
Use the unregister command to unregister the service, WSDL, or endpoint from the sphere.

  • For each service unregistered using the -w or -n options, the command outputs information about the item unregistered in the following format:


  • For each endpoint unregistered using the -e and -interfaceQName options, the command outputs information about the item unregistered in the following format:


This command produces no output if the items to be removed are not registered with the sphere.

To unregister a specific endpoint, specify the service the endpoint belongs to using -n or -qname flags, and the endpoint to be removed using the endpointUrl and -interfaceQName flags. This option is generally useful if a dependency-discovered endpoint was created incorrectly. If you do not specify the -interfaceQName flag, only dependency-discovered endpoints are removed.

When unregistering replicated services composed of endpoints from one WSDL file, specifying the service name or the WSDL URL, results in the same behavior. Unregistering replicated services composed of endpoints from multiple WSDL files, results in different behaviors, depending on how the service is identified:

  • If a service is identified by its friendly or qualified name, the entire service is unregistered.

  • If a WSDL is identified by the -wsdlUrl flag, only the endpoints from that WSDL are unregistered. Endpoints discovered from other WSDLs are not affected.

Once you unregister a service or endpoint, you will no longer be able to access its history. If you think you might want to re-register the service or endpoint and access its history, you will need to save its UUID (shown in the Profile tab).

Command Syntax

btmcli unregister -n serviceName | -qname qualifiedName | -w wsdlUrl1
           [-V version] [-e endpointUrl] [-interfaceQName interfaceQName] [-f]
           -s sphereUrl -l username:password
Name Long Name Description
-n -name The friendly name of a service to remove from the sphere.

If the name is not unique, it must be qualified using the -V (version) flag.

-qname -- The qualified name (WSDL targetNamespace plus service name) of the service to remove from the sphere.

This option is useful when multiple services with different qualified names have been assigned the same friendly name in the sphere.

If the name is not unique, it must be qualified using the -V (version) flag.

-w -wsdlUrl The URL for the WDSL file whose service(s) you want to unregister.

You must specify the -w or -n flag, but not both, with this command.

-V -version The version of a service to remove. Must be used in conjunction with the-qname or -name options.

Use the "-" string to represent the default, unnamed version.

-e -- The URL of a specific endpoint; in this case the corresponding WSDL is not unregistered.
  -interfaceQName The qualified name of the interface for a specific endpoint to unregister.
-f -force Unregister a service even if some of its endpoints are monitored. They will be unmonitored prior to removing the service.
-s -sphereUrl The URL of the sphere where the WSDL is installed.


This flag is not required if you have set the AP_SPHERE_URL environment variable for your sphere.

-l -userLogin The username and password associated with the sphere, in the format: username:password. This set of credentials must belong to a user in the btmadmin role.

See Security Options in Accessing CLI Commands for information on furnishing login credentials.

You can encrypt passwords using the encryptPassword command.


The following example unregisters the service in the specified wsdl.

btmcli unregister -w http://myProductionBox:28006/OrderService.wsdl 
                  -s http://mydomain.com/btmcentral/sphere/ -l Admin:abracadabra