Extensions API Use

This chapter covers the following topics:

Extensions APIs


Create or Update Organization Profile Extension


Use this routine to create or update information in the organization extensions tables. This API can be used to maintain records in the HZ_ORG_PROFILES_EXT_B and HZ_ORG_PROFILES_EXT_TL tables for a given organization. The extension tables hold additional information that you decide to capture about an organization.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE Process_Organization_Record (
 p_api_version             IN NUMBER,
 p_org_profile_id          IN NUMBER,
 p_attributes_row_table    IN EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_TABLE,
 p_attributes_data_table   IN EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE,
 p_change_info_table       IN EGO_USER_ATTR_CHANGE_TABLE DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_id               IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_index            IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_code             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
 p_debug_level             IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
 p_init_error_handler      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_write_to_concurrent_log IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_init_fnd_msg_list       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_log_errors              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_add_errors_to_fnd_stack IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_commit                  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 x_failed_row_id_list      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
 x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
 x_errorcode               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
 x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
 x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

Parameter Description and Validation

This table lists information about the parameters in the Create or Update Organization Profile Extension API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
p_api_version IN NUMBER Yes Comment: A decimal number indicating revisions to the API.
p_org_profile_id IN NUMBER Yes Comment: Unique organization profile ID of the profile record for which you are creating the extension record.
p_attributes_row_table IN EGO_USER_ATTRS_ROW_TABLE Yes Comments: EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_TABLE is a table of EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ contains row-level data about one attribute group row.
ROW_IDENTIFIER is the unique numeric identifier for this attribute group row within a set of rows to be processed; no two EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ elements in any single API call can share the same ROW_IDENTIFIER value.
The attribute group whose row-level data this EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ contains is identified either by ATTR_GROUP_ID or by the combination of ATTR_GROUP_APP_ID, ATTR_GROUP_TYPE, and ATTR_GROUP_NAME. (The first field is the numeric key for an attribute group, and the latter three fields form the composite key for an attribute group.)
If the attribute group type has data levels defined and the attribute group is associated at a data level other than the highest data level defined for the attribute group type, the data level values are passed in DATA_LEVEL_1, DATA_LEVEL_2, and DATA_LEVEL_3 (as necessary).
        TRANSACTION_TYPE indicates the mode of DML operation to be performed on this attribute group row; valid values are EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_CREATE_MODE, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_UPDATE_MODE, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_DELETE_MODE, or, if the caller is uncertain whether this row exists in the database, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_SYNC_MODE, which indicates that the API should determine whether to create or update this attribute group row.
p_attributes_data_table IN EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE Yes EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE is a table of EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ. EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ is an object type that contains data for one attribute in an attribute group row. ROW_IDENTIFIER is a foreign key that associates each EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ to one EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ.
ATTR_NAME holds the internal name of the attribute. The value being passed for the attribute is stored in ATTR_VALUE_STR if the attribute is a string (translatable or not), in ATTR_VALUE_NUM if the attribute is a number, in ATTR_VALUE_DATE if the attribute is a date or date time, or in ATTR_DISP_VALUE if the attribute has a value set with distinct internal and display values.

Note: The attribute value must be passed in exactly one of these four fields

        If the attribute is a number that has a Unit of Measure class associated with it, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASURE stores the UOM Code for the unit of measure in which the attribute's value will be displayed. However, the value itself will always be passed in ATTR_VALUE_NUM in the base units for the Unit of Measure class, not in the display units (unless they happen to be the same).
For example, consider an attribute whose unit of measure class is Length with base unit of centimeters. If the caller wants data for this attribute to be displayed in feet (UOM_CODE FT), then ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASURE should be passed with FT. However, no matter in what unit the caller wants to display this attribute, the value in ATTR_VALUE_NUM will always be the attribute's value expressed in centimeters.
        The final field in the object type, USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER, is a numeric value used when reporting errors for this EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ. When the errors are written to the MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS table, the TRANSACTION_ID column stores the value passed in USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER. To find errors logged for this EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ, search for rows in MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS whose TRANSACTION_ID column values match the passed-in USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER.
p_change_info_table IN EGO_USER_ATTR_CHANGE_TABLE Yes Comment: Not currently supported.
p_entity_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_entity_index IN NUMBER No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_entity_code IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_debug_level IN NUMBER Yes Comment: Used in debugging.
p_init_error_handler IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to initialize ERROR_HANDLER message stack, and open debug session, if applicable.
p_write_to_concurrent_log IN VARCHAR2 No Indicates whether to log ERROR_HANDLER messages to concurrent log. Only applicable when called from concurrent program and when p_log_errors is passed as FND_API.G_TRUE.
p_init_fnd_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to initialize FND_MSG_PUB message stack.
p_add_errors_to_fnd_stack IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether messages written to ERROR_HANDLER message stack will also be written to FND_MSG_PUB message stack.
p_commit IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to commit work at the end of API processing.
x_failed_row_id_list OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: Returns a comma-delimited list of ROW_IDENTIFIERs indicating which attribute group rows failed to be processed.
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: A code indicating whether any errors occurred during processing.
x_errorcode OUT NUMBER No Comment: Reserved for future use.
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER No Comment: Indicates how many messages exist on ERROR_HANDLER message stack upon completion of processing.
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: If exactly one message exists on ERROR_HANDLER message stack upon completion of processing, this parameter contains that message.

Other Validations

Create or Update Person Profile Extension


Use this routine to create or update information in the person extensions tables. This API can be used to maintain records in the HZ_PER_PROFILES_EXT_B and HZ_PER_PROFILES_EXT_TL tables for a given person. The extension tables hold additional information that you decide to capture about a person.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE Process_Person_Record (
 p_api_version             IN NUMBER,
 p_person_profile_id       IN NUMBER,
 p_attributes_row_table    IN EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_TABLE,
 p_attributes_data_table   IN EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE,
 p_change_info_table       IN EGO_USER_ATTR_CHANGE_TABLE DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_id               IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_index            IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_code             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
 p_debug_level             IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
 p_init_error_handler      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_write_to_concurrent_log IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_init_fnd_msg_list       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_log_errors              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_add_errors_to_fnd_stack IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_commit                  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 x_failed_row_id_list      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
 x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
 x_errorcode               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
 x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
 x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

Parameter Description and Validation

This table lists information about the parameters in the Create or Update Person Profile Extension API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
p_api_version IN NUMBER Yes Comment: A decimal number indicating revisions to the API.
p_person_profile_id IN NUMBER Yes Comment: Unique person profile ID of the profile record for which you are creating the extension record.
p_attributes_row_table IN EGO_USER_ATTRS_ROW_TABLE Yes Comments: EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_TABLE is a table of EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ contains row-level data about one attribute group row.
ROW_IDENTIFIER is the unique numeric identifier for this attribute group row within a set of rows to be processed; no two EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ elements in any single API call can share the same ROW_IDENTIFIER value.
The attribute group whose row-level data this EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ contains is identified either by ATTR_GROUP_ID or by the combination of ATTR_GROUP_APP_ID, ATTR_GROUP_TYPE, and ATTR_GROUP_NAME. (The first field is the numeric key for an attribute group, and the latter three fields form the composite key for an attribute group.)
If the attribute group type has data levels defined and the attribute group is associated at a data level other than the highest data level defined for the attribute group type, the data level values are passed in DATA_LEVEL_1, DATA_LEVEL_2, and DATA_LEVEL_3 (as necessary).
        TRANSACTION_TYPE indicates the mode of DML operation to be performed on this attribute group row; valid values are EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_CREATE_MODE, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_UPDATE_MODE, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_DELETE_MODE, or, if the caller is uncertain whether this row exists in the database, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_SYNC_MODE, which indicates that the API should determine whether to create or update this attribute group row.
p_attributes_data_table IN EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE Yes EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE is a table of EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ. EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ is an object type that contains data for one attribute in an attribute group row. ROW_IDENTIFIER is a foreign key that associates each EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ to one EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ.
ATTR_NAME holds the internal name of the attribute. The value being passed for the attribute is stored in ATTR_VALUE_STR if the attribute is a string (translatable or not), in ATTR_VALUE_NUM if the attribute is a number, in ATTR_VALUE_DATE if the attribute is a date or date time, or in ATTR_DISP_VALUE if the attribute has a value set with distinct internal and display values.

Note: The attribute value must be passed in exactly one of these four fields

        If the attribute is a number that has a Unit of Measure class associated with it, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASURE stores the UOM Code for the unit of measure in which the attribute's value will be displayed. However, the value itself will always be passed in ATTR_VALUE_NUM in the base units for the Unit of Measure class, not in the display units (unless they happen to be the same).
For example, consider an attribute whose unit of measure class is Length with base unit of centimeters. If the caller wants data for this attribute to be displayed in feet (UOM_CODE FT), then ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASURE should be passed with FT. However, no matter in what unit the caller wants to display this attribute, the value in ATTR_VALUE_NUM will always be the attribute's value expressed in centimeters.
        The final field in the object type, USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER, is a numeric value used when reporting errors for this EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ. When the errors are written to the MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS table, the TRANSACTION_ID column stores the value passed in USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER. To find errors logged for this EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ, search for rows in MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS whose TRANSACTION_ID column values match the passed-in USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER.
p_change_info_table IN EGO_USER_ATTR_CHANGE_TABLE Yes Comment: Not currently supported.
p_entity_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_entity_index IN NUMBER No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_entity_code IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_debug_level IN NUMBER Yes Comment: Used in debugging.
p_init_error_handler IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to initialize ERROR_HANDLER message stack, and open debug session, if applicable.
p_write_to_concurrent_log IN VARCHAR2 No Indicates whether to log ERROR_HANDLER messages to concurrent log. Only applicable when called from concurrent program and when p_log_errors is passed as FND_API.G_TRUE.
p_init_fnd_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to initialize FND_MSG_PUB message stack.
p_add_errors_to_fnd_stack IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether messages written to ERROR_HANDLER message stack will also be written to FND_MSG_PUB message stack.
p_commit IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to commit work at the end of API processing.
x_failed_row_id_list OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: Returns a comma-delimited list of ROW_IDENTIFIERs indicating which attribute group rows failed to be processed.
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: A code indicating whether any errors occurred during processing.
x_errorcode OUT NUMBER No Comment: Reserved for future use.
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER No Comment: Indicates how many messages exist on ERROR_HANDLER message stack upon completion of processing.
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: If exactly one message exists on ERROR_HANDLER message stack upon completion of processing, this parameter contains that message.

Other Validations

Create or Update Location Extension


Use this routine to create or update information in the location extensions tables. This API can be used to maintain records in the HZ_LOCATIONS_EXT_B and HZ_LOCATIONS_EXT_TL tables for a given location. The extension tables hold additional information that you decide to capture about a location.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE Process_Location_Record (
 p_api_version             IN NUMBER,
 p_Location_id             IN NUMBER,
 p_attributes_row_table    IN EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_TABLE,
 p_attributes_data_table   IN EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE,
 p_change_info_table       IN EGO_USER_ATTR_CHANGE_TABLE DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_id               IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_index            IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_code             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
 p_debug_level             IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
 p_init_error_handler      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_write_to_concurrent_log IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_init_fnd_msg_list       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_log_errors              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_add_errors_to_fnd_stack IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_commit                  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 x_failed_row_id_list      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
 x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
 x_errorcode               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
 x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
 x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

Parameter Description and Validation

This table lists information about the parameters in the Create or Update Location Extension API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
p_api_version IN NUMBER Yes Comment: A decimal number indicating revisions to the API.
p_location_id IN NUMBER Yes Comment: Unique location ID of the location record for which you are creating the extension record.
p_attributes_row_table IN EGO_USER_ATTRS_ROW_TABLE Yes Comments: EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_TABLE is a table of EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ contains row-level data about one attribute group row.
ROW_IDENTIFIER is the unique numeric identifier for this attribute group row within a set of rows to be processed; no two EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ elements in any single API call can share the same ROW_IDENTIFIER value.
The attribute group whose row-level data this EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ contains is identified either by ATTR_GROUP_ID or by the combination of ATTR_GROUP_APP_ID, ATTR_GROUP_TYPE, and ATTR_GROUP_NAME. (The first field is the numeric key for an attribute group, and the latter three fields form the composite key for an attribute group.)
If the attribute group type has data levels defined and the attribute group is associated at a data level other than the highest data level defined for the attribute group type, the data level values are passed in DATA_LEVEL_1, DATA_LEVEL_2, and DATA_LEVEL_3 (as necessary).
        TRANSACTION_TYPE indicates the mode of DML operation to be performed on this attribute group row; valid values are EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_CREATE_MODE, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_UPDATE_MODE, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_DELETE_MODE, or, if the caller is uncertain whether this row exists in the database, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_SYNC_MODE, which indicates that the API should determine whether to create or update this attribute group row.
p_attributes_data_table IN EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE Yes EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE is a table of EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ. EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ is an object type that contains data for one attribute in an attribute group row. ROW_IDENTIFIER is a foreign key that associates each EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ to one EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ.
ATTR_NAME holds the internal name of the attribute. The value being passed for the attribute is stored in ATTR_VALUE_STR if the attribute is a string (translatable or not), in ATTR_VALUE_NUM if the attribute is a number, in ATTR_VALUE_DATE if the attribute is a date or date time, or in ATTR_DISP_VALUE if the attribute has a value set with distinct internal and display values.

Note: The attribute value must be passed in exactly one of these four fields

        If the attribute is a number that has a Unit of Measure class associated with it, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASURE stores the UOM Code for the unit of measure in which the attribute's value will be displayed. However, the value itself will always be passed in ATTR_VALUE_NUM in the base units for the Unit of Measure class, not in the display units (unless they happen to be the same).
For example, consider an attribute whose unit of measure class is Length with base unit of centimeters. If the caller wants data for this attribute to be displayed in feet (UOM_CODE FT), then ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASURE should be passed with FT. However, no matter in what unit the caller wants to display this attribute, the value in ATTR_VALUE_NUM will always be the attribute's value expressed in centimeters.
        The final field in the object type, USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER, is a numeric value used when reporting errors for this EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ. When the errors are written to the MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS table, the TRANSACTION_ID column stores the value passed in USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER. To find errors logged for this EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ, search for rows in MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS whose TRANSACTION_ID column values match the passed-in USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER.
p_change_info_table IN EGO_USER_ATTR_CHANGE_TABLE Yes Comment: Not currently supported.
p_entity_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_entity_index IN NUMBER No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_entity_code IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_debug_level IN NUMBER Yes Comment: Used in debugging.
p_init_error_handler IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to initialize ERROR_HANDLER message stack, and open debug session, if applicable.
p_write_to_concurrent_log IN VARCHAR2 No Indicates whether to log ERROR_HANDLER messages to concurrent log. Only applicable when called from concurrent program and when p_log_errors is passed as FND_API.G_TRUE.
p_init_fnd_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to initialize FND_MSG_PUB message stack.
p_add_errors_to_fnd_stack IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether messages written to ERROR_HANDLER message stack will also be written to FND_MSG_PUB message stack.
p_commit IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to commit work at the end of API processing.
x_failed_row_id_list OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: Returns a comma-delimited list of ROW_IDENTIFIERs indicating which attribute group rows failed to be processed.
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: A code indicating whether any errors occurred during processing.
x_errorcode OUT NUMBER No Comment: Reserved for future use.
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER No Comment: Indicates how many messages exist on ERROR_HANDLER message stack upon completion of processing.
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: If exactly one message exists on ERROR_HANDLER message stack upon completion of processing, this parameter contains that message.

Other Validations

Create or Update Party Site Extension


Use this routine to create or update information in the party site extensions tables. This API can be used to maintain records in the HZ_PARTY_SITES_EXT_B and HZ_PARTY_SITES_EXT_TL tables for a given party site. The extension tables hold additional information that you decide to capture about a party site.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE Process_PartySite_Record (
 p_api_version             IN NUMBER,
 p_party_site_id           IN NUMBER,
 p_attributes_row_table    IN EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_TABLE,
 p_attributes_data_table   IN EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE,
 p_change_info_table       IN EGO_USER_ATTR_CHANGE_TABLE DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_id               IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_index            IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
 p_entity_code             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
 p_debug_level             IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
 p_init_error_handler      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_write_to_concurrent_log IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_init_fnd_msg_list       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_log_errors              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_TRUE,
 p_add_errors_to_fnd_stack IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_commit                  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
 x_failed_row_id_list      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
 x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
 x_errorcode               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
 x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
 x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

Parameter Description and Validation

This table lists information about the parameters in the Create or Update Party Site Extension API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
p_api_version IN NUMBER Yes Comment: A decimal number indicating revisions to the API.
p_party_site_id IN NUMBER Yes Comment: Unique party site ID of the party site record for which you are creating the extension record.
p_attributes_row_table IN EGO_USER_ATTRS_ROW_TABLE Yes Comments: EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_TABLE is a table of EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ contains row-level data about one attribute group row.
ROW_IDENTIFIER is the unique numeric identifier for this attribute group row within a set of rows to be processed; no two EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ elements in any single API call can share the same ROW_IDENTIFIER value.
The attribute group whose row-level data this EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ contains is identified either by ATTR_GROUP_ID or by the combination of ATTR_GROUP_APP_ID, ATTR_GROUP_TYPE, and ATTR_GROUP_NAME. (The first field is the numeric key for an attribute group, and the latter three fields form the composite key for an attribute group.)
If the attribute group type has data levels defined and the attribute group is associated at a data level other than the highest data level defined for the attribute group type, the data level values are passed in DATA_LEVEL_1, DATA_LEVEL_2, and DATA_LEVEL_3 (as necessary).
        TRANSACTION_TYPE indicates the mode of DML operation to be performed on this attribute group row; valid values are EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_CREATE_MODE, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_UPDATE_MODE, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_DELETE_MODE, or, if the caller is uncertain whether this row exists in the database, EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_SYNC_MODE, which indicates that the API should determine whether to create or update this attribute group row.
p_attributes_data_table IN EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE Yes EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_TABLE is a table of EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ. EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ is an object type that contains data for one attribute in an attribute group row. ROW_IDENTIFIER is a foreign key that associates each EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ to one EGO_USER_ATTR_ROW_OBJ.
ATTR_NAME holds the internal name of the attribute. The value being passed for the attribute is stored in ATTR_VALUE_STR if the attribute is a string (translatable or not), in ATTR_VALUE_NUM if the attribute is a number, in ATTR_VALUE_DATE if the attribute is a date or date time, or in ATTR_DISP_VALUE if the attribute has a value set with distinct internal and display values.

Note: The attribute value must be passed in exactly one of these four fields

        If the attribute is a number that has a Unit of Measure class associated with it, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASURE stores the UOM Code for the unit of measure in which the attribute's value will be displayed. However, the value itself will always be passed in ATTR_VALUE_NUM in the base units for the Unit of Measure class, not in the display units (unless they happen to be the same).
For example, consider an attribute whose unit of measure class is Length with base unit of centimeters. If the caller wants data for this attribute to be displayed in feet (UOM_CODE FT), then ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASURE should be passed with FT. However, no matter in what unit the caller wants to display this attribute, the value in ATTR_VALUE_NUM will always be the attribute's value expressed in centimeters.
        The final field in the object type, USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER, is a numeric value used when reporting errors for this EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ. When the errors are written to the MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS table, the TRANSACTION_ID column stores the value passed in USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER. To find errors logged for this EGO_USER_ATTR_DATA_OBJ, search for rows in MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS whose TRANSACTION_ID column values match the passed-in USER_ROW_IDENTIFIER.
p_change_info_table IN EGO_USER_ATTR_CHANGE_TABLE Yes Comment: Not currently supported.
p_entity_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_entity_index IN NUMBER No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_entity_code IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Used in error reporting.
p_debug_level IN NUMBER Yes Comment: Used in debugging.
p_init_error_handler IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to initialize ERROR_HANDLER message stack, and open debug session, if applicable.
p_write_to_concurrent_log IN VARCHAR2 No Indicates whether to log ERROR_HANDLER messages to concurrent log. Only applicable when called from concurrent program and when p_log_errors is passed as FND_API.G_TRUE.
p_init_fnd_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to initialize FND_MSG_PUB message stack.
p_add_errors_to_fnd_stack IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether messages written to ERROR_HANDLER message stack will also be written to FND_MSG_PUB message stack.
p_commit IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: Indicates whether to commit work at the end of API processing.
x_failed_row_id_list OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: Returns a comma-delimited list of ROW_IDENTIFIERs indicating which attribute group rows failed to be processed.
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: A code indicating whether any errors occurred during processing.
x_errorcode OUT NUMBER No Comment: Reserved for future use.
x_msg_count OUT NUMBER No Comment: Indicates how many messages exist on ERROR_HANDLER message stack upon completion of processing.
x_msg_data OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: If exactly one message exists on ERROR_HANDLER message stack upon completion of processing, this parameter contains that message.

Other Validations