2.25 FS-11300 to FS-11399

FS-11328 Changed dependency of %s Windows service to enable automatic startup after restart
Cause: The attributes of the specified Windows service must be changed so that it can start automatically after restart.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-11332 Group %s contains instance %s, which can only be brought online on node %s. Move before bringing group online?
Cause: The group contains a database instance that cannot be brought online on the current node and must be moved to the preferred owner node before it can be brought online.
Action: Click Yes to move the group to the preferred owner node of the instance before attempting to bring the group online. Click No to bring the group online on the current node.
FS-11333 Cannot test failover of virtual addresses on node %s because the node is not available
Cause: Cannot test the successful failover of the virtual addresses on the specified node because that node is not available.
Action: Once the specified node is available, manually move the group containing the virtual addresses to that node to ensure that failover will work correctly.
FS-11334 Database does not have an entry in persistent storage (Registry)
Cause: The specified database does not have an entry in persistent storage and is thus considered a standalone database.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-11335 Node %s is unavailable, Oracle Net configuration information for instance %s cannot be updated.
Cause: The specified node is not available for this operation; therefore, the Oracle Net configuration information for this instance cannot be updated.
Action: Manually update the tnsnames.ora file to represent the change in configuration.
FS-11336 Cannot perform operation on instance %s; its preferred owner node %s is not available
Cause: The preferred owner node for the instance is not available; therefore, the specified operation cannot be completed.
Action: Repeat the operation after the preferred owner node is available.
FS-11337 Cannot fully perform operation on instance %s; its preferred owner node %s is not available. Do you want to continue?
Cause: The preferred owner node for the instance is not available; therefore, the specified operation cannot be completed.
Action: Click Yes if you want Oracle Fail Safe to continue with the best effort for specified operation. Click No to terminate the operation.
FS-11338 Database %s does not have any instances configured in Windows Failover Cluster and is now a standalone database
Cause: The specified database was once a configured database, but because there are no instances configured in Windows Failover Cluster, it is now a standalone database.
Action: This is an informational message. No action is needed.
FS-11340 A database with SID %s exists in the registry, but is not configured as an Windows Failover Cluster resource
Cause: A database that was configured as an Windows Failover Cluster resource has been removed, but metadata about the resource still exists in the registry.
Action: Run the Verify command on the specified object to clean up the discrepancy between Windows Failover Cluster and the registry.
FS-11341 A database with service name %s exists in the registry, but is not configured as an Windows Failover Cluster resource
Cause: A database that was configured as an Windows Failover Cluster resource has been removed, but metadata about the resource still exists in the registry.
Action: Run the Verify command on the specified object to clean up the discrepancy between Windows Failover Cluster and the registry.
FS-11343 Could not perform operation; database %s does not appear to be in primary/secondary instance mode
Cause: The operation could not be performed on the named database because it does not appear to be in primary/secondary instance mode.
Action: Configure the database to be in primary/secondary instance mode.
FS-11346 Could not perform operation; database instance resource %s is not online
Cause: The named database instance resource must be online in order to perform the specified operation.
Action: Bring the specified instance online.
FS-11347 To bring instance % online, the containing group % must be moved to the preferred node. OK to move?
Cause: The database instance cannot be brought online on the current node and must be moved to the preferred owner node before it can be brought online.
Action: Click Yes to move the instance to the preferred owner node and bring it online. Click No to end the operation without attempting to bring the instance online.
FS-11354 The Windows service %s could not be found for instance %s
Cause: The specified instance requires a Windows service that does not exist.
Action: Re-create the Windows service for the specified instance.
FS-11360 Failed to generate the Oracle Net configuration plan
Cause: Failed to generate the Oracle Net configuration plan.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11361 Failed to execute the Oracle Net configuration plan
Cause: Failed to execute the Oracle Net configuration plan.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11362 Rolling back Oracle Net configuration changes on node %s
Cause: Rolling back Oracle Net configuration changes on the specified node.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11363 Rolled back Oracle Net configuration changes on node %s
Cause: Rolled back Oracle Net configuration changes on the specified node.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11364 Failed to roll back completely
Cause: Failed to roll back completely.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11365 Failed to roll back file %s
Cause: Failed to roll back the named file.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11366 Failed to stop listener Windows service %s
Cause: Failed to stop the named listener Windows service.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11367 Failed to start listener Windows service %s
Cause: Failed to start the named listener Windows service.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11368 Failed to delete listener Windows service %s
Cause: Failed to delete the named listener Windows service.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11369 Failed to create listener Windows service %s
Cause: Failed to create the named listener Windows service.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11370 Failed to move file from %s to %s
Cause: The operation to move the specified file has failed.
Action: Check the secondary message.
FS-11371 Failed to remove SID %s from listener %s
Cause: Failed to remove the named SID from the named listener.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11372 Failed to insert SID %s to listener %s
Cause: Failed to insert the named SID to the named listener.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11373 Failed to create listener %s
Cause: Failed to create the named listener.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11374 Failed to delete listener %s
Cause: Failed to delete the named listener.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11375 Failed to add Oracle Net service name %s (with address only)
Cause: Failed to add the specified Oracle Net service name (with address only) to tnsnames.ora.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11376 Failed to delete Oracle Net service name %s
Cause: Failed to delete the specified Oracle Net service name from tnsnames.ora.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11377 Failed to add Oracle Net service name %s
Cause: Failed to add the specified Oracle Net service name to tnsnames.ora.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11378 Failed to update Oracle Net service name %s
Cause: Failed to update the specified Oracle Net service name in tnsnames.ora.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11379 Failed to add local_listener parameter to file %s
Cause: Failed to add the local_listener parameter to the named file.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11380 Failed to delete local_listener parameter from file %s
Cause: Failed to delete the local_listener parameter from the named file.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11381 Errors found in Oracle Net configuration
Cause: The verify operation found errors in the Oracle Net configuration.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11382 Additional or incorrect optional parameters found in Oracle Net configuration
Cause: The verify operation found additional or incorrect optional parameters in the Oracle Net configuration.
Action: Check the secondary error.
FS-11386 Oracle Services for MSCS found Oracle Net configuration errors
Cause: The verify operation found errors in the Oracle Net configuration.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Fail Safe to attempt to fix the errors. Click No if you want the errors to be ignored.
FS-11387 Oracle Net configuration contains additional or incorrect optional parameters
Cause: The verify operation found additional or incorrect optional parameters in the Oracle Net configuration.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Fail Safe to remove the additional or incorrect optional parameters. Click No if you want the parameters to remain unchanged.
FS-11390 Click Yes to continue. Click No if you want the errors to be ignored
Cause: The verify operation found errors in the Oracle Net configuration.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Fail Safe to attempt to fix the errors. Click No if you want the errors to be ignored.
FS-11391 Click Yes to continue. Click No if you want to keep the parameters
Cause: The verify operation found additional parameters in the Oracle Net configuration.
Action: Click Yes in the error message window if you want Oracle Fail Safe to remove the additional or incorrect optional parameters. Click No if you want the parameters to remain unchanged.
FS-11396 You have declined to fix the errors. You must ensure that the configuration is correct
Cause: You have declined the action to fix the errors found in the Oracle Net configuration.
Action: No further action is needed for now. The current operation will continue.
FS-11397 You have declined to remove the optional parameters. You must ensure that the configuration is correct
Cause: You have declined the action to fix the errors found in the Oracle Net configuration.
Action: No further action is needed for now. The current operation will continue.