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Package org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions

Exception Summary
AlreadyExistsException Thrown if CreateApiOp attempts to create an object that exists prior to the method execution.
ConfigurationException Thrown to indicate there was some configuration problem with one of the bundles.
ConnectionBrokenException Thrown when a connection to a target resource instance fails during an operation.
ConnectionFailedException Thrown when a Connector cannot reach the target resource instance.
ConnectorException Base exception for the Connector framework.
ConnectorIOException Base exception for all Input-Output (I/O-related) exceptions, including instance connection failure, socket error and so forth.
ConnectorSecurityException Base exception for all security-related exceptions.
InvalidCredentialException Thrown when at least one credential (e.g., password, username or certificate) passed into an operation is invalid.
InvalidPasswordException Thrown when a password credential is invalid.
OperationTimeoutException Thrown when an operation times out.
PasswordExpiredException Thrown when a password credential is invalid.
PermissionDeniedException Thrown when the target resource will not allow a Connector to perform a particular operation.
UnknownUidException Thrown when a Uid that is specified as input to a connector operation identifies no object on the target resource.


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