Community Server 1.1.1
Release Notes


 June 15, 2011

Copyright © 2010 - 2011 FatWire Corporation All rights reserved.

Welcome to the release notes for Community Server v1.1.1. For the latest release notes, check the FatWire e-docs web site. The release notes contain descriptions of new features, changes in functionality, known problems, and other last-minute information about Community Server 1.1.1

For additional information, contact FatWire technical support.

  Table of Contents 

Getting Started

What's New in FatWire Community Server 1.1.x

What's New in FatWire Community Server 1.0

Installation Notes

Issues Fixed in Community Server 1.1.x

Known Issues in Community Server 1.1.x

Known Issues in Community Server 1.0

Supported Platforms

Contacting FatWire 

  Getting Started

The Community Server 1.1.1 document set provides documentation for different kinds of users. Updates to product documentation, as they are made, are posted to the following URL: For a description of the documents, please refer to the Documentation Notes link on the site. Check the site regularly for the latest set.

  New Features

What's new in Community Server 1.1.x

The major features of Community Server 1.1.x are listed below:



Captcha support is removed in CoS 1.1.1


What's new in Community Server 1.0

FatWire Community Server provides the following functionality in this release:

Some of the features are:


Benefits of FatWire Community Server are:

 Installation Notes

Refer to the Community Server Installation Guide for installation and deployment requirements / recommendations


Note the following:


Instructions for installing Community Server 1.1.1 and Gadget Server 1.1.1 to point to the same Content Server install:

It is required that both Community Server and Gadget Server are at version 1.1.1. The instructions below assume Gadget Server is installed first.


Change the jmemcached and zookeeper ports

This must be done to ensure there are no conflicts between Gadget Server ports and Community Server ports.

The following ports are already in use by Gadget Server.


- port: 11211, 21211

- sslport: 22322


- clientPort: 2181, 3181

- tmpClientPort: 2182, 3182

- sslClientPort: 4181


a.    Choose a new port for the 5 properties above.

b.    In the cos-boot application on the production installation of Community Server

- Replace the values for jmemcached.port and jmemchached.sslport in

- Replace the values for clientPort, tempClientPort, and sslClientPort in

- Replace the port in the value for “servers” in the productionCache bean of cos_registry_schema.xml with the new value for jmemchached.port.

c.    Replace the port in the value for “serverHosts” in the registry bean of cos_facilities.xml with the new value for the ZooKeeper clientPort.

This replacement has to be made in the following applications:

- For management: cos-admin and cos-service.

- For production: cas, cos-service and user-service.


Issues fixed in Community Server 1.1.x

Community Server

(#4969 / 23525) Search is implemented for full text only, wildcard search is not supported in this release

Ensure that Lucene search is enabled on the CS delivery system - the directions for this are in the Content Server Developer Guide

(#5034) Symbols (for example <, >, and &) entered into comments edited in the CoS Admin application will be encoded

(#5289 / 23493) - Reviews / Comments By Topic pages do not display correctly when the filters are checked and unchecked several times in quick succession

(#5311 / 5353) Filtering functionality in the transfer box does not work in the Visitor Whitelist and Visitor Blacklist pages

(#5321 / 5355) Comment date is changed to the time of the search when the comment is viewed as part of a search result

(#5323) Field Names are not shown in the User Registration form in some IE systems

(#5358 / 23460) Duplicate IP addresses are not validated in the Visitor Blacklist page

(#5368) No response when editing user profile using IE. To workaround this issue, please choose cancel after submit and your changes will be successful.

(#25316) Dates are not displayed with comments on deployed page

(#25317) December is misspelled

(#25319) When LDAP is the identity provider user can't login to the End Site when username contains mixed case

(#25427) Checkboxes on the Permissions page are not selected by default in IE and Safari browsers

Known Issues in Community Server 1.1.x

Community Server

(# 23397) Total Review count on page does not equal actual number of Reviews when system is under high load

(# 22485) Pagination settings are not preserved when editing Comments

(# 23602) Verification code needs to be clicked twice in some instances to enter the captcha code

(# 23609 / 23611) When a guest visitor session has expired, the page must be refreshed to allow posting of additional Comments or Reviews

(# 23664) Edit visitor profile accepts blank password confirmation field

(# 23667) "Saving..." will continue to appear when a file that is uploaded for visitor avatar which is not of an image file type

(# 23727) Visitor usernames cannot contain dot ( . ) character

(# 23739) Changing the page sort on a deployed Reviews page will result in the Flag and Edit links no longer being visible

(# 23781) Reviews Deployment tag deployed with settings "Rating Only" and "Reviewing Enabled" set to "NO" will result in a blank page being rendered

(# 23865) When Guest visitor posts comments and does not have browser cookies enabled, there is no message informing them of this problem

(# 24117) Uploading a file with duplicate categories will result in the duplicated category appearing in the "Reviews by Topic" page

(# 24125) Bulk delete can be performed for up to 20 comments / reviews at one time. Attempts to delete more than that at once may result in messages that "Community Server is unavailable".

(# 24132) Community Server Admin application time out redirect will not time out the WEM Framework.

(# 24133) The message "ERROR com.fatwire.cos.core.jpa.cmd.wem.WemQuerycommand - Can not retrieve blob data java.lang.NullPointerException" in user-service log can be safely ignored

Known Issues in Community Server 1.0

Community Server

(# 4969) Search is implemented for full text only, wildcard search is not supported in this release

(# 5034) Symbols (for example <, >, and &) entered into comments edited in the CoS Admin application will be encoded

 (# 5311/5353) Filtering functionality in the transfer box does not work in the Visitor Whitelist and Visitor Blacklist pages

(# 5316 / 23471) Bulk selection check box does not become unselected after the operation has completed.

(# 5322) Comment status does not change when you change a comment viewed in a search result until the search index completes - this will result in a short delay in the change appearing in the Comments page of the CoS Admin application

(# 5323) Field Names are not shown in the User Registration form in some IE systems

(# 5289) - Reviews / Comments By Topic pages do not display correctly when the filters are checked and unchecked several times in quick succession

(# 5320 / 24159) Review title field is not searchable in All Reviews page in Admin App

(#5321 / 5355) Comment date is changed to the time of the search when the comment is viewed as part of a search result

(#5340) When multiple pages of comments exist, new comments are added to the first page instead of the last

(#5358) Duplicate IP addresses are not validated in the Visitor Blacklist page

(#5362 / 23454) Total comments on the All Comments screen may appear inconsistent when compared with the total number shown in the Filter count for a short period of time

(#5364) Deselecting all Filters in the Reviews / Comments by Topic pages will display all the reviews / comments

(#5368) No response when editing user profile using IE. To workaround this issue, please choose cancel after submit and your changes will be successful.

Blog Module


      (#23038) Warning message "An attempt was made to set the session variable "preferred_locale" to an invalid value" is displayed on preview of sample blog pages, this

        can be safely ignored


      (#23136) Creating author assets with the same name may cause undesirable behavior, i.e. the wrong author can be displayed for a blog


      (#23200) Sample Blog asset types need to be re-indexed after install to search in Dash UI


      (#23215) Errors appear in log on first access of sample blog pages - these can be safely ignored






 Community Server 1.1.1 SPD


  Community Server Management and Production
Content Server version - Content Server 7.6 Patch 1+ with WEM installed only
Operating System

- Linux Red Hat 5

- Windows 2008

Application Servers

- Tomcat 6.x, JBoss 4.2.3

(same notes apply as indicated in the Content Server 7.6 SPD for Tomcat and JBoss)


- Oracle 10, 11

- SQL2008

Database Driver

- Type 4

(same notes as indicated in the Content Server 7.6 SPD)


- JDK 1.6.x

(same notes as indicated in the Content Server 7.6 SPD)

Development Environments - Content Server 7.6 Patch 1 JSK (Windows/Linux)

- IE7

- IE8

- FF3.6.x

- Safari 5

 Contacting FatWire 

To contact FatWire Corporation about technical support for your product:




      Community Server 1.1.1
Release Notes


  June 15, 2011

Copyright © 2010 - 2011 FatWire Corporation All rights reserved.