8.1 Overview of Online and Offline Status Pages

Oracle IRM displays status pages to users whenever they are denied access to sealed content. This may be because they do not have the correct rights to view the content, or because their rights have expired and could not be refreshed.

Status pages are HTML pages displayed by Oracle IRM Desktop (the Oracle IRM client application) in a dialog containing an embedded instance of Microsoft Internet Explorer. There are online and offline status pages:

  • Online pages are generated by Oracle IRM Server from its web server location.

  • Offline pages are generated locally by Oracle IRM Desktop. These offline pages are of a standard layout, and contain only information that Oracle IRM Desktop has available.


Only the online status pages can be replaced with a custom system (that is, a system that generates your own status pages).

If a client computer is not connected to the network, then Oracle IRM Desktop will display an offline page. If the computer is connected to the network, then Oracle IRM Desktop will try to display an online page, but if that fails to load it will fall back to displaying an offline page.

When Oracle IRM Desktop wants to show an online status page, it sends an XML document to a status page hosted on the web server where Oracle IRM Server resides.


Oracle IRM Desktop sends the XML document using the HTTP POST method, but this guide additionally describes how to use the HTTP GET method.

The standard response of the server is to render an appropriate status page using the XML data. For example, if the user has no licenses, the status page will show a message such as "No licenses available for Top Secret context", using the XML to determine what content was being opened.

If you generate custom online status pages, Oracle IRM Server must be made to redirect requests to those pages. A configuration setting is provided for this.