40 Void Manual Payments

This chapter contains these topic:

40.1 Voiding Manual Payments


From Accounts Payable (G04), choose Manual Payment Processing

From Manual Payment Processing (G0412), choose Void Payment Entry

You can void posted or unposted payments. Optionally, you can choose to void the vouchers associated with a payment. The process for voiding manual payments is the same as that for voiding automatic payments.

40.1.1 What You Should Know

  • Voiding a posted payment creates a separate void record (PO) for the payment, whereas voiding an unposted payment will delete the payment record from the payment files entirely.

  • When a posted payment has been voided, the payment batch must be posted again to create the reversing entries in the general ledger file, F0911.

  • When voiding a payment, if the original G/L date for the payment is in a prior period, you may need to change the G/L date to the current date in order to avoid re-opening the prior period in order to post the void.

  • You may choose to void vouchers at the same time as voiding the payment.

  • If you have created and posted a manual payment and voucher from Payment without Voucher Match (P04106) voiding only the payment will create an integrity issue with the batch in regard to A/P to G/L by Batch (P04701). With W type batches the integrity is expecting the voucher and the payment to be in the same batch. When the payment has been voided and the voucher repaid with a new payment, the voucher will still be associated with the original W type batch but the payment will be in a separate, M type batch.

  • If the payment is not posted the payment records will be deleted from the payment files (F0413/F0414). If the associated voucher(s) is not posted, the voucher record will be deleted from the AP Ledger (F0411).

  • You can create a void payment for unposted manual checks. A processing option in both Manual Payment Programs (P04102 and P04106) can prevent deletion of an unposted manual check, which requires you to use the Void Payment program. You can specify through the A/P Payment Functional server (XT0413) if you want to document the deleted payment (treat it like a void) or continue with the delete.