2.14 FS-10650 to FS-10699

FS-10650 %s : Verifying the Oracle Services for MSCS resource providers
Cause: Starting verification of the registered resource providers.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10651 Verifying the %s resource
Cause: Starting verification of the specified resource.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10652 %s has %s version %s installed in %s
Cause: The resource provider is reporting installation information.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10653 The version of %s installed in %s home is not identical on all cluster nodes
Cause: All homes with the same name across the cluster must have identical versions of the resource provider software.
Action: Reinstall the resource provider software so that it has matching versions across all homes.
FS-10654 The %s software is not installed in the same home on more than one cluster node
Cause: At least one home must exist on all cluster nodes and that home must contain the same version of the resource provider software.
Action: Install the resource provider software so that it exists in the same home on all cluster nodes.
FS-10655 Resource %s will not be verified. Owner node %s did not supply verification data
Cause: The specified cluster resource cannot be verified because the cluster node that the group resides on did not supply verification data.
Action: Make sure the resource provider for the specified resource is enabled on the owner node.
FS-10656 The minimum version of %s is not installed in Oracle home %s
Cause: The software installed in the Oracle home is lower than the minimum version supported by Oracle Fail Safe.
Action: Install the minimum version of the resource provider software so that it exists in the same home on all cluster nodes. Refer to the Oracle Fail Safe Release Notes for Microsoft Windows for minimum versions.
FS-10657 %s has %s installed in %s
Cause: The resource provider is reporting installation information of a resource provider that has no version information.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10658 The %s software is not installed on any of the cluster nodes
Cause: At least one Oracle home must exist on each cluster node and each of those Oracle homes must contain the same version of the resource provider software.
Action: Install the resource provider software so that it exists in the same Oracle home on each cluster node.
FS-10659 The %s software configuration on the cluster cannot be used by Oracle Services for MSCS
Cause: At least one Oracle home on each cluster node must contain the minimum version of the resource provider software.
Action: Install the minimum version of the resource provider software so that it exists in the same Oracle home on each cluster node. Refer to the Oracle Fail Safe Release Notes for Microsoft Windows for minimum versions.
FS-10660 %s : Gathering cluster information
Cause: Gathering cluster information on a node.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-10661 The %s resource provider is installed on node %s only
Cause: The resource provider must be installed on at least two nodes in the cluster in order to configure a resource to fail over.
Action: Install the resource provider software on at least two nodes of the cluster.
FS-10662 %s does not resolve to the same IP address on all cluster nodes
Cause: The host name does not resolve consistently across the cluster.
Action: Make sure that the host entry in the hosts file is the same on all cluster nodes.
FS-10663 %s is not Home0 on all nodes
Cause: At least one, but not all, of the cluster nodes has an 8.0.x library-based product installed in Home0. This is a result of the difference in the installation order from node to node. This environment may cause errors while adding a resource to a group. This is because service names are derived differently for 8.0.x-based products depending on the Oracle home in which they are installed.
Action: Run the Dump Cluster command to determine which homes contain the problematic product. Reinstall the Oracle product so that it is installed in Home0 on all nodes or not in Home0 on all nodes.
FS-10664 The paths for Oracle home %s do not match on all nodes. %s must be installed into the same path on all nodes
Cause: The specified product has not been installed in the same physical directory across all nodes of the cluster.
Action: Reinstall the product so that the physical location matches on all nodes.
FS-10665 Checking DLLs for resource provider
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.
FS-10666 Checking for Windows Failover Cluster resource DLLs provided by Oracle
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.
FS-10667 Checking for software installation
Cause: This is an informational message.
Action: No action is needed.
FS-10668 The %s resource provider is only enabled on one node of the cluster
Cause: To configure a resource for failover, the resource provider must be enabled on at least two nodes of the cluster.
Action: Enable the resource provider for more than one node of the cluster.
FS-10669 The %s resource provider DLL %s was not found on node %s
Cause: The specified resource provider DLL could not be found.
Action: Reinstall Oracle Fail Safe.
FS-10670 The %s resource type DLL %s was not found on node %s
Cause: The specified resource type DLL could not be found.
Action: Reinstall Oracle Fail Safe.
FS-10671 Resource %s will not be verified. %s resource provider is not enabled on node %s
Cause: The specified cluster resource cannot be verified because the resource provider is not enabled on the node.
Action: Enable the resource provider.
FS-10684 The port number %d is already in use
Cause: The specified port number is already in use.
Action: Specify a port number that is not already in use.
FS-10685 The port number %d is already in use by cluster resource %s
Cause: The port number is already in use by the specified cluster resource.
Action: Specify a port number that is not already in use.
FS-10686 A nonclustered disk is specified in the system parameter. Do you want to continue?
Cause: The cdump, bdump, udump, db_recovery_file_dest, or audit_file_dest destination specified by the parameter file uses a local disk drive.
Action: Make sure that the specified directories exist on the remote node before continuing, then click Yes. Click No to cancel the operation.
FS-10687 Underlying Microsoft Windows service %s already exists on node %s. Do you want to delete it?
Cause: The underlying Microsoft Windows service you are about to create already exists on the system.
Action: Make sure that the underlying Microsoft Windows service is a service that can be removed, then click Yes. Click No to cancel the operation.
FS-10688 Underlying Microsoft Windows service %s already exists on node %s. Retry operation after removing the service
Cause: The underlying Microsoft Windows service you are about to create already exists on the system.
Action: Retry the operation after removing the specified Microsoft Windows service.