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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Installation and Upgrade Guide for Pre-Built Integrations
Release 11.2

Part Number E26495-05
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30 Configuring and Deploying the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP

This chapter discusses how to configure and deploy the Oracle Financial Operations Control Integration Pack for Oracle Retail Merchandise Operations Management and PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials (Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP).

This chapter includes the following sections:

30.1 Configuring Oracle Data Integrator

To run AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer you must have ODI access with Supervisor privileges.

For install purposes, the ODI software must reside at the same server where Foundation Pack is installed. Once the PIP installation is complete, the ODI Software can be installed into another server (if desired) connecting to the master and work repositories provided during the PIP installation.

If you decide to have ODI software running on a different server than Foundation Pack, after installing the PIP, you should copy the <aia_home>/config/AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file into that server, then modify the JDBC URL information for the AIA Configuration Properties DS Data Server in ODI to point to the new location of the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml

AIA Configuration Properties DS is located in the Physical Architecture tab in ODI topology. The JDBC URL is located under the JDBC tab.

For example, after installing you copied the file into Z:/Oracle/PIP/. Consider the following JDBC URL:


Then update the path to the location of the file in the server where ODI software is running:


For more information, see Notes on the Recommended Topology section for additional configurations for running ODI in a different server.

The ODI batch pieces of the Retail to PSFT PIP are designed to process extremely large transaction volumes. You must adjust and tune all databases accordingly particularly the rollback capability of the Retail (source) database. For this you must size the UNDO tablespace. For information on how to size the UNDO tablespace, see the OTN article at:

30.1.1 Creating Oracle Data Integrator Repositories

You can use an existing master repository if it exists on an Oracle database. You need not create a new master repository.

You can use an existing work repository if it exists on an Oracle database and its ID is not 900. If its ID is 900, AIA advises you to create another repository and do not use 900 as Work Repository ID

when you run the DCW, it inserts/updates the PIP artifacts into these repositories.

AIA recommends that you take a backup of master and work repositories before you start the install process.

For information about creating Oracle Data Integrator Master and Work repositories, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator, "Administering the Oracle Data Integrator Repositories."

30.1.2 Performing Postinstallation Configurations for ODI

Perform the following steps to apply the required patches to your ODI

To install prerequisite installer patch #10288265:

  1. Access My Oracle Support []

  2. Navigate to the Patches & Updates tab

  3. In the Patch Name or Number field, write 10288265

  4. Select your platform

  5. Click Search

  6. Download and install patch #10288265

To install patch #12837214:

  1. Access My Oracle Support []

  2. Navigate to the Patches & Updates tab

  3. In the Patch Name or Number field, write 12837214

  4. Select your platform

  5. Click Search

  6. Download and install patch #12837214

After applying the patches, launch the ODI Installer:

  1. Go to Topology.

  2. Go to Physical Architecture.

  3. Find the XML technologies and expand it.

    You should see data sources for all DVM's used in your ODI flows.

  4. Select each DVM data source.

  5. Go to the JDBC tab.

  6. Append this to the end of the URL "&back_compat_specific_keywords=true"

  7. Test the data source to make sure the connection is successful.

  8. Save your changes.

For a screenshot of this screen in ODI Installer, see Appendix B, "Oracle Data Integrator Screen".

30.2 Deployment Configuration Wizard

The DCW screens prompt you to enter the data required for successful configuration of the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP. Enter the details of the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP screens below, take a printout and keep it ready when you run the DCW. This action enables faster and error free configuration.


Oracle Schema Names are in uppercase. Enter the schema names in uppercase in the DCW screens.

30.2.1 PIP Server Details Screen

All artifacts associated with the PIP infrastructure components deploy to the PIP server. This screen contains the following fields:

Table 30-1 PIP Server Details Screen Fields

Field Description

Admin Host Name

Specifies the admin server resides. This can be a remote server or the same system where the AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer is launched. Example:

The Admin Host Name is _________________________________

Admin Port

This is the port number on which the Weblogic Admin server is started. To find this value contact the WebLogic administrator. Example: 7001.

The Admin Port is _____________________________________

Domain Name

This is WebLogic server domain corresponding to the Admin Server. Example: domain1

The Domain Name is _______________________________

Admin User

This value is the WebLogic admin user name. To find this value contact your WebLogic administrator.

The Admin User is __________________________________

Admin Password

This value is the WebLogic admin password. To find this value contact your WebLogic administrator.

The password is _____________________________________

Managed Server

After you enter the Admin Host Name, Admin Port and Admin User, this field populates with managed servers for the domain. Select the managed server from the list. If you are deploying the PIP to a SOA cluster, you should select the cluster name in this field.

The Managed Server is _______________________________

Managed Port

This field is automatically updated after you select the managed server. If you have configured a SOA Cluster, the SOA Cluster port appears in the list.

30.2.2 PeopleSoft FSCM Web Services Details Screen

Use this screen to enter details related to your PeopleSoft FSCM Web Services instance. These details are also used by the DrillBackForward service to:

  • Construct the URL for PSFT

  • Communicate with PSFT web service deployed at this location

The screen contains the following fields:

Table 30-2 PeopleSoft FSCM Web Services Details Screen Fields

Field Description

Host Name

This value is the host name for the web service provided by PeopleSoft. To find this value, contact PeopleSoft system administrator. Example:

PeopleSoft FSCM Web Services Host Name is _________________________________

Port Number

This value is the port for the web service provided by PeopleSoft. To find this value, contact the PeopleSoft system administrator. Example: 7501

PeopleSoft FSCM Web Services Port Number is _______________________________

Default Local Node

This value is the default local node for the specific instance of PeopleSoft. This value is unique to the instance of PeopleSoft and enables the PeopleSoft Gateway to identify the application server to which it should route the web service request. Example: E900B20

PeopleSoft FSCM Web Services Default Local Node is _______________________________

30.2.3 PeopleSoft FSCM Application URL Details Screen

Use this screen to enter details related to PeopleSoft FSCM Application URL. These details are used by the DrillBackForward service to construct PSFT application URL.

The screen contains the following fields:

Table 30-3 PeopleSoft FSCM Application URL Details Screen Fields

Field Description


This value is the name of the PeopleSoft FSCM Application Servlet. To find this value, contact the PeopleSoft system administrator. Example: psp

PeopleSoft FSCM Application Servlet name is _____________________________________


This value is the Site name of the PeopleSoft FSCM application. To find this value, contact the PeopleSoft system administrator. Example: e900b20nt

PeopleSoft FSCM Application Site name is _________________________________________


This value is the Portal, Node, Content for the PeopleSoft FSCM Application. To find this value, contact the PeopleSoft system administrator. Enter this information in this format: <portal>/<node>/<content>Example: EMPLOYEE/ERP/c

The Portal, Node, Content for the PeopleSoft FSCM Application is ______________________

30.2.4 PeopleSoft FSCM Database Connection Details Screen

Use this screen to enter details related to your PeopleSoft FSCM database connection instance.

The screen contains the following fields:

Table 30-4 PeopleSoft FSCM Database Connection Details Screen Fields

Field Description

Database Type

This value is the database type being used by the PeopleSoft Financials system. To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: Oracle

PeopleSoft Financials system Database Type is ____________________________.

Database Host Name

This value is the PeopleSoft database host name. To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example:

PeopleSoft Financials system Database Host Name is ____________________________.

Database Port Number

This value is the PeopleSoft database host name. To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: 1588

PeopleSoft Financials system Database Port Number is ____________________________.

SID (System ID)

To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: psftfscm

PeopleSoft Financials system SID is ____________________________.

Database Username

To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: psft

PeopleSoft Financials system Database Username is ____________________________.

Database Password

To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: welcome

PeopleSoft Financials system Database Password is ____________________________.

Database Schema

Usually, this value equals the Database user name. However, if the database user name uses synonymous schema to access the actual tables, provide the schema name that owns the tables.

This value is the PeopleSoft database schema. To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: psft

PeopleSoft Financials system Database Schema is ____________________________.

30.2.5 Oracle Retail Service Layer Connection Details Screen

Use this screen to enter details related to your Oracle Retail Service Layer connection database instance. These details are also used by the DrillBackForward service to communicate with Retail service.

The screen contains the following fields:

Table 30-5 Oracle Retail Service Layer Connection Details Screen Fields

Field Description

Host Name

This value is the host name for the web services provided by Retail. To find this value, contact the Retail system administrator. Example: mspdev68.

Host Name is ___________________________

Port Number

This value is the port for the web services provided by Retail. To find this value, contact the Retail system administrator. Example: 7781.

Port Number is __________________________

30.2.6 Oracle Retail Integration Bus Connection Details Screen

Use this screen to enter details related to your Oracle Retail Integration Bus connection database instance.

The screen contains the following fields:

Table 30-6 Oracle Retail Integration Bus Connection Details Screen Fields

Field Description

Database Host Name

This value is the database host name for the Retail Integration Bus (RIB) database connection. To find this value, contact the Retail database administrator. Example: mspdev73.

Oracle Retail Integration Bus Database Host Name is ______________________________.

Database Port Number

This value is the database port number for the RIB database connection. To find this value, contact the Retail database administrator. Example: 1521

Oracle Retail Integration Bus Database Port Number is ______________________________.

Database SID

This value is the database system ID for the RIB database connection. To find this value, contact the Retail database administrator. Example: dvolr022

Oracle Retail Integration Bus Database SID is ______________________________.

Database Username

This value is the database user name for the RIB database connection. To find this value, contact the Retail database administrator. Example: ribaq

Oracle Retail Integration Bus Database Username is ______________________________.

Database Password

This value is the database password for the RIB database connection. To find this value, contact the Retail database administrator. Example: retek

Oracle Retail Integration Bus Database Host Name is ______________________________.

30.2.7 Oracle Retail Database Connection Details Screen

Use this screen to enter details related to your Oracle Retail database connection instance.

The screen contains the following fields:

Table 30-7 Oracle Retail Database Connection Details Screen Fields

Field Description

Database Host Name

To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example

Oracle Retail Database Host Name is______________________

Database Port Number

To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: 1521

Oracle Retail Database is Port Number ____________________

Database SID

To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example retek

Oracle Retail Database SID is ________________________

Database Username

To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: retek

Oracle Retail Database Username is ______________________

Database Password

To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: welcome

Oracle Retail Database Password is ___________________

Database Schema

Usually, this value equals the Database user name. However, if the database user name uses synonymous schema to access the actual tables, provide the schema name that owns the tables.

To find this value, contact the database administrator. Example: retek

Oracle Retail Database Schema is ___________________

30.2.8 Oracle Data Integrator Access Details Screen

Use this screen to enter details to access Oracle Data Integrator. The screen contains the following fields:

Table 30-8 Oracle Data Integrator Access Details Screen Fields

Field Description

Path to Oracle Data Integrator

Provide the path to the ODI HOME up to the agent folder (included).

To find this value, contact your administrator. Example: /slot/ems3344/oracle/ODI11113/oracledi/agent (for Linux)

Oracle Data Integrator Path is _________________________________________

ODI User

To find this value, contact your administrator. Example: SUPERVISOR.

Oracle Data Integrator User is _________________________________________

ODI Password

To find this value, contact your administrator. Example: SUNOPSIS

Oracle Data Integrator Password is ______________

Path for exported DVMs

Enter the path to directory to export Domain Value Mappings (DVM). Example: $AIA_HOME/PIPS/Core/DIS/RetailToPSFTFin/DVM

One of the steps for setting up the PIP is to export some DVMs to a location. The Installer must have this location to configure ODI artifacts during the install. It is recommended to choose this location in the same server where ODI software runs.

Path for Exported DVM is _______________________

30.2.9 Oracle Data Integrator Master Repository Details Screen

You must set up an ODI Master Repository before installing the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP. This master repository must be created in an Oracle database. The install process appends PIP artifacts into this master repository.

Use this screen to enter details to access the Oracle Data Integrator Master Repository.

The screen contains the following fields:

Table 30-9 Oracle Data Integrator Master Repository Details Screen Fields

Field Description

Database Host Name

To find this value, contact your database administrator. Example:

Oracle Database Integrator Master Repository Database Host Name is _________________

Database Port Number

To find this value, contact your database administrator. Example: 1521

Oracle Database Integrator Master Repository Database Port Number is_________________

Database SID

To find this value, contact your database administrator. Example: orcl

Oracle Database Integrator Master Repository Database SID is _________________

Database Username

To find this value, contact your database administrator. Example: snpm

Oracle Database Integrator Master Repository Database Username is _________________

Database Password

To find this value, contact your database administrator. Example: snpm

Oracle Database Integrator Master Repository Database Password is _________________

30.2.10 Oracle Data Integrator Work Repository for Retail to PeopleSoft Financials PIP Details Screen

The install process imports the Retail to PeopleSoft Financials ODI artifacts into an ODI Work repository. You can provide an existing ODI Work Repository or provide an empty one. It is recommended to use an empty repository.

Use this screen to enter details related to the ODI Work Repository.

The screen contains the following fields:

Table 30-10 Oracle Data Integrator Work Repository for Retail to PeopleSoft Financials PIP Details Screen Fields

Field Description

ODI Work Repository Name

Enter the name you gave to the ODI Work Repository for PIP Artifacts. Example: RETAILPSFT

ODI Work Repository Name is: _________________________

ODI Work Repository ID

Enter the ID number that you used for the ODI Work Repository. It should be between 1 and 899. Example: 42

Do not use 900. Also do not use the ID used for other work repositories.

ODI Work Repository ID is: ______________

30.3 Configuring and Deploying the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP

This section discusses the PIP configuration and deployment process. There are two steps:

  1. Configure your PIP using the deployment DCW.

  2. Deploy the PIP to the Fusion Middleware server.

30.3.1 Configuring the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP

The screens that appear prompt you to enter the data that is required for successful configuration of the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP. Keep the completed worksheets of the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP screens ready before you launch the DCW.


If you are harvesting content to OER, perform the first three steps. If not, start from step 4.

To configure the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP:

  1. Navigate to /slot/emsxxxx/oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/soa_domain/bin/ and open for Linux based systems and setDomainEnv.bat for Microsoft Windows.

  2. Replace WLS_JDBC_REMOTE_ENABLED="-Dweblogic.jdbc.remoteEnabled=false" with WLS_JDBC_REMOTE_ENABLED="-Dweblogic.jdbc.remoteEnabled=true".

  3. Restart the server.

  4. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  5. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/bin and run the command ./ for Linux based systems and aiaconfig.bat for Microsoft Windows.

    This launches the AIA DCW.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP

  8. Click Next. Specify PIP Server Details

To specify PIP Server details:

  1. Enter information related to your PIP server in the PIP Server Details screen.

  2. Click Next. Specify PeopleSoft FSCM Web Services Details

To specify PeopleSoft FSCM Web Services details:

  1. Enter information about your PeopleSoft FSCM Web Services installation in the PeopleSoft FSCM Web Services Information screen.

  2. Click Next. Specify PeopleSoft FSCM Application URL Details

To specify PeopleSoft FSCM Application URL details:

  1. Enter information about your PeopleSoft FSCM Web Application URL in the PeopleSoft FSCM Application URL screen.

  2. Click Next. Specify PeopleSoft FSCM Database Connection Details

To specify PeopleSoft FSCM Database Connection details:

  1. Enter information about your PeopleSoft FSCM Database Connection installation in the PeopleSoft FSCM Database Connection Information screen.

  2. Click Next. Specify Oracle Retail Service Layer Connection Details

To specify Oracle Retail Service Layer Connection details:

  1. Enter information about your Oracle Retail Service Layer Connection installation in the Oracle Retail Service Layer Connection Information screen.

  2. Click Next. Specify Oracle Retail Integration Bus Connection Details

To specify Oracle Retail Integration Bus Connection details:

  1. Enter information about your Oracle Retail Integration Bus Connection installation in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Connection Information screen.

  2. Click Next. Specify Oracle Retail Database Connection Details

To specify Oracle Retail Database Connection details:

  1. Enter information about your Oracle Retail Database Connection installation in the Oracle Retail Database Connection Information screen.

  2. Click Next. Specify Oracle Data Integrator Access Details

To specify Oracle Data Integrator Access details:

  1. Enter information about your Oracle Data Integrator Access installation in the Oracle Data Integrator Access Information screens.

    Oracle Data Integration Access Information is captured in three screens. Enter the following information in the screens.

  2. Specify ODI Home.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Enter ODI User and ODI Password.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Specify the Path for exported DVMs.

  7. Click Next. Specify Oracle Data Integrator Master Repository Details

To specify Oracle Data Integrator Master Repository details:

  1. Enter information about your Oracle Data Integrator Master Repository installation in the Oracle Data Integrator Master Repository screen.

  2. Click Next. Specify Oracle Data Integrator Work Repository Details

To specify Oracle Data Integrator Work Repository details:

  1. Enter information about your Oracle Data Integrator Work Repository installation in the Oracle Data Integrator Work Repository for Retails to PeopleSoft Financials screen.

  2. Click Next. Complete Configuration

To complete configuration:

  1. Review the configuration information on the Configuration Summary screen.


    If you want to make changes to the configuration, use the navigation pane on the left and select the screen you want to edit.

    You can create a response file based on the input provided in the DCW and use it in future when you want to deploy the PIP. You can configure using the steps described in Section 30.3.2, "Configuring using the Response File". Click Save Response File and save the response file with the name and location of your choice.

  2. Click Configure to accept the configuration.

    The system displays progress of the configuration in the Configuration Progress screen.

    The system displays any warnings or errors as necessary. You can review the configuration log for additional details. The configuration log location is displayed in Configuration Progress screen.

  3. When the configuration process completes without errors, the AIA DCW displays the Configuration Complete screen.

  4. Click Finish to close the DCW.

30.3.2 Configuring using the Response File

To configure using the response file:

  1. Open the response file.

    When you create a response file through OUI, passwords get stored as <SECURE>.

  2. Replace the password fields with actual passwords in the response file.

  3. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  4. Navigate to <AIA_HOME>/bin and run the command ./ <Response File Location and Name> for Linux based systems and aiaconfig.bat <Response File Location and Name> for Microsoft Windows.

30.3.3 Deploying the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP

To deploy the PIP to Fusion Middleware server:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Run the command for your platform


    When you copy and paste the command in the command line, ensure that there is space between .xml and -. Ensure that there is space between these two when you run undeployment command too.

    Table 30-11 Deployment Commands for the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP

    Platform Deployment Command


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems.


    ant -f <AIA_HOME>/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml 
    -l <AIA_HOME>/pips/OracleRetailToPeopleSoftFinancials/DeploymentPlans/OracleRetailToPeopleSoftFinancialsDP.log

    Microsoft Windows

    ant -f <AIA_HOME>\Infrastructure\Install\AID\AIAInstallDriver.xml 
    -l <AIA_HOME>\pips\OracleRetailToPeopleSoftFinancials\DeploymentPlans\OracleRetailToPeopleSoftFinancialsDP.log


    In Windows 2008, 2008 R2 and Vista, run the command prompt as an administrator (elevated mode). If the command prompt is invoked in normal mode, the PIPs are not displayed.

  3. Review the log file in the location specified in the command to verify successful deployment.

Oracle AIA ships artifacts in AIA Lifecycle Workbench which can be used in your integrations. These artifacts are created using FMW technologies such as BPEL and Mediator and are natively supported by AIA Foundation Pack tools such as Project Lifecycle Workbench, Harvester, Deployment Generator, AIA Deployment Driver (ADD). These are called native artifacts and they include SOA artifact types such as composites, DataSources, DVM, xRef, and so on. These artifacts can be modified or new natively supported artifacts can be added using the AIA Lifecyle Workbench and a BOM.xml file can be generated.

AIA PIP development teams, most often, also require deployment of artifact types that are beyond what is supported by the Project Lifecycle Workbench and AIA Harvester. For instance, integration may require artifacts such as, Java applications, Shell Scripts, ANT based build scripts which constitute part of integration landscape in addition to the artifacts that are delivered by AIA. AIA also supports deployment of these supplementary artifacts. However, you must modify and add new non native artifacts outside AIA Lifecycle Workbench.

For more information on deploying artifacts, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack, "Generating Deployment Plans and Deploying Artifacts".

30.4 Performing Postdeployment Configurations

This section discusses the following postdeployment configurations for the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP:

30.4.1 Configuring Retail to PeopleSoft Accounting Entries Integration

The Retail to PeopleSoft_AccountingEntry ODI Integration can be configured to send emails to an individual when a successful transaction occurs.

To send emails to individuals on successful transaction:

  1. Edit the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file located in AIA_HOME/config.

  2. Set the polling interval.

    <Property name="PollingInterval">300000</Property>

    The ODI process has a polling interval, which is the time period (in milliseconds) the process waits before polling tables for new data. This polling interval can be changed as required.

  3. Modify the property name:

    Example 30-1 Property Name Modification

    <Property name="FromMailAddress"></Property>
    <Property name="ToMailAddress"></Property>
    <Property name="MailServerName"></Property> 
  4. Enter the email ID of the recipient in the ToMailAddress section to specify the person to receive the email messages.

  5. Enter the email ID of the sender in the FromMailAddress section.

    This value is required by the email process to send the email. Oracle AIA recommends that FromMailAddress and ToMailAddress to prevent the recipient from receiving two emails for the same successful process.

  6. Enter the name of the mail server in the MailServerName section to specify the mail server.

After you modify the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file, update the MDS with the information.

To update SOA-MDS, apps/AIAMetaData:

  1. Browse to the folder at $AIA_HOME/aia_instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/bin.

  2. Execute source and source the file

  3. Browse to the folder at $AIA_HOME/aia_instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/config and open UpdateMetaDataDP.xml.

  4. Update the file UpdateMetaDataDP.xml. To add resource groups to the MDS insert the include tags.

    • To upload all the files under "AIAMetaData", add <include name ="AIAMetadata/**"/>

    • To upload the files copied to AIAComponents/ApplicationObjectLibrary/SEBL/schemas folder, add <include name ="AIAComponents/ApplicationObjectLibrary/SEBL/schemas/**"/>


    In the include tag, the folder path must be relative to the folder AIAMetaData.

  5. Browse to AIA_HOME/Infrastructure/Install/scripts.

  6. Execute ant -f UpdateMetaData.xml to update MDS.

30.4.2 Configuring Retail to PeopleSoft Invoice/Voucher Integration

The Retail to PeopleSoft Invoice ODI Integration can be configured to send emails to an individual when a successful transaction occurs.

To send emails to individuals on successful transaction:

  1. Edit the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file located in AIA_HOME/config.

  2. Set the polling interval.

    <Property name="PollingInterval">300000</Property>

    The ODI process has a polling interval, which is the time period (in milliseconds) the process waits before polling tables for new data. This polling interval can be changed as required.

  3. Modify the property name:

    Example 30-2 Property Name Modification

    <Property name="FromMailAddress"></Property>
    <Property name="ToMailAddress"></Property>
    <Property name="MailServerName"></Property> 
  4. Enter the email ID of the recipient in the ToMailAddress section to specify the person to receive the email messages.

  5. Enter the email ID of the sender in the FromMailAddress section.

    This value is required by the email process to send the email. Oracle AIA recommends that FromMailAddress and ToMailAddress to prevent the recipient from receiving two emails for the same successful process.\

  6. Enter the name of the mail server in the MailServerName section to specify the mail server.

30.4.3 Configuring Web Services for Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP (Optional)

In addition to the above modules, you can perform postdeployment configuration for the following services:

  • CreatePaymentTermPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

  • CreatePaymentTermRetailProvProvABCSImpl

  • CreateSupplierPartyListPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

  • CreateSupplierPartyRetailProvProvABCSImpl

  • DrillBackForward

  • ProcessGLAccountValidationPeopleSoftProvABCSImpl

  • ProcessGLAccountValidationRetailReqABCSImpl

  • SyncCurrencyExchangeListPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

  • SyncCurrencyExchangeListRetailProvProvABCSImpl

  • SyncPaymentTermListPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

  • SyncSupplierPartyListPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

  • SyncSupplierPartyListRetailProvProvABCSImpl

  • UpdatePaymentTermPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

  • UpdatePaymentTermRetailProvProvABCSImpl

  • UpdateSupplierPartyListPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

  • UpdateSupplierPartyRetailProvProvABCSImpl

For more information on how to configure these services, see the Oracle Application Integration Architecture Oracle Financial Operations Control Integration Pack Implementation Guide for Oracle Retail Merchandise Operations Management and PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials.

30.4.4 Creating Sequence Rights to PeopleSoft Database User (Required)

The ODI processes create a database sequence in PeopleSoft database. Ensure that the database user for the PeopleSoft database has appropriate rights to create sequences.

30.4.5 Verifying the Database Connection (Optional)

To verify the database connection:

  1. Open ODI Topology Manager.

  2. Expand Oracle in Physical Architecture tab.

  3. Select AIA SCHEMA DS.

  4. Right click and select Edit to open AIA SCHEMA DS.

  5. Click Test.

    This opens Test Connection window.

  6. Click Test.

    If successful connection message does not appear, verify the connection information in the Definitions and JDBC tabs.

  7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 for the following data sources:




If PeopleSoft is under IBM DB2, the data source is under IBM DB2 UDB technology.

30.4.6 Setting Up and Exporting Domain Value Mappings (Required)

You must set up and export Domain Value Maps (DVM) to complete the install process.

To set up and export DVMs:

  1. Set up all DVMs for the PIP.

  2. Export the following DVMs:




  3. During installation, AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer prompts you to specify a folder in your local file system to store the exported DVMs files. Export the following DVMs to that folder:



  4. And export the CHARTOFACCOUNTS_GLELEMENT DVM to the <AIA_HOME>/services/core/BulkDataProcess/OracleRetailToPeopleSoft/Financials/CreateRetailViewSQL folder. When exporting this dvm, change the name to CHARTOFACCOUNTS_GLELEMENT.xml, instead of CHARTOFACCOUNTS_GLELEMENT.dvm.

For more information on how to set up DVMs, see Oracle Application Integration Architecture Oracle Financial Operations Control Integration Pack Implementation Guide for Oracle Retail Merchandise Operations Management and PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials, "Describing Domain Value Maps", Implementing Oracle Retail to PeopleSoft Financials Process Integration Pack.

30.4.7 Setting Up ORGANIZATION_ID XREF (Required)

For information about how to set up the ORGANIZATION_ID XREF, see Oracle Application Integration Architecture Oracle Financial Operations Control Integration Pack Implementation Guide for Oracle Retail Merchandise Operations Management and PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials, "Implementing Oracle Retail Merchandising Integration Pack for PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials," Setting Up Cross-References for Oracle Retail IDs and PeopleSoft Entities.

30.5 Verifying Deployment

To verify the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP deployment:

  1. Open the log files from the following location and look for warnings and error messages:

    • For Linux, Solaris SPARC, HP-UX and IBM AIX Based Systems: Review the install log located at <AIA_HOME>/aia_instances/<instance name>/logs to verify that the PIP is successfully installed.

    • For Microsoft Windows: Review the install log located at <AIA_HOME>\logs\Install\PIPS\<PIPName>Install-${current.time}.log to verify that the PIP is successfully installed.

  2. Verify that you can see the following Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP services were installed.

    1. Navigate to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control: (http://<server name>:<port number>/em/).

    2. Log in with the server admin user name. For access details, contact the system administrator.

    3. Expand Farm_soa_domain, SOA, soa-infra, Default and look for the following items:

    • ChartOfAccountsEBS

    • CreatePaymentTermPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • CreatePaymentTermRetailProvABCSImpl

    • CreateSupplierPartyPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • CreateSupplierPartyRetailProvABCSImpl

    • CurrencyExchangeEBS

    • CurrencyExchangePeopleSoftJMSConsumer

    • PaymentTermEBS

    • PaymentTermPeopleSoftJMSConsumer

    • ProcessGLAccountValidationPeopleSoftProvABCSImpl

    • ProcessGLAccountValidationRetailReqABCSImpl

    • SupplierPartyEBS

    • SupplierPartyPeopleSoftJMSConsumer

    • SyncCurrencyExchangeListPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • SyncCurrencyExchangeListRetailProvJMSProducer

    • SyncPaymentTermListPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • SyncPaymentTermListRetailProvABCSImpl

    • SyncSupplierPartyListPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • SyncSupplierPartyListRetailProvABCSImpl

    • UpdatePaymentTermPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • UpdatePaymentTermRetailProvABCSImpl

    • UpdateSupplierPartyPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • UpdateSupplierPartyRetailProvABCSImpl

  3. Confirm that the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP queues (JMS) are installed.

    1. To verify the JMS Queues, connect to the WLS Console http:<host>:<port>/console.

    2. Navigate to Services, Messaging, JMS Modules, AIAJMSModule.

    3. Drill down and verify that the following queues exist:




  4. Confirm that the DrillBackForward web service is installed:

    1. Navigate to the Application Server Console: http://<server name>:<port number>/em.

    2. Select the Application Server Control option.

    3. Log in with the server administrator user name. To find this information, contact the system administrator.

    4. Navigate to Farm_SOA_Domain, Application Deployments.

    5. Verify that in the Web Services tab, the GetDrillBackForwardURL web service is available with port name DrillBackForwardURLService.

  5. Confirm that necessary configuration properties exist.

    1. Navigate to the AIA home location. For example, http://<host_name>:<port>/AIA/faces/home.jspx

    2. Navigate to Setup, Configuration and check for the following configuration properties:

















  6. Verify Integration Scenarios.

    1. Navigate to the AIA home location. For example, http://<host_name>:<port>/AIA/faces/home.jspx

    2. Find Project Lifecycle Workbench and click Go.

    3. On the AIA Project Lifecycle Workbench page, click Search.

    4. Click the link in the Bill Of Material column to view the following artifacts included in this PIP.

    • Create PaymentTerm PeopleSoft Requestor

    • Create PaymentTerm Retail Provider

    • Create SupplierParty PeopleSoft Requestor

    • Create SupplierParty Retail Provider

    • Process GL Account Validation PeopleSoft Provider

    • Process GL Account Validation Retail Requestor

    • ProcessGLAccountValidationRetailReqABCSImpl

    • Sync CurrencyExchangeList PeopleSoft Requestor

    • Sync CurrencyExchangeList Retail Provider

    • Sync PaymentTerm PeopleSoft Requestor

    • Sync PaymentTerm Retail Provider

    • Sync SupplierParty PeopleSoft Requestor

    • Sync SupplierParty Retail Provider

    • Update PaymentTerm PeopleSoft Requestor

    • Update PaymentTerm Retail Provider

    • Update SupplierParty PeopleSoft Requestor

    • Update SupplierParty Retail Provider

  7. Verify that 32 ABCSs have been published.

    1. Navigate to the AIA home location. For example, http://<host_name>:<port>/AIA/faces/home.jspx

    2. Navigate to Service Repository, type %ABCS% in the Service Name field and click Search.

    • CreatePaymentTermPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • CreatePaymentTermPeopleSoftReqABCSImplExt

    • CreatePaymentTermRetailProvABCSImpl

    • CreatePaymentTermRetailProvABCSImplExt

    • CreateSupplierPartyPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • CreateSupplierPartyPeopleSoftReqABCSImplExt

    • CreateSupplierPartyRetailProvABCSImpl

    • CreateSupplierPartyRetailProvABCSImplExt

    • ProcessGLAccountValidationPeopleSoftProvABCSImpl

    • ProcessGLAccountValidationPeopleSoftProvABCSImplExt

    • ProcessGLAccountValidationRetailReqABCSImpl

    • ProcessGLAccountValidationRetailReqABCSImplExt

    • SyncCurrencyExchangeListPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • SyncCurrencyExchangeListPeopleSoftReqABCSImplExt

    • SyncCurrencyExchangeListRetailProvABCSImpl

    • SyncCurrencyExchangeListRetailProvABCSImplExt

    • SyncPaymentTermListPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • SyncPaymentTermListPeopleSoftReqABCSImplExt

    • SyncPaymentTermListRetailProvABCSImpl

    • SyncPaymentTermListRetailProvABCSImplExt

    • SyncSupplierPartyListPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • SyncSupplierPartyListPeopleSoftReqABCSImplExt

    • SyncSupplierPartyListRetailProvABCSImpl

    • SyncSupplierPartyListRetailProvABCSImplExt

    • UpdatePaymentTermPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • UpdatePaymentTermPeopleSoftReqABCSImplExt

    • UpdatePaymentTermRetailProvABCSImpl

    • UpdatePaymentTermRetailProvABCSImplExt

    • UpdateSupplierPartyPeopleSoftReqABCSImpl

    • UpdateSupplierPartyPeopleSoftReqABCSImplExt

    • UpdateSupplierPartyRetailProvABCSImpl

    • UpdateSupplierPartyRetailProvABCSImplExt

30.5.1 Validating Security Policies

All SOA composites are protected by Global Policies provided by Foundation Pack as defined in the Security section of the Developer Guide. Additionally individual services for this PIP have locally attached security policies.

To validate locally attached security policies:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Navigate to WebLogic Domain, soa_domain, Web Services, Policies.

  3. Verify Service Policy attachment.

    1. Find the service policy in the list of policies.

    2. Click the number in Attachment Count column.

      This opens Usage Analysis screen.

    3. Change the Subject Type list box to SOA Service.

    4. Validate that all the composites are listed with local attachment to this service policy.

  4. Verify Client Policy attachment

    1. Navigate back to Policies screen and find the client policy

    2. Click the number in Attachment Count column.

      This opens Usage Analysis screen.

    3. Change the Subject Type list box to SOA Reference.

    4. Validate that all the composites are listed with local attachment to this client policy and attached to the correct references.

      Table 30-12 Service Policy Attachments for Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP

      Composite Service Policy



      Table 30-13 No Authentication Client Policy Attachments for Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP

      Composite Reference Client Policy






















For more information about security validation, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack "Working with Security."

30.5.2 ODI Topology

  1. Verify the following connections are accurate in the Physical Architecture tab.

    1. Launch ODI Topology Manager and navigate to Physical Architecture tab.

    2. Expand XML node and double click AIA Configuration PropertiesDS.

    3. Click JDBC tab and check for the connection <AIAHome>/aia_instances/<AIAInstance Name>/AIAMetaData/config/AIAConfigurationProperties.xml

    4. Similarly find the following data servers based on the technology and artifact name. The first row in the table is used as an example.

      Table 30-14 Data Servers

      Artifact imported Connection Technology


      <AIAHome>/aia_instances/<AIAInstance Name>/AIAMetaData/config/AIAConfigurationProperties.xml



      AIA database connection



      Path to exported DVM BUSINESS_UNIT.xml



      Path to exported DVM CURRENCY_CODE.xml






      Oracle Retail database connection



      PeopleSoft database connection


      CONN_PSFT_DB2_DS **

      PeopleSoft database connection

      IBM DB2 UDB


      If your data server connects to an Oracle database, the Schema and User name must be capitalized.

  2. Verify the context in the Contexts tab.

    If PeopleSoft system is under an Oracle database, the name of the artifact imported is RETL_TO_PSFT.xml. If the PeopleSoft system is under an IBM DB2 database, then the context imported is CONT_RETL_TO_PSFT_DB2.xml.

    1. Launch ODI Topology Manager and navigate to Contexts tab.

    2. Double click RETL_TO_PSFT and navigate to Schema tab.

      Table 30-15 describes the imported artifacts:

      Table 30-15 Imported Artifacts

      Artifact imported Description

      CONT_RETL_TO_PSFT.xml Or


      Holds the correlation between logical schemas and physical ones.

      Verify the following schemas associations are set up. You may see more schemas than the ones here. The PIP processes ignore these additional schemas.





      Exchange Rate





      If PeopleSoft system is connected to an Oracle database, associate the Logical schema PeopleSoft with Physical schema. If it is under IBM DB2, then associate PSFT_DB2_Logial Schema to a Physical schema.

  3. Verify the following Logical Data Servers are imported in the Logical Architecture tab.

    1. Launch ODI Topology Manager and navigate to Logical Architecture tab.

    2. Expand XML node and double click AIA Config Schema.

    3. Click Definition tab check whether the RETL_TO_PSFT context has AIA Configuration properties DS physical schema associated.

    4. Similarly find the following logical data servers based on the technology and artifact name. The first row in Table 30-16 is used as an example.

      Table 30-16 Logical Data Servers

      Artifact imported Description Technology


      <AIA_HOME>/config/ AIAConfigurationProperties.xml



      Exported DVM BUSINESS_UNIT.xml



      Exported DVM CURRENCY_CODE.xml



      AIA database connection






      Oracle Retail database



      PeopleSoft database for Oracle database



      PeopleSoft database for IBM DB2 database

      IBM DB2 UDB

30.5.3 ODI Designer

  1. Launch ODI Designer and verify the following models are imported in the Models tab.

    • Oracle Retail To PeopleSoft

    • RMS To PeopleSoft Accounting Entry

    • ReIM To PSFT Invoice

    • ReIM To PeopleSoft Accounting Entry

  2. Launch ODI Designer and verify the following projects are imported in the Projects tab.

    • RMS To PSFT Acct Entry Project

    • ReIM To PSFT Acct Entry Project

    • ReIM To PeopleSoft Invoice Project

  3. Verify the path to the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml is correctly set up for RMS to PSFT AcctEntry project.

    1. Expand RMS to PSFT AcctEntry and Procedures.

    2. Double-click the Load AIA Configuration Properties XML procedure.

    3. Double-click the command LoadAIAConfigXML in the Details tab.

    4. Under Definition tab, click Command on Source sub tab.

    5. Verify the path to AIAConfigurationProperties.xml is accurate.

  4. Using the same procedure verify the path for the following Exported DVMs:

    • Load Business Unit GL DVM XML

    • Load Currency Code DVM XML

    1. Verify the path to the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml is correctly set up for ReIM To PSFT Acct Entry project.

    2. Verify the path to the Exported DVMs:

      Load Business Unit GL DVM XML

      Load Currency Code DVM XML

    3. Verify the path to the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml is correctly set up for ReIM To PeopleSoft Invoice project

    4. Verify the path to the Exported DVMs:

      Load Business Unit GL DVM XML

      Load Currency Code DVM XML

  5. Verify the WSDL URL for ErrorNotification step name is accurate for AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess in the Load RMS To PSFT Acct Entry Package:

    1. Launch ODI Designer.

    2. Go to Projects tab.

    3. Double click Load RMS To PSFT Acct Entry Package.

    4. Select the Diagram tab.

    5. Click the Error Notification icon.

    6. In the Properties frame under General tab verify the WSDL URL user and password are accurate

    7. Verify the WSDL URL for ErrorNotification step name is accurate for AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess in the Load ReIM to PSFT AcctEntry PKG

    8. Verify the WSDL URL for OdiInvokeWebService 5-step name is accurate for AIAAsyncErrorHandlingBPELProcess in the Load RETL Invoices To PSFT Pkg.

30.5.4 Error Messages During Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP Deployment

When deploying the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP, you might encounter the following errors:

  • Failed to execute: Create user xxxxx identified by yyyyy

  • Unique Constraint Violation Failed to execute: Create user xxxxx identified by yyyyy

AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer displays this error message in the log file if the install script attempts to create a database user name for an existing database user name. You can ignore this message and continue with the install process.

The AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer displays the following message when it finds an identical database user name:

Example 30-3 Identical Database User Name Message

[echo] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[echo] Creating ODI Work Repository DB User: xxxxx
[sql] Executing commands
[sql] Failed to execute: create user xxxxx identified by yyyyy
[sql] java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01920: user name 'xxxxx' conflicts with another user or role name
[sql] 1 of 2 SQL statements executed successfully
[echo] Done creating DB User for ODI Work Repository: xxxxx
[echo] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


xxxxx refers to the database user name provided for ODI Work Repository and yyyyy is the password. Unique Constraint Violation

AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer displays this error message in the log file if the ODI data source xxxxx exists in the ODI master repository. The ODI data source is defined in Topology in the Physical Architecture tab. This error occurs when the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PSFT PIP is reinstalled.

The AIA Pre-Built Integrations Installer displays the following message when it finds an identical ODI data source:

Example 30-4 Identical ODI Data Source Message

[echo] - Importing CONN_xxxxx.xml
[exec] OracleDI: Starting Command : OdiImportObject -FILE_NAME=<AIA_HOME>/PIPS/Core/DIS/RetailToPSFTFin/ODI Master Repository/CONN_xxxxx.xml -IMPORT_MODE=SYNONYM_INSERT_UPDATE ...
[exec] java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SNPM.PK_MTXT) violated

This error does not stop the install process. The process imports the remaining ODI PIP artifacts into the ODI; however, it is important to verify the accuracy of the connections for these ODI data sources. To resolve this issue, verify that the connections and associated logical schemas in the ODI topology are accurate.

For PIP implementation, see Oracle Application Integration Architecture Oracle Financial Operations Control Integration Pack Implementation Guide for Oracle Retail Merchandise Operations Management and PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials.

30.6 Undeploying the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PeopleSoft PIP

To undeploy the PIP from Fusion Middleware Server:

  1. Navigate to <AIA_Instance>/bin and run the command source for Linux based systems and aiaenv.bat for Microsoft Windows to configure the environment.

  2. Run the command for your platform.

    Table 30-17 Undeployment Command for the Financials Ops Control: Oracle Retail - PeopleSoft PIP

    Platform Undeployment Command


    Solaris SPARC

    IBM AIX Based Systems.


    ant Uninstall -f <AIA_HOME>/Infrastructure/Install/AID/AIAInstallDriver.xml 
    -l <AIA_HOME>/pips/OracleRetailToPeopleSoftFinancials/DeploymentPlans/OracleRetailToPeopleSoftFinancialsUndeployDP.log

    Microsoft Windows

    ant Uninstall -f <AIA_HOME>\Infrastructure\Install\AID\AIAInstallDriver.xml 
    -l <AIA_HOME>\pips\OracleRetailToPeopleSoftFinancials\DeploymentPlans\OracleRetailToPeopleSoftFinancialsUndeployDP.log

  3. Restart the SOA server.

  4. Uninstall the PIP following the instructions in Chapter 39, "Uninstalling Oracle AIA".