97 Global Update Supplier Company/Business Unit

This chapter contains this topic:

97.1 Overview


From Accounts Payable (G04), enter 27

From A/P Advanced & Technical Operations (G0431), choose Global Update Supplier Co/BU

There may be times when you would like to update a large group of Supplier Company/Business Unit records (F04015). The Global Update Supplier Company/BU (P044905) is designed to help you do a batch update to a large number of records automatically, increasing your efficiency and accuracy.

You may use this program to recode any of the data elements specified in the processing options. It will update all records you have selected through the DREAM Writer Data Selection.


We caution you to review both your Processing Option values and Data Selection criteria before submitting this program. You may even wish to complete a current backup of the data in case of error so you can easily restore the previous information.