2 Cartridge Pack Overview

This chapter contains an overview of Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS Collection cartridge pack.

The Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS collection cartridge (CC) pack supports the collection of Nortel CS 2000 SN09 AMADNS records. The AMADNS files produced by the Nortel Communication Server 2000 (CS 2000) will be either FTP pushed to the CS 2000 CC or FTP pulled from the Nortel CS 2000 Carrier Voice over IP softswitch through an intermediate FTP server.

The CS 2000 AMADNS records will be directed from the Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS CC to the appropriate instance of the Nortel CS 2000 AMADNS DC.

New Features

This section lists new features.

Version 6.0.0

This cartridge pack now works with Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller 6.0.


All Offline Mediation Controller alarms are listed in the alarms.txt file located in the OMC_Home directory (OMC_Home is the directory in which you installed Offline Mediation Controller.) No new alarms are introduced in this cartridge pack.