Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center

About This Library

12c Release 1 (


June 2013

This document describes the contents of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center library.

1 Introduction to the Library

The following tabs are available in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center library:

2 About the Overview Tab

The Overview tab is the landing page for the library. This page provides the information needed to get started with the software, including new features, an overview of the concepts, and the installation and administration documents. This page also contains a link to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Licensing Information.

2.1 Getting Started

Getting Started contains a high-level overview of the software and features.

Concepts Guide

Contains an overview of the product architecture, features, and user experience.


Explains where to get the install guides and known issues. when installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Release Notes

Provides information about the release, and procedures that help you install Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

2.2 Installation and Administration Information

Installation and Administration contains the guides used to plan for, install, and administer the software.

Quick Start Installation Guide

Use this guide to perform a quick and simple software installation. For enterprise level installations, see the platform-specific installation guide.

Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris Operating System

Learn how to prepare for an Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center installation on Oracle Solaris systems, and how to install and configure the product with a standalone or high availability (HA) configuration.

Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris Operating System

Learn how to prepare for an Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center installation on Linux systems, and how to install and configure the product with a standalone or HA configuration.

Administration Guide

Describes how to administer the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center software, including the Enterprise Controller, Proxy Controllers, Agent Controllers, high availability configuration, users and roles, and the product database. This guide also includes information about using the harvester to obtain operating system updates, enabling Auto Service Requests (ASR), the OCDoctor, and upgrading the software.

3 About the How To Tab

The How To tab contains workflows and end-to-end examples about how to use the software to perform an operation. The How To documents in this section often combine several features and tasks that appear in various places in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Feature Reference Guide. The workflows provide guidance on how you might combine the examples to deploy and operate the software.

Each section in this tab has an expand and contract feature to show or hide the list of Workflows and How To documents. When content is hidden, the library search does not include the information in that section.

Figure 1 How To Tab Hidden Content Feature

Description of Figure 1 follows
Description of "Figure 1 How To Tab Hidden Content Feature"

4 About the Plug-in Tab

The Plug-in tab contains instructions on installing and configuring the system monitoring Infrastructure Stack plug-in available for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

See the System Monitoring Plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Guide to learn how to connect Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center and Cloud Control to monitor the managed applications, middleware, database, operating systems, virtual machines, servers, storage devices, and networks in your data center.

5 About the Reference Tab

The Reference tab contains detailed information about the product features, the Cloud infrastructure API and CLI, security, and lists of the supported systems, including:

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Feature Reference Guide

    Describes the product features in detail. The document is organized by feature, grouped into the following parts:

    • Getting Started

    • Configure

    • Operate and Maintain

    • Virtualize and Cloud Management

    • Command-Line Interface

    • Engineered Systems

    • Reference

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Security Guide

    Describes good practices for managing security of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center deployments.

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Cloud Infrastructure API and CLI Reference

    Provides API and CLI commands to programmatically manage allocated virtual resources in an account, providing the ability to create and manage vServers to deploy applications.

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Certified Systems Matrix

    Lists the supported hardware, operating systems, virtualization technologies, and databases for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center infrastructure and managed assets, and the supported browsers for accessing the user interface.

6 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center About This Library, 12c Release 1 (


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