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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content Remote Intradoc Client (RIDC)
11g Release 1 (11.1)


Uses of Class

Packages that use IdcClientException


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc that throw IdcClientException
 IdcClient IdcClientProvider.createClient(IdcClientManager clientManager, String url)
          Create an IdcClient using the given URL
 IdcClient IdcClientManager.createClient(String url)
          Create a new client instance based on the given URL.
 void IdcClient.initialize()
          Initialize the client.
 void IdcClient.logout(IdcContext userContext)
 ServiceResponse IdcClient.sendRequest(IdcContext userContext, DataBinder dataBinder)
          Execute the request; sends the request to the Content Server and reads the response.


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.common.http.utils


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.common.http.utils that throw IdcClientException
static RIDCHttpClient RIDCHttpClientUtils.createHttpClient(IdcHttpClientConfig config, boolean multithreaded)


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.config


Subclasses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.config
 class ConfigurationException
          Errors while reading or writing the serialized configuration information.


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.config that throw IdcClientException
 IdcClientManager ConfigurationSerializer.readConfiguration(InputStream stream)
          Read a list of configuration into a new IdcClientManager from an XML stream


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.adf.connection


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.adf.connection that throw IdcClientException
protected  void AdfConnectionFacade.fetchConnection()
          fetches information from connections.xml using the ADFContext
 Map<String,String> AdfConnectionFacade.getCredentialsFields(String credentialsLabel)
          Gets a map of the fields for the credentials label
 Set<String> AdfConnectionFacade.getCredentialsLabels()
          Get all the credentials labels available
 CredentialsType AdfConnectionFacade.getCredentialsType(String credentialsLabel)
          Gets the first credentials type that matches the credentials label.
 IdcClient AdfConnectionFacade.getIdcClient()
          Return an IdcClient object from the ADF context.
 RidcConnection AdfConnectionFacade.getRidcConnection()
 Credentials AdfConnectionFacade.getUserCredentials(String credentialsLabel)
          Return a Credentials object from the ADF context's connections information
 void AdfConnectionFacade.registerConnectionMBean()
          Registers connection mbean in the em console, if not already there
 void AdfConnectionFacade.unregisterConnectionMBean()
          un-registers connection mbean in the em console


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.monitor


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.monitor that throw IdcClientException
protected  String[] ContentHistoryWatcher.IdcPollingThread.getCurrentDateWhereClause(DataObject documentEvent)
 DateFormat ContentHistoryWatcher.getOdbcDateFormat()
protected  DateFormat ContentHistoryWatcher.initializeDateFormat(IdcContext context)


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.usersecurity


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.usersecurity that throw IdcClientException
 int IUserSecurityCache.getAccessLevelForDocument(CacheId id, DataObject docInfo, ITrace trace)
          Get the user's access level for a document.
 CachedDataBinder IServiceCallUtils.getAliasMap(IdcClient client, IdcContext superuser, ITrace trace)
          Get the Alias list from the Content Server.
 CacheId IUserSecurityCache.getCacheIdForUser(IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the CacheId.
 CachedDataBinder IServiceCallUtils.getServerEnvironment(IdcClient client, IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the environment information of the content server Interesting localdata are UseCollaboration, and UseAccounts
 CachedDataBinder IServiceCallUtils.getUserPermissions(IdcClient client, IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the user's permissions from Content Server
 IUserSecurityFlags IUserSecurityCache.getUserSecurityFlags(CacheId id, ITrace trace)
          Returns the UserSecurityFlags object.
 boolean IUserSecurityCache.isAdmin(CacheId id, DataObject docInfo, IUserSecurityCache.AdminType adminType, ITrace trace)
          Returns the Admin flag for the specific admin type.
 Integer IAccessResolver.resolveAccessLevel(DataObject docInfo, DataBinder userBinder, ITrace trace)
          For a given document, determine the user's access level If the resolver determines that it doesn't want to participate in the access level calculation, it returns null


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.usersecurity.impl


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.usersecurity.impl that throw IdcClientException
 int UserSecurityGroupsCache.getAccessLevelForDocument(CacheId id, DataObject docInfo, ITrace trace)
          Get the user's access level for a document.
 CachedDataBinder ServiceCallUtils.getAliasMap(IdcClient client, IdcContext superuser, ITrace trace)
          Get the Alias list from the Content Server.
 CacheId UserSecurityGroupsCache.getCacheIdForUser(IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the CacheId.
 DataBinder UserSecurityGroupsCache.getPermissions(CacheId id, ITrace trace)
          Get the permissions for a user
 CachedDataBinder ServiceCallUtils.getServerEnvironment(IdcClient client, IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the environment information of the content server Interesting localdata are UseCollaboration, and UseAccounts
protected  DataBinder CSEnvCache.getServerEnvironmentBinder(ITrace trace)
          Get the server Environment Binder
 CachedDataBinder ServiceCallUtils.getUserPermissions(IdcClient client, IdcContext userContext, ITrace trace)
          Get the user's permissions from Content Server
 IUserSecurityFlags UserSecurityGroupsCache.getUserSecurityFlags(CacheId id, ITrace trace)
          Returns the UserSecurityFlags object.
 boolean AclListInfo.isAclListChecked(ITrace trace)
 boolean UserSecurityGroupsCache.isAdmin(CacheId id, DataObject docInfo, IUserSecurityCache.AdminType adminType, ITrace trace)
          Returns the Admin flag for the specific admin type.
 boolean UserSecurityGroupsCache.isAuthorDelete(CacheId id, DataObject docInfo, int access, ITrace trace)
 boolean CSEnvCache.isAuthorDeleteEnabled(ITrace trace)
 boolean CSEnvCache.isCollaborationModel(ITrace trace)
          Check to see if the server is using Collaboration for Acl Security
 boolean CSEnvCache.isInSpecialAuthGroups(String dSecurityGroup, ITrace trace)
          Check to see if dSecurityGroup is covered by ACL
 boolean AliasCache.isUserInAlias(String userName, String aliasName, ITrace trace)
          return true if userName is in the aliasName list
 boolean CSEnvCache.isUsing11gDefaultAcl(ITrace trace)
          Check to see which default ACL algorithm to use
 boolean CSEnvCache.isUsingAccounts(ITrace trace)
          Check to see if the server is using Accounts security
 boolean CSEnvCache.isUsingAcl(ITrace trace)
          Check to see if the server is using Acl security
 boolean CSEnvCache.isUsingAclRoles(ITrace trace)
          Check to see if server is using the RoleEntityACL feature
 Integer AccessResolverAccounts.resolveAccessLevel(DataObject docInfo, DataBinder userBinder, ITrace trace)
          Get the user's access level for this document.
 Integer AccessResolverAcl.resolveAccessLevel(DataObject docInfo, DataBinder userBinder, ITrace trace)
 Integer AccessResolverSecurityGroups.resolveAccessLevel(DataObject docInfo, DataBinder userBinder, ITrace trace)


Constructors in oracle.stellent.ridc.convenience.usersecurity.impl that throw IdcClientException
AclListInfo(CSEnvCache envCache, DataObject docInfo, ITrace trace)
          Determines if there is any information to be used in this list.


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.filter


Subclasses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.filter
 class IdcFilterException


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.filter that throw IdcClientException
 void IIdcFilter.doFilter(IdcFilterType ftype, Object... objects)
          Execute RIDC filter.
 void IdcFilterManager.executeFilters(IdcFilterType ftype, Object... objects)
          Execute the filters beforeServiceRequest method


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.filter.adapters


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.filter.adapters that throw IdcClientException
 void IdcFilterAdapter.beforeJaxwsAuthenticateUser(IdcContext context, DataBinder binder, Map<String,Object> requestContext)
          RIDC filter called just before jaxws call is made to loginPort.contentServerLogin () in authenticateUser ()
 void BeforeJaxwsServiceFilter.beforeJaxwsAuthenticateUser(IdcContext context, DataBinder binder, Map<String,Object> requestContext)
          RIDC filter called just before jaxws call is made to loginPort.contentServerLogin () in authenticateUser ()
 void IdcFilterAdapter.beforeJaxwsLogoutUser(IdcContext context, DataBinder binder, Map<String,Object> requestContext)
          RIDC filter called just before jaxws call is made to loginPort.contentServerLogout
 void BeforeJaxwsServiceFilter.beforeJaxwsLogoutUser(IdcContext context, DataBinder binder, Map<String,Object> requestContext)
          RIDC filter called just before jaxws call is made to loginPort.contentServerLogout ()
 void IdcFilterAdapter.beforeJaxwsServiceRequest(IdcContext context, DataBinder binder, Map<String,Object> requestContext)
          RIDC filter called just before jaxws call is made to loginPort.contentServerRequest () in performServiceRequest ()
 void BeforeJaxwsServiceFilter.beforeJaxwsServiceRequest(IdcContext context, DataBinder binder, Map<String,Object> requestContext)
          RIDC filter called just before jaxws call is made to loginPort.contentServerRequest () in performServiceRequest ()
 void IdcFilterAdapter.beforeLogout(IdcClient client, IdcContext context, DataBinder binder)
          RIDC filter called just before logout is processed by underlying protocol instance
 void BeforeServiceRequestFilter.beforeServiceRequest(IdcClient client, IdcContext context, DataBinder binder)
          RIDC filter called just before service request is processed by IdcClient.sendRequest()
 void IdcFilterAdapter.beforeServiceRequest(IdcClient client, IdcContext context, DataBinder binder)
          RIDC filter called just before service request is processed by IdcClient.sendRequest()
 void IdcFilterAdapter.doFilter(IdcFilterType ftype, Object... objects)
          Execute RIDC filter.


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol


Subclasses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol
 class ProtocolException
          Errors in the protocol layer.
 class ServiceException
          Exceptions that occur when processing service requests.


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol that throw IdcClientException
 DataBinder ServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder()
          Convert the response stream to a data binder
 DataBinder ServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder(boolean checkErrors)
          Convert the response stream to a data binder


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.http


Subclasses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.http
 class HttpProtocolException
          Exceptions in the IdcHttpProtocol implementation


Uses of IdcClientException in


Constructors in that throw IdcClientException
HttpOracleClient(IdcHttpClientConfig config)


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.intradoc.socket


Subclasses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.intradoc.socket
 class SSLProtocolException
          Exceptions specific to SSL configuration and setup


Uses of IdcClientException in oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.jaxws


Methods in oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.jaxws that throw IdcClientException
 IdcClient JaxWSClientProvider.createClient(IdcClientManager clientManager, String url)
 void JaxWSClient.initialize()
protected  void JaxWSClient.initializeStack()


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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content Remote Intradoc Client (RIDC)
11g Release 1 (11.1)


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