents Displays the online help for system administrators.
About Content Server Displays version, build, and copyright information for the Oracle Content Server instance.

A.3.3 Component Creation Screens

The following screens are used to build custom components:

A.3.3.1 Add Component Screen

The Add Component screen is used to add a new component to the Oracle Content Server instance. To access this screen, either select Add from Options in Component Wizard Main Screen or click Add on the Component List Screen.

Surrounding text describes Add Component screen.
Element Function
Create New Component option Select this option to create a custom component in the Oracle Content Server instance.
Name field Assign a descriptive component name. The name cannot contain spaces.
Directory field Enter the directory where the component definition file will be located, relative to the Oracle Content Server install directory. Typically, custom components are located in the custom directory.
Copy Existing checkbox Selected: The new component will be a copy of an existing component, including all resources and other component files. Enter the path and file name of an existing component definition file (.hda). The new component must have a unique name.

Unselected: The new component will be created without any resource files.

Browse button Used to navigate to and select an existing component definition file.
Use Existing Component option Select this option to add an existing component to the Oracle Content Server instance.
File Path field The path and file name of the existing component.
Browse button Used to navigate to and select an existing component definition file.
OK button Adds the component to the Oracle Content Server instance.
Cancel button Closes the screen without adding a component.
Help button Displays a help page for the Add Component screen.

A.3.3.2 Install Screen

The Install screen is used to install a component zip file on the Oracle Content Server instance. To access this screen, either select Install from Options in Component Wizard Main Screen or click Install on the Component List Screen.

Surrounding text describes Install (component) screen.
Element Description
Select button Used to navigate to and select the Zip file to be unpackaged.
Entry Type column Lists the items that are included in the component Zip file.
Current Root Prefix column The root directory where the related component files will be installed.
Location column The subdirectory or the file name of the component file.
OK button Unpackages the component onto the Oracle Content Server instance.
Cancel button Closes the screen without unpackaging the component.
Help button Displays a help page for the Unpackage screen.

A.3.3.3 Component Configuration Screen

The Component Configuration screen is used to specify which program to use to edit component files from within the Component Wizard. To access this screen, select Configure from Options in Component Wizard application.

Specify a text editor (such as WordPad) rather than a graphical HTML editor (such as FrontPage). Graphical editors can insert or change HTML tags and might cause Idoc Script tags to be converted into a string of characters that are not recognized by the Oracle Content Server instance.

Surrounding text describes Component Configuration screen.
Element Description
HTML Editor Path field The path and file name of the executable file for the editing program. For example, c:/Program Files/Windows NT/accessories/wordpad.exe.
Browse button Used to navigate to and select the file.
OK button Sets the specified file as the editing program.
Cancel button Closes the screen without changing the editing program.
Help button Displays a help page for the Component Configuration screen.

A.3.3.4 Add/Edit Action Screen

The Add/Edit Action screen is used to specify the actions that are associated with a newly defined component service.

Surrounding text describes Add Action screen.
Element Description
Type list Select the type of action. See the Predefined Action Types.
Action list Select an action from the list or enter a custom action. The option list shows the predefined actions that are associated with the option selected from the Type list.
Parameters field If the action takes parameters, enter the parameters as a comma-delimited list.
  • For the Select Query and Select Cache Query action types, the first parameter is the name that the action assigns to the ResultSet returned from the query. This ResultSet can then be referenced in the template page.

  • For the Load Option List action type, the parameters are optional. However, if parameters are given, the first parameter is the key under which the option list is loaded, and the second parameter is the selected value for display on an HTML page.

Control Mask checkboxes The control mask controls the results of queries to the database.
Error Message field Enter the error message to be displayed by this action. This action error message overrides the error message provided as an attribute of the service.
  • If the action error message is not empty, it becomes the active error message.

  • If the action error message is empty, the error message remains unchanged from the previous action.

OK button Saves the action in the Actions list on the Add/Edit Service screen.
Cancel button Closes the Add/Edit Action screen without creating a service action.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add/Edit Action screen.

A. Predefined Action Types

The following action types can be specified for a service:

  • Select Query: This action type is used to select a query and then discard it immediately.

  • Execute Query: This action type is used to execute a query.

  • Java Method: This action type is used to apply a method that is part of the Java class implementing the service. The following Java Method actions can be selected from the Action list:


    For more information on predefined queries, see the query.htm, workflow.htm, and indexer.htm files in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables directory.
    Java Method Action Description
    checkSecurity This method is used for validating security for actions on a particular document, such as check in, check out, and delete. It checks the logged in user's security group and account permissions against the service's access level for performing the specified action.

    Takes zero or one parameter, which is the name of a ResultSet.

    createResultSetSQL This method executes a query with parameters taken from the Data Binder (dataSource and whereClause local data) rather than from given parameters. It also places the results in the local data using the ResultSet name found in the Data Binder (resultName).

    Takes no parameters.

    doSubService This method executes a subservice.

    Takes one parameter, which is the name of a subservice.

    loadDefaultInfo This method is used for creating checkin and update pages. It first executes the loadDefaultInfo filter, and then loads environment information, content types, formats, and accounts.

    Takes no parameters.

    loadMetaOptionsLists This method first executes the loadMetaOptionsLists filter, and the loads all options lists referred to in the DocMetaDefinition table.

    Takes no parameters.

    loadSharedTable This method is used to make a server-cached table available for a template. Use this method instead of executing a query when the data is already cached in the server.

    Takes two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the table to look up in the server's cached tables. The second is the name the table is given when it is added to the data.

    loadSharedTableRow This method is used to retrieve cached information, such as data about a specific user. The value for the key in the request data is used to find the row in the cached table. The values of the row are mapped to the local data using the names of the columns as keys.

    Takes two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the table to look up in the server's cached tables. The second parameter is an argument specifying a column in the database and a lookup key into the request data.

    mapResultSet This method is used to replace a Type 5 action when the service requires only a part of the first row of a ResultSet to be stored. It executes the specified query and maps the specified columns of the first row of the ResultSet to the local data.

    Takes at least three parameters. The first parameter is the name of a select query; the parameters that follow must appear in comma-delimited pairs. The first member of the pair is the column name, and the second member is the key that is used to put the row value into local data.

    refreshCache This method performs a refresh on the specified Subjects.

    Takes one or more parameters, as a comma-delimited list of subjects.

    renameValues This method assigns the value from one variable to another variable.

    Takes one or more sets of parameters that must appear in comma-delimited pairs. The first member of a pair is the variable name that is looked up in the Data Binder, and the second member is the variable name that stores the found value in the local data.

    setConditionVars This method sets condition variables to true (1) or false (0). These values can be tested only in HTM template pages. They are not put into local data.

    Takes one or more sets of parameters that must appear in comma-delimited pairs. The first member of a pair is the name of the condition variable, and the second member is the value (1 or 0).

    setLocalValues This method places name/value pairs into the local data.

    Takes one or more sets of parameters that must appear in comma-delimited pairs. The first member of a pair is the variable name, and the second member is the value.

  • Load Option List: This action type is used to load an option list stored in the system.

  • Select Cache Query: This action type is used to select a query and then cache the query results.

A.3.3.5 Add Screen

The Add Screen is used during the build process to specify what should be included in the component zip file.

Surrounding text describes Add screen.
Element Description
Entry Type list Select the type of item to be included in the component Zip file. Each entry type has a default location (Current Root Prefix) that cannot be changed. The Component Class option ensures that the components and related files are placed in the 'component' directory.

If your component must work with earlier versions of Oracle Content Server software (pre-7.0 release), the following Entry Type options are not compatible: Component Class, Component Library, Bin, Data, Weblayout, and Resources.

Current Root Prefix field Shows the directory where the specified files are copied when the component Zip file is unpackaged.
Sub Directory or File field Enter the subdirectory that contains the component files of the selected type, or enter an individual file name. If an individual file is contained in a subdirectory of the current root prefix, enter the subdirectory along with the file name. For example, new_custom/new_component.htm.
Make Jar checkbox Selected: A Jar file is created and included in the manifest file. Selecting this option enables the Include Java Source option.

Unselected: A Jar file is not created.

Include Java Source checkbox Selected: Source files are included which allows the Java source code to be shipped with the component. This option is only available if the Make Jar checkbox is selected.

Unselected: Source files are not included.

OK button Adds the specified item to the component Zip file list.
Cancel button Closes the Add screen without adding an item to the component Zip file list.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add screen.

A.3.3.6 Add Query Table Information Screen

The Add Query Table Information screen is used to specify the database table to be used with a component's query.

Add Query Table Information screen
Element Description
Table Name field Enter the name of the query table that is created for the new resource. The default is the name of the component followed by an underscore and the string Queries.
Back button Displays the Add Resource screen.
Next button Displays the Add Query screen.
Finish button Creates the new query resource. This button is unavailable if the minimum specifications have not been defined for the resource.
Cancel button Closes the Add Query Table Information screen without creating a new resource.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add Query Table Information screen.

A.3.3.7 Add Service Table Information Screen

The Add Service Table Information screen is used to specify the database to be used by the service in the component.

Add Service Table Information screen
Element Description
Table Name field Enter the name of the service table that is created for the new resource. The default is the name of the component followed by an underscore and the string Services.
Back button Displays the Add Resource screen.
Next button Displays the Add Service screen.
Finish button Creates the new service resource. This button is unavailable if the minimum specifications have not been defined for the resource.
Cancel button Closes the Add Service Table Information screen without creating a new resource.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add Service Table Information screen.

A.3.3.8 Add Dynamic Resource Table Information Screen

The Add Dynamic Resource Table Information screen is used to create dynamic tables to be used in a custom component.

Add Dynamic Resource Table Information screen
Element Description
Table Name field Enter the name of the dynamic table that is created for the new resource. The default is the name of the component followed by an underscore.
Merge To checkbox and field Used to create a merge rule for the new dynamic table. Select this checkbox and either select the target table from the list of Predefined Dynamic Tables or enter the name of a custom table.
Back button Displays the Add Resource screen.
Next button Inactive (there are no more screens for defining a dynamic resource table).
Finish button Displays the Column Information screen. This button is unavailable if the minimum specifications have not been defined for the resource.
Cancel button Closes the Add Dynamic Resource Table Information screen without creating a new resource.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add Dynamic Resource Table Information screen.

A. Predefined Dynamic Tables

The following dynamic resource table is predefined in the Oracle Content Server instance:

Table Name mergeColumns Description
IgnoredFlexFields templatename, flexareaname, fields Used to exclude any custom metadata fields from specific template pages. Wildcards are supported for both the templatename and flexareaname columns.

A.3.3.9 Add Static Resource Table Information Screen

The Add Static Resource Table Information screen is used to specify a static resource in your component.

Add Static Resource Table Information screen.
Element Description
Table Name field Enter the name of the static table that is created for the new resource. The default is the name of the component followed by an underscore.
Merge To checkbox and field Creates a merge rule for the new static table. Select this checkbox and either select the target table from the list of Predefined Static Tables or enter the name of a custom table.
Back button Displays the Add Resource screen.
Next button Inactive (there are no more screens for defining a static resource table).
Finish button Displays the Column Information screen. This button is unavailable if the minimum specifications have not been defined for the resource.
Cancel button Closes the Add Static Resource Table Information screen.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add Static Resource Table Information screen.

A. Predefined Static Tables

The following static resource tables are predefined in the Oracle Content Server instance:

Table Name mergeColumns Table Location (in IdcHomeDir/resources/ core/tables/) Description
ColumnTranslation column, alias upper_clmns_map.htm Contains uppercase database fields with their translated field names. This table is required for databases that use all uppercase (such as Oracle).
DataSources name, dataSource, useMaxRows std_resources.htm Contains the queries that are executed to create reports in the Web Layout Editor.
IdocScriptExtensions name, class, loadOrder std_resources.htm Contains specializations of the ScriptExtensionsAdaptor. Used to create new Idoc Script functions and variables.
ServiceHandlers serviceName, handler, searchOrder std_resources.htm Contains specializations of the ServiceHandler base class. Defines Java methods for handling service script Java functions.
SubscriptionTypes type, fields, description std_resources.htm Contains document subscription types. Default subscription is by document name. Document criteria subscriptions can be defined in this table.
UserMetaDefinition umdName, umdType, umdCaption, umdIsOptionList, umdOptionListType, umdOptionListKey, umdIsAdminEdit, umdOverrideBitFlag std_resources.htm Contains the definitions of the auxiliary user metadata fields. Values for umdOverrideBitFlag should start at 16 (0x10) or higher. For a description of the appropriate contents of these fields, see the design of the DocMetaDefinition database table.

A.3.3.10 Add Template Table Information Screen

The Add Template Table Information screen is used to specify the table that will be accessed for the template used in the component.

Add Template Table Information screen.
Element Description
Table Name field Enter the name of the template table that is created for the new resource. The default is the name of the component followed by an underscore.
Merge Table list Creates a merge rule for the new dynamic table. Select a target table from the list of Predefined Template Tables.
Back button Displays the Add Resource screen.
Next button Depending on which Merge Table is selected, displays the Add Intradoc Template screen or Add SearchResults Template screen.
Finish button Creates the new template resource. This button is unavailable if the minimum specifications have not been defined for the resource.
Cancel button Closes the Add Template Table Information screen without creating a new resource.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add Template Table Information screen.

A. Predefined Template Tables

The following template tables are predefined in the Oracle Content Server instance:

Table Name mergeColumns Description
IntradocTemplates name, class, formtype, filename, description This is a ResultSet table that defines the templates used in the Oracle Content Server instance.
SearchResultTemplates name, formtype, filename, outfilename, flexdata, description This table is used to create result templates in memory for use with results that are returned from the search engine.

A.3.3.11 Add/Edit HTML Resource Include/String Screen

The Add/Edit HTML Resource Include/String screen is used to specify a customized HTML resource or a customized string resource in a component.

Add HTML Resource Include/String screen.
Element Description
Resource type options Include = The resource defines an HTML include.

String = The resource defines a locale-sensitive string.

Name field Enter the name of the include or string that is created, or click Select to start with a predefined include.

For string names, use the following prefix conventions:

syStringName: System-level messages and errors.

csStringName: Oracle Content Server messages and log messages (this is the most common type of string).

wwStringName: Strings used on Web pages.

apStringName: Strings used in applets.

Select button Displays the Resource Selection Dialog screen, which lists the predefined includes. This button is available only when the Include option is selected.
Code field Shows the code for the include or string, which can be edited directly in this field. If a predefined include is selected, the code is automatically added to this field.
Back button Displays the Add Resource screen.
Next button Inactive (there are no more screens for defining an include or string).
Finish button/OK button Saves the include or string resource and asks to open the text file for editing.
Cancel button Closes the Add/Edit HTML Resource Include/String screen without saving the include or string.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add/Edit HTML Resource Include/String screen.

A.3.3.12 Add/Edit Parameter Screen

The Add/Edit Parameter screen is used to define the parameters that will be passed to your defined resources.

Surrounding text describes Add Parameter screen.
Element Description
Name field Enter a name for the parameter. A parameter name cannot contain spaces.
Type field Select the type of parameter:
OK button Saves the parameter in the query.
Cancel button Closes the Add/Edit Parameter screen without creating or changing the parameter.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add/Edit Parameter screen.

A.3.3.13 Add/Edit Query Screen

The Add/Edit Query screen is used to specify the SQL query for the query resource defined in the component.

Surrounding text describes Add Query screen.
Element Description
Name field Enter the name of the query that is created for the resource, or click Select to start with a predefined query.
Select button Displays the Resource Selection Dialog screen, which lists the predefined queries. For more information on predefined queries, see the query.htm, workflow.htm, and indexer.htm files in the IdcHomeDir/resources/core/tables directory.
Query field Shows the SQL query expression, which can be edited directly in this field. If an existing query is selected, the query expression is automatically added to this field.
Parameters list Lists the name and type for each parameter defined for the query. Parameters must be listed in the order they appear in the query expression.
Up and Down buttons Move the selected parameter up or down in the Parameters list.
Add button Displays the Add Parameter screen.
Edit button Displays the Edit Parameter screen for the selected parameter.
Delete button Deletes the selected parameter from the Parameters list.
Back button Displays the Add Query Table Information screen.
Next button Inactive (there are no more screens for defining a query).
Finish button/OK button Saves the query in the query resource. The Finish button is unavailable if the minimum specifications have not been defined for the resource.
Cancel button Closes the Add/Edit Query screen without creating or changing the query resource.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add/Edit Query screen.

A.3.3.14 Add Resource Screen

The Add Resource screen is used to select the type of resource you will use in your component. It is used to select a variety of resources.

Surrounding text describes Add Resources screen.
Element Description
Resource Type options Select an option from the Resource Type list.
File Name field Select or enter the path and file name for the new resource.
Load Order field Enter a load order number for the resource. Lower values are loaded first. Resources that have the same load order number are loaded in the order they appear in the component definition ("glue") file.
Back button Displays the previous page of the resource definition screens (if any).
Next button Displays the next page of the resource definition screens (if any).
Finish button Creates the new resource. This button is unavailable if the minimum specifications have not been defined for the resource.
Cancel button Closes the Add Resource screen without creating a new resource.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add Resource screen.

A.3.3.15 Resource Selection Dialog Screen

The Resource Selection Dialog screen is used to select an existing resource for use or to edit for your component.

Surrounding text describes Resource Selection Dialog screen.
Element Description
Show All checkbox Selected: All predefined items are displayed.

Unselected: The most commonly used predefined items are displayed.

Name column Lists the predefined items.
Description column Describes each predefined item.
OK button Selects the selected option and fills in fields on the associated "Add" screen.
Cancel button Closes the Resource Selection Dialog screen without selecting a resource item.
Help button Displays this help page for the Resource Selection Dialog screen.

A.3.3.16 Add/Edit Service Screen

The Add/Edit Service screen is used to enter the information for the service being created by the component.

Surrounding text describes Add Service screen.
Element Description
Name field Enter the name of the service that is created, or click Select to start with a predefined service.
Select button Displays the Resource Selection Dialog screen, which lists the predefined services.
Service Class field Select a service class from the list or enter a name for a custom service class. The service class determines what actions can be performed by the service. There are actions that all services share, while other actions are specific to the service class.
Template field Select a template to present the results of service. If the results of the service do not require page presentation, leave this field blank. For example, the PageHandlerService, which is called from an applet, does not specify a template page.
Service Type field If the service is to be executed inside another service, select SubService.
Access Level checkboxes Select one or more checkboxes to assign a user access level to the service.
Subjects Notified field Enter the Subjects (subsystems) to be notified by the service as a comma-delimited string. If a service changes one or more subjects, it must notify the affected subjects of changes. For example, the ADD_USER service adds a new user to the system and informs the system that the userlist subject has changed.
Error Message field Enter the error message to be displayed by this service. This error message is returned by the service if no action error message overrides it.

The error message can be a plain text string, or it can be a parameter to be looked up in the language strings (for example, !csUnableToBuildCheckInForm).

Actions list Lists the name and type for each action defined for the service. Actions are used to execute an SQL statement, perform a query, run code, cache the results of a query, or load an option list. The order of the list specifies the order in which the actions are performed.
Up and Down buttons Move the selected action up or down in the Actions list.
Add button Displays the Add Action screen.
Edit button Displays the Edit Action screen for the action selected in the Actions list.
Delete button Deletes the selected action from the Actions list.
Back button Displays the Add Service Table Information screen.
Next button Inactive (there are no more screens for defining a service).
Finish button/OK button Saves the service in the service resource. The Finish button is unavailable if the minimum specifications have not been defined for the resource.
Cancel button Closes the Add/Edit Service screen without creating or changing the service.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add/Edit Service screen.

A. Subjects

Subjects are subsystems within the Oracle Content Server instance. When a service makes a change (such as add, edit, or delete) to one of the following subjects, the subject must be notified:

  • accounts

  • aliases

  • collections

  • docformats

  • doctypes

  • documents

  • dynamicqueries

  • indexerwork

  • metadata

  • metaoptlists

  • subscriptiontypes

  • templates

  • userlist

  • usermetaoptlists

  • wfscripts

  • wftemplates

  • workflows

A.3.3.17 Preview Information for Service Screen

The Preview Information for Service screen is used to view details about a service before selecting it for use as a service resource. To access this screen, highlight a service on the Add/Edit Service Screen and click Preview.

To view details about the actions used in the service, highlight an action and click Preview. The Preview Action Information Screen is displayed.

When you finish viewing service information, click Close.

For complete information about services and actions, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Services Reference Guide for Oracle Universal Content Management.

Preview Information for Service screen.

A.3.3.18 Preview Action Information Screen

The Preview Action Information screen is used to view the details of service actions. To access this screen, highlight an action on the Preview Information for Service Screen and click Preview. When done viewing action details, click Close.

For complete information about services and actions, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Services Reference Guide for Oracle Universal Content Management.

Action Preview Action Information screen.

A.3.3.19 Add/Edit SearchResults Template Screen

The Add/Edit SearchResults Template screen is used to find a template to use for your component.

Add SearchResults Template screen.
Element Description
Name field Enter the name of the template that is created for the resource, or click Select to start with a predefined template.
Select button Displays the Resource Selection Dialog screen, which lists the predefined StandardResults template.
Copy From checkbox and field Selected: The new template resource will be a copy of an existing template. Enter the complete path and file name of the existing template file (.htm).

Unselected: A new template resource file is created.

Browse button Used to navigate to and select the desired template file.
View button Displays the template file in a read-only text window.
Form Type field Select the template form type, which is the specific type of functionality the page is trying to achieve.
File name field The file name of the template resource. This can be either an absolute path or a relative path, relative to the location of the component_template.hda resource file.
Out File Name field For future use. Leave this field blank.
Flex Data field Defines the metadata to be displayed for each row on the search results page.
Description field Enter a description of the template file.
Back button Displays the Add Template Table Information screen.
Next button Inactive (there are no more screens for defining a template).
Finish button/OK button Saves the template file in the template resource. The Finish button is unavailable if the minimum specifications have not been defined for the resource.
Cancel button Closes the Add/Edit SearchResults Template screen without creating or changing the template resource.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add/Edit SearchResults Template screen.

A.3.3.20 Column Information Screen

The Column Information screen appears only when you create a new table. To edit the table, you must open the file in a text editor.

Surrounding text describes Column Information screen.
Element Description
Column Name field Enter a column name to be added to the bottom of the Columns list.
Insert button Adds the Column Name entry to the bottom of the Columns list.
Delete button Deletes the column selected in the Columns list.
Columns list Lists the columns that are defined for the table.
OK button Saves the column list.
Cancel button Closes the Column Information screen without saving the column list.
Help button Displays this help page for the Column Information screen.

A.3.3.21 Add/Edit Intradoc Template Screen

The Add/Edit Intradoc Template screen is used to begin building a template for your component.

Surrounding text describes Add Intradoc Template screen.
Element Description
Name field Enter the name of the template that is created for the resource, or click Select to start with a predefined template.

The unique template name is how the template is referenced in the Oracle Content Server CGI URLs and in code. When merging custom template file entries into the Templates table, the Name is used as the merge key.

Select button Displays the Resource Selection Dialog screen, which lists the predefined templates.
Copy From checkbox and field Selected: The new template resource will be a copy of an existing template. Enter the complete path and file name of the existing template file (.htm).

Unselected: A new template resource file is created.

Browse button Used to navigate to and select the desired template file.
View button Displays the template file in a read-only text window.
Class field Select the template class type, which is the general category of the template. The template class is not used for standard Oracle Content Server functionality, but it can be used in a component to create functions specific to a particular class of templates.
Form Type field Select the template form type, which is the specific type of functionality the page is trying to achieve.
File name field The file name of the template resource. This can be either an absolute path or a relative path, relative to the location of the component_template.hda resource file.
Description field Enter a description of the template file.
Back button Displays the Add Template Table Information screen.
Next button Inactive (there are no more screens for defining a template).
Finish button/OK button Saves the template file in the template resource. The Finish button is unavailable if the minimum specifications have not been defined for the resource.
Cancel button Closes the Add/Edit Intradoc Template screen without creating or changing the template resource.
Help button Displays this help page for the Add/Edit Intradoc Template screen.

A.3.3.22 Add/Edit Preference Screen

The Add/Edit Preference screen is used to specify custom installation parameters.

Surrounding text describes Add Preference Prompt screen.
Element Description
Name field Name of the custom installation parameter.
Label field Label for the parameter.
Message Type field Select a message type.
Prompt Type field Select the prompt type. This field is only enabled if Prompt is selected as the Message Type.
Option List Name field Enter the result set name from the Oracle Content Server instance. This field is enabled when Option List is selected in the Prompt Type field.
Option List Display Column field Enter the field name from the result set specified in the Option List Name field. This field is used for building a choice list. This field is enabled when Option List is selected in the Prompt Type field.
Message field Enter the prompt or message text or, preferably, enter the key associated with the prompt or message (created using the code template file corresponding to the Has Install Strings checkbox on the Install/Uninstall Settings tab). Entering the key references the installation strings file to obtain the actual text (which can be edited for localization requirements).
Default Value field Enter the default value for the prompt.
Always Use Default Value On Install checkbox Selected: Always uses the entered default value when component is installed.

Unselected: Does not use the default value when component is installed.

Is Disabled checkbox Selected: The installation parameter configuration is disabled.

Unselected: The installation parameter configuration is enabled.

OK button Adds the installation parameter to the component.
Cancel button Closes the screen without adding the installation parameter to the component.
Help button Displays a help page for the Add Preference screen.

A.3.4 Build Screens

The following screens are used to package and build a custom component.

A.3.4.1 Install/Uninstall Settings Tab

The Install/Uninstall Settings tab is used to create customized installation components that can include preference data parameters. These parameters can be user prompts and messages. The user prompts and messages created for specific components are displayed to users only during the installation process.

Component Wizard Install/UnInstall Settings tab.
Element Description
Has Install/Uninstall Filter checkbox Selected: Includes additional custom installation or uninstall filters in the component resource definition file. Checking this option also creates the template java source if the file does not already exist. The file is created in the component_name/classes/component_name directory.

Unselected: Additional custom installation procedures are not included.

Launch Editor button Displays a code template file in the default text editor. Edit the template Java source to define custom initialization or uninstall procedures for the component (such as creating meta fields, executing service scripts, and so no)
Has Install Strings checkbox Selected: Includes prompts or messages during the component installation process. These prompts or messages are stored in an installation strings file and can be edited for localization requirements. Checking this option also creates the install_strings.htm file if the file does not already exist in the component_name directory.

Unselected: Prompts or messages are not included.

Launch Editor button Displays a code template file in the default text editor. Edit the template to define prompts or messages for the component.
Preference Data Setup list Shows the name, type and prompt fields of the custom installation parameters. If one or more custom installation parameters are defined and included, the preference.hda file is created in the component directory.
Add button Displays the Add Preference screen, which is used to define the settings for custom installation parameters.
Edit button Displays the Edit Preference screen, which is used to edit the settings for custom installation parameters.
Delete button Removes the selected parameter from the component.

A.3.4.2 Main Build Screen

The Component Manager main Build screen is used during the build process, when creating a zip file of a custom component. It shows the files that will be included in the zip file.

Surrounding text describes Build (component) screen.
Element Description
Manifest Path Shows the path and file name of the manifest.hda file, which contains the instructions for how to unpackage the component zip file.
Version field Supports component versioning. By default, the date is listed with a build number in parenthesis, but this value can be overridden. It is used for reference purposes only, and it is not validated.
Include Preference Prompts checkbox Selected: The parameter option settings (preference data) that were established using the Install/Uninstall Settings tab are included in the component manifest file. By selecting this option, the preference.hda file, which holds preference data settings, is included.

Unselected: The preference data is not included in the component manifest file.

View Advanced Build Settings / Advanced button Displays the Advanced Build Settings Review Screen which lists the field values configured using the Advanced Build Settings Screen.
Entry Type column Lists the items that are included in the component Zip file.
Current Root Prefix column The root directory where the component files are located.
Location column The subdirectory or and the file name of the component file.
OK button Builds the component Zip file.
Cancel button Closes the screen without building the component Zip file.
Help button Displays the help page for this screen.

A.3.4.3 Build Settings Screen

The Build Settings screen defines installation settings and what files to include in the component Zip file. The list of files included in the component Zip file is saved in the component build file (manifest.hda) and the installation settings are saved in the component definition file (component_name.hda).

Surrounding text describes Build Settings screen.
Element Description
Version field Supports component versioning. By default, the date is listed with a build number in parenthesis, but this value can be overridden. It is used for reference purposes only, and it is not validated.
Include Preference Prompts checkbox Selected: The parameter option settings (preference data) that were established using the Install/Uninstall Settings tab are included in the component manifest file. By selecting this option, the preference.hda file, which holds preference data settings, is included.

Unselected: The preference data is not included in the component manifest file.

Configure Advanced Build Settings / Advanced button Displays the Advanced Build Settings Screen which is used to enter values for the advanced build settings fields. The configured values are viewed using the Advanced Build Settings Review Screen.
Entry Type column Lists the items that are included in the component Zip file.
Current Root Prefix column The root directory where the component files are located.
Location column The subdirectory or and the file name of the component file.
Add button Displays the Add Screen.
Remove button Removes the selected item from the list.
OK button Saves the build settings.
Cancel button Closes the screen without changing the build settings.
Help button Displays the help page for this screen.

A.3.4.4 Advanced Build Settings Screen

The Advanced Build Settings screen is used to specify additional build settings for the component zip file. It is accessed by selecting the Advanced button on the Main Build Screen.

Advanced Build Settings screen.
Element Description
Content Server Compatible Build field The minimal build number of the Oracle Content Server instance, for which the component must be compatible. Use this field if the component is not compatible with other Oracle Content Server versions.The build number is displayed on the application About screens and on the Configuration Information page.

The component is not installed for an Oracle Content Server build number that is older than the value specified in this field. If a build number is not specified, then the component is installed without checking the Oracle Content Server build number.

The build number is composed of four, decimal-separated numbers. If you specify a build number, during validation, if a version is missing any values, these values are padded with zeros. For example, 7.0 becomes For example, if a component has the compatible build number set to 7.0, and it is installed against a 7.5.1 release Oracle Content Server instance, the server would check that >, and load the component without complaint.

Install ID field Required if preference data is defined using the Install/Uninstall Settings tab. This field value is used during the component installation process to access the preference data stored in configuration files. Two configuration files hold the preference data: config.cfg (contains the parameters that can be reconfigured after installation) and install.cfg (contains the preference data definitions and prompt answers).
Custom Class Path field Add class paths to additional classes or jar files that must be included in the classpath that are required for the component to function. It is recommended that you use the relative path to the Oracle Content Server instance and place any component-related class files or jar files in the component_name/classes directory.
Custom Library Path field Enter the paths of library or other executable files required for the component. It is recommended that you use the relative path to the Oracle Content Server instance and place any component-related library or executable files in the component_name/classes directory.
Feature Extensions field Enter the specific types of features or functions that the component provides. Separate multiple entries with commas. This field is optional (not required).
Additional Components field This field allows installation components to install individual add-on components or to generate a grouping of multiple components into a single installation package. Enter any additional components that must be installed along with this component using the following format:

The preference_data_parameter_name is optional. If a parameter name is not specified, the component is installed by default. The preference data parameter must be defined in the Preference Data Setup section of the Install/Uninstall Settings tab.

You must include a colon (:) after even if you are not including a preference_data_parameter_name. If excluding preference_data_parameter_name, the format is: Separate multiple entries with commas, as in the following:,

OK button Returns to the previous screen.
Cancel button Closes the screen without building the component Zip file.
Help button Displays the help page for this screen.

A.3.4.5 Advanced Build Settings Review Screen

The Advanced Build Settings Review screen is accessed by clicking the OK button on the Build Settings Screen. It shows those options which have been specified.

Advanced Build Settings Review screen.
Element Description
Install ID field Stores the user's preference settings that are specified during the component installation.
Custom Class Path field Lists the class paths of additional classes or jar files that are included in the classpath that is required for the component to function.
Custom Library Path field Lists the paths of library or other executable files required for the component.
Feature Extensions field Lists the specific types of features or functions that the component provides.
Additional Components field Lists the additional components that must be installed along with the component.
OK button Accepts the field values and closes the screen.
Cancel button Closes the screen.
Help button Displays the help page for this screen.

A.3.5 Component Manager Page

The Component Manager page is used to enable and disable server components. To access the Component Manager page, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then click Admin Server. Click Component Manager in the navigation bar on the Admin Server Page.

Component Mananger screen part 1.
Component Manager screen, part 2.
Surrounding text describes Component Manager screen, part 3.
Element Description
Component Manager checkboxes Select an item to display a specific set of server components grouped by function. Options include:
  • All Features

  • Folders

  • Document Management

  • Inbound Refinery

  • Web Content Management

  • Integration

For more detailed control of components, click advanced component manager in the first paragraph, which displays the Advanced Component Manager Page. If Oracle URM is installed, click the provided link to display and control Oracle URM components.

Components checkboxes Lists available server components with short descriptions, grouped by function. To enable a component, select the checkbox next to the component name. To disable a component, deselect the checkbox next to the component name.
Update button Updates the list of server components with the selected changes to enable or disable one or multiple components. For changes to take effect, the Oracle Content Server instance must be restarted (see the Admin Server Page).
Reset button Resets the list of server components to their previous states (enabled or disabled).

A.3.6 Advanced Component Manager Page

The Advanced Component Manager page is used to enable, disable, install, uninstall, and modify the configuration of server components. To access the Advanced Component Manager page, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then click Admin Server. Click advanced component manager in the introductory paragraph of the Component Manager Page.

Advanced Component Manager screen.
Element Description
Additional Components checkboxes Filters the components by category for the Enabled Components and Disabled Components lists on the page. Options include:
  • Show Oracle Components

  • Show Custom Components

  • Show System Components

Additional Filtering radio buttons Performs additional filtering of the server components displayed on the page. Options include:
  • All Components

  • Folders

  • Document Management

  • Inbound Refinery

  • Web Content Management

  • Integration

Tag Filter menu Select from the menu to filter the display of components to include components according to the tag.
Enabled Components list Shows the server components that are currently enabled. When a component is selected, the Enabled Components Info pane displays the component information.
Disable button Moves the selected component from the Enabled Components list to the Disabled Components list.
Disabled Components list Shows the components that are installed but currently disabled. When a component is selected, the Disabled Components Info pane displays the component information.
Enable button Moves the selected component from the Disabled Components list to the Enabled Components list.
Install New Component field Enter the path of the component Zip file to be installed to the Oracle Content Server instance or use the corresponding Browse button.
Browse button Used to navigate to and select an existing component Zip file.
Install button Installs the component Zip file specified in the Install New Component field.
Reset button Clears the Install New Component field.
Download Component field Use the menu to select a component from the list to be downloaded to a component Zip file.
Download button Displays a File Download screen, which is used to save the selected component as a component Zip file.
Uninstall Component field Use the menu to select a component to be uninstalled from the Oracle Content Server instance. The listed components are derived from the Disabled Components list.
Uninstall button Uninstalls the component selected from the list in the Uninstall Component field.
Update Component Configuration field Choose a component to update the component configuration parameters. Making changes does not require a restart of the Oracle Content Server instance.
Update button Displays the Update Component Configuration screen for the chosen component. Use the screen to change the component configuration.

A.3.7 Update Component Configuration Interface

The Update Component Configuration interface is used to modify configuration settings for Oracle Content Server components.

There are two ways to access a component Update Component Configuration screen:

  • Open the Admin Server Page, select Component Manager, click advanced component manager, select a component name from the Update Component Configuration list, then click Update.

  • In the portal navigation bar, select Administration, then Configuration for instance. Click Enabled Component Details, then click Configure next to the name of the component to be configured.

    If the component is not enabled, click Disabled Component Details to find the component to configure.


You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance after making any component configuration change.

Not all components can have their configuration settings modified. If a component does not support modifying configuration settings using this interface, a message is displayed.

A.3.7.1 Folders_g Update Component Configuration Screen

The Update Component Configuration screen for the Folders_g component is used to modify configuration settings for this Oracle Content Server component. The best practice is to keep the default settings unless there is a good business case to make any changes.

There are two ways to access the Update Component Configuration screen:

  • Open the Admin Server Page, select Component Manager, click advanced component manager, select Folders_g from the Update Component Configuration list, then click Update.

  • In the portal navigation bar, select Administration, then Configuration for instance. Click Enabled Component Details, then click Configure next to the Folders_g component name.

    If the component is not enabled, click Disabled Component Details to find the component to configure.


You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance after making any component configuration change.
Update Component Configuration Screen for Folders_g
Element Description
Do you want users to be able to download a copy of content items for which they only have Read permission? Sets environment variable GetCopyAccess. By default, the checkbox is selected.
If you want users to be able to specify whether a virtual folder or content item is hidden or visible, enter the name of the information field to specify whether a virtual folder or content item is hidden or visible. Sets environment variable CollectionHiddenMeta. The default setting is xHidden.
If you want users to be able to specify whether a virtual folder and its contents are read-only, enter the name of the information field to specify whether a virtual folder and its contents are read-only. Sets environment variable CollectionReadOnlyMeta. The default setting is xReadOnly.
Do you want users to be able to move folders and content items to other folders? Sets environment variable CollectionMoveEnabled. By default, the checkbox is selected.
Do you want users to be able to delete folders and content items? Sets environment variable CollectionDeleteEnabled. By default, the checkbox is selected.
Enter the name of an inhibit field for the metadata propagation function. Sets environment variable CollectionInhibitUpdateMeta. The default setting is xInhibitUpdate.
Do you want folder owners to be able to force folder security on folder content? Sets environment variable CollectionForceFolderSecurityEnabled. By default, the checkbox is selected.
Enter the name of the metadata field enabling the forcing of folder security: Sets environment variable CollectionForceFolderSecurityMeta. The default setting is xForceFolderSecurity.
Would you like to set up the optional trashbin settings? Sets environment variable SetupTrashBinSettings. By default, the checkbox is not selected. For additional information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Administrator's Guide for Oracle Content Server.
Specify the key used to encrypt the WebDAV cookie to avoid spoofing and reply attacks. Sets environment variable WebDAVSecretKey. The default setting is foldersWDAVKey. To make the WebDAV cookie secure, the default setting should be changed to something unique. If the field is not modified there is a risk of spoofing and replay attacks.
Enter the maximum number of folders per virtual folder: Sets environment variable MaxFolders. 1000 is the largest allowed value. The default setting is 1000.
Enter the maximum number of content items per virtual folder: Sets environment variable MaxContent. 1000 is the largest allowed value. The default setting is 1000.
Enter the initial folder identifier for this server (in millions): Sets environment variable InitialFolderID. The default setting is blank.

Leaving this field blank will allow a random initial folder ID to be selected. The best practice is to not set this field.

Update button Updates the component configuration with the modified field settings.
Reset button Returns modified field settings to their previous values.
Revert To Install Settings button Changes component configuration field settings to their install setting values.

A.3.7.2 PDF Watermark Update Component Configuration Screen

The Update Component Configuration screen for the PDFWatermark component is used to modify configuration settings for this Oracle Content Server component.

There are two ways to access the Update Component Configuration screen:

  • Open the Admin Server Page, select Component Manager, click advanced component manager, select PDFWatermark from the Update Component Configuration list, then click Update.

  • In the portal navigation bar, select Administration, then Configuration for instance. Click Enabled Component Details, then click Configure next to the PDFWatermark component name.

    If the component is not enabled, click Disabled Component Details to find the component to configure.


You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance after making any component configuration change.
Update Component Configuration screen for PDF Watermark
Element Description
Use PDF optimizer Specifies to use PDF optimizer. By default, the checkbox is not selected.
Optimizer Command Line Template Enter an optimizer command line template.
Update button Updates the component configuration with the modified field settings.
Reset button Returns modified field settings to their previous values.
Revert To Install Settings button Changes component configuration field settings to their install setting values.

A.3.7.3 Content Tracker Update Component Configuration Screen

The Update Component Configuration screen for the ContentTracker component is used to modify configuration settings for this Oracle Content Server component.

There are two ways to access the Update Component Configuration screen:

  • Open the Admin Server Page, select Component Manager, click advanced component manager, select ContentTracker from the Update Component Configuration list, then click Update.

  • In the portal navigation bar, select Administration, then Configuration for instance. Click Enabled Component Details, then click Configure next to the ContentTracker component name.

    If the component is not enabled, click Disabled Component Details to find the component to configure.


You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance after making any component configuration change.
Update Component Configuration screen for ContentTracker
Element Description
Track Content Access Only Specifies to track content access only. By default, the checkbox is selected.
Do Not Populate Access Log Columns Specifies the access log columns to not populate.
Simplify User Agent String Simplifies the user agent string. By default, the checkbox is selected.
Maximum Days to Retain Data Specifies the maximum number of days that data is retained. The default setting is 60.
Do Not Archive Expired Data Specifies to not archive expired data. By default, the checkbox is selected.
Enter Maximum URL Length Enter the maximum number of characters for the length of URLs. The default setting is 3000.
Enter Maximum Proxy Name Length Enter the maximum number of characters for the length of a proxy name. The default setting is 50.
Post Reduction Executable Specifies a post-reduction executable. There is no default.
Web Beacon ID List Specifies a list of web beacon IDs.
Update button Updates the component configuration with the modified field settings.
Reset button Returns modified field settings to their previous values.
Revert To Install Settings button Changes component configuration field settings to their install setting values.

A.3.7.4 Content Tracker Reports Update Component Configuration Screen

The Update Component Configuration screen for the ContentTrackerReports component is used to modify configuration settings for this Oracle Content Server component.

There are two ways to access the Update Component Configuration screen:

  • Open the Admin Server Page, select Component Manager, click advanced component manager, select ContentTrackerReports from the Update Component Configuration list, then click Update.

  • In the portal navigation bar, select Administration, then Configuration for instance. Click Enabled Component Details, then click Configure next to the ContentTrackerReports component name.

    If the component is not enabled, click Disabled Component Details to find the component to configure.


You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance after making any component configuration change.
ContentTrackerReports Update Component Configuration screen
Element Description
Enable Security Checks on Queries Enables security checks on Content Tracker Report queries. By default, the checkbox is not selected.
Update button Updates the component configuration with the modified field settings.
Reset button Returns modified field settings to their previous values.
Revert To Install Settings button Changes component configuration field settings to their install setting values.

A.3.7.5 Site Studio Update Component Configuration Screen

The Update Component Configuration screen for the SiteStudio component is used to modify configuration settings for this Oracle Content Server component.

There are two ways to access the Update Component Configuration screen:

  • Open the Admin Server Page, select Component Manager, click advanced component manager, select SiteStudio from the Update Component Configuration list, then click Update.

  • In the portal navigation bar, select Administration, then Configuration for instance. Click Enabled Component Details, then click Configure next to the SiteStudio component name.

    If the component is not enabled, click Disabled Component Details to find the component to configure.


You must restart the Oracle Content Server instance after making any component configuration change.
Update Component Configuration screen for Site Studio
Element Description
Fragment Library Content Type The content type to be used for checking in the fragment libraries.
Custom Element Forms Content Type The content type to be used for checking in the custom element forms.
Validation Scripts Content Type The content type to be used for checking in the validation scripts.
Web Site Objects Content Type The content type to be used for checking in the sample web site objects.
Custom Configuration Scripts Content Type The content type to be used for checking inthe custom configuration scripts.
Initial Section ID The initial value used to name web site sections.
Update button Updates the component configuration with the modified field settings.
Reset button Returns modified field settings to their previous values.
Revert To Install Settings button Changes component configuration field settings to their install setting values.

A.4 System Migration Interface

This section provides information about the interface screens used to manage system migration.

A.4.1 Configuration Migration Interface Screens

This section provides information about the screens used to export and import configuration migration bundles.

A.4.1.1 Migration Options

The migration options are used to access the basic functions of configuration migration. To access these options, select the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then click Config Migration Admin. You can also click the icon next to the Config Migration Admin link to expand the menu in the portal navigation bar to show links to the individual migration options.

Configuration Migration Administration Page.
Element Description
Upload Bundle link Displays the Upload Configuration Bundle Screen, used to access configuration bundles.
Configuration Bundles link Displays the Configuration Bundles Page, used to import information from the uploaded bundles.
Configuration Templates link Displays the Configuration Templates Page, used to access templates.
Recent Actions link Displays the Latest Action Screen, where details about imports and exports appears.
Action History link Displays the Action History Screen, where the history of import and export actions appears.

A.4.1.2 Upload Configuration Bundle Screen

The Upload Bundle screen is used to acquire a zipped file for use in the import process or to acquire a template file. To access this screen, select Upload Bundle from the list of Migration Options.

Upload Configuration Bundle screen.
Element Description
Select Bundle/Browse Used to browse the contents of the file system to access the zipped bundle.
Create Export Template Used to create a template based on the template that was used to create the bundle. After uploading, the template name is displayed on the Configuration Templates Page
Force Overwrite Specifies that any information that is imported can overwrite existing Oracle Content Server configuration information.

A.4.1.3 Configuration Bundles Page

The Configuration Bundles Page is used to select an existing bundle for use on the current Oracle Content Server instance. To access this screen, select Configuration Bundles from the list of Migration Options.

Configuration Bundles Page.
Element Description
Page Actions Menu Displays the page Actions menu with the following option:

Delete All: Deletes all current configuration export bundles.

Name Displays the names of existing configuration bundles.
Source Displays the location where the bundle was obtained.
Last Import Displays the date and time of the last import of the bundle.
Export Date Displays the date and time of the last export of the bundle.
Actions menu Each bundle contains a separate Actions menu with the following options:

Edit: Displays the Config Migration Admin Screen where you can alter the configuration information to be imported.

Preview: Displays the Preview Screen where you can view the configuration information to be used.

Delete: Used to delete the bundle.

History: Displays the Action History Page where details about the import process are displayed. The title of this screen is changed to History when it is accessed from this Action menu.

Download: Displays a dialog prompt, allowing you to save the zipped version of the bundle in a specified location.

A.4.1.4 Configuration Templates Page

The Configuration Templates Page lists previously defined templates and their export history. To access this screen, select Configuration Templates from the list of Migration Options.

Surrounding text describes Configuration Templates Page.
Element Description
Page Actions Menu Displays the page Actions menu with the following options:

Create New Export: Displays the Config Migration Admin Screen.

Delete All: Deletes all current configuration export templates.

Name Displays the names of existing configuration templates.
Description Displays the description of the configuration templates. This description was entered on the Edit Export Rule Screen.
Last Export Displays the date and time of the last export using this template.
Actions menu Each template contains a separate Actions menu with the following options:

Edit: Displays the Config Migration Admin Screen where you can alter the configuration information for that template.

Preview: Displays the Preview Screen where you can view the configuration information to be used.

Delete: Enables you to delete the template.

History: Displays the Action History Page, where details about the export process are displayed (the title of this screen is changed to History when it is accessed through this action menu).

A.4.1.5 Config Migration Admin Screen

The Config Migration Admin Screen is used to determine which sections of the Oracle Content Server instance will be exported or imported, and which actions should occur at the export or import action. There are several ways to access this screen:

Three main areas appear on this screen:

  • Actions menu

  • Action Options

  • Child Sections


You must select Save or Save As in order for the configuration information to be saved. If you preview, edit, or re-select items, that information is not saved until you select Save or Save As from the Actions menu.
Config Migration Admin screen.
Element Description
Actions menu Depending on which page accessed the Configuration Migration Admin page, different menu options appear:

Save or Save As: Displays the Edit Export Rule Screen where you can enter the name of the template. See the following note.

Preview: Displays the Preview Screen where you can view the configuration to be exported or imported.

Export or Import: Performs the action (Export or Import) then displays the Latest Action Screen, showing the status of the action.

Select All: Selects all Content Server Sections for inclusion in the configuration.

Unselect All: Unselects all Content Server Sections from the configuration.

The following Action Options appear on this screen.

Element Description
Continue on Error Specifies that the export or import continues even if errors are encountered. Errors are reported in the status file in the entry on the Latest Action Screen.
Email results Mails results to the user who initiated the export or import.
Add Dependencies Selected: Dependencies are added to the export or import bundle.

Unselected: Dependencies are not added to the bundle.

Ignore Dependencies Selected: If the checkbox is selected, dependencies are ignored.

Unselected: Dependencies are not ignored. This may cause the export or import to fail. For the action on the Latest Action Screen, see the status file.

Custom Name/Overwrite Duplicates When accessed from the Configuration Templates screen, the Custom Name field appears where a unique name is generated when a bundle is created using this template.

When accessed from the Configuration Bundles screen, the Overwrite Duplicates name field appears. Selecting this option allows the importing template to overwrite any duplicate entries in the existing configuration.

The following Child Sections appear on this screen.

Element Description
Content Server Sections Click a Child Sections name to display a list of Oracle Content Server aspects that are included in the export template. For details, see Content Server Sections.

A.4.1.6 Content Server Sections

The Content Server Sections link is displayed in the Child Sections portion of the Config Migration Admin Screen. This part of the Configuration Migration Admin Screen is used to specify which aspects of the Oracle Content Server instance are included in the export template.

Each section of this screen can be further expanded to show the specific metadata fields associated with that section. The Content Server Sections link displays the section names, descriptions, and how many items are within the section for the Oracle Content Server instance. You can click a section name to view details for that section.

Surrounding text describes Child Sections part of screen

Each section name of the Content Server Sections screen links to details of the specific metadata fields associated with the section. To include a section metadata field in the export template, select the checkbox.

Surrounding text describes a Child Section item and fields

A.4.1.7 Preview Screen

The Preview screen is used to view the Oracle Content Server items that will be exported or imported. To access this screen, click Preview from any of the following screens:

The screen title changes depending on where the Preview is launched.

The other information on this screen was created using the Configuration Bundles Page or the Configuration Templates Page.

Surrounding text describes Export Preview screen.
Element Description
Page Actions Menu Displays the page Actions menu with the following options:

Edit: displays the Config Migration Admin Screen where you can edit the configuration information.

Export or Import: performs the selected action.

A.4.1.8 Edit Export Rule Screen

The Edit Export Rule screen is used to name a template for exporting. This screen is displayed when a template is saved or edited.

Surrounding text describes Edit Export Rule screen.
Element Description
Name The name of the new template. Names cannot contain spaces or special characters (#, $, %, and so on).
Description Enter a description for the template.

A.4.1.9 Latest Action Screen

The Latest Action screen displays information about the latest action. This screen refreshes automatically at a user-selectable time interval so the most recent action is displayed. To access this screen, select the Administration tray from the portal navigation bar, then click Config Migration Admin, then click Latest Action.

Surrounding text describes Latest Action screen.
Element Description
Page Refresh (In Seconds) menu Specify the page refresh rate in seconds by selecting a time from the menu.
Time column Displays the date and time when the action was initiated.
Section column Displays the Content Server Section used for the action.
Message column Displays information about the action.

A.4.1.10 Action History Page

.The Action History screen displays the history of the latest actions, those that have occurred since the last time the history file was cleared using the Clear History option on the page Actions menu. You also can use the page Actions menu to select a specific action and view its history. This screen refreshes automatically at a user-selectable time interval so the most recent actions are displayed.

This screen appears after an import or export process, or you can access this screen by selecting Action History from the top menu of any Migration screen. To directly access this screen, select the Administration tray from the portal navigation bar, then click Config Migration Admin, then click Action History.

Surrounding text describes Action History Page.
Element Description
Page Actions menu Displays the page Actions menu with the following option:

Select an action: displays the history of the selected action.

Clear history: clears all history files that are displayed.

Name column Displays the name of the action.
Source column Displays the source of the action call.
Action column Displays the action taken.
Start column Displays the date and time when the action was initiated.
Status column Displays the latest status of the action.

A.4.2 Archive, Collection, and Batch Interface

This section provides information about the screens used to create and manage archives, collections, and batch files.

A.4.2.1 Main Archiver Screen

This screen can be accessed either in standalone mode, or using a browser and clicking the Administration tray in the portal navigation bar, then Admin Applets, then Archiver.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen.
Element Description
Options menu Open Archive Collection: Used to open collections.

View Automation For instance: used to display and remove archives that are exported, imported, or transferred automatically.

Tracing: Displays the Tracing Configuration menu. These trace reports are available from the System Audit Information page.

Edit menu Add: Displays the Add Archive Screen.

Delete: Deletes the selected archive.

Actions menu Export: Used to initiate an export or to delete revisions. If automated export is enabled, this option is unavailable.

Import: Used to initiate an import and specify what data to import.

Transfer: Manually transfers the selected archive to a target archive. If a target archive is not specified or if automated transfer out of an archive is enabled, this option is unavailable.

Cancel: Cancels any active archiving process for the selected archive.

Apps menu Used to open other administration applications. The other applications open in the same mode (applet or standalone) as the current application.
Help menu Contents: Displays the Oracle Content Server online help.

About Content Server: Displays version, build, and copyright information for the Oracle Content Server instance.

Current Archives list Lists the archives in the open collection.
General tab Used to view archiving activity and set some export and import options. For details, see Section A.4.2.2, "Archiver (General Tab)."
Export Data Tab Used to configure exports. For details, see Section A.4.3.1, "Main Archiver Export Screen."
Import Maps Tab Used to configure imports. For details, see Section A.4.4.1, "Import Maps Main Screen."
Replication Tab Used to configure replication. For details, see Section A.4.5.1, "Main Archiver Replication Screen."
Transfer To Tab Used to configure transfers. For details, see Section A.4.6.1, "Main Archiver Transfer Screen."
Status bar Displays the status of the Archiver or the active archiving process.

A.4.2.2 Archiver (General Tab)

The General tab is used to view archiving activity and set some export and import options. To access this screen, click the General tab on the Main Archiver Screen.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen General tab.
Element Description
Last Exported field Shows the date, time, and total number of files exported during the last export.
Last Imported field Shows the date, time, and total number of files imported during the last import.
View Batch Files button Displays the View Batch Files Screen, used to access batch files.

Export Options:

Element Description
Replace Existing Export Files field Shows if the existing export files will be replaced on the next export.
Export Table Only field Shows if only tables are exported or if both content and tables (if defined for export) are exported.
Copy Web Content field Shows if the native web-viewable (weblayout) files will be included in the export.
Edit button Displays the Edit Export Options Screen, where you can specify whether to replace existing exports, copy web contents, or export tables only.

Import Options:

Element Description
Override Action field Shows the rule to be used to handle existing revisions during import.
Import Valid Only field Shows if only files that have valid option list values will be imported.
Translate Date field Shows if dates will be translated to the target Oracle Content Server instance's time zone on import.
Edit button Displays the Edit Import Options (Select Rules) Screen, used to specify how revisions are handled.

A.4.2.3 Add Archive Screen

This screen is used to create an archive. To access this screen, on the Main Archiver Screen click the Edit menu, then select Add.

Surrounding text describes Add Archive screen.
Element Description
Archive Name field The name of the new archive. Archive names cannot contain spaces.
Description field A description of the archive.
Copy From checkbox Selected: The new archive has the same export query and additional data as the existing archive specified in the Copy From field.

Unselected: The new archive is created without an export query or additional data.

This checkbox appears only in the standalone Archiver.

Copy From field The directory path and file name of the existing archive to copy from. For example, C:/oracle/archives/my_archive/archive.hda.

This field appears only in the standalone Archiver.

Browse button Used to navigate to and select an archive to copy from.

This button appears only in the standalone Archiver.

A.4.2.4 Copy Archive Screen

This screen is used to copy an archive to a different directory or file system. To access this screen, using the standalone mode for Archiver, highlight an archive name, select Edit, then click Copy To.

Surrounding text describes Copy Archive screen.
Element Description
Name field The name of the new archive. This defaults to the name of the archive being copied.
Copy Archive To Directory field The directory path where the new archive is created. This directory must exist on the file system before copying.


This procedure copies the files in an archive. It does not create a new collection or update the collection.hda file if the archive is copied to a collection directory.

A.4.2.5 Open Archive Collection Screen

This screen is used to access sets of archives (collections). To access this screen, on the Main Archiver Screen select Options, then click Open Archive Collection.

Surrounding text describes Open Archive Collection screen.
Element Description
Collections list Lists the archive collections that are available to the Oracle Content Server instance.
Open button Opens the selected collection. When the selected collection is already open, this button is unavailable.
Browse Local button Displays the Find Archive Collection Definition File Screen, used to create a collection on your local system. This button is available only in the standalone Archiver.
Browse Proxied button Displays the Browse for Proxied Collection Screen, which is used to open a collection from another Oracle Content Server instance. See the following note.
Remove button Removes the selected collection from the Oracle Content Server instance. (The collection and archive files remain in the file system, and must be deleted manually.)


In Archiver, the term proxied refers to any Oracle Content Server instance to which the local instance is connected through an outgoing provider. This does not have to be a proxied instance of the master Oracle Content Server instance.

A.4.2.6 Find Archive Collection Definition File Screen

This screen is used to specify the directory and file name for a new archive collection when in standalone mode. To access this screen, click Browse Local on the Open Archive Collection Screen.

Find Archive Collection Definition File screen.
Element Description
Look in list Used to navigate to the directory where the new archive collection is created.
File name field The file name of the collection definition (HDA) file. The default is collection.hda.
Open button Displays the Browse To Archiver Collection Screen.

A.4.2.7 Browse To Archiver Collection Screen

This screen is used to define a new archive collection while using the standalone archiver. To access this screen, click Open on the Find Archive Collection Definition File Screen.

Browse To Archiver Collection screen.
Element Description
Name field The name of the archive collection.

Collection names cannot contain spaces.

Use the same name as the collection directory to make navigation easier.

Location field The path to the new collection.
Web Directory field The path to the Oracle Content Server weblayout directory.
Vault Directory field The path to the Oracle Content Server vault directory.

A.4.2.8 Browse for Proxied Collection Screen

This screen is used to select a collection to be opened from a remote Oracle Content Server instance. To access this screen, click Browse Proxied on the Open Archive Collection Screen.


In Archiver, the term proxied refers to any Oracle Content Server instance to which the local instance is connected through an outgoing provider.
Browse for Proxied Collection screen.
Element Description
Proxied Servers list Lists the name and relative web root for each remote Oracle Content Server instance.
Collections list Lists the name and directory path of each collection on the selected remote server.

A.4.2.9 View Batch Files Screen

This screen is used to view, edit, and delete batch files. To access this screen, on the Archiver (General Tab) highlight an archive, then click View Batch Files.


This option is active only if batch files exist.
Surrounding text describes Current Batch Files screen.
Element Description
Batch File column The directory and file name of each batch file in the selected archive.
Instance Name column The name of the Oracle Content Server instance.
Number column The number of content items in the batch file.
State column The state of the batch file.

NEW: The batch file was exported manually.

AutoInsert: The batch file was exported automatically.

Import button Imports the selected batch file.
Edit button Displays the View Exported Content Items Screen, which is used to import or delete specific files in a batch file.
Delete button Deletes the selected batch file from the archive.

A.4.2.10 View Exported Content Items Screen

This screen is used to import or delete specific revisions from a batch file. To access this screen, on the View Batch Files Screen highlight a batch file name, then click Edit.


If you are importing multiple revisions of the same content item, ensure that you import the revisions in the correct order. Importing revisions out of order causes errors.
View Exported Content Items screen.
Element Description
Use Filter checkbox Select this checkbox to use a filter to narrow the Content list.
Define Filter button Displays the Define Filter Screen, where you can select items for inclusion in the view.
Show Columns button Displays the Show Columns Screen, where you can select the columns to be displayed.
Content list Shows the revisions in the batch file that match the filter settings.

The list displays 50 revisions per page.

Double-clicking a revision displays the Information Page for that revision.

Top of list button Displays the top of the Content list.
Previous page button Displays the previous page of the Content list.
Import button Imports the selected revision. See the following Tip.
Delete button Deletes the selected revisions from the batch file.
Undo button Returns the last deleted revision to Archived status.
Apply button Deletes any revisions that have Deleted status.
Refresh button Returns all deleted revisions to Archived status.
Close button Closes the screen.
Next page button Displays the next page of the Content list.
End of list button Displays the end of the Content list.

A.4.3 Export Interface Screens

This section provides information about the screens used to manage the export process.

A.4.3.1 Main Archiver Export Screen

The Export Data tab of the Archiver application is used to set the export criteria for content items and tables. To access this function, click the Export Data tab on the Main Archiver Screen.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen Export Data tab.

Two tabs appear on the Export Data screen:

Element Description
Content tab Displays the Export Data (Content) Screen.
Table tab Displays the Main Archiver Export Screen (Table).

A.4.3.2 Export Data (Content) Screen

The Content tab is used to set the export criteria for content items. To access this screen, click the Content tab on the Main Archiver Export Screen.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen Content tab.

Export Query pane:

Element Description
Export Query field Shows the export criteria that is used to select which content items will be exported.
Edit button Displays the Edit Export Query (Content) Screen, which is used to change export criteria.
Preview button Displays the Previewing Export Queries (Content) Screen screen, which shows what content will be exported.

Additional Data pane:

Element Description
Content Configuration field Shows whether content types will be exported.
User Configuration field Shows whether user attributes will be exported.
Edit button Displays a screen where you can specify whether to export content configuration information or user configuration information.

A.4.3.3 Edit Export Query (Content) Screen

The Edit Export Query screen is used to create an export query that defines which content items to export. A similar screen is used to create queries for tables (Edit Export Query (Table) Screen).

To access this screen:

  1. Select an archive.

  2. Click the Main Archiver Export Screen and the Content tab.

  3. Click Edit in the Export Query section.

Surrounding text describes Edit Export Query screen.

Query Definition pane:

Element Description
Field list The metadata field that is evaluated for each content item. Items matching this field are exported.
Operator field Specifies how the Value is evaluated for each content item. The available operators depend on the type of metadata field selected:

Is exports content items with the exact value specified.

Is Not exports content items with a different value than the specified value.

Begins With exports content items with the specified value at the beginning of the field.

Contains Word exports content items with the specified value anywhere in the field.

Is Date Before exports content items with dates before the specified value.

Is Date After exports content items with dates after the specified value.

Value field The value for the specified metadata field. Depending on the option chosen in the Field list, this field can be a text entry field, text entry field with Select button, or list of the available options.
Select button Displays a list of existing items (such as content items or users), from which you can select a value for the Value field. This button appears only when certain metadata fields are selected.
Add button Adds the specified export query as a new line in the Query Expression box.
Update button Replaces the line selected in the Query Expression box with the specified export query.
Query Expression box Shows the SQL export criteria as specified with the Add or Update buttons.
Delete button Removes the selected line from the Query Expression box.
Custom Query Expression checkbox Selected: The query expression can be edited directly.

Unselected: The query expression is limited to the criteria specified in the Field, Operator, and Value fields (described previously). See the following Caution and Note messages.

Custom Query Expression box The SQL expression that is evaluated for each content item during export. By default, multiple criteria use the AND operator.


If you clear the Custom Query Expression checkbox, the expression reverts to its original definition; all modifications are lost.


You can use Idoc Script in the query expression. For details, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Idoc Script Reference Guide.

Query Options pane:

Element Description
Export Revisions with Release Date later than most recent Export Date checkbox Selected: Exports only the revisions that have released since the last export and that meet the export criteria.

Unselected: Exports all revisions that meet the export criteria.

Allow Export of Published Revisions checkbox This checkbox is for use with Oracle Content Publisher.

Selected: Exports all revisions that meet the export criteria.

Unselected: Does not export revisions that were published to the Oracle Content Server instance by Oracle Content Publisher.

All Selected Revisions option Exports all revisions of content items that meet the export criteria.
Latest Revisions option Exports only the most recent revision of content items that meet the export criteria.

If you are using replication, this option cannot be selected.

Not Latest Revisions option Exports all revisions except the most recent for content items that meet the export criteria.

If you are using replication, this option cannot be selected.

Single Revision Replication option Exports the most recent revision of each item that matches the query. This option replicates the latest revision of an item, but the replication is always renamed to revision 1 on the destination server, no matter what revision number it was on the source server.

Caution: Do not switch to Single Revision Replication if the destination server already has multiple revisions for any content item.

A.4.3.4 Edit Export Options Screen

This screen is used to specify which copies of the files to export and to specify whether to overwrite existing batch files. To access this screen, select an archive, click the Archiver General tab, then click Edit in the Export Options section.

Surrounding text describes Edit Export Options screen.
Element Description
Replace Existing Export Files checkbox Selected: Any existing batch files are deleted from the archive when an export is initiated.

Unselected: Initiating an export adds a new batch file but does not delete the existing batch files.

Copy Web Content checkbox Selected: The native (vault) and web-viewable (weblayout) files are exported.

Unselected: Only the native (vault) files are exported.

Export Table Only checkbox Selected: Only the tables are exported. Content items are not exported.

Unselected: Content items are exported and tables that have been defined to be exported.

A.4.3.5 Previewing Export Queries (Content) Screen

The Content Satisfying the Export Query screen is used to view a list of revisions that meet the export criteria.

To access this screen:

  1. Select an archive.

  2. Click the Main Archiver Export Screen and the Content tab.

  3. Click Preview in the Export Query section.

Content Satisfying the Export Query screen.
Element Description
Export Query field Shows the SQL query expression created using the Edit Export Query (Content) Screen.
Use Filter checkbox Select this checkbox to use a filter to narrow the Content list.
Define Filter button Displays the Define Filter Screen, where you can select items for inclusion in the view.
Show Columns button Displays the Show Columns Screen, where you can select the columns to be displayed.
Release Date Since checkbox and field Limits the revisions displayed in the Content list by their release dates.
Content list Shows the revisions in the Oracle Content Server repository that match the filter settings.

A maximum of 100 revisions can be displayed in this list; however, all revisions that satisfy the export query will be exported.

Double-clicking a revision displays the Information Screen for that revision.

A.4.3.6 Main Archiver Export Screen (Table)

The Table tab on the Export Data tab of the Archiver application is used to add and define the characteristics for new tables and edit existing tables in the selected archive. To access this screen, click the Main Archiver Export Screen, and click the Table tab.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen Table tab.

Table pane:

Element Description
Table list Lists the tables in the selected archive.
Add button Displays the Add New/Edit Table Screen.
Edit button Displays the Edit Archive Properties screen. See the Add New/Edit Table Screen.
Delete button Deletes the selected table from the archive.

Export Query pane:

Element Description
Export Query field Shows the export criteria that is used to select which tables will be exported.
Edit button Displays the Edit Export Query (Table) Screen.
Preview button Displays the Previewing Export Queries (Table) Screen.

A.4.3.7 Add New/Edit Table Screen

The Add New/Edit Table screen is used to define the export characteristics of a table and add it to the selected export archive.

To access this screen:

  1. Click the Main Archiver Export Screen.

  2. Select an archive from the Current Archives list and click the Tables tab.

  3. Click the Table list Add button.

Surrounding text describes Add New Table to Archive screen.
Element Description
Table Name list Lists the available database tables that can be added to the selected archive.
Use Parent Timestamp checkbox Selected: Use the parent table's timestamp to determine if this table will be exported.

Unselected: Use the current timestamp to determine if this table will be exported.

Create Timestamp list Lists the possible columns that store the creation timestamp when the table row is created.
Modify Timestamp list Lists the possible columns that store the modification timestamp when the table row is modified.
Parent Table list Lists parent table selections.
Table Relations field Used to specify the parent / child table relationship that determines the information to be exported.
Create New Table or Field if Not Exist checkbox Selected: Creates the specified table or field if it does not currently exist.

Unselected: Does not create the table or field.

Use Source ID checkbox Selected: Only table rows that match in multiple instances are exported.

Unselected: Table rows are exported regardless of their matching status between instances.

Replicate Deleted Rows checkbox Selected: The deleted source table rows are also deleted in the target table.

Unselected: Rows are not deleted in the target table.

Delete before Importing All Child Rows with Modified or Deleted Parent checkbox Selected: Delete the rows from the importing child table if the corresponding rows in the parent table have been deleted or modified.

Unselected: Rows are not deleted in the child table before importing.

Allow Archiver to Delete Row from Parent Table checkbox Selected: Delete the rows from the parent table if the corresponding rows in the exported child table have been deleted.

Unselected: Rows are not deleted from the parent table.

Delete Parent Row Only if No Associate Child Exists checkbox Selected: Delete the rows from the parent table only if a child row does not exist.

Unselected: Rows are not deleted from the parent table.

A.4.3.8 Edit Export Query (Table) Screen

The Edit Export Query screen is used to create an export query that defines which tables to export. This is similar to the screen used to create export queries for content (Edit Export Query (Content) Screen).

To access this screen:

  1. Select an archive

  2. Click the Main Archiver Export Screen and the Table tab.

  3. Click Edit in the Export Query section.

Surrounding text describes Edit Export Query screen.
Element Description
Field list The metadata field that will be evaluated for each table.
Operator field Specifies how the Value will be evaluated for each table. The available operators depend on the type of metadata field selected:

Is exports tables with the exact value specified.

Is Not exports tables with a different value than the specified value.

Begins With exports tables with the specified value at the beginning of the field.

Contains Word exports tables with the specified value anywhere in the field.

Is Date Before exports tables with dates before the specified value.

Is Date After exports tables with dates after the specified value.

Value field The value for the specified metadata field.
Add button Adds the specified export query as a new line in the Query Expression box.
Update button Replaces the line selected in the Query Expression box with the specified export query.
Query Expression field Shows the export criteria.
Delete button Removes the selected line from the Query Expression box.
Custom Query Expression checkbox Selected: The query expression can be edited directly.

Unselected: The query expression is limited to the criteria specified in the Field, Operator, and Value fields. See the following Caution and Note messages.

Custom Query Expression field The SQL expression that will be evaluated for each table during export. By default, multiple criteria use the AND operator.


If you deselect the Custom Query Expression checkbox, the expression reverts to its original definition; all modifications are lost.


You can use Idoc Script in the query expression. For details, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Idoc Script Reference Guide.

A.4.3.9 Previewing Export Queries (Table) Screen

The Content Satisfying the Export Query screen is used to view a list of tables that meet the export criteria. The fields, buttons, and checkboxes on this screen are identical to those on the screen used to view a list of revisions meeting selected export criteria.

To view and read the field descriptions, see the Previewing Export Queries (Content) Screen.

A.4.3.10 Export Archive Screen

The Export Archive screen is used to initiate an export and specify whether to delete the exported files. To access this screen, select Actions, then select Export from the Archiver menu bar.

Surrounding text describes Export Archive screen.
Element Description
Delete revisions after successful archive checkbox Selected: Deletes exported revisions from the Oracle Content Server instance upon successful export.

Unselected: Exported revisions are not deleted from the Oracle Content Server instance.

A.4.4 Import Interface Screens

This section provides information about the screens used during the import process.

A.4.4.1 Import Maps Main Screen

Mapping determines how metadata fields on an exporting and importing Oracle Content Server instance relate to each other.

The Import Maps tab of the Archiver application is used to configure metadata field and value mappings to import content items and tables. To access this tab, click the Import Maps tab on Main Archiver Screen.

Two tabs appear on the main mapping screen:

Element Description
Content tab Displays the Import Maps (Content) Screen.
Table tab Displays the Import Maps (Table) Screen.

A.4.4.2 Import Maps (Content) Screen

The Content tab on the Import Maps screen is used to set the import criteria for content items. To access this screen, click the Content tab on the Import Maps Main Screen.

Import Maps screen Content tab.
Element Description
Field Maps box Shows the metadata field mapping expression.
Edit button Displays the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.
Value Maps box Shows the metadata value mapping expression.
Edit button Displays the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.

A.4.4.3 Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen

The Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map screen is used to set how fields and values are copied (mapped) from one metadata field to another during import.

Follow these steps to access this screen:

  1. Click the Import Maps Main Screen

  2. Select an archive from the Current Archives list

  3. Click the Import Maps (Content) Screen and click Edit in the Field Maps section or the Value Maps section.

Surrounding text describes Edit Field Maps screen.
Surrounding text describes Edit Value Maps screen.
Element Description
'All' checkbox On the Edit Value Maps Screen, if the 'all' checkbox is selected, the specified Field is changed to the Output Value for all imported revisions.
Export Field/Input Value The metadata field that contains the data to be copied to a different field during import or the metadata value to be changed when mapping values. Use the internal field name, such as dDocAuthor or xComments.
Export Field/Input Value list Enables you to select the Export Field or Input Value from a list of existing metadata fields. A source must be selected from the Browse for Fields/Value Screen for options to appear in this list.
Browse For Fields/Browse for Values button Displays the Browse for Fields/Value Screen.
'in' Field On the Edit Value Maps Screen, an additional field appears between Input Value and Output Value. Select the field where the metadata should be changed from the list.
Target Field/Output Value The metadata field that the archived metadata is copied to during import. The list includes all metadata fields in the local Oracle Content Server instance.
Add button Adds the specified mapping expression to the Field Maps box.
Update button Replaces the mapping expression selected in the Field Maps box with the specified mapping expression.
Field MapsValue Maps box Shows the mapping expressions.
Delete button Deletes the selected mapping expression from the Field Maps box.

A.4.4.4 Browse for Fields/Value Screen

The Browse for Fields/Value screen is used to specify whether to retrieve a list of metadata fields from the local Oracle Content Server instance or from a specific batch file. To access this screen, click Browse for Fields or Browse for Value on the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.

Surrounding text describes Browse for Values screen.
Surrounding text describes Browse for Fields screen.
Element Description
From Batch File list On the Browse for Values screen, selecting a batch file retrieves the list of metadata fields defined in that batch file.
From Field list On the Browse for Values screen, selecting a field retrieves a list of metadata values defined for that field in the batch file.
Local System option Retrieves a list of metadata fields from the local Oracle Content Server instance.
Batch option Retrieves a list of metadata fields from the selected batch file.

A.4.4.5 Import Maps (Table) Screen

The Table tab on the Import Maps screen is used to add and define the field and value maps for importing tables. To access this screen, on the Import Maps Main Screen click the Table tab.

Surrounding text describes Import Maps screen Table tab.
Element Description
Archive file list Provides a tree-view list of archive files.
Edit button Displays the Edit Archive Properties on Table Screen. The configuration settings on this screen that display after clicking the Edit button are the global configurations. The settings on the top section of the screen cannot be edited. Changes to the global settings on the bottom section are implemented after clicking OK. Changes made using the Load button can override these changes.
Load button Displays the Edit Archive Properties on Table Screen. The configuration settings on this screen that display after clicking the Load button are the configuration settings defined when the archive was created. The settings on the top section of the screen cannot be edited. Changes to the settings on the bottom section are implemented after clicking OK. These changes will override the changes made using the Edit button.
Refresh button Used to update the current archive file list.
Field Maps box Shows the metadata field mapping expression.
Edit button Displays the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.
Value Maps box Shows the metadata value mapping expression.
Edit button Displays the Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen.

A.4.4.6 Edit Archive Properties on Table Screen

The Edit Archive Properties screen is used to edit the original checkbox values assigned to the table when it was created. The fields in the top section are no longer editable. Only the configuration settings in the lower section can be changed. This screen displays after clicking both the Edit and Load buttons associated with the archive file list section on the Import Maps Table tab screen.

The configuration settings are different depending on which button was clicked to display the screen. The settings that are displayed after clicking the Edit button are the global configurations and the settings that display after clicking the Load button are those that were defined when the archive was created. Changes made using the Edit-generated screen can be overridden with changes made using the Load-generated screen.

The fields and checkboxes on this screen are identical to those on the screen used to add a table to an archive. To view field descriptions, see Section A.4.3.7, "Add New/Edit Table Screen."

Follow these steps to access this screen:

  1. Click the Import Maps Main Screen.

  2. Select an archive from the Current Archives list.

  3. Click the Import Maps (Table) Screen.

  4. Click the Table list Edit button.

Screens similar to those used to edit content display:

  • The Edit Field Maps screen is used to set up how values will be copied from one metadata field to another during the import of tables. The fields and buttons on this screen are identical to those on the screen used to set the metadata mapping for imported content items. See Section A.4.4.3, "Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen."

  • The Browse for Fields screen is used to specify whether to retrieve a list of metadata fields from the local Oracle Content Server instance or from a specific batch file. The fields on this screen are identical to those on the same screen associated with the Import Maps Content tab. See Section A.4.4.4, "Browse for Fields/Value Screen."

  • The Edit Value Maps screen is used to set up how metadata values will be changed (mapped) during the import of tables. The fields and buttons on this screen are identical to those on the screen used to set the metadata values for imported content items. See Section A.4.4.3, "Edit Field Map/Edit Value Map Screen."

  • The Browse for Values screen is used to select metadata values to retrieve from a batch file. The fields on this screen are identical to those on the same screen associated with the Import Maps Content tab. See Section A.4.4.4, "Browse for Fields/Value Screen."

A.4.4.7 Edit Import Options (Select Rules) Screen

The Edit Import Options screen is used to specify how revisions are replaced, added, or deleted during import. To access this screen, click Edit in the Import Options section of the Archiver (General Tab).

Surrounding text describes Edit Import Options screen.
Element Description
Override Import Rules list Select the rule that defines how revisions are replaced, added, or deleted during import. Selecting an option displays a description of the import rule. See the following Caution message.
Import only revisions with valid option list values checkbox Selected: Values in validated option lists are checked, and only revisions with valid option list values will be imported.

Unselected: Option list values are not validated during import.

Translate the dates to the current system time zone checkbox Selected: Times in metadata date fields are recalculated to reflect the time zone of the target (import) Oracle Content Server.

Unselected: Times in metadata date fields remain unchanged during import.


The Update import rule will replace existing revisions without saving the existing files. Be extremely careful when importing so that you do not accidentally replace content you meant to keep.

A.4.4.8 Import Archive Screen

The Import Archive screen is used to initiate an import and to specify what information to import. To access this screen, select Actions, and then click Import from the Archiver menu bar.

Surrounding text describes Import Archive screen.
Element Description
Import Batched Revisions checkbox Selected: Imports content item revisions.

Unselected: Does not import content item revisions.

Import Tables checkbox Selected: Imports content item revisions and tables in an archive that contains both.

Unselected: Does not import the tables in an archive that contains both content item revisions and tables.

A.4.5 Replication Interface Screens

This section provides information about the screens used to manage the replication process.

A.4.5.1 Main Archiver Replication Screen

The Replication tab of the Archiver application is used to configure automated exports and imports. To access this screen, click the tab on the Main Archiver Screen.

Surrounding text describes Archiver screen Replication tab.
Element Description
Export Automated field Shows whether automatic export is enabled for the selected archive.
Registered Exporters box Lists the collections that are currently registered as automatic exporters for the selected archive.
Edit button Displays the Registered Exporter Screen.
Registered Importer field Shows the collection that is currently registered as an importer for the selected archive.
Logon User Name field Shows the user name of the user who was logged in when the importer was registered.
Register Self button Registers the selected archive as an automatic importer.
Unregister button Unregisters the registered importer.

A.4.5.2 Registered Exporter Screen

The Registered Exporter screen is used to specify which collections automatically export to the current archive, and to enable and disable automatic export. To access this screen, click Edit on the Main Archiver Replication Screen.

Surrounding text describes Registered Exporter screen.
Element Description
Enable Automated Export checkbox Selected: Export will occur automatically whenever a content item that meets the export criteria is indexed.

Unselected: Automatic export is disabled.

Registered Exporters box Lists the collections that are registered as automatic exporters for the selected archive.
Register button Adds the current collection to the list of registered exporters. This button is not available if automatic export is disabled.
Remove button Removes the selected collection from the list of registered exporters. This button is not available if automatic export is disabled.

A.4.5.3 Automation (Exporters) Screen

The Automation Screen has three tabs: Exporters, Importers, and Transfers. To access the Automation screen, highlight a collection and select View Automation for instance from the Options menu on Main Archiver Screen

The Exporters tab of the Automation for Instance screen is used to view and remove archives that are being exported automatically.

Surrounding text describes Automation screen Exporters tab.
Element Description
Location column Lists the collection and archive for each archive that is being exported automatically.
Status column Shows the status of the automatic export: connected or disconnected.
Remove button Removes the selected archive as a registered exporter.

A.4.5.4 Automation (Importers) Screen

The Importers tab of the Automation screen is used to view and remove archives that are being imported automatically.

Automation screen Importers tab.
Element Description
Location column Lists the collection and archive for each archive that is being imported automatically.
Status column Shows the status of the automatic import: connected or disconnected.
Remove button Removes the selected archive as a registered importer.

A.4.5.5 Automation (Transfers) Screen

The Transfers tab of the Automation screen is used to view and remove archives that are being transferred automatically.

Automation screen Transfers tab.
Element Description
Source column Lists the collection and archive for the transfer source.
Target column Lists the collection and archive for the transfer target.
Status column Shows the status of the automatic transfer: connected or disconnected.
Remove button Removes the selected transfer.

A.4.5.6 Automation (Queries) Screen

The Queued Automated Imports screen is used to view those imports that are queued to occur.

Automation screen Queued Automated Imports tab.
Element Description
Location column Lists the collection and archive for the transfer source.
Status column Shows the status of the automatic transfer.
Remove button Removes the selected transfer.

A.4.6 Transfer Interface Screens

This section provides information about the screens used to transfer archives.

A.4.6.1 Main Archiver Transfer Screen

The Transfer To tab of the Archiver application is used to configure batch file transfers from one archive to another. To access this tab, click the Transfer To tab on Main Archiver Screen.

Main Archiver screen Transfer To tab.
Element Description
Last Transfer Out field The date and time that batch files were last transferred out of the selected archive.
Last Transfer In field The date and time that batch files were last transferred into the selected archive.
Total fields The number of batch files and content items that were included in the last transfer.

Transfer Options pane:

Element Description
Is Targetable field Shows whether the selected archive can be a transfer target.
Is Transfer Automated field Shows whether the selected archive is transferred automatically.
Edit button Displays the Transfer Options Screen.

Transfer Destination pane:

Element Description
Transfer Owner field The Oracle Content Server instance that owns the transfer for the selected archive.
Target Archive field The collection and archive that the selected archive will be transferred to.
Remove button Deletes the transfer destination.
Edit button Displays the Archive Collections Screen.

A.4.6.2 Transfer Options Screen

The Transfer Options screen is used to enable an archive to receive a transfer and to automate transfers out of an archive. To access this screen, click Edit in the Transfer Options section of the Main Archiver Transfer Screen.

Surrounding text describes Transfer Options screen.
Element Description
Is Targetable checkbox Selected: The selected archive can receive transfers from other archives.

Unselected: The selected archive cannot receive transfers from other archives.

Is Transfer Automated checkbox Selected: Transfer of the selected archive occurs automatically, whenever the archive is updated.

Unselected: Transfer of the selected archive must be initiated manually.

A.4.6.3 Archive Collections Screen

The Archive Collections screen is used to specify a targetable archive to receive a transfer. To access this screen, click Edit in the Transfer Destination section of the Main Archiver Transfer Screen.

Surrounding text describes Archive Collections screen.
Element Description
Collections list Lists the names and locations of archive collections that are available to the local Oracle Content Server instance.
Archives list Lists the name and targetable status of the archives in the selected collection. (Only targetable archives can be selected from this list.)

A.4.7 Folder Archive Configuration Page

This page is used to manage and create folder archives. To access this page, log in to the Oracle Content Server instance as an administrator, select Administration in the portal navigation bar, then select Folder Archive Configuration.

Folder Archive Configuration screen.
Element Description
Collection Name list The list includes all detected archive collections on the Oracle Content Server instance (that is, all collections that are known or have been opened in the Content Server Archiver utility).

Each Oracle Content Server instance will at least have one archive collection, which has the same name as the Oracle Content Server instance.

Archive Name field and list Here you can specify the name of the archive. The list contains all known archives on the Oracle Content Server instance that were created earlier.

Ensure that you provide an archive name before selecting folders to be included in the archive. If you select folders first and then specify an archive name, nothing happens when you click Add. (The folder tree collapses completely and your folder selection is lost).

Folder tree This shaded area contains the folder structure that is detected on the Oracle Content Server instance.

By default, the entire tree is collapsed (that is, none of the folders are displayed).

Click the plus symbol to display all underlying subfolders of a folder, and the minus symbol to hide them.

Select the checkboxes of all folders that you want to include in the folder structure archive. If you click the checkbox of a parent folder, all its child folders are selected automatically as well. You can also select and unselect any of the child folders individually. A parent folder will only be selected if all of its subfolders are selected as well. If you unselect any of the child folders, its parent folder is automatically unselected, too. This does not affect the virtual folder path properties of the child folder.

The folder tree will include any Collaboration Manager project folders and Site Studio web site folders. The Folder Structure Archive component is not intended to archive these folders. You can archive them and also transfer them to another system, but transferred collaboration projects and Site Studio web sites will not work on the target system.

Add button Click this button to create the specified folder archive and make it available in the Oracle Content Server instance.

Ensure that you provide an archive name before selecting folders to be included in the archive. If you select folders first and then specify an archive name, nothing happens when you click Add. (The folder tree collapses completely and your folder selection is lost).

Remove button Click this button to remove the specified existing folder archive, so it is no longer available in the Oracle Content Server instance for processing.