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Z/OS JCL in the Batch Runtime Environment

Z/OS JCL in the Batch Runtime Environment
This chapter contains the following topics:
Introduction to z/OS JCL in the Batch Runtime Environment
This section describes how to find equivalents for z/OS JCL statements in the target environment. Some of these equivalents point to the Batch Runtime functions, other equivalents may rely directly on UNIX or Tuxedo features. In some cases, there may be no equivalent and a work-around solution may be necessary.
It is not the purpose of this document to describe z/OS JCL, for any explanation of JCL statements, please see the z/OS Internet Library.
z/OS JCL Cards in the Batch Runtime Environment
The following tables lists the JCL card parameters and the related command in the Batch Runtime:
In the column “status”, the following abbreviations are used:
N.R. means “not relevant”
N.S. means “not supported”
JCL Card Equivalence Table
m_JobBegin -c (with TuxJES).
m_JobBegin -p (with TuxJES).
m_JobBegin -t (with TuxJES)
DCB Parameter of DD Statement
SYSOUT Parameter of DD Statement
DATACLAS Parameter of DD Statement
The DATACLAS parameter is taken into account at WB JCL level only.
Using the DATACLASS informations, extracted from z/OS, the WB JCL updates the m_FileAssign function (or m_FileBuild from DATACLAS parameter in IDCAMS DEFINE commands).
RESTART Parameter of JOB Statement
Only the Deferred Step Restart type is managed.
The other types, Automatic Restart (Step or Checkpoint) and Deferred Checkpoint Restart, are not managed.
A deferred step restart of a job is caused by coding the function m_JobBegin with the -r parameter containing a job step and by submiting the job again.
In-Stream File
The in-stream files are supported using the m_FileAssign function with the -i parameter.
Concatenation of Files
The concatenation of files (or in-stream files) is supported using the m_FileAssign function with the -C parameter.
Override of Files
The overriding feature is supported.
Use the m_FileOverride function for the files managed by the m_FileAssign function.
Use the m_OutputOverride function for the files managed by the m_OutputAssign function.
Execution of External Sysin
Use the m_UtilityExec function in order to execute commands stored in a file .
General Utility Commands Equivalence Table
Sort Utilities
Sort Utilities Equivalence Tables
Sort Limitations
when using syncsort utility, there are some limitations:
DFSORT (DATE3) format has no equivalent on syncsort.
DFSORT statements (outrec, inrec) are not fully suppported in the following situations:
If a key or a filed definition of an outrec field cut a field constant type, an error shows up (MT_ERROR in SYSIN translation) and :#PHX in ksh.
If a key or a field definition of an outrec field is not included in the inrec, an error shows up.
DB2 Utilities
Only DB2 Connect 9.7 or above is supported.
Table 2‑7 DB2 Utilities

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