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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Label
oracle.irm.engine.core.classification Classification system framework. 
oracle.irm.engine.core.feature Application features. 
oracle.irm.engine.core.general General use objects. 
oracle.irm.engine.core.status Desktop status pages. 
oracle.irm.engine.rights.context Content classification system rights provisioning. 


Uses of Label in oracle.irm.engine.core.classification


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.classification that return types with arguments of type Label
 Collection<Label> Classification.getLabels()
          Labels for the classification.


Method parameters in oracle.irm.engine.core.classification with type arguments of type Label
static Classification ClassificationFactory.createClassification(String id, ClassificationSystem system, KeySet keySet, URI uri, Date classificationTime, Collection<Label> labels, Object cookie)
          Create a classification.


Uses of Label in oracle.irm.engine.core.feature


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.feature that return Label
static Label FeatureOperationsInstance.getFeatureLabel(Locale locale, String id)
          Get a feature label.
 Label FeatureOperations.getFeatureLabel(Locale locale, String id)
          Get a feature label.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.feature that return types with arguments of type Label
static Collection<Label> FeatureOperationsInstance.listFeatureLabels(Locale locale, String[] ids)
          List feature labels.
 Collection<Label> FeatureOperations.listFeatureLabels(Locale locale, String[] ids)
          List feature labels.


Uses of Label in oracle.irm.engine.core.general


Fields in oracle.irm.engine.core.general with type parameters of type Label
static Collection<Label> LabelCollectionFactory.EMPTY_LABELS
          An empty Label collection.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.general that return Label
static Label LabelFactory.createLabel(Locale locale, String name)
          Create a label with no description.
static Label LabelFactory.createLabel(Locale locale, String name, String description)
          Create a label with a description.
 Label HyperLink.getLabel()
          The label.
static Label LabelOperationsInstance.getLabel(Collection<Label> labels, Locale[] locales)
          Get a label from a collection.
 Label LabelOperations.getLabel(Collection<Label> labels, Locale[] locales)
          Get a label from a collection.
static Label LabelCollectionFactory.getLabelByLocale(Collection<Label> collection, Locale key)
          Get an element from a Label collection by Locale.
static Label LabelOperationsInstance.getUnknownLabel(Locale locale)
          Get the unknown label.
 Label LabelOperations.getUnknownLabel(Locale locale)
          Get the unknown label.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.general that return types with arguments of type Label
static Collection<Label> LabelCollectionFactory.copyLabels(Collection<Label> collection)
          Create a shallow copy of a Label collection.
static Collection<Label> LabelOperationsInstance.copyLabels(Collection<Label> labels, int length)
          Copy a set of labels.
 Collection<Label> LabelOperations.copyLabels(Collection<Label> labels, int length)
          Copy a set of labels.
static Collection<Label> LabelCollectionFactory.createLabels(int capacity)
          Create an empty Label collection with a capacity specified.
static Collection<Label> LabelCollectionFactory.createLabels(Label... elements)
          Create a Label collection containing zero or more elements.
static Map<Locale,Label> LabelCollectionFactory.labelsAsMap(Collection<Label> collection)
          Create a map keyed on Locale from a collection of Label elements.
static Set<Label> LabelCollectionFactory.labelsAsSet(Collection<Label> collection)
          Create a set of Label elements from a collection.
static Collection<Label> LabelOperationsInstance.sortLabels(Collection<Label> labels, Locale[] locales)
          Sort labels into a locale preference order.
 Collection<Label> LabelOperations.sortLabels(Collection<Label> labels, Locale[] locales)
          Sort labels into a locale preference order.
static Collection<Label> LabelCollectionFactory.unmodifiableLabels(Collection<Label> value)
          Create an immutable shallow copy of a Label collection.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.general with parameters of type Label
static HyperLink HyperLinkFactory.createHyperLink(Label label, URI uri)
          Create a hyper link.
static Collection<Label> LabelCollectionFactory.createLabels(Label... elements)
          Create a Label collection containing zero or more elements.
static void LabelOperationsInstance.validateLabel(Label label, int name, int description)
          Validate the name and description lengths of a label.
 void LabelOperations.validateLabel(Label label, int name, int description)
          Validate the name and description lengths of a label.


Method parameters in oracle.irm.engine.core.general with type arguments of type Label
static Collection<Label> LabelCollectionFactory.copyLabels(Collection<Label> collection)
          Create a shallow copy of a Label collection.
static Collection<Label> LabelOperationsInstance.copyLabels(Collection<Label> labels, int length)
          Copy a set of labels.
 Collection<Label> LabelOperations.copyLabels(Collection<Label> labels, int length)
          Copy a set of labels.
static Label LabelOperationsInstance.getLabel(Collection<Label> labels, Locale[] locales)
          Get a label from a collection.
 Label LabelOperations.getLabel(Collection<Label> labels, Locale[] locales)
          Get a label from a collection.
static Label LabelCollectionFactory.getLabelByLocale(Collection<Label> collection, Locale key)
          Get an element from a Label collection by Locale.
static Map<Locale,Label> LabelCollectionFactory.labelsAsMap(Collection<Label> collection)
          Create a map keyed on Locale from a collection of Label elements.
static Set<Label> LabelCollectionFactory.labelsAsSet(Collection<Label> collection)
          Create a set of Label elements from a collection.
static Collection<Label> LabelOperationsInstance.sortLabels(Collection<Label> labels, Locale[] locales)
          Sort labels into a locale preference order.
 Collection<Label> LabelOperations.sortLabels(Collection<Label> labels, Locale[] locales)
          Sort labels into a locale preference order.
static Collection<Label> LabelCollectionFactory.unmodifiableLabels(Collection<Label> value)
          Create an immutable shallow copy of a Label collection.
static void LabelOperationsInstance.validateLabels(Collection<Label> labels, int name, int description)
          Validate the name and description lengths of a set of label values.
 void LabelOperations.validateLabels(Collection<Label> labels, int name, int description)
          Validate the name and description lengths of a set of label values.


Uses of Label in oracle.irm.engine.core.status


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.status that return Label
 Label StatusPageInformation.getClassification()
          Classification label.
 Label StatusPageInformation.getContent()
          Content label.
 Label StatusPageResponse.getStatus()
          The status.
static Label StatusPageOperationsInstance.getStatusLabel(Locale locale, StatusPageRequest.StatusPage page, DesktopState state)
          Get a caption and description for a status page.
 Label StatusPageOperations.getStatusLabel(Locale locale, StatusPageRequest.StatusPage page, DesktopState state)
          Get a caption and description for a status page.
 Label StatusPageInformation.getSystem()
          System label.


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.core.status with parameters of type Label
static StatusPageInformation StatusPageInformationFactory.createStatusPageInformation(Label system, Label classification, Label content, Collection<HyperLink> links)
          Create a status page information instance.
static StatusPageResponse StatusPageResponseFactory.createStatusPageResponse(Label status, DesktopState state, ContentType content, StatusPageInformation information)
          Create a status page response.


Uses of Label in oracle.irm.engine.rights.context


Methods in oracle.irm.engine.rights.context that return types with arguments of type Label
static Collection<Label> ContextTemplateOperationsInstance.getContextTemplateLabels(ContextInstance context)
          Get the context template labels for a context.
 Collection<Label> ContextTemplateOperations.getContextTemplateLabels(ContextInstance context)
          Get the context template labels for a context.
 Collection<Label> Domain.getLabels()
          Domain labels.
 Collection<Label> DocumentRole.getLabels()
          Role labels.
 Collection<Label> ContextTemplate.getLabels()
          Template labels.
 Collection<Label> ContextInstance.getLabels()
          Labels for the context.
static Collection<Label> DomainOperationsInstance.listStandardLabels(UUID uuid, Locale[] locales)
          Obtain the labels for standard set of context templates and document roles.
 Collection<Label> DomainOperations.listStandardLabels(UUID uuid, Locale[] locales)
          Obtain the labels for standard set of context templates and document roles.


Method parameters in oracle.irm.engine.rights.context with type arguments of type Label
static ContextInstance ContextOperationsInstance.createContextFromTemplate(UUID uuid, ContextTemplate template, Collection<Label> labels, ContextInstance.Visibility visibility, Collection<Account> managers)
          Create a context.
 ContextInstance ContextOperations.createContextFromTemplate(UUID uuid, ContextTemplate template, Collection<Label> labels, ContextInstance.Visibility visibility, Collection<Account> managers)
          Create a context.
static ContextInstance ContextInstanceFactory.createContextInstance(UUID uuid, Collection<Label> labels, Collection<ItemCode> items, Collection<ContextInstance> trustedContexts, ContextInstance.Visibility visibility, Collection<KeySet> keySets, ContextTemplate template)
          Create a context instance.
static ContextInstance ContextInstanceFactory.createContextInstance(UUID uuid, Collection<Label> labels, Collection<ItemCode> items, Collection<ContextInstance> trustedContexts, ContextInstance.Visibility visibility, ContextTemplate template)
          Create a context instance.
static ContextTemplate ContextTemplateFactory.createContextTemplate(UUID uuid, Collection<Label> labels, ContextTemplate.Status status, Collection<DocumentRole> roles, Domain domain)
          Create a template.
static DocumentRole DocumentRoleFactory.createDocumentRole(UUID uuid, Collection<Label> labels, LicenseCriteria.Storage storage, Collection<Feature> features, Collection<TimeSpan> timeSpans, TimePeriod refreshPeriod, ItemConstraints.Type itemConstraints, DocumentRole.ExportConstraints exportConstraints, Domain domain)
          Create a role.
static Domain DomainFactory.createDomain(UUID uuid, Collection<Label> labels)
          Recreate a domain from it's properties.


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Oracle® Information Rights Management Server Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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