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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Oracle Financial Management Integration Pack for Oracle Transportation Management and Oracle E-Business Suite Implementation Guide
Release 3.1

Part Number E23563-03
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2 Process Integration for Currency Exchange Rates

This chapter provides an overview of currency exchange rates integration and includes the following sections:

2.1 Overview

Currency exchange rate is the reference information used in the translation of monetary values from one currency to another. The exchange rate expresses the value of one currency in terms of another. The process integration for currency exchange rates enables you to use Oracle E-Business Suite Financials as an accounting engine and Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) for invoices and bills transactions.

2.2 Business Process Flows

The process integration for currency exchange rates between Oracle E-Business Suite and OTM supports these integration flows:

This integration is not a point-to-point integration between Oracle E-Business Suite General Ledger and OTM. An AIA layer serves as an intermediate thin layer of application between Oracle E-Business Suite General Ledger (GL) and OTM. As a part of the currency exchange rates integration, Oracle E-Business Suite GL sends the currency exchange rates to the AIA layer and the AIA layer delivers the information to OTM. This application integration architecture (AIA) layer performs message filtering, message transformation, and message routing.

Figure 2-1 illustrates the integration of currency exchange rates.

Figure 2-1 Currency Exchange Rates Process Integration Flow

This images is described in surrounding text.

2.2.1 Initial Load of Currency Exchange Rates

The purpose of this flow is to load the existing currency exchange rates from Oracle E-Business Suite into OTM by triggering the CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSProducer service.


Contact your SOA Administrator to obtain the end point of the CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSProducer web service.

The service expects the inputs listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Parameters for Loading Currency Rates

Fields Value











The from_date field is mandatory. If the to_date is not specified it takes the current date as the TO_DATE. The valid date format is YYYY-MM-DD (2008-02-09). The rest of the fields are optional. You can use those fields to limit the rates, which are required to be loaded from Oracle E-Business Suite to OTM. Use the appropriate date range based on the load of data and performance of the server.

Figure 2-2 illustrates the initial loading of currency exchange rates.

Figure 2-2 Initial Loading of Currency Exchange Rates

This image is described in surrounding text.

When you initiate the initial load of currency exchange rates process, these events occur:

  1. Oracle E-Business Suite invokes the CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSProducer whenever a currency exchange rate is created or loaded into Oracle E-Business Suite.

  2. The CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSProducer extracts all the currency exchange rates from the Oracle E-Business Suite database based on the dates provided in the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) console and moves the currency exchange rates into the AIA_EbizCurrencyExchangeJMSQueue.

  3. The CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSConsumer service picks up the message from the AIA_EbizCurrencyExchangeJMSQueue and invokes the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEbizReqABCSImpl, which transforms the message into the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM. Then, the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM invokes the CurrencyExchangeEBS.

  4. The CurrencyExchangeEBS receives the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM and invokes the SyncCurrencyExchangeListLogisticsProvABCSImpl.

  5. The SyncCurrencyExchangeListLogisticsProvABCSImpl receives the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM and transforms it into the CurrencyExchangeOTMABM.

  6. The LogisticsWebService is invoked with this transformed application business message (ABM) and the instance asynchronously waits for a transmission report from OTM. If the transaction is successful, then the cross-reference values are populated for OTM columns for each of the currency exchange IDs listed in the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM; otherwise it invokes the AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess with an error message.

2.2.2 Incremental Updates of Currency Exchange Rates

The currency exchange rates that are created or updated in the Oracle E-Business Suite must be updated in the OTM.

Figure 2-3 shows the incremental updates for currency exchange rates:

Figure 2-3 Incremental Updates of Currency Exchange Rates

This image is described in surrounding text.
  1. In the Oracle E-Business Suite user interface, the user updates or adds new currency exchange rates, which triggers and event that automatically invokes the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEbizAdapter. This adapter invokes the CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSProducer, which queries the Oracle E-Business Suite database for currency exchanges rates and drops the message in AIA_EbizCurrencyExchangeJMSQueue.

  2. The CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSConsumer service picks up the message from the AIA_EbizCurrencyExchangeJMSQueue and invokes the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEbizReqABCSImpl, which transforms the message into the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM, and the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM invokes the CurrencyExchangeEBS.

  3. The CurrencyExchangeEBS receives the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM and invokes the SyncCurrencyExchangeListLogisticsProvABCSImpl.

  4. The SyncCurrencyExchangeListLogisticsProvABCSImpl receives the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM and transforms it into the CurrencyExchangeListOTMABM.

  5. The LogisticsWebService is invoked with this transformed application business message (ABM), and the instance asynchronously waits for a transmission report from OTM. If the transaction is successful then the cross-reference values are populated for OTM columns for each of the currency exchange IDs listed in the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM; otherwise it invokes the AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess with an error message.

2.3 Assumptions and Constraints

These are the solution assumptions and constraints:

2.4 Oracle E-Business Suite Interfaces

For the currency exchange rates integration flow, these are the Oracle E-Business Suite interfaces:

For more information about Oracle E-Business Suite web services and documentation prior to Release 12.1.3, see the library on Oracle Technology Network: For Oracle E-Business Suite documentation for R12.1.3 and beyond, see this library:

2.5 Oracle Transportation Management Interfaces

OTM provides an interface through a web service to connect to its application. This connectivity is established as a partner link in the provider service. Once invoked, the logistics web service immediately returns an acknowledgment with a transmission number. Once the processing is complete, it sends a transmission report back indicating the success or the failure. The application business message (ABM) details can be seen in the GLOG xsd with the ExchangeRate element.

For more information about the Logistics Service, see Oracle Transportation Management Integration Guide.

2.6 Core Application Integration Architecture Components

The currency exchange rate integration flow uses these components:

The core enterprise business object (EBO) and enterprise business message (EBM) XSD files can be located by EBO within the $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Core/EBO/ parent folder.

The core enterprise business services (EBS) web services definition language (WSDL) files can be located by EBO within the $AIA_HOME/AIAMetaData/AIAComponents/EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary/Core/EBO/ parent folder.

For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in the Oracle Enterprise Repository.

For more information about using the Oracle Enterprise Repository and configuring it to provide the AIA Reference Doc link, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Configuring and Using Oracle Enterprise Repository as the Oracle AIA SOA Repository."

EBOs can be extended, for instance, to add new data elements. These extensions are protected, and remain intact after a patch or an upgrade.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Extensibility for AIA Artifacts".

2.7 Integration Services

These are the services involved in the currency exchange rate integration:

2.7.1 SyncCurrencyExchangeListEbizAdapter

This service is used for incremental changes. This service listens to the business event and invokes the CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSProducer, which then queries the Oracle E-Business Suite database for currency exchange rates with the Event ID.

2.7.2 CurrencyExchangeEbizListJMSProducer

The CurrencyExchangeEbizJMSProducer service is a Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) process. The Oracle E-Business application invokes this service when either is a new currency exchange rate is created, or an existing currency exchange rate is updated.

This service is also used when doing an initial load of the exchange rates from Oracle E-Business Suite. It takes the From and To date and the From and To Currency as inputs. These inputs can come from the event or are directly provided in an initial load. The database adapter reads all the currency exchange rates from the Oracle E-Business Suite database based on the dates entered. If the To_Date is not provided, it assumes today's date. Based on the From_Date, To_Date from the input and a property (NoOfDays) from the AIAConfigurationFile, the Oracle E-Business Suite API (get_cur_conv_rates) is called to obtain the currency exchange rates. Then, the Currency Exchange Rates are dropped in the AIA_EbizCurrencyExchangeJMSQueue. The NoOfDays property in the CURRENCYEXCHANGE module must be specified to determine the cursor size in which the exchange rates are retrieved. Based on the processing capabilities of the system, an appropriate value must be provided for this property.

2.7.3 CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSConsumer

The CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSConsumer is a mediator service. It has a JMS adapter called CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSConsumer. This adapter listens to the AIA_EbizCurrencyExchangeJMSQueue and picks up the messages for which JMSCorrelationID is SyncEbizCurrencyExchange. This invokes the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEbizReqABCSImpl with the CurrencyExchangeListEbizABM.

2.7.4 SyncCurrencyExchangeListEbizReqABCSImpl

The SyncCurrencyExchangeListEbizReqABCSImpl is a Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) process, which receives the CurrencyExchangeListEbizABM from the CurrencyExchangeListEbizJMSConsumer and transforms the message into the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM.

These domain value map (DVM) lookups are used by this service:

  • CURRENCY_CODE: domain value mapping for currency codes.

  • CURRENCYEXCHANGE_CONVERSIONTYPECODE: domain value mapping for currency type codes.

  • CURRENCYEXCHANGE_STATUSCODE: domain value mapping for status code of currency exchange rates.

In addition, this service populates the EBM header variable and cross-reference table and invokes the CurrencyExchangeEBS.

2.7.5 CurrencyExchangeEBS

The CurrencyExchangeEBS is an enterprise business service that exposes all the enterprise operations related to the currency exchange like create currency exchange, update currency exchange, and so on. This integration uses the SyncCurrencyExchangeList operation.

This enterprise business service routes the request to the appropriate provider like the SyncCurrencyExchangeListLogisticsProvABCSImpl or the Composite Application Validation System (CAVS), based on the filter condition and operations. Updates and creates are done using the synchronize action. No transformations are done in this service. OTM determines whether this synchronize currency exchange rate message is for create or an update action.

For more information about this enterprise business service (EBS), see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Designing and Developing Enterprise Business Services" and Oracle Fusion Middleware Concepts and Technologies Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Understanding Enterprise Business Services"

2.7.6 SyncCurrencyExchangeListLogisticsProvABCSImpl

The SyncCurrencyExchangeListLogisticsProvABCSImpl is a Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) process, which receives the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM, transforms the message into the CurrencyExchangeListOTMABM, invokes the LogisticsWebService with the SyncCurrencyExchangeListEBM and waits for the transmission report from the LogisticsWebService. If the transmission report specifies the transaction is successful, it populates the cross-reference values otherwise it invokes the AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPEL process to generate the error messages.

These DVM lookups are used by this service:

  • CURRENCY_CODE: domain value mapping for currency codes.

  • CURRENCYEXCHANGE_CONVERSIONTYPECODE: domain value mapping for currency type codes.

2.7.7 CurrencyExchangeResponseEBS

The CurrencyExchangeResponseEBS is the enterprise business service (EBS) used to route all currency exchange response related actions to the requesting application like create currency-exchange rates, update currency-exchange rates, delete currency-exchange rates, and synchronize currency-exchange-list rates.