1 Overview to Address Book and Electronic Mail

The JD Edwards World Address Book system is an online version of traditional Rolodex card files. It is a central database that shares information across all JD Edwards World systems and, therefore, eliminates redundant data entry and dramatically reduces errors.

Integrated with the Address Book system is the Electronic Mail system. It provides features that promote effective and timely communication throughout your organization, whether you need to send messages within a single site or between domestic and international branch offices.

This chapter contains these topics:

1.1 Address Book Integration

The address book is the foundation for other JD Edwards World software systems. Every JD Edwards World system works with the Address Book system to retrieve up-to-date name and address information. For example, the Accounts Payable system uses address information for supplier payments, while the Accounts Receivable system uses address information for customer invoices and statements.

The following integrate with the address book:

1.1.1 Financials Systems

System Description
Accounts Payable Set up suppliers and tax entities.
Accounts Receivable Set up customers and tax entities.

1.1.2 AEC Systems

System Description
Job Cost Set up jobs and assign them to a project manager and superintendent. Job Cost also uses the address book to set up suppliers and subcontractors.
Contract Management Set up suppliers for progress payments. Contract Management also uses the address book for contract logs.
Contract Billing Set up architects, customers, owners, remit-to, alternate bill-to, and send-to addresses.
Service Billing Set up customers (on work orders) and employees.
Work Order Management Set up customers, managers, originators, and supervisors.
Property Management Set up tenants, managers, leasing agents, buildings, lease managers, parties-to-bill, payment sources, salespersons, and occupants.
Fixed Assets Set up employees who are responsible for assets and suppliers who provide assets.
Equipment/Plant Management Set up employees who are responsible for equipment, suppliers who provide equipment, and employees who are assigned to perform preventative maintenance.

1.1.3 Distribution Systems

System Description
Purchase Order Management Set up suppliers, buyers, carriers, branch/plants, ship-to addresses, and landed cost suppliers (duty brokers).
Sales Order Management Set up ship-to addresses, sold-to addresses, carriers, salespersons, branch/plants, and customer billing instructions.
Inventory Management Set up planners, buyers, and branches/plants in the item master.

1.1.4 Manufacturing Systems

System Description
Requirements Planning Set up branches/plants and planners, such as material planners or employees in charge of a product or line.
Forecasting Set up hierarchies in forecasting programs.
Advanced Pricing Set up category codes to categorize customers for special pricing.

1.1.5 Payroll and Human Resources Systems

System Description
Payroll Set up employees and the name and address of W2 reporting entities.
Human Resources Set up participants, beneficiaries, and applicants.

1.2 Address Book Features

Information drives every aspect of a business. How you manage and provide information can affect your relationships with customers, suppliers, individuals, and companies. You manage the information about the people and companies with whom you do business using the address book.

The features of the Address Book system include:

  • Address book management

  • Reporting

  • Multi-national functionality

1.2.1 Address Book Management

With a central database that integrates with all JD Edwards World systems, you can maximize your productivity and effectively manage your address book information. For example, you can:

  • Maintain complete information and update records on employees, customers, and suppliers

  • Notify authorized users about special situations, such as credit warnings, hold messages, or other critical account information, with over 30 possible user defined messages

1.2.2 Reporting

You define how you sort and classify your information. With address book reporting, you can:

  • Establish up to 30 user-defined reporting codes for each address book record. For example, sort suppliers by salesperson for one report and by region for another report.

  • Identify individuals, such as billing contacts, executives, and sales contacts, who are part of company address book records, with up to 10 custom codes.

  • Maintain multiple address within address book for each contact

  • Use a common consolidation code to associate multiple address book records to report on group financial data

  • Customize your database to fit your needs by creating and organizing user defined information, such as textual and statistical information, and attaching that information to address book records.

  • Select and sort address information by postal code, customer type, or other requirements.

  • Customize reports to produce mailing lists, labels, and so on.

1.2.3 Multi-National Functionality

Multi-national functionality allows you to build a global information network about the people and companies with whom you do business. The multi-national functionality in the Address Book system includes:

Function Description
Multiple languages You can communicate with customers and suppliers in their preferred languages to enhance relationships and reduce potential misunderstanding regarding invoices, vouchers, and other correspondence.
International mailing requirements Each country has different requirements for mailing addresses. The address book provides 16 predefined mailing formats which control the placement of information on mailing labels for specific countries.

1.3 Files Used by Address Book

1.3.1 Files and Information Flow

Figure 1-1 FIles and Information Flow

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 FIles and Information Flow"

1.3.2 Files and Descriptions

The Address Book system uses the following primary files:

File Description
Address Book Master (F0101) Stores names, address numbers, search types, and category codes.
Names and Who's Who (F0111) Stores names, who's who contacts, given names, and surnames.
Contact Phone Numbers (F0115) Stores contact phone numbers, and types of phones.
E-mail/URL (F01018) Stores e-mail and URL addresses per address number or contact.
Address by Date (F0116) Stores addresses, address lines, and effective dates for addresses.
Postal Code Transactions (F0117) Stores zip codes, postal codes, and the city and state.
Address Organization Structure Master (F0150) Stores parent numbers, child numbers, address numbers, and structure types.
Related Addresses (F01017) Stores up to 36 related address for each address number.
Socio-Economic Data (F01014) Stores socio-economic data as defined and tracked per business or governmental requirements.
Consolidation Code (F01016) Stores information related to each consolidation code.
Customer Master (F0301) Stores accounts receivable and billing information about a customer.
Customer Master Company/BU Defaults (F03015) Stores accounts receivable information for the same customer by company or business unit.
Supplier Master (F0401) Stores accounts payable information about a supplier.
Supplier Master Company/BU Defaults (F04015) Stores accounts payable information for the same supplier by company and business unit.

The Address Book system also uses the following files.

File Description
Address Book Master Audit Log (F0101A) Stores changes, additions, and deletions that are made to address book records.
Address Book Batch Input (F0101Z1) Holds records that originate from an outside (third party) source until they become JD Edwards World address book records.
Country Constants (F0070) Stores country-specific address book formats for international mailing labels.
Address Book Repository (F01901) Stores information from seven Address Book files and is used for reporting purposes.
Supplemental Database-Financial (F01090), Code (F01092), and Narrative (F01093) Stores user defined information, such as textual and statistical information.
Address Book Word Search Master (F01800) Stores words that are referenced when you do a name search.

1.4 Electronic Mail System Integration

The following graphic shows the other JD Edwards World systems that integrate with the Electronic Mail system.

Figure 1-2 Systems Integrated With the Electronic Mail System

Description of Figure 1-2 follows
Description of "Figure 1-2 Systems Integrated With the Electronic Mail System"

The following integrate with electronic mail:

1.4.1 Financial Systems

System Description
Address Book All electronic mailboxes use an address book number to track messages. Every mailbox in the Electronic Mail system must have a corresponding address book record.
Accounts Receivable Communications with a customer about credit and collections are logged in the customer's mailbox as a "promises, promises" message. Credit and collection managers can view this information online or in report format. The system updates the customer's mailbox when a delinquency notice is sent.

1.4.2 AEC System

System Description
Work Order Management The Electronic Mail system notifies an approver when a work order needs approval. The approver can directly access the approval form from the Electronic-Mail system. The system also notifies the originator of the requisition when an action has occurred.

1.4.3 Distribution Systems

System Description
Purchase Order Management The Electronic Mail system notifies an approver when a purchase order needs approval. The approver can directly access the approval form from the Electronic-Mail system. The system also notifies the originator of the requisition when an action has occurred.

1.4.4 Manufacturing System

System Description
Product Data Management The Electronic Mail system notifies an approver when an engineering change order needs approval.

1.5 Electronic Mail Features

Electronic mail (e-mail) is a vital tool for inter-office and intra-office communication. With e-mail, you can send messages, schedule a conference room, and indicate where you are (for example, at another location or on vacation).

The features of the Electronic Mail system include:

  • Electronic mail management

  • Workflow management

1.5.1 Electronic Mail Management

With efficient management of your electronic mail, you can:

  • Track current addresses and maintain address histories by having the system change address information as of a specific date

  • Post global messages or transfer information to a central place where specific groups of people can view them

1.5.2 Workflow Management

Workflow management within the Electronic Mail system helps to create an efficient working environment. You can:

  • Expedite workflow with messages that are automatically triggered by user action

  • Locate users' calendars to check time availability for scheduling meetings

  • Sign in and out so others know where to find you

  • Forward messages to an unlimited number of recipients and add text with each remittance

1.6 Files Used by Electronic Mail

1.6.1 Files and Information Flow

Figure 1-3 Electronic Mail Files and Information Flow

Description of Figure 1-3 follows
Description of "Figure 1-3 Electronic Mail Files and Information Flow"

1.6.2 Files and Descriptions

The Electronic Mail system uses the following primary files:

File Description
Message Header (F01131) Stores serial numbers, parent numbers, from addresses, and tickler dates.
Message Text (F01132) Stores serial numbers, line numbers, and generic text.
Message Distribution (F01133) Stores serial numbers, address numbers, mailbox designators, tickler dates, and message statuses.
Bulletin Board Enrollment (F01134) Stores user IDs, address numbers, display sequences, and user classes/groups.
User Filters for Incoming Mail (F01136) Stores parent numbers, address numbers, and mailbox designators.

The Electronic Mail system also uses the following files:

File Description
Address Book Master (F0101) Stores names, search types, address numbers, phone numbers, and category codes.
Time Log Ledger (F0112) Stores time in and time out information.
Flash Schedule Master (F0126) Stores calendar information.

1.7 Menu Overview

The Address Book and Electronic Mail menus are listed below. This list does not show navigation among the menus.

Figure 1-4 Address Book and Electronic Mail Menus

Description of Figure 1-4 follows
Description of "Figure 1-4 Address Book and Electronic Mail Menus"