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Oracle® Fusion Applications Post-Installation Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)
Part Number E22380-03
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3 Customer Relationship Management

This chapter contains the following:

Setting Up E-Mail Marketing

Setting Up SMS Marketing

Setting Up Informatica Identity Resolution

Setting Up Sales Prediction Engine

Setting Up E-Mail Marketing

Installing the Bounce Handling Daemon: Procedures

The E-Mail Marketing Server is a combination of components designed to support high volume, personalized e-mail messages, and to track e-mail bounces and click-through responses. The bounce handling daemon (BHD) tracks e-mail messages that cannot be delivered, parses the returned e-mail messages, and records the cause of the e-mail bounce.

Installing and Configuring the Bounce Handling Daemon

The bounce handling daemon installation program is available on the Fusion Applications companion disk. Prior to installing the program, ensure you have provisioned the Marketing application, noting the SOA host and port, and determined the designated server to place the daemon. The designated server must have port 25 available.


It is recommended that you place the bounce handling daemon in the DMZ. Optionally, you can place the bounce handling daemon behind an inbound mail transfer agent (MTA). The approach that you choose depends on the configuration of your network, DMZ, existing inbound mail transfer agent, and firewall.

Complete the following steps to install and configure the bounce handling daemon:

  1. Using the companion disk, locate and run the installation program: fusionbhd/Disk1/runInstaller. Provide information when prompted, such as the JDK location, designated BHD server installation directory, and the http or https protocol, host and port for the Marketing SOA URL.

  2. Navigate to the WLS_HOME/config/fwmconfig directory and copy the files and directory listed below to the $HOME/bhd/fusionapps/crm/ewm/bhd/bin directory.

  3. Update the root user permissions to allow read, write, and execute access to the jps-config-jse.xml and default-keystore.jks files and the bootstrap directory.

  4. Update the root user permissions to allow read, write, and execute access to the BHD server installation directory, it's subdirectories and files. The top level BHD server installation directory is specified during the install process.

  5. Grant read access to the fusionapps/crm/ewm/bhd/logs directory to nonroot users to provide availability to application log files.

  6. Sign in as a root user and enter the following to start the BHD service for port 25:

    Server Platform



    Navigate to the fusionapps/crm/ewm/bhd directory and enter the following command:

    • $ ./bin/ start

    MS Windows

    Run the bhd.exe executable file.

For more information on provisioning, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Quick Installation Guide. For more information on configuring other aspects of the e-mail server for marketing, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Marketing Implementation Guide.

Setting Up SMS Marketing

Enabling SMS Marketing Capability: Procedures

To use the SMS marketing campaign capability within Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management, you need to enable it after installing Oracle Fusion Applications. Customers interested in SMS marketing campaigns will need to complete SMPP Driver configuration in the SOA suite component Oracle User Messaging Service.

An instance of the SMPP driver is already installed as part of the Oracle Fusion Applications installation and is a part of the Oracle User Messaging Service, but it does not point to any User Messaging Server. To configure the SMPP driver, you need to have an account with an SMPP driver gateway vendor. For configuration instructions and the list of verified/approved 3rd party SMPP driver gateway vendors (available in the table titled SMPP Driver Gateway Vendors), refer to the section Configuring Oracle User Messaging Server in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.


Before proceeding with the enabling process, ensure that you have access rights to update and deploy applications on the WebLogic Administration Console and Oracle Enterprise Manager associated with the Customer Relationship Management domain.

  1. Sign in to the WebLogic Administration Console associated with the Customer Relationship domain.

  2. Under Deployments, you see the application usermessagingdriver-smpp in the Installed state.

  3. Expand usermessagingdriver-smpp and navigate to Targets tab. The Current Targets column shows (None specified), indicating that no target is configured.

  4. On the console, switch to the Lock and Edit mode, update the target to all servers in the CRM_SOACluster, and save the changes.

  5. While remaining in the Lock and Edit mode for the console, navigate to Deployments, select the check box next to usermessagingdriver-smpp and click Update. The Update Application Assistant wizard appears.

  6. For the Deployment Plan Path field, click Change Path and select the Fusion Applications specific deployment plan APPTOP/instance/applications/ums/crm/usermessagingdriver-smpp_FusionPlan.xml.

  7. Proceed to the subsequent screen of the Update Application Assistant wizard and select Release Configuration to commit the changes made until this point. The state of the application usermessagingdriver-smpp changes to Active.

  8. Sign out of WebLogic Administration Console.

  9. Sign in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager associated with the Customer Relationship Management domain.

  10. Expand CRMDomain - User Messaging Service, right-click the application usermessagingdriver-smpp and select SMPP Driver Properties from the context menu.

  11. Configure the driver and apply the changes.

  12. Restart the application usermessagingdriver-smpp to bring into effect the driver configuration changes.

You can now use the SMS Marketing capability of Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management.

Setting Up Informatica Identity Resolution

Informatica Identity Resolution Setup: Procedures

The Data Quality (DQ) product provides two offerings: Matching and Address Cleansing. These are independent functions and are set up separately.

Matching is the identification of potential duplicates for organizations, persons and locations. Potential duplicate records identified by DQ are surfaced by other Oracle Fusion Applications in a variety of ways such as duplicate prevention in real-time, when a customer record is created or duplicate identification in batch mode.

Address Cleansing is the process of correction and validation of address data, based on postal requirements. For example, if a user enters valid values for zip code, city, and country, DQ may return a value for state. Likewise, if a user enters valid values for city, state, and country, DQ automatically supplies a zip code value.

Setting up DQ would entail two sequential steps:

  1. Setting up the DQ Engine (Informatica Identity Resolution [IIR])

  2. Setting up the Fusion DQ Connector to IIR, by performing DQ tasks, using the Functional Setup Manager


You can find the IIR vendor documentation in <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/pdf directory within the IIR Installation.

Verify the installation of IIR and perform setup operations.


If you are working on the 64-bit operating systems of Oracle Enterprise Linux, Windows, AIX, or Solaris Sparc, when you provision CRM using the provisioning framework, an instance of IIR (64 Bit) is automatically provisioned along side. However, for Solaris X-64 Bit platform, IIR does not get provisioned. You need to install it manually on any of the other 64-Bit operating systems. Except for the manual installation of IIR on a different platform, all the setup steps for Solaris X-64 Bit platform are identical to other platforms.

Performing Post-Provisioning Checks

Once Fusion Application environment is provisioned by Oracle Fusion Application Provisioning Framework, do the following to verify IIR installation:

This table lists the processes that run when IIR is working.

Server Name

Process Name



License Server



Meant for licensing matching requests. You can configure the value of this port.

Search Server



Serves an incoming matching request. Connects to the Rulebase server for system or Rulebase information.

Connection Server



Meant for improving performance of search clients.

Console Server



Enables Informatica IR Console Client to access the Rulebase and other files and to launch other IIR utilities.

Rulebase Server



Meant for accessing the IIR Rulebase in the database and is relevant only for matching. There is no separate process for this. It is started as part of ssasrsv.

An instance of IIR uses seven ports. If IIR is provisioned through the framework, the value of the license server port is determined by the value of the property that is set in the provisioning plan. If IIR is installed manually, the value of the license server port is determined by IIR_INSTANCE_1_PORT in the install.props file.

The seven ports are listed here. For example, if the port value set for uses the default value 1601, the ports occupied for Informatica Identity Resolution would have the following values:


The value of SSA_LIPORT can be found in <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/env/envs and the values of all other ports can be found in <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/env/isss.

Post-Provisioning Operations

When post-provisioning checks are successful, perform these post-provisioning operations sequentially to set up IIR:

  1. IIR Matching Setup.

  2. IIR Address Cleansing Setup.

  3. Oracle Fusion Data Quality Connector Setup.

Informatica Identity Resolution Matching Setup: Procedures

When you use the configurations provided by Oracle Fusion Trading Community Data Quality, matching consists of initial indexing and index synchronization.

Initial Indexing

Perform the following for initial indexing:

  1. Log in to the Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) Host machine.

  2. Enter cd <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin.

  3. Run

  4. Start the Informatica IR Console using ./idsconc -a option.

  5. On the launched console, select Rulebase Type as SSA and Alias as rtunitrb.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Select Yes for a new Rulebase.

  8. In Informatica IR Console, navigate to System - New - Create a system from SDF.

    Enter the following information:

  9. Go to System and select System Name as FusionDQRealtime.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Go to System - Load IDT.

    Use Loader Definition list to load the following ID tables one by one:

  12. Click OK for each ID table.

The IIR load jobs launched from the Informatica IR Console pull the data from the Oracle Fusion Applications database and create keys for them. It then prepares the data in the IIR Server and uses SQL loader to load the data back into the Oracle Fusion Applications database. During this process, if any load job fails and a fix has been applied, you must delete the corresponding .dat file from the PROV.TOP//InformaticaIR/ids directory and then refresh the applicable ID table.

To refresh an ID table:

  1. Go to System - Refresh.

  2. Select Refresh Selected Objects.

  3. Choose the ID table name to refresh.

  4. Click OK.

Index Synchronization

Once initial indexing is done, you can continue with adding or editing records, but you must synchronize the index as follows:

  1. Start the Update Synchronizer on IIR

  2. Start the Oracle Fusion Synchronization Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job.

Starting Up and Shutting Down Update Synchronizer

The Update Synchronizer is a batch job that runs in the IIR Server. Primary function of an Update Synchronizer is to take records in the no source access (NSA) table periodically, create the keys for them, and synchronize these to identity tables (IDTs) and identity indexes (IDXs). The records in NSA are created by the Oracle Fusion Synchronization Oracle Enterprise Scheduler job. Once the Update Synchronizer has completed the job, it would clear the records from NSA.

Starting Up Update Synchronizer: You can start the Update Synchronizer from the Informatica IR Console.

  1. Log in to Informatica IR Console.

  2. Go to System and select System Name as FusionDQRealtime.

  3. Go to Tools - Synchronizer - Run Synchronizer.

  4. Click OK.

    Select the All option for IDT Name and retain the rest of the defaults.

  5. Click OK.

Shutting Down Update Synchronizer: Once started, the Update Synchronizer can be left running for the lifecycle of the IIR Server unless there is a need to shut it down.

  1. Log in to Informatica IR Console.

  2. Double click Update Synchronizer under Launched Jobs to open the Synchronize window.

  3. Select Yes. The Synchronizer terminates within 60 seconds.

  4. Close the Synchronize window after shutdown.

When there is loss of connectivity with the database, Update Synchronizer stops functioning. You must then restart it.

Informatica Identity Resolution Address Cleansing Setup: Procedures

Oracle Fusion Applications Installer installs a demo version of AddressDoctor postal reference data and product license keys that you can use to test address cleansing functionality; however, this demo is restrictive and provides you with a small subset of the complete functionality. For using the complete functionality, you must request for production license and postal reference data.

Using Demo License and Demo Postal Reference Data

If you are using demo keys and data, no specific setup is required for address cleansing server. You can quickly verify the setup using PROV.TOP/InformaticaIR/bin > asmcli -b. When successful, it launches the Address Standardization Module (ASM) client.

Using Production License and Postal Reference Data

AddressDoctor postal reference data and product license keys are not sold or distributed by Oracle. To acquire a license key and postal reference data, contact Informatica/AddressDoctor by sending an e-mail to The AddressDoctor license key restricts the use of address validation to the purchased countries or territories and represents a twelve (12) month subscription to the postal reference data. Once AddressDoctor receives the e-mail request through, an AddressDoctor representative will contact you to define the requirements and complete the transaction. Once finalized, AddressDoctor will provide the license key and download credentials/instructions for accessing the postal reference data. Notification of regular updates to the postal reference data will be provided through e-mail.

Once the production license key and postal reference data are obtained, perform the following:

Oracle Fusion Data Quality Connector Setup: Procedures

Once you complete the Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) matching and cleansing setups, you must ensure that Oracle Fusion Applications is connected to the data quality engine.

Connecting Oracle Fusion Applications to Data Quality Engine

To connect Oracle Fusion Applications to the data quality engine:

  1. Map Oracle Fusion Applications to IIR Matching server.

    1. Log in to the Functional Setup Manager application as an administrator user.

    2. Under Assigned Implementation Tasks, search for Manage Server Configuration setup tasks.

    3. Select Go to Task. This opens the task-flow page.

    4. Click Search to find all existing configurations.

    5. In the Search Results, select Realtime and BatchBasic Server.

    6. Select Actions - Edit.

    7. Enter the Server Address and Server Port of the IIR Matching Server. The default port is 1666. To know the current port, use grep SSA_SEPORT=$<PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/env/isss.

    8. Select Enable Match Operation.

    9. Click Save and Close.

  2. Map Oracle Fusion Applications to IIR Cleansing server.

    1. Log in to the Functional Setup Manager Application as an administrator user.

    2. Under Assigned Implementation Tasks, search for Manage Server Configuration setup tasks.

    3. Select Go to Task. This opens the task-flow page.

    4. Click Search to find all existing configurations.

    5. In the Search Results, select Realtime Cleanse Server.

    6. Select Actions - Edit.


      Repeat the steps to select Batch Cleanse Server from the search results and edit it.

    7. Enter the Server Address and Server Port of the IIR Cleansing server. The default port is 1666. To know the current port, use grep SSA_SEPORT=$<PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/env/isss.

    8. Select Enable Cleanse Operation.

    9. Click Save and Close.


    By default, the IIR server instance is the same for both matching and cleansing, but you can configure separate instances if required.

Setting up Multiple Informatica Identity Resolution Instances: Overview

Set up multiple Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) instances to make use of client load balancing capabilities of IIR to implement failover. You can configure the Oracle Fusion Data Quality Connector to allow Oracle Fusion Applications to speed up data quality management operations and to avoid overload by sending matching and cleansing calls to different IIR instances. Note that the multiple instances do not require any data or repository replication and can work with one Oracle Fusion Application Database.


The setup mentioned in this section is not mandatory and should be used only based on use cases, and in a specific deployment scenario.

Use multiple instances of the IIR and setup the Oracle Fusion Data Quality Connector appropriately to make use of load balancing to implement failover as follows:

For more information on these load balancing and failover scenarios, refer to the topics in the Related Topics section of this topic.


Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) Server does not support native server load balancing.

Assumptions and Constraints

Take note of the following assumptions and constraints before using multiple instances of the IIR and the Oracle Fusion Data Quality Connector setup for load balancing and failover:

Load Balancing by Matching and Cleansing on Different Dedicated Hosts: Procedures

Use this procedure for load balancing with no specific requirement for high availability, or failover, by performing the matching and cleansing operations on dedicated hosts.

This figure provides a visual representation of the load balancing process achieved by matching and cleansing on different dedicated hosts.

Flowchart depicting load balancing
achieved by matching and cleansing on different dedicated hosts

Configuring the primary and Secondary IIR Hosts

Use the following steps to configure the IIR hosts:

  1. Manually install Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) on the secondary host, making sure INSTALL_IIR_OBJECTS=N. In other words, make sure that the schema objects installed during installation of IIR through provisioning are not installed again during the manual installation of IIR. For more information, see: Manually Installing Informatica Identity Resolution: Procedures

  2. Perform all the matching setup steps in the primary IIR host.

  3. Perform all the cleansing setup steps in the secondary IIR host.

Configuring the Oracle Fusion Data Quality Connector

Use the following steps to configure Oracle Fusion Data Quality Connector:

  1. In the Real-time and Batch Basic Server, enter the server address and server port of the primary IIR host, the IIR Matching Server.

  2. In the Real-Time Cleanse Server and Batch Cleanse Server, enter the server address and server port of the secondary IIR host, the IIR cleansing server.

Load Balancing by Matching and Cleansing with Secondary Servers: Procedures

Use this procedure for load balancing with no specific requirement for high availability, or failover, by performing the matching operations on a secondary match server.

This figure provides a visual representation of the load balancing process for matching operations achieved by matching with a secondary match server.

Flowchart depicting match load balancing
achieved by matching with a secondary match server

Configuring the Secondary Match Server

Use the following steps to configure the secondary match server:

  1. Manually install Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) on the secondary match server, making sure INSTALL_IIR_OBJECTS=N. In other words, make sure that the schema objects installed during installation of IIR through provisioning are not installed again during the manual installation of IIR. For more information, see: Manually Installing Informatica Identity Resolution: Procedures.

  2. Make sure IIR on the secondary match server has access to an Oracle DB client to connect to the Fusion Application Database and the tnsnames.ora has all the relevant SID information. Shut down IIR on the secondary match server.

  3. Perform all the matching setup steps using IIR on primary match server. Shut down IIR on primary match server.

  4. Run the create_secondary_server.sql in <PROV.REPOSITORY>/fusion_iir/iir/sql by passing the following parameters, when prompted

    This table describes the parameters and their values required for the creation of the secondary server.




    IIR Secondary Host Name or IP


    IIR Secondary Port

    Server Operation Code


    Server Number


    Create Server Only

    N (This would create all required Secondary IIR Server related parameters)

  5. (Optional; execute only if you want to load balance cleansing operations) Run the SQL command in step 4 twice, each time with exactly the same parameters except for the Server Operation Code parameter, which should be run with the following values:

    Server Operation Code   --  IIR_RT_CLEANSE
    Server Operation Code   --  IIR_BT_CLEANSE


    Additionally, ensure that all the postal directories and license codes are set up on Host 2, as specified in cleansing setup.

  6. Start IIR on primary match server.

  7. Start IIR as a search server only on the secondary match server by doing the following:

    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin > bash
    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin  > . ./
    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin  > . ../env/isss
    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin  > ./ssasrsv -n{SEPORT2} -h{RBHOST1}:{RBPORT1} -1$SSATOP/iirlog/idssrsv.log -2$SSATOP/iirlog/idssrsv.err -3$SSATOP/iirlog/ids.dbg &



    The Search Server in Host 2 is started by pointing its port (SEPORT2) to the Rulebase Server's host (RBHOST1) and port (RBPORT1) in the primary match server. Here:

    • SEPORT2 = Search Server Port (SSA_SEPORT defined in InformaticaIR/env/isss on IIR Host 2. The default port is 1666).

    • RBHOST1 = Hostname or IP of IIR Host 1

    • RBPORT1 = Rulebase Server Port (SSA_RBPORT defined in InformaticaIR/env/isss on IIR Host 2. The default port is 1668.

  8. Restart the Oracle Fusion Applications instances that require data quality management to enable Oracle Fusion Data Quality Connector to commence load balancing and failover.

Load Balancing and Failover by Matching and Cleansing Using a Secondary Instance: Procedures

Use this procedure for load balancing to implement high-availability, or failover, by performing both matching and cleansing operations using a secondary instance of Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR).

This figure provides a visual representation of the load balancing and failover process achieved by matching and cleansing using a secondary instance.

Flowchart depicting load balancing
and failover achieved by matching and cleansing using a secondary

Configuring the Secondary instance of IIR to Load Balance and Failover

Use the following steps to configure the secondary instance of Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) to load balance and failover matching and cleansing:

  1. Manually install Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) on the secondary host, making sure INSTALL_IIR_OBJECTS=N. In other words, make sure that the schema objects installed during installation of IIR through provisioning are not installed again during the manual installation of IIR. For more information, see: Manually Installing Informatica Identity Resolution: Procedures.


    Since there are two fusion application instances in this scenario, the secondary IIR instance may already be installed. In such cases, you need to only configure the Oracle Fusion Data Quality Connector so that it points to the same Oracle Fusion Database as the primary IIR instance. For more information, see: Oracle Fusion Data Quality Connector Setup: Procedures.

  2. Make sure IIR on the secondary host has access to an Oracle DB client to connect to the Fusion Application Database and the tnsnames.ora has all the relevant SID information. Shut down IIR on the secondary host.

  3. Perform all the matching setup steps using IIR on primary host. Shut down IIR on primary host.

  4. Run the create_secondary_server.sql in <PROV.REPOSITORY>/fusion_iir/iir/sql by passing the following parameters, when prompted

    This table describes the parameters and their values required for the creation of the secondary server.




    IIR Secondary Host Name or IP


    IIR Secondary Port

    Server Operation Code


    Server Number


    Create Server Only

    N (This would create all required Secondary IIR Server related parameters)

  5. (Optional; execute only if you want to load balance cleansing operations) Run the SQL command in step 4 twice, each time with exactly the same parameters except for the Server Operation Code parameter, which should be run with the following values:

    Server Operation Code   --  IIR_RT_CLEANSE
    Server Operation Code   --  IIR_BT_CLEANSE


    Additionally, ensure that all the postal directories and license codes are set up on Host 2, as specified in cleansing setup.

  6. Start IIR on primary host, Host 1, by starting the Rulebase Server first followed by starting the Search Server.

    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin> bash
    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin  > . ./
    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin  > . ../env/isss
    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin  > ./ssasrsv -m{RBPORT1} -gFusionRBSG,ssa:rtunitrb -w1 -1$SSATOP/iirlog/priRB.log -2$SSATOP/iirlog/priRB.err -3$SSATOP/iirlog/priRB.dbg &
    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin  >./ssasrsv -n{SEPORT1}  -gFusionRBSG,ssa:rtunitrb -1$SSATOP/iirlog/priSE.log -2$SSATOP/iirlog/priSE.err -3$SSATOP/iirlog/priSE.dbg &


  7. Start IIR on the secondary host, Host 2, by starting the Rulebase Server first, followed by starting the Search Server.

    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin> bash
    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin  > . ./
    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin  > . ../env/isss
    PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin  >./ssasrsv -m{RBPORT2} -gFusionRBSG,ssa:rtunitrb -w1-1$SSATOP/iirlog/secRB.log -2$SSATOP/iirlog/secRB.err -3$SSATOP/iirlog/secRB.dbg &
    <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin  >./ssasrsv -n{SEPORT2}  -gFusionRBSG,ssa:rtunitrb -1$SSATOP/iirlog/secSE.log -2$SSATOP/iirlog/secSE.err -3$SSATOP/iirlog/secSE.dbg &



    • RBPORT1 and RBPORT2 respectively are the ports for the Rulebase Server on IIR Host 1 and IIR Host 2 respectively. The values for these parameters should respectively be the value of SSA_RBPORT in InformaticaIR/env/isss on Hosts 1 and 2.

    • SEPORT1 and SEPORT2 respectively are the ports for the Search Server on IIR Host 1 and IIR Host 2. The values for these parameters should respectively be the value of SSA_SEPORT in InformaticaIR/env/isss on Hosts 1 and 2.

    • The parameter w1 specifies that the polling frequency of the Secondary Server to determine if the Primary Server is active is one second. For example, if the value of the parameter is set to w10 then the polling frequency of the Secondary Server to determine if the Primary Server is active will be 10 seconds.

    • The steps 5 and 6 essentially start the Rulebase Servers in a group, making sure, that even if one matching instance fails, the other can continue to function. Only one rulebase server (primary) in the group is permitted to respond to queries and the other (secondary) server periodically polls the primary server to determine if it is active.

    • In the scenario in which load balancing is done by matching with a secondary match server, if the primary server (Host 1) fails, matching will stop functioning unless it is restored.

      In contrast, in the present scenario, if the primary server (Host 1) fails, the secondary server (Host 2) takes the role of the primary server, with no expectation of Host 1 to be restored. However, there is a small latency in the secondary server assuming the role of the primary server and there could be a loss of the matching functionality during this temporary latency period.

  8. Restart the Oracle Fusion Applications instances that require data quality management to enable Oracle Fusion Data Quality Connector to commence load balancing and failover.

Informatica Identity Resolution Server Maintenance and Administration: Procedures

Administration and maintenance includes start up and shutdown activities of the Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) server and how Oracle database interacts with the IIR server. It also includes locking and unlocking of the Rulebase and how you can use the Informatica IR Console Client.

Starting Up and Shutting Down IIR

To start the IIR server, enter the following commands:

<PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin> bash
<PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin>. ./



If you are using C Shell, use the command source setfusionEnv.csh

<PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin> ./liup
<PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin> ./idsup
<PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin> ./idsconc -a



Start the Update Synchronizer from the IIR Admin Console. However, after starting the Update Synchronizer, shut down the IIR Admin Console, For more information on Starting Up and Shutting Down Update Synchronizer, refer to the topic Informatica Identity Resolution Matching Setup: Procedures.

To shutdown the server, enter the following commands:


If the Update Synchronizer is running (check for the updsync process), stop it from the IIR Admin Console. After stopping the Update Synchronizer, shut down the IIR Admin Console. For more information on Starting Up and Shutting Down Update Synchronizer, refer to the topic Informatica Identity Resolution Matching Setup: Procedures.

<PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin> bash
<PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin>. ./



If you are using C Shell, use the command source setfusionEnv.csh

<PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin> ./idsdown
<PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin> ./lidown



It is strongly recommended that you verify the Informatica Identity Resolution after every startup or a restart.

Verifying Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) Configuration

Before handing over an environment for business use, you need to perform certain checks to determine if IIR is in working condition. Perform the checks after performing any of following activities:

If any of the IIR configuration checks fail, the data quality functionality will not work. For information on troubleshooting, refer to the Troubleshooting Informatica Identity Resolution and Data Quality Setup: Overview help topic listed in the Related Topics section.

Perform the following checks to verify Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) configuration:

Locking and Unlocking of Rulebase

If you are setting up IIR for matching, you must understand how the IIR Server interacts with the Oracle database. When you start an IIR server, the Rulebase Server also starts, but it does not connect to the Oracle database until the first client makes a request. This can be a search request, for example, a match call made from Oracle Fusion Applications, or, it can be an administrator request, for example, a user starting the Informatica IR Console client. A Rulebase server uses and maintains this connection unless IIR is brought down with an idsdown command. Once a Rulebase server connects to the Oracle database, it creates a lock that ensures that no other Rulebase server connects to the Rulebase.

When the IIR server is up and the Oracle database is shutdown or crashes, or if there is a network issue that affects connectivity, the Rulebase lock remains active. In such cases where a lock is active, all future search requests fail with an error that indicates there is another Rulebase server running.

This table lists various situations that can occur after the IIR and Oracle database connection has been established.



Shutting down Oracle database.

Shut down the IIR Server before shutting down the Oracle database. Else, the Rulebase is locked and it fails all future requests. Once Rulebase is locked, you need to manually unlock it.

Database crashes or there is a connectivity issue.

Unlock the Rulebase manually.

IIR server crashes or reboots due to power outage, or any similar case.

Rulebase is automatically unlocked by the first client. Requires no manual intervention.

IIR is shut down improperly, for example, with the Update Synchronizer running.

The Rulebase can become corrupt. Clean the Rulebase or create it again.

Every time an IIR server starts, a new pair of parent and child Rulebase also start. The parent server generates a new unique ID and this ID is stored in the Rulebase. In case of a Rulebase lock, if the ID generated by the parent is not equal to the ID stored in the Rulebase, the child server fails to start.

You must unlock the Rulebase manually. To do this, set an environment variable to the same ID that locks the Rulebase. Here is an example of a message that appears when a Rulebase lock is in force:


Rulebase sdb:file:c:\a3i\ids\rule In use by IP= on port=1668, SSA_RB_RESTART_ID=281753650

For this message, enter <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin > set SSA_RB_RESTART_ID=281753650 and then start the IIR server.

When the Rulebase server starts, it uses the environment variable to unlock the Rulebase when the two IDs match. It then uses the freshly generated parent ID to lock it again. A locked Rulebase can be unlocked only once using the same ID.

Using the Informatica IR Console Client

You can use the Informatica IR Console client for the following operations:

These are the restrictions on using the Informatica IR Console client:

Encrypting the Informatica Identity Resolution Dictionary-alias File: Explained

Clients such as Console Client or Fusion Real-Time and Batch that connect to IIR, pass a mandatory parameter called rulebase name. It is an alias for the connection string required by IIR to connect to the FUSION_DQ schema in the Fusion Application Database. The alias is defined in a file called ssadb.dic in <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/ids directory.

The following example shows how a typical ssadb.dic would look like.

rtunitrb odb:0:fusion_dq/fusion_dq@rws65311
fusion_s01 odb:1:fusion_dq/fusion_dq@rws65311
btunitrb odb:1:fusion_dq/fusion_dq@rws65311
fusion_s02 odb:2:fusion_dq/fusion_dq@rws65311
zcqsrc odb:99:fusion_dq/fusion_dq@rws65311


The alias rtunitrb is the alias for the rulebase name. The remaining aliases are used for different purposes. For example, fusion_s01 is used to create the FusionDQRealtime System, zcqsrc is used by the loader process to get source data from Oracle Fusion and so on.


The setup mentioned here is not mandatory and should be used only based on use cases, and in a specific deployment scenario.

Changing Rulebase Names

In Oracle Fusion, the predefined alias for the rulebase name is rtunitrb. If there is ever a need to change the rulebase name, you can change it in the dictionary file, and ensure that the change is also carried over to the Server Operation Page (used in IIR Matching). For example, if rtunitrb is changed to foo, then the rulebase alias in the Server Operation Page should be changed from ssa:rtunitrb to ssa:foo. If you made this change while the server was up and running, you need to restart the IIR Server to bring the change into effect.

Encryption ssadb.dic

It is recommended to create a backup copy of the ssadb.dic file and store it as a template for future use, before encrypting it. It is also recommended to replace the password on the backup copy with an empty string. You can later provide a password for this backed up copy, if you intend to use it.

Access the directory where PERL is available, either using $PATH or the absolute path and do the following:

Changing Password after Encryption

After ssadb.dic is encrypted, there may be occasions where the password for FUSION_DQ might be changed by a database administrator, as part of security due diligence.

To change the password for ssadb.dic, do the following.

  1. Take a backup of the existing ssadb.dic (as mentioned in the earlier section).

  2. Delete the existing ssadb.dic (in use).

  3. Enter the new password for the backup up file and rename the file to ssadb.dic.

  4. Encrypt the file as mentioned earlier.

Manually Installing Informatica Identity Resolution: Procedures

This help topic describes the provisioning and platform support, software requirements, and the steps for the manual installation of Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR).

Assessing Provisioning and Platform Support

Use this information to determine whether you need to install IIR manually.

When CRM is provisioned using the provisioning framework, an instance of IIR (64 Bit) is provisioned on the following platforms: OEL 64 Bit, Windows 64 Bit, AIX 64 Bit, Solaris Sparc 64 Bit.

However, IIR is not provisioned as part of CRM Provisioning for the Solaris X-64 Bit platform. For this platform, install IIR manually on any of the supported platforms such as OEL 64 Bit. Except for the manual install, IIR setup steps for Solaris X-64 Bit platform are identical to those for other platforms such as OEL 64 Bit.

Assessing Software Requirements

Use this information to ensure compliance with the software requirement for the manual installation of IIR.

The host on which IIR is installed should have access to an Oracle DB Client for connecting to the Fusion Application Database.

The host should have its GNU libc version 2.5 or later.

The size of FUSION_TS_DQ (the default table space for the Oracle Fusion data quality and hence the repository for IIR), should have a table space size at least 10 times the size of the data. The data here represents the fields used in FusionDQ Realtime.sdf.

Installing Informatica Identity Resolution

Use the following steps to manually install IIR on the OEL 64 Bit platform.

  1. Unzip the following files in an appropriate location

  2. Go to the fusion_iir directory and edit theinstall.props file to make sure the properties described in the following table are populated correctly.


    This table describes the properties and their values that must be populated correctly for installing IIR manually. None of the properties except the ones mentioned in this table should be modified.


    Value Descriptions (To be Replaced with Actual Values)

    Sample Values


    Oracle home for DB client used by IIR



    TNS_ADMIN for DB client used by IIR



    Library path on IIR host



    Directory where Fusion Ext Zip is unzipped



    Directory where IIR Zip is unzipped



    Name of the version to which that the IIR unzip resolves



    Fusion application DB host



    Fusion application DB port



    Fusion Application DB SID






    Credentials for fusion_dq



    Location to which Install logs should go



    Start port for the license server

    1660 (if available, this port should work fine as the default port


    Yes or No

    No (if IIR is installed as a Secondary Server; for more information, see: Setting up Multiple Informatica Identity Resolution Instances: Overview

  3. Execute the following command after changing to the fusion_iir directory: install.props.

    It typically takes about 8 to 12 minutes to install IIR.


Use the same steps to install IIR on the Windows 64 Bit platform, except for running runInstaller.bat in fusion_iir

Troubleshooting Informatica Identity Resolution and Data Quality Setup: Overview

This overview contains various troubleshooting methods pertaining to the Informatica Identity Resolution (IIR) and Data Quality (DQ), which help an administrator examine the symptoms, identify possible root causes, and take necessary steps to restore their normal functionality.

The log files (ids.dbg) in IIR or iirlog contain useful information that can help in diagnosing the root cause of the functional problems.

The troubleshooting process involves the following scenario checks:

The troubleshooting steps for each scenario are grouped, and each group forms a tier. Since different root causes may share the same symptoms, the tiers are arranged in the ascending order of complexity. For effective resolution of the problem, you need to go through these tiers in the same order as presented here. Proceed to the next tier only when you are unable to confirm the root cause in the current tier.


For all the scenario checks, it is assumed that IIR is running with 8 InformaticaIR processes, and that its intra-connectivity is established on the DQ Server Configuration using the correct Host and Port information.

Matching Service Troubleshooting: Explained

The Matching Service troubleshooting is spread across five tiers. Each tier indicates certain symptoms, lists possible root causes, contains the log descriptions, and prescribes the recovery procedure. While following the troubleshooting process, ensure that as part of the recovery procedure, you check for UPD locks on the Update Synchronizer before bringing up IIR.

Tier 1




Fusion DQ Realtime Match Services or Fusion DQ Batch Match Jobs fail with an Engine Connection Error ZCQ_CMN_ENG_CONNECT_ERR, thus failing the Match Check Point.

Possible Root Cause

IIR is not connected. To confirm, go to DQ Matching Configuration page and check whether the Server Operation for Matching is set up with Host and Port information for IIR.

IIR Logs



Setup Server Host and Port using Manage Server Configuration FSM task.

Tier 2




Fusion DQ Realtime Match Services fail with an Engine Connection Error ZCQ_RT_ENG_MATCH_ERR, thus failing the Match Check Point.

Possible Root Cause

Some of the parameter values for the Matching Configuration, are incorrect. For example, the path where the IIR Server logs are written to (Verbosity Path) is modified to an invalid path by either providing a nonexistent path or the path convention is incorrect), by an Administrator. For example, d:/temp is an invalid path and thus causes failure.

IIR Logs

[SEVERE] [IirSocket] handleSSAException()> Bad rc -408040403 for ids_search_start
    > SSA Exception Code: (-408040403)
[SEVERE] [IirSocket] SSAErrorStack: [525145629   6] ssasrsv > It is now 20110525145629
[SEVERE] [IirSocket] SSAErrorStack: [525145629   6] ssasesi.c    5870 rc   3   14080404*100
[SEVERE] [IirSocket] SSAErrorStack: [525145629   6] ssasesi.c    2060 rc   4     140804*100
[SEVERE] [IirSocket] SSAErrorStack: [525145629   6] ssasesi.c    1571 rc   4       1408*100
[SEVERE] [IirSocket] SSAErrorStack: [525145629   6] open search 'person-dup' failed. System 'FusionDQRealtime' Rulebase 'ssa:rtunitrb' Function 'host="",d:/temp'
[SEVERE] [IirSocket] SSAErrorStack: [525145629   6] apic.c       3446 rc   1       1407*1
[SEVERE] [IirSocket] SSAErrorStack: [525145629   6] closeUser: rc=-1407
[SEVERE] [IirSocket] SSAErrorStack: [525145629   6] apic.c       3340 rc   7         14*100
[SEVERE] [IirSocket] SSAErrorStack: [525145629   6] apic.c       3030 rc  14
[SEVERE] [IirSocket] SSAErrorStack: [525145629   6] Unknown Keyword 'd:/temp'



Revert the value of the Verbosity Path field to NULL. Thus, by default the IIR would write to InformaticaIR/iirlog.

Tier 3




Fusion DQ Realtime Match Services or Fusion DQ Batch Match Jobs fail with an Engine Connection Error ZCQ_CMN_ENG_CONNECT_ERR, thus failing the Match Check Point.

Possible Root Cause

Any of the following:

  • IIR was started without setting or setfusionEnv.csh. This is the most common cause.

  • DB Client on IIR was not set up correctly. For example, tnsnames.ora does not have the entry for the FUSION DB to which IIR should connect.

  • The password for FUSION_DQ has changed or is incorrect.

IIR Logs

[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'SQLConnect: OCIInitialize failed 1804'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaoci.c     2646 rc   2'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssa_odbc_connect: cannot connect to Data Source'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c    1436 rc   8          1*100'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'db_connect_user: Cannot connect to service 'rws65311' with uid 'fusion_dq''
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c    4112 rc   9        108*100'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_db_opn failed'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c    4441 rc  10      10809*100'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'dbops.c      1561 rc   4    1080910*100'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'dbldr.c      1203 rc   9  108091004*1000'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbnl_rulebase_open: 'odb:0:fusion_dq/@rws65311' db open failed -91004009'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbn.c     3026 rc   7   91004009*100'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] ssarbn.c(2841) ssarbnl_rulebase_destroy: rbh=0
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] ssarbn.c(2909) ssarbnl_rulebase_destroy: 'odb:0:fusion_dq/@rws65311' RULEBASE CLOSE



Follow each recovery instruction and proceed to the next step in the given order only if the current step does not fix the issue. Also, shut down IIR before performing these steps and restart it later as per instructions given for the Matching Setup.

  1. Set the environment variables using or setfusionEnv.csh.

  2. Add correct entry to tnsnames.ora.

  3. Check if the correct password is used for FUSION_DQ in InformaticaIR/ids/ssadb.dic.

Tier 4




Fusion DQ Realtime Match Services or Fusion DQ Batch Match Jobs fail with an Engine Connection Error ZCQ_CMN_ENG_CONNECT_ERR, thus failing the Match Check Point

Possible Root Cause

Any of the following:

  • IIR was shut down without shutting down the Admin Client (presumably running in a different session) as per the prescribed procedure. The shutdown procedure helps in detecting any active client console.

  • IIR was incorrectly shut down when Update Synchronizer (UPD) was running. It led to a Rule base corruption.

  • The DB crashed or was shut down when IIR was running.

IIR Logs

[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_l_file_add: FileId 3 (inuse) already exists'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c    8245 rc   5'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'dbops.c      4363 rc   3          5*100'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'dbldr.c      3912 rc   9        503*1000'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbnl_inuse_add: Cannot create RB INUSE table'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbn.c     2543 rc   2     503009*100'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'IS ANOTHER RULEBASE SERVER RUNNING?'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Rulebase 'odb:0:fusion_dq/@rws65311' in use by IP= on port=1668, SSA_RB_RESTART_ID=726050355'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Server   started at 'Wed May 18 14:21:31 2011''
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Rulebase opened  at 'Wed May 18 14:23:31 2011''
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Rulebase opened  as 'odb:0:fusion_dq/@rws65311''
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'env has SSA_RB_RESTART_ID=0'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Owner information: ip= pid=1236 host='' ps='260152864 /scratch/<username>/InformaticaIR/bin/ssasrsv-n1666-m1668-x1670-H1671-v-1/scratch/<username>/InformaticaIR/iirlog/idssrsv.''
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Owner is running'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Rulebase is locked'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbnl_inuse_create: inuse_add failed -50300902'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbn.c     2583 rc   1'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbn.c     3031 rc   8          1*100'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] ssarbn.c(2841) ssarbnl_rulebase_destroy: rbh=0
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] ssarbn.c(2909) ssarbnl_rulebase_destroy: 'odb:0:fusion_dq/@rws65311' RULEBASE CLOSE



Follow each recovery instruction and proceed to the next step in the given order only if the current step does not fix the issue. Also, shut down IIR before performing these steps and restart it later as per instructions given for the Matching Setup.

  1. If the Admin Client is running, end the process or shut it down to unlock.

  2. Unlock the rule base, using command line as described in Matching Setup.

  3. Drop the table IDS_NN_INUSE [where nn represents the rulebase number] using the command DROP IDS_00_INUSE; and remove the "inuse" record from the IDS_FDT_META using the command DELETE from IDS_FDT_META where Name = 'IDS_00_INUSE'.

  4. Create the Rule base and re-index the data afresh as described in Matching Setup.


    Option 3 is not a supported workaround. Therefore, if it does not yield results, it is upto the Administrator to use discretion in applying Option 4.

Tier 5




Fusion DQ Realtime Match Services work normally, but Fusion DQ Batch Match Jobs (using Match within Batch) fail, resulting in an error.

Possible Root Cause

A typical case of DB connectivity where locks gets created on certain Rule base tables while Update Synchronizer (UPDSYNC) was still running. As a result, the Rule base is locked and cannot be accessed. The IIR Real time Services uses the Search API (which caches Rule base Information) and Scoring API (used by Match with in Batch), but it fails because it cannot access the Rule base Information.

IIR Logs

     [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'ssaoci_exec: OCIStmtExecute failed -1, ORA-03135'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'ssaoci.c     3577 rc  13'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_sql_alloc_next_recid_table: [01] SQLExecute ssaodbc.c 15980 failed SQLRET=-1 SQLSTATE='     ' NATIVE_ERR=0'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_sql_alloc_next_recid_table: [02] Reason: [SSAOCI,1] OCIStmtExecute ssaoci.c 3561 failed 'ORA-03135: connection lost contact
    Process ID: 24861
    Session ID: 2108 Serial number: 50953''
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_sql_alloc_next_recid_table: [03] Reason: [SSAOCI,2] Stmt: 'SELECT /*+ CHOOSE */  NEXT_RECID FROM IDS_FDT_RECID WHERE TFNO = :x0    FOR UPDATE ''
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'SQLEndTran: rollback failed -1'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'ssaoci.c     3121 rc   3'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_sql_alloc_next_recid_table: Error Execute ids_fdt_recid'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c   15985 rc  12          1*100'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c   16262 rc   2        112*100'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'vrec_add_sql failed'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c   10645 rc  10      11202*100'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'dbops.c      2736 rc   3    1120210*100'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'dbldr.c      2263 rc   9  112021003*1000'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'updsync.c    5971 rc   8   21003009*100'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'updsync.c    6821 rc  24  100300908*100'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'Error processing txn #20110426200506222280'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'updsync.c    7039 rc  46   30090824*100'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'updsync process_txn failed -9082446'
    [426200601 updsync   9/  2] errmsg_put 'updsync.c   10522 rc  26    9082446*100'


     [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'ssadb_object_status_get: rulebase_read_first failed -10104021'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'rbutils.c    4985 rc   2   10104021*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'ssasesil_search_IDX_loaded: get status of IDX 'LOCATION_IDX' failed'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c    2272 rc   6   10402102*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c    2991 rc   3   40210206*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c    3012 rc   5   21020603*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c    6644 rc   1  102060305*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssaoci_exec: OCIStmtExecute failed -1, ORA-03114'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssaoci.c     3577 rc  13'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_ndx_find: [01] SQLExecute ssaodbc.c 14056 failed SQLRET=-1 SQLSTATE='     ' NATIVE_ERR=0'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_ndx_find: [02] Reason: [SSAOCI,1] OCIStmtExecute ssaoci.c 3561 failed 'ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE''
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_ndx_find: [03] Reason: [SSAOCI,2] Stmt: 'SELECT /*+ CHOOSE INDEX(IDSX_00_SSARBN IDSX_00_SSARBN_I) */ DISTINCT SSAKEY FROM IDSX_00_SSARBN WHERE (SSAKEY > :x0 AND SSAKEY <= :x1) OR (SSAKEY > :x2 AND SSAKEY <= :x3) OR (SSAKEY > :x4 AND SSAKEY <= :x5) OR (SSAKEY > :x6 AND SSAKEY <= :x7) OR (SSAKEY > :x8 AND SSAKEY <= :x9) OR (SSAKEY > :x10 AND SSAKEY <= :x11) OR (SSAKEY > :x12 AND SSAKEY <= :x13) OR (SSAKEY > :x14 AND SSAKEY <= :x15) OR (SSAKEY > :x16 AND SSAKEY <= :x17) OR (SSAKEY > :x18 AND SSAKEY <= :x19) ORDER BY SSAKEY    ''
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'SQLEndTran: rollback failed -1'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssaoci.c     3121 rc   3'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_ndx_find: open cursor failed'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c   14058 rc  46          1*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_ndx_find_key: failed'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c   14261 rc   4        146*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'dbops.c      3571 rc   3      14604*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'dbldr.c      3100 rc   9    1460403*1000'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssarbn.c     1875 rc   3  460403009*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssarbn.c     1900 rc   1   40300903*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssarbn.c     3520 rc   2   30090301*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssarbc.c     1344 rc   2    9030102*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssarbcl_rbn_data_unpack: vrbn_read (part 0) failed -903010202'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssarbc.c     6502 rc   1  903010202*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssarbc.c     6640 rc   1  301020201*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssarbc.c     6810 rc   1  102020101*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssarbc.c    10479 rc   4  202010101*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssarbcx.c     275 rc   1  201010104*10'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssasesil_search_IDX_loaded: read '' failed -10101041'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c    2158 rc   1   10101041*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c    2991 rc   3   10104101*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c    3012 rc   5   10410103*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c    6644 rc   1   41010305*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'ssasocket_recv_n: received zero bytes'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'socket.c     2640 rc   3'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssasocket_recv_n: received zero bytes'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'socket.c     2668 rc   2          3*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'socket.c     2640 rc   3'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'ssases1.c   23006 rc   1        302*1000'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'socket.c     2668 rc   2          3*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'socket.c     3484 rc   3     302001*100'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'ssases1.c   23006 rc   1        302*1000'
    [427125914 ssasrsv  10/ 11] errmsg_put 'socket.c     3484 rc   3     302001*100'
    [427125918 ssasrsv  10/ 10] errmsg_put 'ssasesil_search_IDX_loaded: rulebase_read system.idx.index_id for 'ORG_ADDRESS_IDT' failed'



Shut down and start IIR after checking UPD locks and unlocking them as per the instructions in Update Synchronizer troubleshooting.

Matching Server Administration Troubleshooting: Explained

The Matching Server Administration troubleshooting is spread across four tiers. Each tier indicates certain symptoms, lists possible root causes, contains the log descriptions, and prescribes the recovery procedure. While following the troubleshooting process, ensure that as part of the recovery procedure, you check for UPD locks on the Update Synchronizer before bringing up IIR.

Tier 1




When starting the IIR Admin Console Client, it shows a pop up with a confirmation message "Rulebase doesn't exist. Do you want to create it again".


This popup also appears when you create a Rulebase for the first time during initial setup. However, it is an indication of problem if it appears while starting IIR Admin Console as part of regular maintenance, after the Rulebase has been created.

Possible Root Cause

Any of the following:

  • IIR was started without setting or setfusionEnv.csh. This is the most common cause.

  • DB Client on IIR is not set up correctly. For example, tnsnames.ora doesn't have the entry for the FUSION DB to which IIR should connect.

  • The password for FUSION_DQ has changed or is incorrect.

IIR Logs

[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'SQLConnect: OCIInitialize failed 1804'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaoci.c     2646 rc   2'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssa_odbc_connect: cannot connect to Data Source'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c    1436 rc   8          1*100'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'db_connect_user: Cannot connect to service 'rws65311' with uid 'fusion_dq''
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c    4112 rc   9        108*100'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_db_opn failed'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c    4441 rc  10      10809*100'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'dbops.c      1561 rc   4    1080910*100'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'dbldr.c      1203 rc   9  108091004*1000'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbnl_rulebase_open: 'odb:0:fusion_dq/@rws65311' db open failed -91004009'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbn.c     3026 rc   7   91004009*100'
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] ssarbn.c(2841) ssarbnl_rulebase_destroy: rbh=0
[518135036 ssasrsv  22/ 12] ssarbn.c(2909) ssarbnl_rulebase_destroy: 'odb:0:fusion_dq/@rws65311' RULEBASE CLOSE



Following each recovery instruction and proceed to the next step in the given order only if the current step does not fix the issue. Also, shut down IIR before performing these steps and restart it later as per instructions given for the Matching Setup.

  1. Set the environment variables using or setfusionEnv.csh.

  2. Add correct entry to tnsnames.ora.

  3. Check password for FUSION_DQ in InformaticaIR/ids/ssadb.dic and make sure it is correct.

Tier 2




  • Starting the IIR Admin Console Client fails with a Rulebase Lock Error: "Is another Rulebase Server running?"

  • Starting the HTTP Search Client fails with a Rulebase Lock Error - "Is another Rulebase Server running?"

Possible Root Cause

Any of the following:

  • IIR was shut down without shutting down the Admin Client (presumably running in a different session) as per the prescribed procedure. The shutdown procedure helps in detecting any active client console.

  • IIR was incorrectly shut down when Update Synchronizer (UPD) was running. It led to a Rulebase corruption.

  • The DB crashed or was shut down when IIR was running.

IIR Logs

[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_l_file_add: FileId 3 (inuse) already exists'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c    8245 rc   5'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'dbops.c      4363 rc   3          5*100'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'dbldr.c      3912 rc   9        503*1000'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbnl_inuse_add: Cannot create RB INUSE table'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbn.c     2543 rc   2     503009*100'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'IS ANOTHER RULEBASE SERVER RUNNING?'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Rulebase 'odb:0:fusion_dq/@rws65311' in use by IP= on port=1668, SSA_RB_RESTART_ID=726050355'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Server   started at 'Wed May 18 14:21:31 2011''
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Rulebase opened  at 'Wed May 18 14:23:31 2011''
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Rulebase opened  as 'odb:0:fusion_dq/@rws65311''
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'env has SSA_RB_RESTART_ID=0'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Owner information: ip= pid=1236 host='' ps='260152864 /scratch/<username>/InformaticaIR/bin/ssasrsv-n1666-m1668-x1670-H1671-v-1/scratch/<username>/InformaticaIR/iirlog/idssrsv.''
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Owner is running'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'Rulebase is locked'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbnl_inuse_create: inuse_add failed -50300902'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbn.c     2583 rc   1'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssarbn.c     3031 rc   8          1*100'
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] ssarbn.c(2841) ssarbnl_rulebase_destroy: rbh=0
[518143012 ssasrsv  25/ 12] ssarbn.c(2909) ssarbnl_rulebase_destroy: 'odb:0:fusion_dq/@rws65311' RULEBASE CLOSE



Follow each recovery instruction and proceed to the next step in the given order only if the current step does not fix the issue. Also, shut down IIR before performing these steps and restart it later as per instructions given for the Matching Setup.

  1. If the Admin Client is running, end the process or shut it down to unlock.

  2. Unlock the rulebase, using command line as described in Matching Setup.

  3. Drop the table IDS_NN_INUSE [where nn represents the rulebase number] using the command DROP IDS_00_INUSE; and remove the "inuse" record from the IDS_FDT_META using the command DELETE from IDS_FDT_META where Name = 'IDS_00_INUSE'.

  4. Create the Rulebase and re-index the data afresh as described in Matching Setup.


    Option 3 is not a supported workaround. Therefore, if it does not yield results, it is upto the Administrator to use discretion in applying Option 4.

Tier 3




Starting the IIR Admin Console fails with an error: "connection lost to peer".

Possible Root Cause

DB connectivity issues caused by either DB shut down, or DB crash or network connectivity issues, when IIR was running.

IIR Logs

[517153446 ssasrsv   0/  5] 31344/xm> server started: Tue May 17 15:34:46 2011
[517153447 ssacssv   4/  5] errmsg_put 'send(h=2, os=9) failed: Reason: Broken pipe'
[517153447 ssacssv   4/  5] errmsg_put 'socket.c     1096 rc  11'
[517153447 ssacssv   4/  5] errmsg_put 'socket.c     2559 rc   4         11*100'
[517153447 ssacssv   4/  5] errmsg_put 'ssarbc1.c     693 rc   3       1104*100'
[517153447 ssacssv   4/  5] errmsg_put 'cssys.c      2185 rc   3  502020401*100'
[517153447 ssacssv   4/  5] errmsg_put 'ssacssi.c    2125 rc   1  202040103*100'
[517153448 ssacssv   4/  5] errmsg_put 'send(h=2, os=9) failed: Reason: Broken pipe'
[517153448 ssacssv   4/  5] errmsg_put 'socket.c     1096 rc  11'
[517153448 ssacssv   4/  5] errmsg_put 'socket.c     2559 rc   4         11*100'
[517153448 ssacssv   4/  5] errmsg_put 'ssarbc1.c    7725 rc   3       1104*100'



Close the Admin Console and restart IIR as per the Server Administration instructions.

Tier 4




When starting or shutting down IIR UPD Synchronizer from an active Admin Console, the Synchronizer fails with an error: "connection lost to peer".

Possible Root Cause

DB connectivity issues caused by either DB shut down, or DB crash or network connectivity issues, when IIR was running.

IIR Logs

[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'send(h=1, os=17) failed: Reason: Broken pipe'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'socket.c     1096 rc  11'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'socket.c     2559 rc   4         11*100'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'ssarbc1.c    7725 rc   3       1104*100'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'SQLEndTran: commit failed -1'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'ssaoci.c     3128 rc   4'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_db_commit: [01] SQLEndTran ssaodbc.c 19388 failed SQLRET=-1 SQLSTATE='     ' NATIVE_ERR=0'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_db_commit: [02] Reason: [SSAOCI,1] OCITransCommit ssaoci.c 3124 failed 'ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE''
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'SQLEndTran: rollback failed -1'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'ssaoci.c     3121 rc   3'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'ssadb8_db_commit: Commit failed'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c   19390 rc   1          1*100'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'ssaodbc.c    5065 rc  14        101*100'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'dbops.c      1605 rc   3      10114*100'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'dbldr.c      1253 rc   9    1011403*1000'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'db_close(@2420) failed -11403009'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'utils.c      1739 rc   1'
[414132606 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'utils.c      2420 rc   7          1*100'
[414132607 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'send(h=1, os=17) failed: Reason: Broken pipe'
[414132607 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'socket.c     1096 rc  11'
[414132607 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'socket.c     2559 rc   4         11*100'
[414132607 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'ssarbc1.c    2248 rc   6       1104*100'
[414132608 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'send(h=1, os=17) failed: Reason: Broken pipe'
[414132608 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'socket.c     1096 rc  11'
[414132608 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'socket.c     2559 rc   4         11*100'
[414132608 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'ssarbc1.c     693 rc   3       1104*100'
[414132609 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'send(h=1, os=17) failed: Reason: Broken pipe'
[414132609 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'socket.c     1096 rc  11'
[414132609 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'socket.c     2559 rc   4         11*100'
[414132609 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'ssarbc1.c    7725 rc   3       1104*100'
[414132610 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'send(h=1, os=17) failed: Reason: Broken pipe'
[414132610 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'socket.c     1096 rc  11'
[414132610 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'socket.c     2559 rc   4         11*100'
[414132610 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'sockapi.c     592 rc   2       1104*100'
[414132610 updsync  13/  2] errmsg_put 'CloseAll failed -107'



Close the Admin Console and restart IIR as per the Server Administration instructions.

Update Synchronizer Troubleshooting: Explained

The root cause of Update Synchronizer (UPD) locks is either an incorrect shut down where the Search Server was shut down while UPD was still running followed by ending the UPD process or an abrupt loss in DB connectivity when UPD was processing rows to be synchronized. To restore normal functioning of IIR, you need to delete the UPD locks.

To detect UPD locks, if there are any, run the command ./lockmgr list uq -rssa:<rulebase alias> -h<IIR RB Host>:<IIR RB Port> -l in <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin. For example, if you run the following command:

./lockmgr list uq -rssa:rtunitrb -haufsn4ayf04:1668 -l


it returns the following details:

sorted locks: 
uq: updsync:1302896463:6826         
  obj: idtsyncsystem                   
    id: system=fusiondqrealtime         
      type: w 
      lock: ip= pid=31928 
host='' ps='80154501 



UPD Locks should be deleted only when you find them, even when UPD has been shut down and you do not have any UPDSYNC process running.

To delete the locks, run the command ./lockmgr del uq -rssa:<rulebase alias> -h<IIR RB Host>:<IIR RB Port> in <PROV.TOP>/InformaticaIR/bin. For example,

./lockmgr del  updsync:1302896463:6826 -rssa:rtunitrb -haufsn4ayf04:1668


Cleansing Service Troubleshooting: Explained

The Cleansing Service troubleshooting is spread across four tiers. Each tier indicates certain symptoms, lists possible root causes, contains the log descriptions, and prescribes the recovery procedure.

Tier 1




Fusion DQ Cleansing Services or Fusion DQ Batch Cleanse Jobs fail with an Engine Connection Error ZCQ_CMN_ENG_CONNECT_ERR, thus failing the Cleansing Check Point.

Possible Root Cause

IIR connection setup is missing or incorrect in the cleansing configuration. Using the Manage Server Configuration FSM task, check the Server Host and Port information for the cleansing servers.

IIR Logs



Setup IIR Host and Port in Cleansing Configuration page

Tier 2




Fusion DQ Cleansing Services or Fusion DQ Batch Cleanse Jobs fail with an Engine Connection Error ZCQ_CMN_ENG_CONNECT_ERR, thus failing the Cleansing Check Point.

Possible Root Cause

ASM Key stored in InformaticaIR/ssaas/ad5/ad/db has expired.

IIR Logs

 [523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'as_init: Object init failed: (-1601) Critical Error: The engine usage period has expired'
[523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     1338 rc   4'
[523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     1390 rc   1          4*100'
[523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     3097 rc   2        401*100'
[523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssasesi_addr_init: Error -40102 initializing Addr Std module'
[523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c   13477 rc   9      40102*100'



Get the correct ASM key from Address Doctor and replace the existing key in the file called key in InformaticaIR/ssaas/ad5/ad/db. Subsequently, restart the IIR Server.

Tier 3




Fusion DQ Cleansing Services or Fusion DQ Batch Cleanse Jobs fail with an Engine Connection Error ZCQ_CMN_ENG_CONNECT_ERR, thus failing the Cleansing Check Point.

Possible Root Cause

ASM Key stored in InformaticaIR/ssaas/ad5/ad/db is either incorrect or corrupt.

IIR Logs

// junk or error ASM key error
[523163604 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'as_init: Object init failed: (-1600) Critical Error: No valid unlock code was given'
[523163604 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     1338 rc   4'
[523163604 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     1390 rc   1          4*100'
[523163605 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     3097 rc   2        401*100'
[523163605 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssasesi_addr_init: Error -40102 initializing Addr Std module'
[523163605 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c   13477 rc   9      40102*100'



Get the correct ASM key from Address Doctor and replace the existing key in the file called key in InformaticaIR/ssaas/ad5/ad/db. Subsequently, restart the IIR Server.

Tier 4




Fusion DQ Cleansing Services or Fusion DQ Batch Cleanse Jobs fail with an Engine Connection Error ZCQ_CMN_ENG_CONNECT_ERR, thus failing the Cleansing Check Point.

Possible Root Cause

ASM Key stored in InformaticaIR/ssaas/ad5/ad/db does not exist.

IIR Logs

 [523163811 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'fopen('/slot/ems4517/appmgr/InformaticaIR/ssaas/ad5/ad/db/key', 'r') failed 16: No such file or directory'
[523163811 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'fopen.c       985 rc  19'
[523163811 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'fopen.c      1070 rc   3         19*100'
[523163811 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'fopen.c      1141 rc   2'
[523163811 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssasesil_addr_get_key_and_workdir: open Addr Std license key file '/slot/ems4517/appmgr/InformaticaIR/ssaas/ad5/ad/db/key' failed'
[523163811 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c   13293 rc   6'
[523163811 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c   13443 rc   6          6*100'



Get the correct ASM key from Address Doctor and create a file called key in InformaticaIR/ssaas/ad5/ad/db. Subsequently, restart the IIR Server.

Cleansing Server Administration Troubleshooting: Explained

The Cleansing Server Administration troubleshooting process indicates certain symptoms, lists possible root causes, contains the log descriptions, and prescribes the recovery procedure.




The IIR Cleansing Console does not respond to the start command asmcli -b run from InformaticaIR/bin, thus failing the Cleansing Setup Checkpoint.

Possible Root Cause

ASM Key stored in InformaticaIR/ssaas/ad5/ad/db has either expired, is either incorrect or corrupt, or does not exist.

IIR Logs

  • [523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'as_init: Object init failed: (-1601) Critical Error: The engine usage period has expired'
    [523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     1338 rc   4'
    [523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     1390 rc   1          4*100'
    [523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     3097 rc   2        401*100'
    [523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssasesi_addr_init: Error -40102 initializing Addr Std module'
    [523163408 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c   13477 rc   9      40102*100'


  • [523163604 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'as_init: Object init failed: (-1600) Critical Error: No valid unlock code was given'
    [523163604 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     1338 rc   4'
    [523163604 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     1390 rc   1          4*100'
    [523163605 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssaas5.c     3097 rc   2        401*100'
    [523163605 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssasesi_addr_init: Error -40102 initializing Addr Std module'
    [523163605 ssasrsv  14/ 12] errmsg_put 'ssasesi.c   13477 rc   9      40102*100'



Get the correct ASM key from Address Doctor and replace the existing key in the file called key in InformaticaIR/ssaas/ad5/ad/db. Subsequently, restart the IIR Server.

Setting Up Sales Prediction Engine

Configuring Data Warehouse to Run the Oracle Fusion Sales Prediction Engine: Procedures

To run the Oracle Fusion Sales Prediction Engine in Oracle Fusion Applications Customer Relationship Management (CRM), perform the following post-installation tasks if you deployed Oracle Business Intelligence Applications and have created the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. For information on deploying and setting up Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

However, if you deployed only Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence, you need not perform these steps to run the Oracle Fusion Sales Prediction Engine.

Creating Data Warehouse Objects

You can create the Data Warehouse objects using the Sales Predictor Repository Creation Utility (RCU). To run the Sales Predictor RCU , ensure that the Oracle Business Intelligence Application (OBIA) Data Warehouse database and the related schema including database objects such as tables, are available. The Sales Predictor RCU creates Sales Predictor related Data Warehouse database objects such as Oracle Data Mining tables, views, packages, Oracle Real-time Decisions (RTD) Inline Service Processing tables, and the purge package in the existing OBIA schema.

Initiate the Sales Predictor RCU following these instructions.

  1. Access the file (available with the FAINTEG label) from the following location, and extract its contents to a local directory.

  2. Run the following command pointing to the BIN folder within the local directory:


    <OBIA Schema name> refers to the name of the OBIA schema that is used, and is an input parameter for the Sales Predictor RCU.

    The Sales Predictor RCU wizard appears.

  3. On the Welcome page, click Next and on the Create Repository page, ensure that the default option Create is selected and click Next.

  4. On the Database Connection Details page, provide the following information and click Next.

    The provided information is processed through a prerequisite check.

  5. On the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

  6. On the Select Components page, select the Oracle Application Components, and click Next.

  7. On the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

  8. On the Schema Passwords page, ensure that the Use same passwords for all schemas option is selected. Selecting this option provides the password used with the existing OBIA Schema Name.

  9. Enter the password again to confirm it, and click Next.

  10. On the Map Tablespaces page, click Next and on the confirmation box that subsequently appears, click OK.

  11. On the Summary page, review the database information provided until this point. If necessary, click Back to change details in the previous pages.

  12. Click Create to create the Data Warehouse objects. The Completion Summary page confirms the successful creation of the objects.

Create Data Warehouse Data Source in RTD WebLogic Server

The Data Warehouse requires a Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) data source connection named DWDS that points to the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database residing on Oracle BI server. To create the data source using the RTD WebLogic Server console, follow these instructions.

  1. In the WebLogic Server console, open Services - JDBC - Data Sources and click New.

  2. On the JDBC Data Source Properties page, provide the following details and click Next.

  3. On the Transaction Options page, ensure that the default property Supports Global Transactions is selected, and click Next.

  4. On the Connection Properties page, provide the following values, and click Next.

  5. On the Test Database Connections page, review the details provided until this point, test the connectivity to the database, and click Next.

  6. Select the Oracle BI Server where you want to make the data source available, and click Finish.

Modifying the Profile Option

To enable connectivity to Data Warehouse, you must set the value for the profile option.


You can set the value for this profile option using Applications Core Setup, if you have roles allowing access to do so. The Application Implementation Administrator abstract role provides the necessary access.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Fusion Applications Core Setup.

  2. Under the Tasks menu on the left side of the page, click Manage Administrator Profile Values. The Manage Administrator Profile Values tab appears.

  3. In the Profile Option Code field, enter ZCA_WAREHOUSE_ENABLED_BI and click Search. The profile option appears in the search results.

  4. In the Profile Values region, select the result item associated with the searched profile option, and under the Profile Value column, set the value to Yes.

  5. Click Save.

Pointing RTD to the Data Warehouse

The Sales Predictor Inline Service within RTD uses the profile option to point to the Data Warehouse tables.

You can point RTD to the Data Warehouse in one of the following ways:

To manually redeploy the Sales Predictor Inline Service, follow these instructions.

  1. Extract the contents of the file to a local directory.

  2. In the local directory, go to the folder ./client/CommandLineDeploy, locate and extract its contents to a folder.

  3. In that folder, locate ./OracleBI/RTD/deploytool folder and within that folder, open a command prompt terminal.


    Ensure that the JDK classpath is set for the command prompt terminal.

  4. Run the command: java -jar deploytool.jar -deploy -server <Server Host> -port <Port> -terminateSessions true <Full path of Directory/ Zip File>.

  5. When prompted, provide the user name and password to connect to the RTD server.

The message Deploymentstateid: id. Deployed to server port in state: Development appears indicating completeness of deployment of the Sales Predictor Inline Service.

Running the Schedule Predictive Model Training Process

The Oracle Fusion Sales Prediction Engine can also use data from the following Data Warehouse entity tables to make more accurate predictions:

Also, it is necessary to load either Assets or Orders tables into the corresponding Data Warehouse table. Once the data in the Data Warehouse entity tables are ready, you can go to the Schedule Predictive Model Training page to run the model training process.

For more information on OBIA, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.