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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide
12c Release 1 (

Part Number E24089-09
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1 Procuring Software

This chapter describes how you can procure the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software and the Oracle Management Agent software. In particular, this chapter covers the following:

Procuring Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Software

You can procure the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software from either the product DVD or the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site. This section describes these sources and covers the following:

How Do You Access the Software from DVD?

You can obtain the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software from the product DVD that is available through Oracle Service Delivery Managers or Oracle Sales Representatives. The software may be available either on a single DVD or on multiple DVDs depending on the operating system.

This section covers the following:

Accessing Software from DVD

If the software is available on a single DVD, then insert the DVD into the DVD drive, and manually run the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard.

If the software is available on multiple DVDs, then copy the archived software from each of the DVDs to a location on your local disk. Extract the contents of each of the archived files to the same location. Then, invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard.

For example, Oracle delivers two DVDs for Linux x86 (32-bit), mainly these:

DVD1, containing a ZIP file with the name

DVD2, containing a ZIP file with the name

In this case, copy both the ZIP files to a location on your disk, for example, /temp, and then extract their contents in the same location.

$ cp -r /temp

$ cp -r /temp

$ unzip

$ unzip

Once the contents are extracted, you can invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard. To do so, on UNIX platforms, invoke runInstaller, and on Microsoft Windows platforms, invoke setup.exe.


For information about the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard, see What Is Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard?.

Setting Mount Point for DVD

If you want to access the DVD from a shared DVD drive, then set a mount point for the DVD drive.

On most Linux operating systems, the disk mounts automatically when you insert the DVD into the DVD drive. However, for some Linux operating systems, you might have to manually mount the disk. To verify whether the disk mounts automatically and to manually mount the disk if it does not mount itself automatically, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the DVD into the disk drive.

  2. To verify if the disk is automatically mounted, run the following command:

    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

      # ls /mnt/cdrom

    • On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

      # ls /media/cdrom

  3. If the command in Step (2) fails to display the contents of the disk, then run the following command:

    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

      # mount -t nfs <host name>:/mnt/<full path to the dvdrom>

    • On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

      # mount -t nfs <host name>:/media/<full path to the dvdrom>

On most AIX operating systems, the disk mounts automatically when you insert the DVD into the DVD drive. However, for some AIX operating systems, you might have to manually mount the disk. To manually mount the disk if it does not mount itself automatically, follow these steps:

  1. Switch the user to root user by running the following command:

    $ su -root

  2. Insert the disk into the drive.


    If required, enter the following command to eject the currently mounted disk and to remove it from the drive:

    # /usr/sbin/umount /<SD_DVD>

  3. Enter the following command:

    # /usr/sbin/mount -rv cdrfs /dev/cd0 /SD_DVD

    In this example command, /SD_DVD is the disk mount point directory and /dev/cd0 is the device name for the disk device.

  4. If you are prompted to specify the disk location, then specify the disk mount point directory path. For example, /SD_DVD

How Do You Procure the Software from Oracle Technology Network?

You can procure the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software from OTN. The software available on OTN is archived using Info-ZIP's highly portable ZIP utility. The software is available in multiple ZIP files. After downloading the software, you will need the UNZIP utility to extract the files.

This section covers the following:

Downloading Software

To download the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software from OTN, access the following URL:

The software is available in multiple ZIP files. Download the ZIP files to a common location on your local disk.

Verifying File Size

After downloading the ZIP files, run the cksum command against the files and check if the file checksum of the downloaded software is the same as the file checksum displayed on OTN.

The following is the format of the ZIP files:

em12_<platform> (<value> bytes) (cksum - <value>)

Here, <platform> refers to the operating system, N refers to the ZIP file number, and M refers to the total number of ZIP files available for download. For example,,,, or

The value (cksum - <value>) is the file checksum that you need to check. To check the file checksum of the first ZIP file, run the following command:

$ cksum em12_<platform>

For example,

$ cksum

Extracting Contents

You must unzip the archive on the platform for which it was intended. For example, if you download the software for the Linux x86 operating system, then you must unzip the file on a Linux x86 operating system only. If you unzip the file on a Microsoft Windows computer and then move the stage area to a Linux computer, then the staged area files will get corrupted. This is because Microsoft Windows does not preserve the case sensitivity or the permission bits of Linux file names.

If you have downloaded a single ZIP file, then extract the contents of it and manually run the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard.


For information about the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard, see What Is Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard?.

If you have downloaded multiple ZIP files to a common location, then extract the contents of all the ZIP files in the same location, and then manually run the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard.


If you plan to store the files on a DVD, then first extract the contents of the ZIP file, and then copy those extracted files to the DVD. Do NOT copy the ZIP file itself; you need the unzipped contents of the ZIP file to install the product.

Verifying Platform Information

After extracting the contents of the ZIP file, access the following file to verify the platform information. Here, <Software_Location> can be either the DVD mount point or the location on your local disk where you have extracted the contents of the ZIP files.


Note that a 32-bit Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software (both Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and Oracle Management Agent) can be installed only on a 32-bit operating system that is running on a 32-bit hardware. Similarly, a 64-bit Enterprise Manager software can be installed only on a 64-bit operating system that is running on a 64-bit hardware.

Do NOT try to install a 32-bit software on a 64-bit platform or vice versa; the installation may proceed, but will fail eventually. Therefore, ensure that you use the right software download for the right platform.

The shiphomeproperties.xml file provides the platform information as shown here:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>

You can see the platform information in the <ARU_ID_DESCRIPTION> syntax. Table 1-1 lists the platform names that may be enclosed in this syntax, and describes whether the names represent a 32-bit or 64-bit software.

Table 1-1 Verifying Platform Information

Platform Name Platform Specified in ARU_ID_DESCRIPTION 32-bit / 64-bit

Linux x86

Linux x86


Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

Win 32


Microsoft Windows (64-bit AMD64)

win 64


Microsoft Windows (64-bit IA)

Windows Itanium


Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-bit)



HPUX PA-RISC(64-bit)









Linux x86-64

Linux AMD



Linux Itanium


IBM Power Based Linux

Linux PPC








Solaris Operating System (x86-64)

Solaris AMD64


Solaris Operating System (x86)

Solaris AMD32


Procuring Oracle Management Agent Software

Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent) is one of the core components of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, and therefore, its software is part of the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control software. When you install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, the installation wizard automatically installs a Management Agent.

You can install additional Management Agents using the Add Host Targets Wizard built into the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console (Cloud Control console). The wizard uses the Management Agent software that is already present in the OMS home.

However, note that the Management Agent software present in the OMS home is always for the version and platform on which that OMS is running. For example, if the OMS is Oracle Management Service 12c and it is running on Linux platform, then the Management Agent software available there is also for Linux platform.

If you want to install a Management Agent for a platform that is different from the one on which the OMS is running, then ensure that you download that software using the Self Update console, which is built into the Cloud Control console.

For information on Self Update and how you can use it to download the software, see the chapter on Self Update in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.