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Oracle® Application Integration Architecture Agile Product Lifecycle Management Integration Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite: Design to Release Implementation Guide
Release 11.1

Part Number E27415-04
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C Troubleshooting

This appendix provides information on queue management.

Issue: ECOs remain in PROCESSING status in Agile Queue and flow trace displays this error: BINDING.JCA-11811 Stored procedure invocation error. Error while trying to prepare and execute the APPS.INV_EBI_CHANGE_ORDER_PUB.PROCESS_CHANGE_ORDER_LIST API. Cause: java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: ORA-03111: break received on communication channel


Increase the JTA timeout values from the FMW console.

To increase JTA timeout:

  1. Log in to the FMW admin console.

  2. Navigate to soa_domain > Services > JTA.

  3. Set the timeout value.

To increase syncMaxWaitTime:

  1. Log in to the FMW EM console.

  2. Expand SOA and right-click soa-infra.

  3. Select SOA Administration > BPEL Properties.

  4. Click the More BPEL Configuration Properties link and find syncMaxWaitTime.

  5. Change it to some higher value and save.

Issue: In ECO forward flow, after the ECO is processed successfully the transfer status attribute (flex) in the ECO in Agile PLM is not being updated.

Solution: Check the flexfield attribute, which has been enabled corresponding to the change. Then, ensure that the same attribute has been configured in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml for that property.

Issue: For the Item Cost update and Item Balance update flows, the attributes in Agile PLM are not getting updated.

Solution: Check whether the Multisite_Enabled property is set to True or False. Based on this given value, ensure that the Cost and Quantity attributes in AIAConfigurationProperties.xml are correctly set.

Issue: NPR use case is failing with one of the following errors:

Solution: Refer preinstallation steps for PIP installation in Installation and Upgrade Guide and verify the SOA Provider setup in Oracle EBS environment using Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Troubleshooting Guide.

Issue: In Agile PLM ACS, the test for Destination fails with some error.

Solution: If the Agile PLM server and the FMW server are in different domains, then for the ACS to work, an entry should be made in the host file of the two servers.

For Example: aia06 - this would go in the FMW server's host file. - this would go in the Agile PLM server's host file.

Issue: If Oracle E-Business Suite Provider ends due to error, with an error message such as "This Child Item has no Master Item record in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS," perform the step given in the following solution.

Solution: If it is the first-time release of the item from Agile PLM to Oracle E-Business Suite, then the item should be sent as an Affected or Revised item in the Master Org along with Child Org from Agile PLM.

C.1 Queue Issues

Issue: ECOs are delayed or does not appear in the Queue Application.

Solution:There could potentially be an issue in the Agile PLM system where-in the messages are delayed or not sent to AIA.

If an Agile PLM system is restarted while ACS messages are in queue, Agile PLM tries to process the ACS messages immediately after restart. If the destinations for ACS are failing, the system tries to process each message until the destination becomes disabled.

This situation leads to a delay in the initial processing of the ACS queue immediately after startup. New Transfer Orders entering the ACS message queue is delayed until the old ACS messages are cleared. When the initial set of ACS messages are processed after a server restart, ACS operates as expected without any delays.

Issue: ECOs remain in the pending state and are not picked up for processing.

Solution:By default, the queue will be in the suspended mode. Click the Resume button to continue the queue processing.

Issue: Two ATOs for the same ECO appear in the process ECO tab.

When a change is submitted that triggers the Validate ECO Subscriber and then released (which triggers ECO trigger), and not much interval is given between because the ACS thread is sleeping when the Validate ECO trigger picks up the data, then the change is already in released status. ACS does not pick up the snapshot data when the process is triggered but the data when the ACS thread is running to pick up the data.

Solution: Enough delay between the submit and release processes should be maintained so that the ECO status is correct and is queued up under either Validate or Process ECO queue. Otherwise, if some changes need to be auto-implemented, do not configure prerelease audit subscription for that particular workflow.

Issue: Once an ECO/MCO/SCO has been released in Agile PLM, the Queue does not display any corresponding entry for the change order.


  1. Check Agile PLM for ATO, which was created on the release of the particular change order. Check the status on the Where Sent tab of the ATO.

  2. If a Failure message is displayed, then an error occurred while ACS was processing the publishing of the data to JMS destination. The error message is specified in the Transmission Notes column.

    Figure C-1 Tranmission Failure

    This image is described in surrounding text
  3. After you make any necessary changes to the transfer order or the destination to correct the problem, reset the destination to attempt delivery again. Once a destination has failed, no other transfer orders can be sent to that destination until it has been reset.

To reset the destination:

  1. In the Agile PLM Java client, navigate to Admin > System Settings > Agile PLM Content Service > Destinations.

  2. Select the particular destination and click the Reset button on the top.

  3. After resetting the destination, test the destination to ensure that the test is successful for the destination. If it fails, it has to be resolved, mainly by ensuring that all the ECO Queue settings are correct and the OPMN Port specified in the URL is correct.

  4. If the status of the ATO transfer is Success, the implication is that the ACS publishing of data to JMS queue was successful. Then you need to troubleshoot in the BPEL console:

  5. Navigate to the Enterprise Manager (EM) Console: http://host:port/em.

  6. In the EM console, select SOA > soa-infra > Instances.

  7. In the Instances tab, check for the instance of the CreateQueueService in which the error occurred.

  8. Click the instance name link and navigate to the Flow link.

  9. Go to the BPEL instance and see the error.

C.1.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Issues

Issue: The status of the concurrent program request for one of the reverse flows is Error


  1. If the concurrent program request displays an Error status, in the View Requests tab, select the row with the error and click the View Log button.

  2. The error message is displayed there. If further details are required on the process instance that caused the error, note the BPEL process instance that appears in the log file.

  3. Navigate to the Enterprise Manager (EM) Console: http://host:port/em.

  4. Select the Instances tab and search for the specific instance ID.

  5. Click the instance name and navigate to the Flow link.

  6. Go to the BPEL instance and see the error.

Issue: Create ECO flow gives the error message "following user does not have the PersonId not attached to it."


  1. Check whether the Oracle E-Business Suite integration user specified in the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml is the correct user.

  2. If the user is correct, then check whether the integration user has a person name assigned in System Administrator Responsibility.

  3. If the user is not assigned, then assign a valid user.

Issue: Unable to establish connection to Unable to connect to Oracle EBS Apps adapter.


If the database password is changed, then the same should be changed in the Connection Pool in the Application server console. Try establishing a connection.

  1. Log in to the FMW console: http://:/console.

  2. Navigate to Services > Data Sources.

  3. Navigate to the Connection Pool tab for the data source OracleAppsDataSourceDS.

  4. Change the password.

  5. Save and test the data source.

Issue: Concurrent Program Failed


  1. Check whether the profile values for EBS Integration Proxy Server Host, EBS Integration Proxy Server Port are configured correctly in the Profiles screen.

  2. If not, then enter the correct value for these.

For more information about the correct values of these options, see Setting Up Oracle E-Business Suite, Profile Settings.