The image shows the Process Workspace screen displaying the Preferences region in the left pane. In the middle pane, the following tabs are displayed: My Rules, Other Rules. The Other Rules page is selected. The left of the Other Rules page shows the Rules pane listing the Group entitled California Group Rule appears. The right of the page shows the corrrespondng Group Rules pane for California. The first area of the Group Rules pane shows the following fields: Name, Execute rule only between these dates, Start Date, and End Date. The second area of the Group Rules pane shows the TASKS part of the rule and includes a drop-down list that includes All Tasks and Tasks matching these conditions. The latter is selected. Next to it is a field labeled Match with two radio buttons labeled Any and All. This is followed by an Add condition icon. The final part of the Group Rules pane shows the ACTION part of the rule and includes the following radio buttons: Assign to member via, Assign to, and Take no action. The top right of the screen shows the Save and Cancel buttons.