Scheduled Reports



You can schedule reports to run on a regular basis, and have the results emailed to the user in PDF format. These reports include summary values at the top (for example, the number of requests, SLA breaches, alerts triggered, and unique clients in a specified week) followed by a table of Web Services, and their aggregated usage data (for example, the number of requests on each Web Service).

The report data is for the configured current week of the report, which is compared to the week before. You can set the configured current week of the report to be the actual current calendar week or any prior week (provided there is corresponding data in the database).

To configure scheduled reports, right-click the Listeners -> Service Monitor node in the Policy Studio tree, and select Database Archive.

Database Configuration

Configure the following database setting in the dialog:

Select an existing database connection from the drop-down list. Defaults to the Default Database Connection. For details on creating database connections, see the Database Connection topic.

Scheduled Reports Configuration

You can configure the following settings for scheduled reports:

Send weekly scheduled report:
Select whether to enable scheduled reports. When selected, by default, this runs a scheduled weekly report on Monday morning at 0:01. For details on configuring a different time schedule, see the next setting. This setting is unselected by default.

Report scheduled at (Cron expression):
Enter a cron expression that specifies when you wish the report to run, or click the button on the right of this field to use the Cron dialog to guide you through the configuration steps. For more details, see the Configuring Cron Expressions topic. The default cron expression is 0 1 0 ? * MON, which specifies to run the report each Monday morning at 0:01. For more details on this syntax, see the section on Cron Expressions in the Policy Execution Scheduling topic.

Report for the N-th preceding week (0 for current week):
Specifies how many weeks that the configured current week of the report is before the actual current calendar week (the offset from the present time). The default value is 1, which generates a report for the full previous week from the scheduled time that the report is run, and compares with values from the week before that. This means that if the report is scheduled to run on Monday morning, it includes the full previous week, and not only those few hours of the current week. If the value is 0, the report only includes data from the current week until now, and compares with the values from the previous week. You can use values higher than 1 to generate a report for any full previous week for which there is corresponding data in the database.

Don’t delete intermediary report files:
This option is for debugging scheduled reports. PDF reports are generated through several stages. When this setting is enabled, the temporary files used in the process are not deleted when the report is sent. These files are stored in the system temporary directory. There are two files for each report: an XML file with metrics data for the report, and a generated PDF report. This setting is unselected by default.

SMTP Configuration

You can configure the following SMTP settings:

Email Recipient (To):
Enter the recipient of the automatically generated email. Use a semicolon-separated list of email addresses to send reports to multiple recipients.

Email Sender (From):
The generated report emails appear from the sender email address specified here. It is important to note that some mail servers do not allow relaying mail when the sender in the From field is not recognized by the server.

SMTP Server Settings:
Specify the following fields:
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Specify the SMTP server used to relay the report email.
Port Specify the SMTP server port to connect to. Defaults to port 25.
Connection Security Select the connection security used to send the report email (SSL, TLS, or NONE). Defaults to NONE.

Log on Using:
If you are required to authenticate to the SMTP server, specify the following fields:
User Name: Enter the user name for authentication.
Password: Enter the password for the user name specified.

Email Debugging:
You can select this setting to find out more information about errors encountered by the Enterprise Gateway when attempting to send reports by email. All trace files are written to the /trace directory of your Enterprise Gateway installation. This setting is unselected by default.