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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (

Class DTEManager

  extended by

public abstract class DTEManager
extends java.lang.Object

Public interface to the Visual Editor Design Time Engine

Field Summary
          Name of the transient project properties that is set to Boolean.TRUE when the web-app auto restarted is stopped.


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
abstract  void addContextualObjectProvider(ContextualObjectProvider provider)
 void addIncludeProvider(oracle.bali.xml.grammar.QualifiedName qname, IncludeProvider provider)
static DTEManager getDTEManager()
          Get the DTEManager implementation.
static DTEManager getInstance()
          Gets the DTEManager implementation to use for restarting a Design Time Engine Web Application instance.
abstract  void registerELContextObjectProvider(MetaClass<ELContextObjectProvider> elContextObjectProvider)
          Register the given EL Context Object Provider
abstract  void registerLoadResourcesFromClassLoaderFeatureEnabler(LoadResourcesFromClassLoaderFeatureEnabler loadResourcesFromClassLoaderFeatureEnabler)
abstract  void registerRenderAsIncludeProvider(oracle.bali.xml.grammar.QualifiedName qname, MetaClass<RenderAsIncludeProvider> renderAsIncludeProvider)
          Register the RenderAsInclude Provider given the qualified name
abstract  void registerVisualEditorPathProvider(MetaClass<VisualEditorPathProvider> visualEditorPathProvider)
          Register an extension point allowing JSP Design Time Visual Editor viewable paths to be specified for JspSourceNode and subclasses (JspFragmentSourceNode, JspTagSourceNode, JspTagXSourceNode, JspTagFragmentSourceNode).
abstract  void registerVisualEditorPathProvider(MetaClass<VisualEditorPathProvider> visualEditorPathProvider, float weight)
          Register an extension point allowing JSP Design Time Visual Editor viewable paths to be specified for JspSourceNode and subclasses (JspFragmentSourceNode, JspTagSourceNode, JspTagXSourceNode, JspTagFragmentSourceNode).
 void removeContextualObjectProvider(ContextualObjectProvider provider)
 void removeIncludeProvider(oracle.bali.xml.grammar.QualifiedName qname)
abstract  void restartWebApp(Project project)
          Restart the webapp in JSP VE design time(fake servlet container)
abstract  void startWebAppAutoRestart(Project project)
          By default the dte restarts the webapp whenever the web.xml or other configuration files are modified.
abstract  void stopWebAppAutoRestart(Project project)
          By default the dte restarts the webapp whenever the web.xml or other configuration files are modified.
abstract  void suppressClassPathEntry( classPathEntry)
          Register a classPathEntry (jar or directory) that should be suppressed from the Web Application Environment.
abstract  void suppressResource(java.lang.String resourceName, java.lang.String dependentClassName, replacementResource)
          Register a resource that should be suppressed from the Web Application environment.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String DTE_DISABLED_PROJECT_PROPERTY
Name of the transient project properties that is set to Boolean.TRUE when the web-app auto restarted is stopped.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public DTEManager()

Method Detail


public static DTEManager getInstance()
Gets the DTEManager implementation to use for restarting a Design Time Engine Web Application instance. This is for calls to stopWebAppAutoRestart(Project) startWebAppAutoRestart(Project) restartWebApp(Project) This will not trigger the Design Time Engine extension to be loaded / initialized. If the Design Time Engine extension hasn't been loaded, a call to restart a web application (perhaps from changing a project's configuration) can be a no-op, since no web applications will yet exist.
the DTEManager implementation to use for restarting a Design Time Engine Web Application instance.


public static DTEManager getDTEManager()
Get the DTEManager implementation. This will trigger the Design Time Engine extension to be loaded / initialized.
the DTEManager implementation


public abstract void addContextualObjectProvider(ContextualObjectProvider provider)
Register the give contextual object provider


public void removeContextualObjectProvider(ContextualObjectProvider provider)


public abstract void registerELContextObjectProvider(MetaClass<ELContextObjectProvider> elContextObjectProvider)
Register the given EL Context Object Provider


public void addIncludeProvider(oracle.bali.xml.grammar.QualifiedName qname,
                                          IncludeProvider provider)


public void removeIncludeProvider(oracle.bali.xml.grammar.QualifiedName qname)


public abstract void registerRenderAsIncludeProvider(oracle.bali.xml.grammar.QualifiedName qname,
                                                     MetaClass<RenderAsIncludeProvider> renderAsIncludeProvider)
Register the RenderAsInclude Provider given the qualified name


public abstract void registerVisualEditorPathProvider(MetaClass<VisualEditorPathProvider> visualEditorPathProvider)
Register an extension point allowing JSP Design Time Visual Editor viewable paths to be specified for JspSourceNode and subclasses (JspFragmentSourceNode, JspTagSourceNode, JspTagXSourceNode, JspTagFragmentSourceNode).


public abstract void registerVisualEditorPathProvider(MetaClass<VisualEditorPathProvider> visualEditorPathProvider,
                                                      float weight)
Register an extension point allowing JSP Design Time Visual Editor viewable paths to be specified for JspSourceNode and subclasses (JspFragmentSourceNode, JspTagSourceNode, JspTagXSourceNode, JspTagFragmentSourceNode).

This variant provides a weight for the Provider, allowing it to take precedence over a standard implementation for the same type of JspSourceNode Context


public abstract void registerLoadResourcesFromClassLoaderFeatureEnabler(LoadResourcesFromClassLoaderFeatureEnabler loadResourcesFromClassLoaderFeatureEnabler)


public abstract void suppressClassPathEntry( classPathEntry)
Register a classPathEntry (jar or directory) that should be suppressed from the Web Application Environment. Use this mechanism to suppress a service that shouldn't be configured during design-time. This can be used as an alternative to calling "suppressResource" on all of the service resources in a module, if the entire module should be suppressed.
classPathEntry - the URL of the jar or directory that should be suppressed. The URL should be constructed using
java.lang.NullPointerException - if classPathEntry is null


public abstract void suppressResource(java.lang.String resourceName,
                                      java.lang.String dependentClassName,
Register a resource that should be suppressed from the Web Application environment. Use this mechanism to suppress a service resource that registers some aspect of the Runtime that shouldn't be configured during design-time. e.g. META-INF/services/org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.PageFlowScopeProvider If dependentClassName is not null, then only the resource appearing in its jar is suppressed. Otherwise all are suppressed. If replacementResourse is not null, then that resource is used .
resourceName - the name of the resource, as passed to ClassLoader.getResources()
dependentClassName - the name of a class in the jar whose resource we wish to suppress. If null, suppress all.
replacementResource - the URL of a resource to use in place of resourceName
java.lang.NullPointerException - if resourceName is null


public abstract void stopWebAppAutoRestart(Project project)
By default the dte restarts the webapp whenever the web.xml or other configuration files are modified. Other configuration files include faces-config.xml This API will stop the auto restart mode.
project - the project to which the webapp belongs
java.lang.NullPointerException - if project is null


public abstract void startWebAppAutoRestart(Project project)
By default the dte restarts the webapp whenever the web.xml or other configuration files are modified. Other configuration files include faces-config.xml This API will start the auto restart mode. Note : Every stopWebAppAutoRestart should have a corresponding startWebAppAutoRestart for the "auto" webapp restart mode to be actually turned on eventually.
project - the project to which the webapp belongs
java.lang.NullPointerException - if project is null


public abstract void restartWebApp(Project project)
Restart the webapp in JSP VE design time(fake servlet container)
project - The project for the webapp

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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