This screen shot shows the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool Manage: Jobs page.

At top right of the page are links to Help, Logout, Preferences, and About.

Below and to the left of these links are links to the following subpages: Home, Configure, Manage, Backup, and Restore.

In the middle of the page is a three-column table listing jobs. Beginning from the left, the columns are labeled "ID", "Type", and "State".

Below the table are options and lists collectively labeled "Viewing Options". The options labeled "Active", "Complete", "Pending", "Input pending", "Today", "Scheduled time", "From date", and "To date". The "From date" and "To date" options each have a date field with the format yyyy/mm/ The lists are labeled "Types", "Host", "User", and "Dataset".

Above and below this table are buttons labeled "Add", "Remove", "Run", "Cancel", "Show Properties", and "Show Transcript".