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Configure WLDF diagnostic volume

Before you begin

To generate diagnostic data in the JRockit Flight Recorder diagnostic image, WebLogic Server must be configured with Oracle JRockit and the JRockit Flight Recorder must be enabled. For more information, see Configuring Diagnostic Image Capture for JRockit Flight Recorder.

The volume of diagnostic data produced by WebLogic Server can be adjusted to include more, or less, data. Note that the WLDF diagnostic volume setting does not affect explicitly configured diagnostic modules. By default, the diagnostics volume is set to Low.

To configure the WLDF diagnostic volume:

  1. In the left pane, select Environment > Servers.
  2. In the Servers table, click the name of the server instance for which you want to configure the WLDF diagnostic volume.
  3. Select Configuration > General.
  4. On the Servers: Configuration: General page, select one of the following values in Diagnostic Volume:
    • Off — No diagnostic data is automatically produced.
    • Low — A minimal volume of diagnostic data is automatically produced. This is the default.
    • Medium — Additional diagnostic data is automatically generated beyond the amount that is generated for Low.
    • High — Additional diagnostic data is automatically generated beyond the amount that is generated for Medium.
  5. Click Save.


An image of the selected server's current configuration and state is saved to the listed directory. For information about viewing the diagnostic image data in Oracle JRockit Mission Control, see Configuring Diagnostic Image Capture for JRockit Flight Recorder.

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