9 Configuring System Properties

This chapter describes how to configure Content Server system properties using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, the Content Server Admin Server, and the Content Server System Properties utility.

This chapter includes the following topics:

9.1 About System Properties

System properties are system-wide settings that enable you to tailor the Content Server instance to your particular requirements. System properties are set during installation and are generally updated occasionally, or as needed, in contrast to use of other administration tools for more regular maintenance of users and content.


Regardless of which method is used to modify system properties, you must restart the Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.

There are several tools for modifying system properties:

  • The Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control interface can be used to view and modify server, Internet, email, and security configuration parameters for Content Server instances. For information on accessing Fusion Middleware Control, see Section 4.1.

  • The Content Server's Admin Server interface can be used to configure general options for an individual Content Server instance. It also can be used to manage system components and view system information. The Admin Server can be accessed by using a web browser to log on to WebCenter Content and choosing the Administration link from the Trays layout or the menu, then choosing Admin Server.

  • The System Properties utility is a Content Server administration application that can be used to configure system-wide settings from the system on which a Content Server instance is installed.

    You do not have to log in as the system administrator to access the System Properties utility. You only need access to the local computer where the Content Server instance is installed. For information on running the System Properites utility, see Section 4.5.2.


    For the System Properties utility to run as a standalone application for a Content Server instance on a WebCenter Content domain, additional configuration is required.

  • Most system properties settings correspond to a configuration variable in one of the following configuration files:

    • IntradocDir/config/config.cfg

    • DomainHome/ucm/cs/bin/intradoc.cfg

    • IntradocDir/search/search.cfg

    It is recommended that you make changes to these files using the Admin Server or System Properties utility to ensure that the settings are entered correctly. While it is possible to edit these files directly using a text editor, it might allow errors to be introduced. For information on configuration variables, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content.


There are many techniques for optimizing the performance of a Content Server instance. One of the types of tuning involves changing default parameters and software settings that affect the core Content Server performance. System optimization and performance tuning is often accomplished by adjusting system settings and configuration variables or tuning resources such as databases and indexes.

For example, as the content in your Content Server instance increases, you might experience a shortage of available space. In this case, moving the vault, weblayout, and search index directories to another drive with more space can help alleviate storage problems. Moving these directories requires adding entries in to the DomainHome/ucm/cs/bin/intradoc.cfg file.

9.2 Using Fusion Middleware Control to Configure System Properties

This section describes how to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control interface to configure certain Content Server properties.

This section covers the following topics:

9.2.1 Using Fusion Middleware Control to Modify the Server Configuration

Content Server configuration specifies information used to identify a Content Server deployment scenario.

To modify the server configuration:

  1. In the navigation tree, expand the appropriate domain name (for example, Farm_base_domain).

  2. Expand WebCenter, then Content, then Content Server.

  3. Select the Content Server instance name (for example, Oracle WebCenter Content - Content Server (UCM_server1)). The home page for your Content Server instance displays.

  4. On the Content Server home page, from the Content Server menu choose Configuration.

  5. Modify the settings in the Server Configuration section using the descriptions in Table 9-1.

  6. Click Apply.

    If you do not want to apply changes, click Revert to return to the previous configuration settings.

Table 9-1 Server Configuration - Configuration Page

Element Description

HTTP Address

Enter the HTTP server address for the Content Server instance. This field is required.

The server address is used to formulate full URLs in the Content Server user interface. This prevents users from being prompted to log in again because the domain name used to enter the server is not changed when links on pages are relative. Example: pc.idc.example.com.

IP Address Filter

Enter the list of IP addresses that can be used to access the Content Server instance. This field is required.

The list of IP addresses are allowed to communicate to the Content Server instance through the Intradoc Server Port. The field accepts both IP and IPv6 addresses, with a pipe as the separator between addresses. This list must be well defined because it is a trusted connection. Example: 10.131.123.*.

Intradoc Server Port

Enter the server port number for the Content Server instance.

The Intradoc server port is the port number listened to by the Content Server instance. This is a trusted connection where only the user ID is required to authenticate. Example: 4056.


Select the checkbox to turn on Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for the Content Server instance. To turn off SSL, deselect the checkbox.

SSL is related to the HTTP server address and indicates that the full URL uses the secured HTTP nomenclature. For example, it generates an address with https://HttpServerAddress/... instead of http://HttpServerAddress/...

9.2.2 Using Fusion Middleware Control to Modify the Email Configuration

Content Server email configuration parameters contain information used to identify the Content Server deployment scenario.

To modify the email configuration:

  1. In the navigation tree, expand the appropriate domain name (for example, Farm_base_domain).

  2. Expand WebCenter, then Content, then Content Server.

  3. Select the Content Server instance name (for example, Oracle WebCenter Content - Content Server (UCM_server1)).

  4. On the Content Server home page, from the Content Server menu choose Configuration.

  5. Modify the settings in the Email Configuration section using the descriptions in Table 9-2

  6. Click Apply.

    If you do not want to apply changes, click Revert to return to the previous configuration settings.

Table 9-2 Email Configuration - Configuration Page

Element Description

Mail Server

Enter the name of a mail server for the Content Server instance.

This is the mail server that the Content Server uses to send SMTP based email. Example: mailserver.example.com.


Enter the port number for the Content Server instance.

This is the port number used to connect to the mail server. Example: 25.

Admin Mail Address

Enter the email address for the administrator for the Content Server instance.

This is the administrator email address that receives error messages. Such messages are generally logged, but this is an additional method of notification. Example: mymail@example.com.

9.3 Configuring General Options

After WebCenter Content and a Content Server instance are deployed and initial configuration specified, you can set or modify general function options for Content Server using the Options tab on the System Properties utility or using the General Configuration page accessed through the Admin Server.

  • To access the System Properties: Options tab, see Section 4.5.2.

  • To access the General Configuration page, choose Administration, then Admin Server, then General Configuration.

Using general function options, you can:

  • Enable users to select the format of a document during check-in

  • Enable users to select multiple files to check out or download at the same time

  • Enable users to check in multiple files as a single Zip file

  • Enable the use of accounts

  • Enable Enterprise Search fields to be displayed on search pages if Enterprise Search is configured for use

  • Enable Content IDs to be generated automatically as six-digit, sequential numbers

  • If automatic Content ID generation is enabled, the string specified in this field is added as a prefix to the six-digit, sequential number

  • Specify how the optional second letter or number in a revision number is incremented

You must restart the Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.

9.3.1 Revision Label Sequence

Among the General Configuration options that can be set is the revision label sequence. The metadata field named "Revision" has a default revision number sequence of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so forth. This number increments automatically for each revision of a document.

You can override the Revision default by changing the definition of the revision label. The revision label consists of two parts: a major revision sequence and minor revision sequence. The Major Revision Label Sequence (MajorRevSeq) is the first number or letter and the Minor Revision Label Sequence (MinorRevSeq) follows. For example, in the revision sequence 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 3c, and so forth, the numbers 1, 2, 3 are the major revision sequence and a, b, c are the minor revision sequence. Revision Label Ranges

Both the major and minor revision sequences are defined as a range of numbers or letters. The major sequence can have multiple ranges, while the minor sequence can only have one range.

The following are the restrictions on defining the range:

  • Numbers or letters can be used, but not both. For example, 1 through 10 is a valid range but A through 10 is not a valid range.

  • Letter ranges can have only one letter. For example, A through Z is a valid range but AA through ZZ is not a valid range.

  • If a letter range is used in the major revision sequence, then the minor revision sequence must be either a numeric range or not used. If a numeric range is used in the major revision sequence, then the minor revision sequence must be either a letter range or not used. Revision Examples

The following are examples of different revision sequences and how you would define the major and minor revision entries in the config.cfg file.

Example 1


The revision sequence is A, B, C, D, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth.

Example 2



The revision sequence is 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 3c, and so forth. Revision Configuration Settings

To change the default revision sequence manually in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file, enter the following name/value pairs:

  • MajorRevSeq=range1,range2,range3...

  • MinorRevSeq=range

where range1,range2,range3... and range are the defined range sequence.

9.3.2 Chunking Function

The Content Server Chunking function protects large data transfers from transfer failures by dividing data into chunks and transferring one chunk at a time. If a transfer fails, all chunks transferred to the Content Server instance before failure are saved, and the transfer can be resumed from the point of failure.


If the client session using the Chunking function is terminated, either by timeout or by closing the client browser, the transfer will fail.

You can use the Chunking function with the upload applet.

To enable and configure the Chunking function:

  1. Enable the upload applet or the HTTP provider. See Section 9.3.

    • For information on how to enable the upload applet, see Section 9.3.

    • For information on how to create a HTTP provider, see Chapter 22.

  2. Set the following configuration settings in the Additional Configuration Variables field on the General Configuration page:

    AppletChunkThreshold=size in bytes
    AppletChunkSize=size in bytes

    The AppletChunkSize setting sets the size of the individual chunks. The AppletChunkThreshold setting sets the minimum file size that will use the Chunking function. Both of these values default to 1M.

  3. To debug the Chunking function, set ChunkedRequestTrace=true. This setting enables you to view chunked requests on the Admin Server Output page.

  4. Save the changes.

  5. Restart the Content Server instance.

9.4 Configuring Content Security

After WebCenter Content and a Content Server instance are deployed and initial configuration specified, you can set or modify some Content Server content security options using the Content Security tab on the System Properties utility Content Security tab or using the Content Security page accessed through the Admin Server.

  • To access the System Properties: Content Security tab, see Section 4.5.2.

  • To access the Content Security page, choose Administration, then Admin Server, then Content Security.

Using content security options, you can:

  • Allow users with only Read permission to a content item's security group to get a copy of the native file.

  • Allow only the Author or a user with Admin permission to a content item's security group to check out the content item.

  • Allow the Author of a content item to delete the content item, even if they do not have Delete permission to the content item's security group.

  • Allow only predefined accounts to appear in the Accounts list on checkin and search pages.

You must restart the Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.

9.5 Configuring Internet Information

After the WebCenter Content domain and Content Server are deployed and initial configuration specified, you can view or modify Content Server Internet options using the Internet tab on the System Properties utility, or using the Internet Configuration page accessed through the Admin Server. Typically Internet options are specified during Oracle WebCenter Content installation and initial configuration.

  • To access the System Properties: Internet tab, see Section 4.5.2. Certain fields can only be modified using the System Properties utility.

  • To access the Internet Configuration page, choose Administration, then Admin Server, then Internet.

Using Internet configuration options, you can:

  • View or modify the name of the web server.

  • View or modify the email server used to send email notifications from the Content Server instance

  • View or modify the administrator email address that the Content Server instance uses to send email notifications.

  • View or modify the port used for SMTP communications.

  • View or modify the relative web root that is used by the web server to resolve URLs to files in the IntradocDir/weblayout/ directory.

  • View or specify whether a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-enabled web server is used.

You must restart the Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.

9.6 Configuring System Database Properties

After WebCenter Content and a WebCenter Content Server instance are deployed and initial configuration specified, you can set or modify Content Server system database properties. The system database can be an Oracle Database 11g, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, or another database.

For information about supported databases, see the "System Requirements and Supported Platform" document for your product on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page on the Oracle Technology Network at:


For details on intial deployment and configuration, see Oracle WebCenter Content Installation Guide.


For security reasons, the Admin Server cannot be used to configure these options. You must start the System Properties application as a standalone application from the computer where the Content Server instance is installed. The method required to start this program differs slightly between Windows and UNIX installations. For details, see Section 4.5.2.

Using system database options, you can:

  • Modify whether JDBC is enabled and choose a driver option.

  • Modify whether the database is case sensitive (such as Oracle or Informix).

  • Modify whether a database driver classpath must be specified in the Database Driver Classpath field to support a database connection.

  • Specify the classpath for the database driver.

  • Specify the name of the JDBC driver.

  • Specify the connection string for the JDBC driver.

  • Specify the user name that owns the tables inside the database.

  • Specify the password for the user name that owns the tables inside the database.

You must restart the Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.

9.6.1 About the Content Server System Database

Content Server uses an Oracle WebLogic Server data source to communicate with the system relational database where metadata and other information is stored. The Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console must be used to manage the database connection information for the system relational database, therefore JDBC user name and password information is no longer stored in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file and it is not managed through the System Properties utility.


If you set database connection information for an Oracle WebLogic Server domain using the System Properties utility, the JDBC user name and password are encrypted and stored in an unspecified location.

Content Server supports GridLink data sources for connections to an Oracle Database relational database for an Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC). For details, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

For information on configuring database connections for a Content Server instance running applications in standalone mode, see:

9.6.2 Configuring Content Server for IBM DB2 Database Searches

An IBM DB2 database does not support the keyword CONTAINS in search queries. The correct configuration of the Content Server instance for IBM DB2 searches requires the addition of the flag SSUseContains=false variable. To configure the Content Server instance:

  1. Open a new browser window, and log in to the Content Server instance as system administrator.

  2. Choose Administration, then Admin Server.

  3. In the option list for the Content Server instance, choose General Configuration.

  4. Add the following line in the Additional Configuration Variables area of the General Configuration page:

  5. Click Save.

  6. Restart the Content Server instance.

9.7 Configuring Server Properties

After WebCenter Content and a Content Server instance are deployed and an initial configuration specified, you can set or modify Content Server options using the Server tab on System Properties utility.


For security reasons, the Admin Server cannot be used to configure these options. You must start the System Properties application as a standalone application from the computer where the Content Server instance is installed. The method required to start this program differs slightly between Windows and UNIX installations. For details, see Section 4.5.2.

Using server options you can:

  • Specify how the Content Server instance handles several language-specific issues such as the language of the user interface, stemming rules, sort order, and date/time format.

  • Select the time zone in which the Content Server instance is located.

  • Specify the instance name that is displayed in the Windows Start menu.

  • Restrict access to the Content Server instance to computers with the specified IP address.

  • Specify the password for the proxy.

  • Specify whether internal JSP support is enabled in the Content Server instance.

  • Specify the security groups that are enabled for internal JSP support.

You must restart the Content Server instance for any configuration changes to take effect.


If you do not use a Hostname filter, IP Address filter, or some other network-based security, you will have a security hole in your Content Server instance. For example, with no login, any user with in-depth knowledge of the system could create or modify any other user to have system administrator access.

Hostname filter or IP Address filter values must be set to allow communication with the Content Server instance in the following situations:

  • Running Inbound Refinery and PDF Converter (even on the same physical computer as the Content Server instance).

  • Transferring Content Server archives between computers.

  • Configurations where the web server and the Content Server instance are on different systems.

  • EJB-enhanced operations.

  • Using the IdcCommand or IdcCommandX utilities on a system separate from the Content Server instance. (You must change the default value and specify the IP address of the web server.)

9.8 Configuring Localization Properties

After WebCenter Content and Content Server instance are deployed and an initial configuration specified, you can use the Localization tab on the System Properties utility to change language-specific items such as date/time format, default time zone, sort zone, and enabled interface languages. You can use the Localization page, accessed through the Administration menu on the Content Server portal, to enable or disable locales for users to select in their User Profile.

  • To access the System Properties: Localization tab, see Section 4.5.2.

  • To access the Admin Server: General Configuration page, choose Administration, then Admin Server, then Localization.

9.8.1 Date Format

The default English-US locale uses two digits to represent the year (yy), where the year is interpreted to be between 1969 and 2068. In other words, 65 is considered to be 2065, not 1965. If you want years before 1969 to be interpreted correctly in the English-US locale, you must change the default date format for that locale to use four digits to represent years (yyyy).

This issue does not apply to the English-UK locale, which already uses four digits for the year.

To modify the default English-US data format:

  1. Start the System Properties applet:

    • Windows: Choose Start, then All Programs, then Content Server, then instance_name, then Utilities, then System Properties.

    • UNIX: Run the System Properties utility, which is located in the /bin subdirectory of the Content Server installation directory:

  2. Select the Localization tab.

  3. Choose the English-US entry in the list of locales, and click Edit.

  4. In the Configure Locale dialog, modify the date format to use four digits for the year (yyyy) rather than two (yy).

  5. After you are done editing, click OK to close the Configure Locale dialog.

  6. Click OK to apply the change and exit System Properties.

  7. Stop and restart the Content Server instance for configuration changes to take effect.

9.8.2 Interface Language

To add, edit, remove, enable, or disable interface languages for the Content Server instance:

  1. Select a locale in the Localization tab of the System Properties utility using the same basic procedure described in Section 9.8.1.

  2. Make the interface language change, and click OK. Enabling a locale on the Localization tab also enables it on the Administration Localization page.

Administrators can enable multiple locales so that users can select one of the enabled locales from their User Profile for their individual user interface language. To specify what locales are enabled for users to select:

  1. On the Content Server main page, choose Administration, then Localization.

  2. Select the check boxes from the list of Enabled Locales to specify the languages.

  3. Click Update.

9.9 Configuring Paths Properties

After WebCenter Content and a Content Server instance are deployed and initial configuration specified, you can use the Paths tab on the System Properties utility to:

  • Modify the location of the browser executable that is used to display the online help from the standalone administration utilities and applications.

  • Modify the path to the Java class files.

  • Modify the path to the shared directory.

You must restart the Content Server instance for configuration changes to take effect.


For security reasons, the Admin Server cannot be used to configure these options. You must start the System Properties application as a standalone application from the computer where the Content Server instance is installed. The method required to start this program differs slightly between Windows and UNIX installations. For details, see Section 4.5.2.