1 Overview to Database Audit Manager

This chapter contains the topic:

New federal regulations necessitate a flexible auditing tool that can be reconfigured quickly. The Database Audit Manager provides that tool. The Database Audit Manager enables selective historical database transaction logging. Support for electronic signature verification, enforcement, and capture, is embedded within Audit Manager. Be aware that enforcement of electronic signatures requires changes to JD Edwards World application programs.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that companies be able to set up an audit process on demand. These audits need to track changes to any field in any file.

To set up an audit process, first identify the library that contains the file to be configured for audit. Select the file from the library. Define the audit program, define a target file to store the audit information, and determine the type of audit to occur. Select the data fields to trigger an audit or to be copied into the audit target file for informational purposes only. Finally, attach reason codes to the audit actions.

For example, if the FDA requires tracking address changes, set up an audit to record changes to the address data field of the Address Book Master file (F0101). First, find out which library contains the Address Book Master File. After selecting the Address Book Master File from the library, define an audit program (P0101AUD) and a target file (F0101AUD). Then select the address data field to trigger the audit program. Finally, attach reason codes to the actions.

The Database Audit Manager (G946) allows selecting a file and the fields in the file to be tracked. In addition, it allows the following:

1.1 System Requirements

The minimum requirements for running Database Audit Manager are as follows:

  • JD Edwards World

  • Source Code for Database Audit Manager must be loaded at the time of install for the product to work properly

  • IBM V5R1 or above

  • All JDESRC code does not need to be installed. DBAM only requires the source code member XBASETRG - this is the trigger template source member and its location must be specified in the library/file on the Configuration Defaults Panel

  • DB2 Query Manager and SQL Development Kit program product.5722-ST1 is no longer required

  • SQL is no longer a requirement.