package tutorial.jdo; import java.util.*; import javax.jdo.*; public class Rabbit extends Animal { // the resale price of a rabbit public static final float RESALE_PRICE = 3.0f; private boolean isFemale = false; private boolean isDead = false; private Set parents = new HashSet(); private Set children = new HashSet(); // some rabbit names; used by breedHelper() to name new rabbits private static final String[] maleRabbitNames = { "Bugs", "Peter", "Roger", "Buttons", "John", "Ed", "Elvis", }; private static final String[] femaleRabbitNames = { "Babs", "Fluffy", "Cottontail", "Daisie", "Poofy", "Flower", "Britney", }; public Rabbit(String name, boolean isFemale) { super(name, RESALE_PRICE); this.isFemale = isFemale; } public Rabbit(String name, Rabbit mother, Rabbit father, boolean isFemale) { super(name, RESALE_PRICE); parents.add(mother); parents.add(father); this.isFemale = isFemale; } /** * Return true if this rabbit is female; else * false. */ public boolean isFemale() { return isFemale; } /** * Designate that this rabbit is dead. */ public void kill() { isDead = true; } /** * Adds child to this rabbit's children collection. * Performs no validation. */ public void addChild(Rabbit child) { children.add(child); } public String toString(boolean detailed) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(512); buf.append("Rabbit ").append(getName()); buf.append(" (").append((isFemale) ? "female" : "male").append(")"); if (detailed) { buf.append(" sells for ").append(getPrice()); buf.append(" dollars.\n\tparents: ").append(parents); buf.append("\n\tchildren: ").append(children); } else buf.append("; has " + children.size() + " children."); return buf.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { // create some new rabbits try { if (args.length == 2 && args[0].equals("breed")) { int iters = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); breed(iters); return; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } // if we get here, something went wrong System.out.println("Usage:"); System.out.println("\tjava tutorial.jdo.Rabbit breed 'iterations'"); } /** * Find two random compatible rabbits in the database, toss them * in a dark room for a little while, and repeat iterations * times. */ public static void breed(int iterations) { PersistenceManagerFactory pmf = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory ("META-INF/"); PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager(); Transaction t = pm.currentTransaction(); t.begin(); while (iterations > 0) { breedHelper(pm); iterations--; } t.commit(); pm.close(); pmf.close(); } private static void breedHelper(PersistenceManager pm) { Random random = new Random(); // find a female rabbit Query femaleQuery = pm.newQuery(Rabbit.class, "isFemale == true && isDead == false"); List females = (List) femaleQuery.execute(); if (females.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("No females in db. Please create one."); Rabbit female = (Rabbit) females.get(random.nextInt(females.size())); // find a male rabbit Query maleQuery = pm.newQuery(Rabbit.class, "isFemale == false && isDead == false"); List males = (List) maleQuery.execute(); if (males.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("No males in db. Please create one."); Rabbit male = (Rabbit) males.get(random.nextInt(males.size())); // breed the two for (int count = random.nextInt(3) + 1; count > 0; count--) { boolean isFemale = random.nextBoolean(); String[] names; if (isFemale) names = femaleRabbitNames; else names = maleRabbitNames; String name = names[random.nextInt(names.length)]; Rabbit kid = new Rabbit(name, female, male, isFemale); female.addChild(kid); male.addChild(kid); pm.makePersistent(kid); System.out.println("New rabbit born: " + kid); } } }