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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Oracle Lead to Order Integration Pack for Oracle CRM On Demand and Oracle E-Business Suite Implementation Guide
Release 3.1.1

Part Number E22284-03
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5 Process Integration for Opportunity to Quote and Order Management

This chapter provides an overview of the process integration for quote and order management and includes the following sections:

5.1 Overview

The Oracle Lead to Order Integration Pack for Oracle CRM On Demand and Oracle E-Business Suite PIP enables users within CRM On Demand to directly convert an opportunity in CRM On Demand to a quote in the Oracle CRM HTML Quoting module or to a quote or order within the Oracle Order Management (OM) module, passing specific details of the CRM On Demand opportunity to the CRM HTML quote, the Order Management quote, or the Order Management order.

Multiple quotes or orders can be associated with a single opportunity. After an opportunity has been converted to a quote or order, CRM On Demand users can navigate to a read-only view of the OM quote or order, or to a transactional view of the Oracle CRM HTML quote.


You can implement only one quote or order management business process in each deployment: CRM On Demand Opportunity-to-HTML Quote or CRM On Demand Opportunity-to-OM Order or CRM On Demand Opportunity-to-OM Quote.

The process integration for order and quote management between Oracle E-Business Suite and CRM On Demand supports the following integration flows:

When the Opportunity-to-Quote or Opportunity-to-Order conversion process is initiated, the following events occur:

  1. The Opportunity-to-Quote or Opportunity-to-Order conversion process is initiated when a sales user clicks the New Quote or New Order button on the Opportunity Detail page in the respective Quote or Order applet.

  2. A new record is inserted in the corresponding quote or order applet with a quote or order creation status of In Progress. The quote or order integration message, quote or order number values, quote or order created date, and quote or order ID are null at this point.

  3. A configured workflow invokes an integration event and a transaction is placed in the CRM On Demand integration event Priority Queue.

  4. A Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) process polls the CRM On Demand integration event Priority Queue at prescribed intervals and adds the event to the resequencer queue. The resequencer then dispatches each event to the appropriate services to create the quote or order within Oracle E-Business Suite.

  5. A message is sent back to CRM On Demand indicating either that the quote or order creation process finished successfully, that is, the quote or order is created with a quote or order number, or that the quote or order creation process has failed, that is, the quote or order creation status is set to Failed with the reason noted in the quote or order Integration Message field.

    When a quote or order is successfully created, the quote or order Creation Status value is set to Created. The quote or order created date and the quote or order ID are sent to CRM On Demand.

    By default, orders are created in Oracle E-Business Suite with a status of Entered. However, if you require that an order be created under a different default status, you can set an alternate default order status in the Enterprise Business message (EBM).

    For more information about setting the default status of orders, see Section 6.3.3, "Changing the Default Status of New Orders in Oracle E-Business Suite".

  6. The quote or order creation process is asynchronous; sales users must query the Opportunity detail page again to review the status of the quote or order creation process.

  7. After the quote or order is successfully created, sales users can review the OM quote or order details by clicking the order number, then clicking a configured web link that displays the Oracle E-Business Suite OM Quote or Order Details page.

    Customers who have enabled the Preview object in CRM On Demand can access the OM Quote or Order Details page directly from the Preview dialog box by clicking the Preview button beside the Order number or placing their cursor on the order number in CRM On Demand, then clicking the configured web link in the Details page. Users are prompted for their Oracle E-Business Suite user credentials if no session to Oracle E-Business Suite is active.

For more information about configuring the web link, seeSection, "Create the Web Link to View Orders or Quotes in Oracle E-Business Suite"

The following opportunity attributes are synchronized and passed to Oracle E-Business Suite:

5.1.1 Solution Assumptions and Constraints

These are the assumptions and constraints for the quote and order management integration:

  1. Only quotes and orders created through the integration are represented within CRM On Demand. Users cannot view quotes or orders created outside of the integration from within the CRM On Demand quote and order object views.

  2. Orders created from a quote are not represented within CRM On Demand. Only quotes and orders directly created from a CRM On Demand opportunity are represented within CRM On Demand.

  3. Oracle recommends that the Delete privilege in CRM On Demand be granted only to administrative users and not to sales users.

    If a quote or order conversion from an opportunity fails, the administrator or sales user must address the cause of the failure and resubmit the quote or order for creation. Quotes or orders that have failed to convert can be deleted by a user who has been granted the appropriate privileges.

  4. Oracle E-Business Suite sales users who are assigned the Quoting responsibility must be configured as resources of type Employee or Partner to enable the Opportunity-to-HTML Quote conversion process.

    Other resource types are not supported.

  5. The following Order statuses from Oracle E-Business Suite are supported:

    • Entered

    • Booked

    Orders are submitted with a status of Entered by default. Creating an order in Booked status requires more data validation.

  6. Products on the CRM On Demand Opportunity must be synchronized from Oracle E-Business Suite to CRM On Demand before order or quote creation is attempted; otherwise, the order or quote creation process fails if product data is not passed to the quote or order.

  7. Oracle E-Business Suite pricing is not integrated to CRM On Demand and is not used to price products that are associated with a CRM On Demand opportunity.

    When you create an opportunity in CRM On Demand, you can manually enter pricing information. When you convert that opportunity to a quote or sales order, which is created in Oracle E-Business Suite, the quote or sales order uses the pricing information that is defined and configured in Oracle E-Business Suite.

  8. The Opportunity field in the Oracle CRM HTML quoting module does not refer to the CRM On Demand opportunity.

  9. The Quote and Order objects within CRM On Demand were introduced for the Oracle Lead to Order Integration Pack for Oracle CRM on Demand and Oracle E-Business Suite Process Integration Pack (PIP).

    Extensions or additional integration to these objects is not supported.

  10. Orders originating from a CRM On Demand opportunity are marked as such, that is, a CRM On Demand opportunity is converted to an Oracle E-Business Suite quote, and the Oracle E-Business Suite quote is converted to a sales order in Order Management.

    The Order Source Reference field for the sales order form within Order Management is populated with the CRM On Demand opportunity ID.

5.2 Create Sales Quote Integration Flow

This integration flow uses the following interfaces:

Figure 5-1 illustrates the Create Sales Quote integration flow:

Figure 5-1 Create Sales Quote Integration Flow

This image is described in surrounding text.

When you initiate the Create Sales Quote process, the following events occur:

  1. The ProcessSalesQuoteCRMODReqABCSImpl service invokes the ProcessSalesQuote operation of SalesQuoteOrchestrationEBS, with ProcessSalesQuoteEBM as input.

    The SalesQuoteOrchestrationEBS then routes ProcessSalesQuoteEBM to the InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF enterprise business flow.

  2. If the customer associated with the opportunity has not been synchronized to Oracle E-Business Suite previously, then InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF invokes InterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomer of SalesQuoteOrchestrationEBS.

    The InvokeInterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomer property in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file (located under the InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF service) and the account synchronization history determine whether customer synchronization occurs. If you change the InvokeInterfaceSalesOrderToCustomer property value to false, customer synchronization does not occur.

  3. The InterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomerEBF process transforms ProcessSalesQuoteEBM into ProcessCustomerPartyListEBM, which contains a list of the account, contact, and address IDs that were referenced on the quote.

  4. InterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomerEBF invokes InterfaceCustomerToFulfillment of CustomerPartyOrchestrationEBSV2, which then routes ProcessCustomerPartyListEBM to InterfaceCustomerToFulfillmentEBF.

  5. InterfaceCustomerToFulfillmentEBF invokes QueryCustomerPartyListCRMODProvABCSImpl using CustomerPartyEBSV2 to query CRM On Demand for the values of the account, account billing, and shipping address and the opportunity primary contact fields.

  6. Upon receiving a response from the QueryCustomerPartyListCRMODProvABCSImpl service, InterfaceCustomerToFulfillmentEBF invokes SyncCustomerPartyListEbizProvABCSImpl using CustomerPartyEBSV2 to synchronize the account, opportunity primary contact, primary billing, and shipping address values to Oracle E-Business Suite.

  7. InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF performs a transformation to generate CreateSalesQuoteEBM, which is used to invoke CreateSalesQuote of SalesQuoteEBS.

  8. SalesQuoteEBS routes CreateSalesQuote invocation to CreateSalesQuoteEbizProvABCSImpl.

    CreateSalesQuoteEbizProvABCSImpl transforms CreateSalesQuoteEBM into the Oracle Process Order Application Business Message (ABM) to create an Order Management quote or into the Oracle Create Sales Quote ABM to create an Oracle CRM HTML quote, depending on the value specified for the CRMQuoteProvider property in the AIA_HOME/aia_instance/instancename/AIAMetaData/config/AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file.

    For more information about configuring the CRMQuoteProvider property, see Section, "Enabling the Order Management Quoting Module".

  9. If an Order Management quote is created:

    1. CreateSalesQuoteEbizProvABCSImpl invokes the ProcessOrder operation of ProcessSalesOrderEbizAdapter.

      ProcessSalesOrderEbizAdapter invokes the appropriate Oracle Process Order PL/SQL Application Program Interface (API), which results in the creation of an OM quote in Oracle E-Business Suite. The OM Quote creation uses the OM Order creation API.

    2. Upon completion and response from ProcessSalesOrderEbizAdapter, CreateSalesQuoteEbizProvABCSImpl generates the response EBM (during which the Oracle IDs are added to the XREF table) and replies to SalesQuoteResponseEBS, which in turn is routed back to InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF.

    3. InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF sends a response to SalesQuoteOrchestrationResponseEBS, which in turn routes a response to ProcessSalesQuoteCRMODReqABCSImpl so that it can update the quote created date, ID, and number values on the CRM On Demand quote record.

  10. If an Oracle CRM HTML quote is created:

    • CreateSalesQuoteEbizProvABCSImpl invokes the Create Quote operation of the CreateSalesQuoteEbizAdapter service. This service invokes the appropriate Oracle Create Quote PL/SQL API, which results in the creation of a CRM quote in Oracle E-Business Suite. The PL/SQL API for R12 version has a different number of parameters than in 11.5.10, so the R12 service name is CreateSalesQuoteEbizR12VersionAdapter. The service configuration parameter Routing.CreateSalesQuoteEbizAdapter.EBIZ_01.EndpointURL must be set accordingly.

      For more information about setting up Routing.CreateSalesQuoteEbizAdapter.EBIZ_01.EndpointURL, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, "Installing the Lead to Order: CRM OD - EBS PIP," Updating the AIA Configuration Properties.

    • Upon completion and response from CreateSalesQuoteEbizAdapter, CreateSalesQuoteEbizProvABCSImpl generates the response EBM (during which the Oracle IDs are added to the cross-reference table) and replies to SalesQuoteResponseEBS, which in turn is routed back to InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF. InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF sends a response back to SalesQuoteOrchestrationResponseEBS, which in turn routes a response EBM back to ProcessSalesQuoteCRMODReqABCSImpl so that it can update the quote created date, ID, and number values to the On Demand Quote record.

5.3 Create Sales Order Integration Flow

The Create Sales Order integration flow enables sales users to convert an opportunity in CRM On Demand to an order in the Order Management (OM) module, taking context from the CRM On Demand opportunity and passing specific details to the Oracle E-Business Suite order.

After sales orders are submitted to Oracle E-Business Suite, they are frozen in CRM On Demand. When the order has been successfully submitted to Oracle E-Business Suite, the order creation status is updated in CRM On Demand. The order submission initiates the synchronization of accounts from CRM On Demand to Oracle E-Business Suite if the accounts were not synchronized to Oracle E-Business Suite previously.

This integration flow uses the following interfaces:

Figure 5-2 illustrates the Create Sales Order integration flow:

Figure 5-2 Create Sales Order Integration Flow

Surrounding text describes Figure 5-2 .

When you initiate the Create Sales Order process, the following events occur:

  1. ProcessSalesOrderCRMODReqABCSImpl invokes the ProcessSalesOrder operation of SalesOrderOrchestrationEBSV2, with ProcessSalesOrderEBM as input.

    SalesOrderOrchestrationEBSV2 then routes ProcessSalesOrderEBM to the InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF enterprise business flow.

  2. If the customer associated with the opportunity has not been synchronized to Oracle E-Business Suite previously, InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF invokes the InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomer operation of SalesOrderOrchestrationEBSV2.

    The InvokeInterfaceSalesOrderToCustomer property in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file (located under the InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF service) and the account synchronization history of the account determine whether customer synchronization occurs. The default value of the InvokeInterfaceSalesOrderToCustomer property is true. If you change this value to false, customer synchronization never occurs.

  3. The InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomerEBFV2 process transforms ProcessSalesOrderEBM into ProcessCustomerPartyListEBM, which contains a list of the account, contact, and address IDs that were referenced on the order.

  4. The InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomerEBFV2 invokes the InterfaceCustomerToFulfillment operation of CustomerPartyOrchestrationEBSV2, which then routes ProcessCustomerPartyListEBM to InterfaceCustomerToFulfillmentEBF.

  5. InterfaceCustomerToFulfillmentEBF invokes QueryCustomerPartyListCRMODProvABCSImpl using CustomerPartyEBSV2 to query CRM On Demand for the values of the account, account billing and shipping address, and opportunity primary contact fields.

  6. Upon receiving a response from QueryCustomerPartyListCRMODProvABCSImpl, InterfaceCustomerToFulfillmentEBF invokes SyncCustomerPartyListEbizProvABCSImpl using CustomerPartyEBSV2 to synchronize the account, opportunity primary contact, and primary billing and shipping address values to Oracle E-Business Suite.

  7. InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF performs a transformation to generate CreateSalesOrderEBM, which is used to invoke the Create Sales Order operation of SalesOrderEBSV2.

  8. SalesOrderEBSV2 routes Create Sales Order invocation to CreateSalesOrderEbizProvABCSImpl.

    CreateSalesOrderEbizProvABCSImpl transforms CreateSalesOrderEBM into the Oracle Process Order Application Business message (ABM) to create an Order Management order.

    1. CreateSalesOrderEbizProvABCSImpl invokes the ProcessOrder operation of ProcessSalesOrderEbizAdapter.

    2. Upon completion and response from ProcessSalesOrderEbizAdapter, CreateSalesOrderEbizProvABCSImpl generates the response EBM (during which the Oracle IDs are added to the cross-reference table) and replies to SalesOrderResponseEBSV2, which in turn is routed back to InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF.

      InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF sends a response to SalesOrderOrchestrationResponseEBSV2, which in turn routes a response EBM back to ProcessSalesOrderCRMODReqABCSImpl so that it can update the order created date, order ID, and order number values to the CRM On Demand order record.

5.4 Oracle CRM On Demand Interfaces

These CRM On Demand web services are available for the Opportunity-to-Quote and Opportunity-to-Order process integration flows:

5.5 Oracle E-Business Suite Interfaces

The Oracle E-Business Suite inbound web services are available for the Opportunity-to-Quote and Opportunity-to-Order process integration flows:

5.6 Core AIA Components

The Quote and Order Management integration flow uses the following delivered core components:

The core Enterprise Business Object (EBO) and EBM XML Schema Definition (XSD) files can be located by EBO within this parent folder: $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Core/EBO/.

The core Oracle E-Business Suite Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) files can be located by EBO within this parent folder: $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary/Core/EBO/.

For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click the AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For more information about using the Oracle Enterprise Repository and configuring it to provide the AIA Reference Doc link, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, "Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected and remain intact after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, "Understanding Extensibility."

5.7 Integration Services

These services are delivered with this integration:

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1, "Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

5.7.1 SalesQuoteEBS

The SalesQuoteEBS service provides the basic request operations that can be performed against the SalesQuote EBO. This service is invoked for both the CRM HTML and the Order Management Create Quote integration flows.

The SalesQuoteEBS service uses the CreateSalesQuote operation.

5.7.2 SalesQuoteResponseEBS

The SalesQuoteEBS and SalesQuoteResponseEBS services provide the basic request and response operations that can be performed against the SalesQuote EBO. These services are invoked for both the CRM HTML and the Order Management Create Quote integration flows.

The SalesQuoteEBS service uses the CreateSalesQuoteResponse operation.

5.7.3 SalesQuoteOrchestrationEBS

The SalesQuoteOrchestrationEBS provides request operation routing to process a sales quote through a business process flow. This service is invoked as part of the Create Quote integration flow.

The SalesQuoteOrchestrationEBS service uses these operations:

  • ProcessSalesQuote

    This operation is routed to the InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillment operation of the same Oracle E-Business Suite. To insert a custom orchestration process into the integration flow, define a routing rule to route the ProcessSalesQuote operation to the custom orchestration process instead of to the InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillment.

  • InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillment

    This operation is routed to the InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF.

  • InterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomer

    This operation is routed to the InterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomerEBF.

5.7.4 SalesQuoteOrchestrationResponseEBS

SalesQuoteOrchestrationResponseEBS provides response operation routing to process a sales quote through a business process flow. This service is invoked as part of the Create Quote integration flow. SalesQuoteOrchestrationResponseEBS exposes the asynchronous response and fault operations for each of the request operations.

SalesQuoteOrchestrationResponseEBS uses these operations:

  • InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentResponse

    This operation is routed to the caller of the ProcessSalesQuote operation (ProcessSalesQuoteCRMODReqABCSImpl).

  • InterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomerResponse

    This operation is routed to the caller of the InterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomer operation (InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF).

5.7.5 InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF

InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF interfaces a sales quote to a back-office fulfillment system. This service is invoked as part of the Create Quote integration flow.

At a high level, the InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF business process flow performs two actions:

  • Interfaces the customer accounts from the quote to the fulfillment system by invoking the InterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomerEBF service

  • Creates the quote in the fulfillment system using the SalesQuoteEBS Create operation

The InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF business process is an asynchronous process. Upon completion, it invokes the InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentResponse operation of the SalesQuoteOrchestrationResponseEBS.

Two inbound operations are in the InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF process:

  • The InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillment operation initiates the InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF process.

  • The CreateSalesQuoteResponse operation receives the asynchronous callbacks from the other service operations that the InterfaceSalesQuoteToFulfillmentEBF process invokes.

5.7.6 InterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomerEBF

The InterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomerEBF service is responsible for extracting the list of distinct customer accounts, addresses, and contacts from the quote and invoking the InterfaceCustomerToFulfillmentEBF service. This service is invoked as part of the Create Quote integration flow.

The InterfaceSalesQuoteToCustomerEBF enterprise business flow is implemented as an asynchronous request and callback BPEL process.

5.7.7 CreateSalesQuoteEbizProvABCSImpl

The CreateSalesQuoteEbizProvABCSImpl service is a provider Application Business Connector Service (ABCS) implementation that creates either an Oracle E-Business Suite Order Management quote or an Oracle CRM HTMLQuoting module quote. This service is invoked as part of the Create Quote integration flow.

The CreateSalesQuoteEbizProvABCSImpl business process is an asynchronous process. Upon completion, the CreateSalesQuoteEbizProvABCSImpl service invokes the CreateSalesQuoteResponse operation of the SalesQuoteResponseEBS service.

5.7.8 ProcessSalesQuoteCRMODReqABCSImpl

The ProcessSalesQuoteCRMODReqABCSImpl service receives the Quote Create Integration event from CRM On Demand and then queries CRM On Demand to obtain the opportunity, associated accounts, and contact details. The message is transformed into a ProcessSalesQuoteEBM service and the SalesQuoteOrchestrationEBS service is invoked.

After the ProcessSalesQuoteCRMODReqABCSImpl service receives the response from the CreateSalesQuoteEbizProvABCSImpl service, the process updates the CRM On Demand quote details with the Oracle E-Business Suite Quote ID and the quote creation date and sets the status to Created.

If the Opportunity-to-Quote conversion fails, the CRM On Demand Error Handler is invoked and it updates the quote status in CRM On Demand to Failed.

For this service to function properly, these criteria must be met:

  • The quote ID must exist in the CRM On Demand message.

  • The host ID must exist in the CRM On Demand message.

5.7.9 CRMOnDemandPriorityIntegrationEventProcessor

The CRMOnDemandPriorityIntegrationEventProcessor service is invoked by the CRMOnDemandActivationAgent service. The inputs to CRMOnDemandPriorityIntegrationEventProcessor are 'EventCount' and 'QueueName'.

The CRMOnDemandPriorityIntegrationEventProcessor service then sends the event messages to the PriorityCRMODRoutingService, the resequencer that acts as the middle-tier queue. The resequencer then routes events one by one to either the ProcessSalesQuoteCRMODReqABCSImpl or the ProcessSalesOrderCRMODReqABCSImpl service for processing.

5.7.10 SalesOrderEBSV2

The SalesOrderEBSV2 service provides basic request and response operations that can be performed against the SalesOrderEBO. This service is invoked as part of the create order integration flow.

  • The SalesOrderEBSV2 services use the CreateSalesOrder operation.

  • The SalesOrderEBSV2 service is implemented as a Mediator Component routing service.

5.7.11 SalesOrderResponseEBSV2

The SalesOrderResponseEBSV2 service provides the basic response operations that can be performed against the SalesOrderEBO. This service is invoked as part of the create order integration flow.

The SalesOrderResponseEBSV2 service uses the CreateSalesOrderResponse operation.

The SalesOrderResponseEBSV2 service is implemented as a Mediator Component routing service.

5.7.12 SalesOrderOrchestrationEBSV2

The SalesOrderOrchestrationEBSV2 and SalesOrderOrchestrationResponseEBSV2 provides request and response operation routing to process a sales order through a business process flow. These services are invoked as part of the create order integration flow.

The SalesOrderOrchestrationResponseEBSV2 service exposes the asynchronous response operations for each of the request operations.

These are the SalesOrderOrchestrationEBSV2 operations:

  • ProcessSalesOrder

    This operation is routed to the InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillment operation of the same Oracle E-Business Suite.

    You can insert a custom orchestration process into the flow by defining a routing rule that is routed to the custom orchestration process rather than the InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillment operation.

  • InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillment

    This operation routes to the InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF.

  • InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomer

    This operation routes to the InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomerEBFV2.

These are the SalesOrderOrchestrationResponseEBSV2 operations:

  • ProcessSalesOrderResponse

    This operation is intended to route to the caller of the ProcessSalesOrder operation as indicated in the EBM header. However, no routing targets are provided because the ProcessSalesOrderCRMODReqABCSImpl does not expect to receive a response.

  • InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentResponse

    This operation routes to the ProcessSalesOrderResponse operation as indicated in the EBM header.

  • InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomerResponse

    This operation routes to the caller of the InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomer operation (InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF) as indicated in the EBM header.

5.7.13 CustomerPartyOrchestrationEBSV2

The CustomerPartyOrchestrationEBSV2 service provides a request operation that can be performed against the order to synchronize the customer information by invoking InterfaceCustomerToFulfillmentEBF. This service is invoked as part of the Create Order process.

The CustomerPartyOrchestrationEBSV2 service uses the InterfaceCustomerToFulfillment operation.

5.7.14 InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF

The InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF service is an Enterprise Business Flow (EBF) that interfaces a sales order to a back-office fulfillment system. This service is invoked as part of the create order integration flows.

This process performs the following high-level actions:

  1. Interfaces customer accounts from the order to the fulfillment system.

    The InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomerEBFV2 is invoked for this. This step can be configured so that it can be suppressed.

  2. Creates the order in the fulfillment system using the SalesOrderEBSV2 Create operation.

The InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentEBF is an asynchronous BPEL process. Upon completion, it invokes the InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillmentResponse operation of the SalesOrderOrchestrationResponseEBSV2.

This EBF has five inbound operations. The first initiates the process, and the remaining operations receive the asynchronous callbacks from the other service operations that this process invokes:

  • InterfaceSalesOrderToFulfillment

  • InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomerResponse

  • CreateSalesOrderResponse

  • UpdateSalesOrderResponse

  • SyncSalesOrderListResponse

These are the transformations carried out by the service:

  • ProcessSalesOrderEBM to CreateSalesOrderEBM

  • ProcessSalesOrderEBM and CreateSalesOrderResponseEBM to UpdateSalesOrderEBM

5.7.15 InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomerEBF

The InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomerEBFV2 service extracts the list of distinct customer accounts, addresses, and contacts from the order and invokes the InterfaceCustomerToFulfillmentEBF service. This service is invoked as part of the Create Order or Sync Revised Order integration flow.

The InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomerEBFV2 enterprise business flow is implemented as an asynchronous request+callback BPEL process.

These are the transformations carried out by the InterfaceSalesOrderToCustomerEBF:

  • ProcessSalesOrderEBM to ProcessCustomerPartyListEBM

    This transformation must pass a list of accounts referenced in the order (for example, the order header-level and line-level accounts) and the bill-to and ship-to addresses referenced for each account. This list must not contain duplicates.

  • ProcessSalesOrderEBM + ProcessCustomerPartyListResponseEBM to ProcessSalesOrderResponseEBM

    This transformation passes through success or error messages.

5.7.16 InterfaceCustomerToFulfillmentEBF

For a description of this service, see Section 3.8.3, "InterfaceCustomerToFulfillmentEBF".

5.7.17 SyncCustomerPartyListEbizProvABCSImpl

For a description of this service, see Section 3.8.6, "SyncCustomerPartyListEbizProvABCSImpl".

5.7.18 QueryCustomerPartyListCRMODProvABCSImpl

For a description of this service, see Section 3.8.19, "QueryCustomerPartyListCRMODProvABCSImpl".

5.7.19 CreateSalesOrderEbizProvABCSImpl

The CreateSalesOrderEbizProvABCSImpl service provides the Oracle E-Business Suite implementation for the CreateSalesOrder operation of the SalesOrderEBSV2. This service is invoked as part of the create order integration flow using the CreateSalesOrder operation of the SalesOrderEBSV2.

This service invokes the Process Sales Order PL/SQL API in Oracle E-Business Suite using the ProcessSalesOrderEbizAdapter service registered in Mediator Component.

When complete, the CreateSalesOrderEbizProvABCSImpl service invokes the CreateSalesOrderResponse operation of the SalesOrderResponseEBSV2.

These are the transformations:

  • CreateSalesOrderEBM to ProcessSalesOrder ABM.

  • ProcessSalesOrderResponse ABM to CreateSalesOrderResponseEBM.

The CreateSalesOrderEbizProvABCSImpl application business connector service is implemented as an asynchronous BPEL process.

The ORDER_HOLD_ID service is an inbound Advanced Queue (AQ) adapter service; it does not have a public interface. The service is initiated by Mediator Component when the subscription event occurs.

5.7.20 ProcessSalesOrderCRMODReqABCSImpl

The ProcessSalesOrderCRMODReqABCSImpl service receives the Order Create Integration event from CRM On Demand and then queries CRM On Demand to obtain the opportunity and associated account and contact details.

The ProcessSalesOrderCRMODReqABCSImpl service then transforms the message to a ProcessSalesOrderEBM service and invokes the SalesOrderOrchestrationEBS service. After it receives a response from the CreateSalesOrderEbizProvABCSImpl process, it updates the CRM On Demand order details with the Oracle E-Business Suite order ID, order creation date, and status. If the Opportunity-to-Order conversion fails, the CRM On Demand Error Handler is invoked and it updates the order status in CRM On Demand to Failed.

For this service to function properly, these criteria must be met:

  • The order ID must exist in the CRM On Demand message.

  • The host ID must exist in the CRM On Demand message.