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Oracle Virtual Directory Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use Filter


Uses of Filter in com.octetstring.ldapv3


Methods in com.octetstring.ldapv3 that return Filter
 Filter Filter.copy()
 Filter Filter_and.getElement(int index)
          Get an element at a specified position from the list.
 Filter Filter_or.getElement(int index)
          Get an element at a specified position from the list.
 Filter Filter.getNot()
          Gets the value of the not variant.
 Filter Filter_and.setElement(int index, Filter element)
          Replaces an element at a specified position in the list.
 Filter Filter_or.setElement(int index, Filter element)
          Replaces an element at a specified position in the list.


Methods in com.octetstring.ldapv3 with parameters of type Filter
 void Filter_and.addElement(Filter item)
          Appends an element to the end of the list.
 void Filter_or.addElement(Filter item)
          Appends an element to the end of the list.
 void Filter_and.addElement(int index, Filter item)
          Inserts an element at a specified position into the list.
 void Filter_or.addElement(int index, Filter item)
          Inserts an element at a specified position into the list.
 boolean Filter_and.containsElement(Filter elem)
          Checks weather an element is in the list.
 boolean Filter_or.containsElement(Filter element)
          Checks weather an element is in the list.
 int Filter_and.indexOfElement(Filter element)
          Searches for the first occurence of an element in the list.
 int Filter_or.indexOfElement(Filter element)
          Searches for the first occurence of an element in the list.
 int Filter_and.lastIndexOfElement(Filter element)
          Searches for the last occurence of an element in the list.
 int Filter_or.lastIndexOfElement(Filter element)
          Searches for the last occurence of an element in the list.
 void Filter.readFromFilter(Filter f)
          Allows the current filter to absorb a new filter
 Filter Filter_and.setElement(int index, Filter element)
          Replaces an element at a specified position in the list.
 Filter Filter_or.setElement(int index, Filter element)
          Replaces an element at a specified position in the list.
 void Filter.setFilter(Filter filter)
 void Filter.setNot(Filter val)
          Sets the value for the not variant.


Constructors in com.octetstring.ldapv3 with parameters of type Filter
Filter_and(Filter[] value)
          Constructor for creating a list from an array.
Filter_or(Filter[] value)
          Constructor for creating a list from an array.
Filter(Filter value)
          Copy constructor.


Constructor parameters in com.octetstring.ldapv3 with type arguments of type Filter
Filter_and(java.util.Collection<Filter> value)
          Constructor for creating a list from a collection.
Filter_or(java.util.Collection<Filter> value)
          Constructor for creating a list from a collection.


Uses of Filter in com.octetstring.vde.backend


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.backend with parameters of type Filter
abstract  EntrySet Adapter.get(Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Chain chain)
 java.util.Vector<EntrySet> AdapterServiceInterface.get(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> results)
          The get method finds the appropriate adapters to perform searches against and passes the query to qualifying adapters and collects the results.
 ChainEntrySet AdapterServiceInterface.getByAdapter(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Adapter adapter, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes)
 ChainEntrySet AdapterServiceInterface.getByAdapter(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, java.lang.String adapterName, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter, boolean typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes)
          The getByAdapter by adapter method works in similar function to the get method except that it allows specific selection of the target adapter.
static boolean Adapter.isCompareOperation(int scope, Filter filter, java.util.List<DirectoryString> attributes)
          This method returns true if the LDAP search request satisfies LDAP compare request.


Uses of Filter in com.octetstring.vde.chain


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.chain that return Filter
 Filter ChainEntrySet.getFilter()


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.chain with parameters of type Filter
 void BasePlugin.get(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, com.asn1c.core.Int8 scope, Filter filter, com.asn1c.core.Bool typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> result)
 void Plugin.get(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, com.asn1c.core.Int8 scope, Filter filter, com.asn1c.core.Bool typesonly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> result)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 void VirtualServicesInterface.get(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, com.asn1c.core.Int8 scope, Filter filter, com.asn1c.core.Bool typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, com.octetstring.vde.chain.ChainVector result)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 void VirtualServicesInterface.get(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, com.asn1c.core.Int8 scope, Filter filter, com.asn1c.core.Bool typesOnly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, com.octetstring.vde.chain.ChainVector result, Plugin begin)
          Moves through the "get" operation's chain
 void Chain.nextGet(Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, com.asn1c.core.Int8 scope, Filter filter, com.asn1c.core.Bool typesonly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, java.util.Vector<EntrySet> result)
          Moves through the global "get" operation's chain
 void Chain.nextPostSearchEntry(Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, com.asn1c.core.Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
          Run on each entry after a "get" is performed.
 void BasePlugin.postSearchEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, com.asn1c.core.Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
 void Plugin.postSearchEntry(Chain chain, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, com.asn1c.core.Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet)
          Run on each entry after a "get" is performed
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runGet(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, DirectoryString base, com.asn1c.core.Int8 scope, Filter filter, com.asn1c.core.Bool typesonly, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, com.octetstring.vde.chain.ChainVector result)
 void GlobalServicesInterface.runPostSearchEntry(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> request, Credentials creds, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> returnAttribs, Filter filter, com.asn1c.core.Int8 scope, DirectoryString base, Entry entry, ChainEntrySet entrySet, int start)
 void ChainEntrySet.setFilter(Filter filter)


Uses of Filter in com.octetstring.vde.join


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.join that return Filter
 Filter Joiner.createJoinFilter(Chain chain, Credentials creds, Entry entry)
          Creates a join search filter based on the entry provided.


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.join with parameters of type Filter
 ChainEntrySet Joiner.getJoinCandidatesByFilter(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, Filter filter)
          This method returns all the possible DNs (as Entry's) found in the target adapter for a particular search filter.
 ChainEntrySet Joiner.getJoinCandidatesBySearch(Chain chain, Credentials creds, DirectoryString binddn, DirectoryString base, int scope, Filter filter)
          This method returns all the possible DNs (as Entry's) found in the target adapter for a particular search filter and base/scope specification.


Uses of Filter in com.octetstring.vde.router


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.router that return Filter
 Filter BaseRoutingPlugin.getExclFilter()
          Method getExclFilter returns the exclusion filter specified for this adapter in adapters.prop.
 Filter BaseRoutingPlugin.getInclFilter()
          Method getInclFilter returns the inclusion filter specified for this adapter in adapters.prop.


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.router with parameters of type Filter
 boolean BaseRoutingPlugin.isEligible(Filter filter)
          Method isEligible is called by the routing engine whenever a decision needs to be made about whether an adapter is eligible for a particular search event.


Uses of Filter in com.octetstring.vde.util


Fields in com.octetstring.vde.util declared as Filter
static Filter FilterTools.OBJECT_CLASS_FILTER


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.util that return Filter
static Filter ParseFilter.convertFilter(Filter filter, com.octetstring.vde.util.NameConverter converter, java.util.Collection<DirectoryString> dnAttributes)
 Filter LDAPURL.getFilter()
 Filter PluginUtil.MappingStatus.getFilter()
static Filter ParseFilter.parse(java.lang.String filter)


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.util that return types with arguments of type Filter
 java.util.List<Filter> PluginUtil.findFilters(DirectoryString target, Filter filter)
          Finds all instances of a given attribute in a filter


Methods in com.octetstring.vde.util with parameters of type Filter
 boolean PluginUtil.appendFilter(Filter currentFilter, java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends)
          Used to append one attribute's values to another in a filter.
 void PluginUtil.appendGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> appends, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Facilitates a bulk "append" during an inbound GET request by adding all instances of the appended attributes to the attribute request list and adjusting the filter.
static Filter ParseFilter.convertFilter(Filter filter, com.octetstring.vde.util.NameConverter converter, java.util.Collection<DirectoryString> dnAttributes)
 void PluginUtil.convertFilterBase(Filter currentFilter, DirectoryString base, DirectoryString newBase, java.util.Set<DirectoryString> dnattrlist)
          Converts the base of a DN to a new base
 boolean PluginUtil.copyFilter(Filter currentFilter, java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies)
          Adjust the filter for copy.
 void PluginUtil.copyGet(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.copyGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> copies, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Copies one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound GET operation
static void FilterTools.entryFromFilter(Entry entry, Filter filter)
static boolean FilterTools.evalFilter(Entry entry, Filter filter)
static java.lang.String ParseFilter.filterToString(Filter currentFilter)
static java.lang.String ParseFilter.filterToString(Filter currentFilter, boolean convert, java.util.Collection<DirectoryString> dnAttrList, com.octetstring.vde.util.NameConverter converter, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> binaryAttrList, java.util.List<byte[]> binaryDataList)
static java.lang.String ParseFilter.filterToString(Filter currentFilter, boolean convert, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> dnAttrList, com.octetstring.vde.util.NameConverter converter)
 java.util.List<Filter> PluginUtil.findFilters(DirectoryString target, Filter filter)
          Finds all instances of a given attribute in a filter
static void FilterTools.getFilterAttributes(Filter filter, java.util.Collection<DirectoryString> attributes)
static boolean ParseFilter.isValidFilter(Filter fil)
 boolean PluginUtil.removeFilter(Filter currentFilter, java.util.Set<DirectoryString> removes)
          Removes an attribute from a a filter
 PluginUtil.MappingStatus PluginUtil.renameFilter(Filter currentFilter, java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames)
          Renames one attribute's values over another attributes values.
 void PluginUtil.renameGet(DirectoryString attrib1, DirectoryString attrib2, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Renames one attribute's values over another attributes values durring an inbound GET operation,
overwriting the target attribute if it exists
 void PluginUtil.renameGet(java.util.Map<DirectoryString,DirectoryString> renames, java.util.Vector<DirectoryString> attributes, Filter filter)
          Renames one attribute to another, overwriting the target attribute if it exists on an inbound GET operation
 void PluginUtil.revalueGet(DirectoryString attrib, Syntax currValue, Syntax newValue, Filter filter)
          Revaules an attribute with a given value to a new value


Method parameters in com.octetstring.vde.util with type arguments of type Filter
 Filter PluginUtil.createAndFilter(java.util.List<Filter> lparts)
          Creates an AND (&) filter from a list of filter parts
 Filter PluginUtil.createOrFilter(java.util.List<Filter> lparts)
          Creates an OR (|) filter from a list of filter parts


Constructors in com.octetstring.vde.util with parameters of type Filter
PluginUtil.MappingStatus(Filter currFilter, DirectoryString attrName, java.lang.String status)


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Oracle Virtual Directory Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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