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Oracle® Fusion Applications Coexistence for HCM Implementation Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.4)
Part Number E20378-02
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1 Overview

This chapter contains the following:

Coexistence for HCM Offering: Overview

Manage Application Implementation

HCM Coexistence: Explained

Oracle Fusion Workforce Directory Management in the HCM Coexistence Environment: Explained

Coexistence for HCM Offering: Overview

Using the Coexistence for HCM offering, you can integrate your existing Oracle Human Resource Applications with a hosted Oracle Fusion HCM implementation: you can use Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation and Oracle Fusion Talent Management functionality alongside of your existing applications.

Before you begin, use the Getting Started page in the Setup and Maintenance work area to access reports for the offering, including full lists of setup tasks, descriptions of the options and features you can select when you configure the offering, and lists of business objects and enterprise applications associated with the offering.

Create one or more implementation projects for the offering to generate task lists for each project. The application implementation manager can customize the task list and assign and track each task.

Task List Groups

The generated task list for this offering contains the following groups of tasks

Task List


Define Synchronization of Users and Roles from LDAP

Run a process to populate the product tables containing user and role information with the users and roles held in LDAP. This process is always the first implementation task but can also run periodically to keep the product tables synchronized with subsequent updates to LDAP.

Define Implementation Users

Create implementation users and roles. Provision implementation users with job and data roles.

Review Enterprise Information

Review the employment model, enterprise name, and other information required in an HCM coexistence implementation between Oracle Fusion Applications and a source application, such as Oracle PeopleSoft HRMS.

Define HCM Configuration for Coexistence

Define the configuration between a source application and Oracle Fusion Applications.

Define Reference Data Sharing

Specify how reference data in the application should be partitioned and shared.

Define Legal Jurisdictions and Authorities for Human Capital Management

For HCM coexistence, create the address a legal entity uses to register with a legal authority. Legal entities can use different addresses for different authorities; therefore, they may have more than one registered address. The legal address must be located within the territory entered.

Define Currencies and Currency Rates

Define the currencies and currency rates in which your organization does business.

Define Legal Entities for Human Capital Management

Access your companies or other registered legal entities and specify attributes relevant to Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management. Create and maintain information for legal entities and legal reporting units for business activities handled by the Oracle Fusion applications.

Define Legal Reporting Units for Human Capital Management

Define legal reporting units, also known as tax reporting units in HCM, for the enterprise to report on tax and social insurance for employee records.

Define Lookups

Review and manage sets of codes and their displayed meanings in applications.

Define Human Resource Records for Coexistence

Define human resource records required in a coexistence implementation between Oracle Fusion Applications and a source application.

Define Data Mapping for Coexistence

Define data mapping between your source application and Oracle Fusion Applications in a coexistence implementation.

Load Coexistence Data for Work Structures Records

Load work structures records from your source application to Oracle Fusion Applications in a coexistence implementation.

Define Business Units for Human Capital Management

Access your business units and specify units and attributes relevant to Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management. Create and maintain information on units of an enterprise to allow for flexible implementation, to provide a consistent entity for controlling and reporting on transactions, and to be an anchor for the sharing of sets of reference data across applications.

Load Coexistence Data for People

Load person data from your source application to Oracle Fusion Applications in a coexistence implementation.

Load Coexistence Data for Employment

Load employment data from your source application to Oracle Fusion Applications in a coexistence implementation.

Run Post-Data-Load Processes for HCM Person and Employment

Run processes to enable successful deployment of person and employment data in Oracle Fusion.

Define Security for Human Capital Management for Coexistence

Define security for Human Capital Management for a coexistence implementation.

Define Data Security for Human Capital Management

Define data security for Human Capital Management.

Define Users for Human Capital Management for Coexistence

Define users for Human Capital Management for a coexistence implementation.

Define Help Configuration

Define what users can see and do in a local deployment of Oracle Fusion Applications Help.

Load Coexistence Data for Workforce Compensation

Load workforce compensation records from your source application to Oracle Fusion Applications in a coexistence implementation.

Run Post-Data-Load Processes for Workforce Compensation

Run processes to enable successful deployment of workforce compensation data in Oracle Fusion.

Load Coexistence Data for Talent Management

Load talent records from your source application to Oracle Fusion Applications in a coexistence implementation.

Load Coexistence Data for Profile Management

Load profiles records from your source application to Oracle Fusion Applications in a coexistence implementation.

Configure Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources, Talent Management, and Workforce Compensation

Complete the implementation in Oracle Fusion of Oracle Fusion Talent Management and Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation.

Manage Application Implementation

Manage Application Implementation: Overview

The Manage Applications Implementation business process enables rapid and efficient planning, configuration, implementation, deployment, and ongoing maintenance of Oracle Fusion applications through self-service administration.

The Setup and Maintenance work area offers you the following benefits:

With Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager you can:

There are several documentation resources available for learning how to configure Oracle Fusion Applications.

Implementation Projects: Explained

An implementation project is the list of setup tasks you need to complete to implement selected offerings and options. You create a project by selecting the offerings and options you want to implement together. You manage the project as a unit throughout the implementation lifecycle. You can assign these tasks to users and track their completion using the included project management tools.

Maintaining Setup Data

You can also create an implementation project to maintain the setup of specific business processes and activities. In this case, you select specific setup task lists and tasks

Exporting and Importing

Implementation projects are also the foundation for setup export and import. You use them to identify which business objects, and consequently setup data, you will export or import and in which order.

Selecting Offerings

When creating an implementation project you see the list of offerings and options that are configured for implementation. Implementation managers specify which of those offerings and options to include in an implementation project. There are no hard and fast rules for how many offerings you should include in one implementation project. The implementation manager should decide based on how they plan to manage their implementations. For example, if you will implement and deploy different offerings at different times, then having separate implementation projects will make it easier to manage the implementation life cycles. Furthermore, the more offerings you included in an implementation project, the bigger the generated task list will be. This is because the implementation task list includes all setup tasks needed to implement all included offerings. Alternatively, segmenting into multiple implementation projects makes the process easier to manage.

Offerings: Explained

Offerings are application solution sets representing one or more business processes and activities that you typically provision and implement as a unit. They are, therefore, the primary drivers of functional setup of Oracle Fusion applications. Some of the examples of offerings are Financials, Procurement, Sales, Marketing, Order Orchestration, and Workforce Deployment. An offering may have one or more options or feature choices.

Implementation Task Lists

The configuration of the offerings will determine how the list of setup tasks is generated during the implementation phase. Only the setup tasks needed to implement the selected offerings, options and features will be included in the task list, giving you a targeted, clutter-free task list necessary to meet your implementation requirements.

Enabling Offerings

Offerings and their options are presented in an expandable and collapsible hierarchy to facilitate progressive decision making when specifying whether or not an enterprise plans to implement them. An offering or its options can either be selected or not be selected for implementation. Implementation managers decide which offerings to enable.

Provisioning Offerings

The Provisioned column on the Configure Offerings page shows whether or not an offering is provisioned. While you are not prevented from configuring offerings that have not been provisioned, ultimately the users are not able to perform the tasks needed to enter setup data for those offerings until appropriate enterprise applications (Java EE applications) are provisioned and their location (end point URLs) is registered.

Options: Explained

Each offering in general includes a set of standard functionality and a set of optional modules, which are called options. For example, in addition to standard Opportunity Management, the Sales offering includes optional functionality such as Sales Catalog, Sales Forecasting, Sales Prediction Engine, and Outlook Integration. These optional functions may not be relevant to all application implementations. Because these are subprocesses within an offering, you do not always implement options that are not core to the standard transactions of the offering.

Feature Choices: Explained

Offerings include optional or alternative business rules or processes called feature choices. You make feature selections according to your business requirements to get the best fit with the offering. If the selected offerings and options have dependent features then those features are applicable when you implement the corresponding offering or option. In general, the features are set with a default configuration based on their typical usage in most implementations. However, you should always review the available feature choices for their selected offerings and options and configure them as appropriate for the implementation.

You can configure feature choices in three different ways:

Yes or No

If a feature can either be applicable or not be applicable to an implementation, a single checkbox is presented for selection. Check or uncheck to specify yes or no respectively.

Single Select

If a feature has multiple choices but only one can be applicable to an implementation, multiple choices are presented as radio buttons. You can turn on only one of those choices.


If the feature has multiple choices but one or more can be applicable to an implementation then all choices are presented with a checkbox. Select all that apply by checking the appropriate choices.

HCM Coexistence: Explained

HCM coexistence enables you to integrate your existing Oracle Human Resource (HR) applications with specific Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) features so that you can benefit from those features without migrating fully to Oracle Fusion HCM. The interface between your source application and Oracle Fusion is prebuilt, fully supported, and leverages Oracle's integration framework and guidelines.

The Oracle Fusion HCM features that you can use in the HCM coexistence scenario are:

The Oracle Applications Unlimited applications that you can integrate with Oracle Fusion Applications are:

The following figure summarizes key components of the HCM coexistence scenario.

HCM coexistence components

Core HR Data

Most core HR data (person, employment, workforce structures, and compensation data) is owned by the source application but uploaded periodically to Oracle Fusion. The source application remains the source of truth for this data, and you maintain the data in the source application.

Talent Management Data

Talent management data is migrated to Oracle Fusion. Thereafter, Oracle Fusion is the source of truth for this data: you maintain this data in Oracle Fusion.

Workforce Compensation Data

Although compensation data is owned by the source application, changes to compensation data made using the Workforce Compensation for Coexistence feature are extracted following a compensation-review cycle and returned to the source application for further processing, such as payment via the payroll application.

HCM Coexistence Interface

The HCM coexistence interface manages data loads and data extracts between your source application and Oracle Fusion. It enables you to synchronize business object data between your source application and Oracle Fusion HCM applications based on data maps, which you create.

Workforce Directory Management

Oracle Fusion Workforce Directory Management (WDM) provides HR functionality in the HCM coexistence environment. It also provides Oracle Fusion users with access to the Oracle Fusion HCM Person Gallery.

A Hosted Solution

In the HCM coexistence scenario, Oracle Fusion HCM features are hosted by a service provider, such as Oracle On Demand. The service provider sets up the connection between your source application and Oracle Fusion; you work with the service provider to configure the Oracle Fusion environment prior to performing the initial data load.

Note that HCM coexistence should not be considered an interim stage in a full migration to Oracle Fusion Applications: HCM coexistence is designed to work permanently alongside your existing Oracle Applications Unlimited applications.

Oracle Fusion Workforce Directory Management in the HCM Coexistence Environment: Explained

Oracle Fusion Workforce Directory Management (WDM) provides access to a subset of Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management (HCM) functions in the HCM coexistence environment. This topic summarizes any limitations on the Person Gallery, Manager Resources dashboard, and Human Resources dashboard functions for HCM coexistence users.

Person Gallery

All Person Gallery tabs (Person Gallery, Organization Chart, My Portrait, and dynamic portrait tabs) are available to HCM coexistence users.

Most Person Gallery features are available. Therefore, user roles may need to be customized (by removing duty roles) to prevent users from performing transactions that update data for which Oracle Fusion is not the system of record. For example, a user can update his or her address from the My Portrait tab; however, the user must make that change in the source application, from where it will be uploaded to Oracle Fusion.

If Oracle Fusion Talent Management is installed, transactions that update talent-related data can be initiated from the Person Gallery.

Portrait Cards

A person's portrait comprises multiple portrait cards, each of which is populated with relevant data. For example, a portrait can include Contact Information, Employment, Development and Growth, and User Account Details cards.

Cards appear in the portrait only when the underlying function is available. For example, the Compensation card appears only if you use Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation, and the Career Planning card appears only if you use Oracle Fusion Talent Management.

The following portrait cards never appear because the underlying functions are not available in the HCM coexistence environment:

Manager Resources Dashboard

The Manager Resources dashboard provides analytics of interest to line managers. In the HCM coexistence environment, some analytics do not appear because the relevant data is not available. The following table shows the analytics that are available in the HCM coexistence environment and identifies any Oracle Fusion product dependencies. For example, the Compensation tab in the My Organization region of the dashboard appears only if you use Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation.

Dashboard Analytic


My Organization, General tab


My Organization, Employment tab


My Organization, Compensation tab

Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation

My Organization, Performance tab

Oracle Fusion Talent Management

Promotion Potential

Oracle Fusion Workforce Compensation

Oracle Fusion Talent Management

Performance and Potential

Oracle Fusion Talent Management

My Organization Rating Distribution

Oracle Fusion Talent Management

Task Completion Status

Oracle Fusion Talent Management

Human Resources Dashboard

The Human Resources dashboard provides analytics of interest to human resource specialists. In the HCM coexistence environment, some analytics do not appear because the relevant data is not available. The following analytics are available in the HCM coexistence environment: