55 Payroll Cycle Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

55.1 Mass Timecard Generation (P061506) (Release A9.3 Update)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the DW version for the Mass Timecard Generation Report. If blank the default demo version (XJDE0001) will be used.  
NOTE: The date range option is only valid when the process is submitted from the DW Versions List. If the version is used in pre-payroll, the date rangebelow will be ignored and the process will use the work date range from the Pre-Payroll Processing parameters.

(Date format: MM/DD/YY)

2. Enter From Date:  
3. Enter Thru Date:  

55.2 Pre-Payroll Processing - BiWeekly (P06210)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to generate the Vertex XML request and response files. These files are used for troubleshooting issues. They may be generated at the request of Oracle or Vertex Customer Support.  
2. Enter the IFS path where the XML files will be stored, when requested.



55.3 Auto Deposit (P06233)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter 'N' to OMIT printing of company name and address on payroll checks.

Enter 'Y' to print company name only.

Enter 'A' to print company name and address.

(Default of blank will OMIT printing of company name or address.)

2. Enter company number to use for printing a single company's name and (optionally) address.

(Default of blank will use the employee's Home Company.)

3. Enter Employee Number Identification option:

blank = Address book No.

2 = Social Security No.

3 = Third Employee No.

4. Select option #4 to only print the last four digits of employee bank account number on Auto Deposit Check Stub.

Example: 12345678 will print ****5678

Enter value

Y = Yes

blanks = No

Default will be blanks = No.

5. Enter the value "Y" to only print the last (4) Positions of the Employee SSN number on the check. The remaining positions will be loaded with the value "X".

Example '123456789' will display as XXXXX6789

Default option value will be 'N'


55.4 Print Checks (P06231)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the program name that translates check amounts from numbers to words.

(See User Defined Codes, system code 98, record type "CT" for program numbers.)

2. Enter 'N' to OMIT printing of company name and address on payroll checks.

Enter 'Y' to print company name only.

Enter 'A' to print company name and address.

(Default of blank will OMIT printing of company name or address.)

3. Enter company number to use for printing a single company's name and (optionally) address.

(Default of blank will use the employee's Home Company to fulfill processing option 2 above's print instructions.)

4. Enter Employee Number Identification option:

blank = Address book No.

2 = Social Security No.

3 = Third Employee No.

5. Enter the value 'Y' to only print the last (4) position of the Employee SSN number on the Check. The remaining positions will be loaded with the value 'X'.

Example" 123456789 will display as XXXXX6789.

Default value will be "N".


55.5 Payroll Positive Pay Bank Work File Build (P062361)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to format the Check Date in Gregorian (MDY) format.

If left blank, the date will be Julian.

2. Enter a '1' to bypass writing the Header and Trailer records to the file.

If left blank, Header and Trailer records will be written.

3. Enter a '1' to print a summary report.

If left blank, a detail report will be printed.

4. Enter the following default values:

Device Name

Tape Density

Label Name


New Volume Name

New Owner ID

File Name


55.6 Create Payroll Journal Entries (P06220)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a 'Y' to display the accrual factor and override accounting date.  
2. Enter a '1' to copy labor hours to the units for premium labor entries.

This only applies when the premium portion of overtime is split from the labor entry.


55.7 Pay Period Journal Batch Proof (P06229)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
This option will submit a batch job to print the Journal Proof for the specified Journal Batch.



55.8 Labor Reclass Maintenance (P06099R)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Determine what record type will default to the header selection field, VDRCCD.

Blank - All record types

1 - Record type 1 only

2 - Record type 2 only

3 - Record type 3 only

2. Determine what value will default to the header selection field, VDRCLS

Blank - All transaction records

Y - including those reclassed previously, will display.

N - Only display transaction records not reclassed.

3. Choose key for display of transaction records.

Enter a '1' by your preferred order.

Date Worked - DWK, AN8, MCU

Employee # - AN8, DWK, MCU

Bus. Unit - MCU, DWK, AN8

Default = DWK, AN8, MCU

4. Enter '1' to disallow change to the labor business unit (MCU) or recharge business unit (GMCU) of any transaction record.  
5. Enter '1' to disallow change to the labor object (OBJ) or recharge object (GOBJ) of any transaction record.  
6. Enter '1' to issue a hard error if the user tries to reclass a transaction record which exists in either the F4812 or F4812H.

Default - Soft error will be issued.

7. Enter '1' to allow the user to enter a specific GL date for the reclass.

Default - today's date.

8. Choose which record format will display upon entry to 'Multi' reclass program.

1 - Display format for Labor Account.

2 - Display format for Recharge Account.

Default = Labor Account

9. Enter a '1' to re-calculate flat burden. Flat burden rates in the Employee Master, Business Unit Constants, or Union Pay Rates table will be used following the hierarchy of time entry pgms. Blank indicates do not re-calculate flat burden.  
10. Enter a '1' to allow use of the Union Pay Rates table when flat burden is re-calculated.  
11. Enter a '1' to recalculate the premiums for Workers Comp/Gen Liab. when the business unit is changed and a Workers Comp code is assigned in the Union Rates table.  

55.9 DBA Register (P063062)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Select the Employee Number to print.

A - Address Book Number

S - Social Security Number

O - Third Employee Number

Print the payee's address. (Y/N)


55.10 General Liability Insurance Register (P063651)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Which Employee No. do you wish to appear on the report:

A - Address Book

S - Social Security No.

O - Third Employee No.


55.11 Final Update Integrity Report (P06705)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the type of employee number to print.

A = Address Book Number (Default)

S = Social Security Number

O = Other (Third) Employee Number


55.12 General Ledger Post (P09800)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter Batch Number or Batch Date or Batch User ID  
2. Identify how to print amount fields on Post Journal:

'1' = to Millions (w/ commas)

'2' = to Billions (w/o commas)

Blank (Default) = No Journal Printed.

3. Identify which account number to print on report:

'1' = Account Number

'2' = Short Account ID

'3' = Unstructured Account

'4' = (Default) Number Entered During Input

4. Enter a '1' to post F/A entries to Fixed Assets.

Note: DREAM Writer version ZJDE0001 of Post G/L Entries to Assets (P12800) is executed when this option is selected. All transactions selected from that DREAM Writer will be posted rather than just the current entries being posted to G/L.

5. Enter a 'Y' if you wish to explode parent item time down to the assembly component level. Component billing rates will be used. (This applies to batch type 'T' only.)  
6. Enter a '1' to create and post Cash Basis accounting entries. (Applies to batch type G, K, M, W, & R only.)  
7. Enter units ledger type for Cash Basis Accounting entries.

(Default of blank will use "ZU" ledger type.)

8. Enter a '1' for 52 Period Post.

Note: DREAM Writer data selection is used for 52 period posting ONLY. It is NOT used for the standard post to the F0902. Additionally, 52 period date patterns must be set up.

9. Identify when to update the Tax Work file (F0018):

'1' = V.A.T. or Use Tax only

'2' = for All Tax Amounts

'3' = for All Tax Explanation Codes

Blank (Default) = No Update to File

Note: When using Vertex Taxes the Vertex Tax Register file will be updated instead of the Tax Work file for methods '1', '2', and '3'.

10. Adjust VAT Account for Cash Receipt Adjustments and Write Offs. Tax explanation must be a 'V'.

'1' = update VAT amount only

'2' = update VAT amount, extended price and taxable amount

11. Adjust VAT Account for Discount Taken. The Tax Rules file must be set to Calculate Tax on Gross Amount, including Discount and Calculate Discount on Gross Amount, including Tax. Tax explanation must be a 'V'.

'1' = update VAT amount only

'2' = update VAT amount, extended price and taxable amount

12. Enter DREAM Writer version of Property Management G/L Transaction Creation to be executed.

Default is version ZJDE0001. (This applies to batch types '2' and '/'.)

13. Enter '1' to update short ID number, company, fiscal year/period number, century, and fiscal quarter in unposted transaction records selected for posting. (May be required for custom input programs.)  
14. Enter a '1' to print the Posting Journal in a 198 character format.

The default of blank will print the format with 132 characters.

15. Enter a '1' to create currency restatement entries. This creates records in the XA, YA, and/or ZA ledgers depending on the version you are running.  
16. Enter the version of the Detailed Currency Restatement (P11411) to execute.

Default of blank will execute ZJDE0001.

17. Enter a '1' to update the Cross-Environment Reconciliation file. Blank will not update the reconciliation file.

Note: The Cross-Environment Reconciliation file can also be updated through the stand-alone Cross-Environment File Creation program.

18. When normal number of periods = 12 or 13 and posting a reversing entry into period 12 or 13, enter a '1' to create reversing journal entries to the first period of the following year. This is to avoid posting reversing entries to an adjusting period.

Example: Normal number of periods = 12. Period 12 ends 12/30/xx and period 13 ends 12/31/xx. Journal Entry date of 12/30/xx will post reversing entry to period 01 of next year if processing option is set to '1'.


Note: This option should NOT be changed by User.