CS 7.0.2
Release Notes


       November 14, 2007

Copyright © 2002-2007 FatWire Corporation All rights reserved.

Welcome to the release notes for Content Server V7.0.2. For the latest release notes, check the FatWire e-docs web site. The release notes contain descriptions of new features, changes in functionality, known problems, and other last-minute information about Content Server 7.0.2.

For additional information, contact FatWire technical support.

Document history:

  Table of Contents 

  Getting Started

Please note that documentation for CS 7.0.1 applies to CS 7.0.2. 

The Content Server product CD includes a zip file (named DOC701.zip) of all the CS 7.0.1 documentation, including the installation guides. Unzip this file and begin reading the installation guide appropriate for your configuration. These guides explain how to install Content Server and the underlying DBMS, application server, portal server (optional), and JDBC driver.

The CS 7.0.1 document set provides documentation for different kinds of users. Updates to product documentation, as they are made, are posted to the following URL: http://e-docs.fatwire.com/CSEE/7.0.2.  For a description of the documents please refer to the Documentation Notes link on the site.  Check the site regularly for the latest set.


  New Features

What's new in Content Server 7.0.2?

What's new in Content Server 7.0.1?

- Image operations like resize, crop, rotate etc

- Integration with Image Picker—background and foreground images can be selected with Image Picker.

- Capability to add text on top of an image as a layer. All layers are flattened on save and cannot be reedited.

- Configurability (functionality can be hidden).

- Integration with all three interfaces—Dash, Advanced, and InSite.

- Ability to pass text and image parameters

- Previewing of Flash Assets.

- Integration with all three interfaces—Dash, Advanced, and InSite.

- Better tracking of content edits: Edited fields are listed for each Asset. Associated Asset Types are available via mouseovers.

- Clearer indications of editable and edited content: Editable content is surrounded by dotted borders. Edited, unsaved content is surrounded by solid borders.

- Integration with Image Picker, Image Editor, and Flash Asset / Attribute Editor.

- New Global Index Source Configuration Screen. This screen provides detailed control over the search index, allowing for the enabling, pausing, deleting, and re-indexing of individual Asset Types.

- Support for Lucene’s index configuration.

- Stabilization of interface components.

- More consistent look and feel across and within browsers.

- Updated images, icons, and colors.

- Tighter integration and seamless switching between interfaces.

Application Servers:

- Oracle 10G R3.

- JBoss 4.2.

- Weblogic 10 app server


Portal Servers:

- JES5 Portal on WebServer.

- Weblogic Portal 9.2.1 and 10 (Dash UI will be supported in patch 1).

- JBoss Portal 2.6.1



- Oracle Internet Directory Server.

- Sun Access Manager 7.1

- Active directory server 2003.



- Firefox 2.0 (All features supported except Insite Editing, Workflow graph and Image Editor)


For more details about supported platforms refer to the SPD


Expire cached pages instead of expunging by marking their expiration date to a past date. Expired pages are cleaned up asynchronously by CacheServer. This makes asset saves and publishing much faster. The following property has been added:


Set cs.expireonly=true in futuretense.ini to switch to this new behavior.

What's new in Content Server 7.0?


Today's global businesses require their content in multiple languages. FatWire's Content Server 7 has multi-lingual support built directly into the data model: As a result, any content—article, press release, catalog entry—can be translated into multiple languages, including double-byte languages such as Chinese or Korean. Furthermore, you can translate content directly in CS7 using a convenient language-to-language comparison display or export it to a third-party translation service. Language versions of the same content can go through workflow independently, when publishing needs are unique, or together, when they need to be published at the same time.

The benefits of CS7's multi-lingual support include

- Multi-lingual capabilities built into the data model

- Language-to Language comparisons directly from the interface

- Translation into double-byte languages (such as Chinese)

- Exporting for translation by a third-party provider

- Workflow of language versions as a group or independently

 - Session objects

 - AssetDataManager: A manager for reading asset data. 

 - AssetTypeDefManager: A manager for reading asset type’s definition (structure of an asset type). 

 - AssetData: Asset’s data, basically a collection of AttributeData instances and some more information about the asset itself.

Features Not supported in 7.0.x

Language Packs

        - French

        - Italian

        - German

        - Spanish

        - Japanese


  Installation and Upgrade Notes

General Notes

See the SPD on FatWire e-docs web site for the list of J2EE components (web servers, application servers, DBMSs, JDBC drivers, and so on) that CS 7.0.x supports. You should also check with FatWire Support to see if there are any known issues with the configuration you wish to use.

Also, refer to the vendor release notes for all J2EE components to find the latest e-fixes, patches, and service packs required to run your component.

Content Server 7.0.x works in application servers running J2SDK/J2RE  1.5 and above. Please make sure that appropriate version of JRE in installed and configured before installing Content Server.

Please also make sure that older versions of the JDK or JRE are not present in the PATH or CLASSPATH environment variables, especially if you plan to run Content Server in an environment that relies on these entries to be correct (resin, for example).

Another common problem encountered is a type of JSPException with a message like the following: "The major.minor version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand". This error is related to the incorrect version of tools.jar in the class path. Make sure tools.jar loaded belongs to the correct JRE by launching JVM with a -verbose option.

Windows install fails if there is a space in the path to CS home directory

Max Perm Gen must be set to over 96 Megs  -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

In Application/Portal server jvm options, include the setting -Djava.awt.headless=true

Content Server contains a modified version of the Microsoft XML Parser in the MSXML.jar file, which can cause conflicts if another version is in use. If you have Microsoft's version of MSXML.jar installed on your machine and this file is referenced in the CLASSPATH environment variable, you must change the path to the Content Server version; otherwise, Content Server fails when parsing XML.

After installation a restart of the domain is necessary for the Dash UI to work.

If an installation of CS fails then do the following before retrying the installation:

Running the installer on top of a failed install corrupts SatelliteServer.properties file. The workaround is to manually set the properties correctly or run the installation after cleaning up the failed install.

ft.sync is automatically unset during upgrades. so note down the value before the upgrade

Please also read the open bugs for Installer - Upgrades before you upgrade

Asset Type Name Restrictions

The following lists show the asset type names used by CS. Custom asset types must not use any of the names from the Standard Assets list. If a custom asset type exists in your installation with the same name as below upgrade scripts will encounter errors. If your custom assets have the names listed below, manually back up their data and elements before starting the upgrade process.


Also if you wish to install the sample sites, your custom asset types cannot use the names from the relevant list.



Standard assets - These asset types are created by default:



Asset Types installed by FirstSite II sample site:



Asset Types installed by BurlingtonFinancial sample site:



Asset Types installed by GE Lighting sample site:



Asset Types installed by HelloAssetWorld sample site:



Asset Types installed by Spark sample site:


Restricted Names for Asset Types:


The following names (in alphabetical order) are reserved for Content Server's use and must not be assigned to custom asset types:

Security Notes

For security reasons, we recommend that you allow only internal access to the following servlets:

BEA Application and Portal Server

For BEA application and portal servers, select the Sun JDK while creating the domains. CS will not work if JRockit JDK is selected.

Increase the value of the maximum number of WebLogic JDBC Connection Pools to at least 100 on both publish source and target machines.


Set cs.jspresponsewrapper=false in futuretense.ini


On IE, the Tools > Internet Options > Settings > Every Visit to the page must be set to true.

To change the character set for Internet Explorer 6.0, click View > Encoding > Unicode (UTF-8).


  Dash, Advanced and Insite - buttons on the top bar work correctly if they popup in different browser windows. It wont work if the popup is configured to be a tab

  Tree applet conflicts if you have both CS 6.3 and 7.0.x running on the same machine on the same port, so make sure to avoid such a situation. To resolve Java applet issue

1) Right-click the JVM icon in the system tray.
2) Select 'Open Control Panel'.
3) In the JVM Control Panel...

a. Navigate to the General tab.
b. Click the 'Delete Files...' button in the Temporary Internet Files section.
c. Click OK to delete the temporary Java internet files.

4) Right-click the JVM icon in the system tray again.
5) Select 'Open Console'.
6) Within the Console, type 'x'. This will clear the classloader cache.
7) Restart your browser.

FCKEditor, Online Image Editor, eWebEditPro and RealObjects License

FCKEditor and Online Image Editor ship free with Content Server

Ektron eWebEditPro and RealObjects ship with an evaluation license. At the end of the evaluation period, customers interested in purchasing a license for eWebEditPro/RealObjects should contact their FatWire sales representative.



 Issues Fixed in CS 7.0.2

Lucene Search

(#15576) Lucene Search - sharing assets across sites now enables the asset in Lucene indexes for the new site. Earlier it would not enable the index for new site.

(#15597) Lucene Search engine is disabled by default on Production installs of CS. 

(#15607) More wildcards allowed with Lucene search now .  Now CS support all wildcards that are supported by Lucene search.


Multilingual Assets

(#15662) CS installations on Portal servers now support creating multilingual assets.


User Interface

(#15053) Dash UI - creating a new translation without selecting workflow assignees no longer throws an error

(#15064) Dash workflow - clicking on go without selecting an action in workflow drop down does not show a blank screen now

(#15160) Deadlocked assets now show up in My Assignments as well as search results.

(#15585) Dash UI: Create/Edit operations for assets now work on Weblogic Portal.

(#15591) If an asset is deleted before invoking search the delete code no longer throws exception.

(#15593) InSite UI: if there were 5n+1 assets in search results, then "next >" link would not appear when you were on the 5 th page. Now it works correctly.

(#15595) Dash UI: Compare option can now be used for Recommendation and Page Assets.

(#15599) Dash UI: After a successful rollback, rollback button no longer appears on the asset header bar.

(#15601) InSite UI: Modifying a revision tracked asset in InSite editor no longer throws a javascript error.

(#15612) Fixed java script issues for ewebedit pro to work with insite editing.

(#15613) Firefox issues: improved aligment and cleaned up some Dash UI objects to make them more robust.

(#15614) Firefox issues: Delete icon associated with Image Picker is now working properly.

(#15615) New Flash file added to Flash Editor.  This flash file has better javascript capabilities to support utf-8 characters.

(#15621) Dash UI:On Page asset edit, removing the last recommendation now works.

(#15624) AssetTree no longer shows the invalid option "Select Catalog", when there are lots (thousands) of assets in the asset tree.

(#15625) Dash: Invalid confirmation message no longer seen when multiple users are working on the same installation

When multiple users are accessing content through Dash UI, sometimes one user gets a workflow related message that another user should have received.  For example, after you click on something, say view or save an asset, you might see a message like: "Assignment deadline set to Thu Jul 12 00:00:00 EDT 2007".  You were not supposed to get this message, and another user who at the same time was setting an assignment deadline should have got that message.  But he doesn't get it and you get it. 

(#15632) AssetTree load performance has been improved.  Tree will load only the top-level nodes when the user visits asset tree. And subsequent levels would be loaded when user tries to access them.

(#15642) Dash UI: on creating new assets associated with a workflow process, the workflow for the asset now gets started.  Earlier it would not get started. Earlier it would get started only if the start step type selected was "Choose assignees when step is taken". If it was set to any other of the 4 start step options, workflow would not get created/started.

(#15643) On CS installed on Websphere, ImagePicker and ImageEditor now works correctly.

(#15651) Using FCKeditor for basic/flex no longer causes javascript errors.

(#15652) Dash UI: the screen to checkin a revision tracked asset can now be toggled back and forth with other screens. Earlier when user tried to check in a revision tracked asset, user would see the checkin layout, but user could not toggle back and forth with other tabs on the asset.

(#15656) Dash UI: FCKEditor now appears in full length.

(#15660) Saving an ImageFile asset with a locale no longer throws a null pointer exception.

(#15661) Firefox issue: Size change on Image Picker now works.

(#15666) Dash UI: now allows user to enter Name and Description for Recommendation Asset.




(#14444) Incorrect names no longer shown in workflow history when user is deleted

(#15058) Delegate Assignment functionality now works correctly in "dash".


 Issues Fixed in CS 7.0.1


 (#15369) Add a bulk asset load utility in Asset API to enhance performance of Dash ui

There was no method available in API to load assets in bulk. That resulted in poor performance since assets had to be loaded one by one..

(#15371) API: Now CS uses a Weak Reference to load binary data in memory only when it is needed

Earlier CS would load the full binary data into memory whenever the binary object was referenced, irrespective of whether the binary object was ever accessed or not. Now CS just uses a weak reference to that object in memory, and load it into the memory only when the object needs to be accessed



Cache Management

(#14738) CS6.3: Basic Asset Blob cache not getting refreshed when the blob is updated

(#15140) BlobServer does not seem to be loading blobs into cache on CS

(#15333) Alloy: Memory leak in cache management.

The issue was that caching calculated cache keys based on input params, but the input params were being cached without any filtering.. so all 20 or so input parameters were being added to memory and were left in memory.

(#15427) Cache clearance issue with FSII.

Even with cache set to false, modified template's cache would not get cleared until the referred asset was changed



(#13833) Attributes with EWebEditPro support do not work if they are placed right below any other attribute that has a button



(#15070) FSII Preview defaults back to en_US no matter what the input locale is

FSII: preview does not switch to current locale (i.e. previewing Home(fr) leads to Home / en_US) This is because FSII doesn't care about the locale of the incoming asset - if no locale session variable exists, FSII templates will always default to English.


InSite Editing

(#14867) In InSite Editing mode, redirects after session timeout don't work properly

If you time out in the Insite Framework, then you are being redirected to the session timeout page. But when you re login, you are getting logged into the Advanced UI rather than into the Insite Framework.

(#15298) Incorrect behavior while deleting value from attribute, whose attribute type is PickAsset from the Popup.


InSite Templating

(#15268) Insite:Create asset tag shows up in page builder view when you switch back and forth between Page builder mode and editing mode

(#15285)  On Search Results table of Page Layout Button, broken Image displayed for Assets which did not have default icon.



(#15425) DM view was not working in CS 7.0 as flame.jar was not being deployed on the app server correctly

(#15488) In CS 7 installs, Search wouldn't get enabled by default

(#15536) In CS 7 install on delivery mode, users could not access the login page to the CS Direct interface


Installation - Upgrades

(#15202) Upgrade from CS 6.3 to CS 7 fails if Ids have changed in AssocNamed_Subtypes table

(#15254) Upgrade from CS 6.3 to CS 7 fails if workflow was being used in CS 6.3


Multi-Lingual Assets

(#14603) Locale field value does not save in CS-Doclink



(#15432) asset.export to file does not create parent directories

(#15433) export.xml has \r as line ending, instead of \r\n

(#15501) Publishing: Selecting "Any" on a site list for a TreeTab does not get initialized on destination

(#15508) Publish event scheduled functionality is NOT working.

(#15290) Publish sessions created when there's nothing to publish

(#15356) NumberFormatException thrown when doing Export To Disk publish

(#15491) PREFERREDFILE and PREFERREDDIR parameters missing from jsp tags


Revision Tracking

(#15042) Revision history links do not point to the correct revision media (Doc, Images)

The data stored in revision history is correct but links in Inspect screen of the revisions are not pointing to the correct uploaded revision files. The data links are all pointing to the latest uploaded revision file which is wrong.

(#15043) On Dash UI : Old revisions cant be viewed as in Advanced UI



(#14533) Advanced Search: Using "Select Attribute" returns all assets

(#15141) Flex asset advanced search generated wrong query

(#15153) Searching for a string that contains ']' throws an error on the interface and a stack trace in the logs

(#15215) AssetId queue operations would leave inconsistent cache state:

The dequeue operation seems uses ICS.SQL with a delete statement. This causes the data to be directly deleted from the database without affecting the cache state, if anything is cached for that table.



(#14962) Template: selecting a user for workflow in New template throws error in the log files


User Interface

(#14844) For a multi valued Date Attribute with a Date Picker Attribute Editor when you click on Add Another it throws Exception 

(#14871) Hidden attribute type doesn't work properly

(#14919) Dash-Advanced-Insite switching algorithm has issues

Login to Dash. Click on Advanced. Close Dash Windows. Click on Dash in Advanced Windows, you get a javascript error

(#14984) Dash UI does not support drop down picker for Parent selection

(#14998) On Dash UI Asset Tree does not filter out the tabs from other sites. So it shows you the tabs available to the user across sites, even though you select a specific site when you log in.

(#15055) Dash UI - dashboard shows ID of the last edited asset even if the last edited asset was deleted

(#15080) Dash UI - Multi valued parents show up and down arrows which is incorrect

(#15100) Dash UI - Clicking on - or + sign next to Site Plan throws exception

(#15015) Recommendation override by promotion does not work, it throws invalid SQL error

(#15123) You can rename a tag with a name that has blank spaces

(#15139) Without logging out from "dash" while using the same "StartMenu" after Point 6 (Removing access for "FirstSite II"), the "StartMenu" should fail gracefully with a correct error message

(#15150) Dash UI - is now functional on JBOSS 4.20.

(#15195) Advanced UI : impossible to delete last value of multivalued blob attributes

(#15197) FCKEditor controls disappear in full screen mode in advanced UI

(#15199) Dash UI: asset inspect throws exception if the asset that you are trying to inspect is being used on the page layout screen

(#15207) Dash: clicking on cancel in a create screen (thru scroller) crashes the browser

(#15208) Dash: error pane doesn't show up in 1024*768 if the starting point was through the scroller

(#15240) Javascript live connect issue on Firefox Mac

There is a javascript/liveconnect issue related to the history tab that prevents assets from getting added to the history tab properly

(#15241) Dash UI would not pick up the custom MimeTypes defined by users.  Now it does pick them up.

(#15259) DashUI: Assignments link in dash doesn't work

(#15260) DashUI: My assignments link in leftnav doesn't work

(#15271) DashUI: Tree behaves incorrectly when we copy an asset

(#15274) DashUI: the url for Attribute of type blob is incorrect if the asset is a flex parent

(#15293) UI Dash Performance issue with start menu

Now start menu service supports multiple column read to improve performance.

(#15309) Dash: User tag with UTF-8 not working

(#15321) Advanced: Need to show a horizontal scrollbar for fckeditor if the content is too long

(#15335) Tree Applet: New Dimension and New DimensionSet options do not appear in the applet and in menu that appears on right click in applet

(#15350) Dash: Need to show a default icon in the siteplan tree for assettypes that do not have an icon associated with them

(#15354) Advanced: Certain templates do not show up on the asset screen dropdowns

(#15364) Dash UI:  shows unexpected exception if u try to create a product using a new custom product definition

(#15365) Dash UI: sort in search results does not work for modified column

(#15367) Dash UI: do not see the locale dropdown for compare/make master etc

(#15375) Delete from Tag in dash throws an unexpected error, but succeeds

(#15388) Documents tree tab does not appear by default on the Advanced UI.

(#15448) Dash UI: Parent association is not working properly when multiple parents exist

(#15449) Dash UI: clicking on siteplan (-) icon results in a nullpointer exception

(#15457) The Newly created Content Parent is getting placed under "Unplaced Pages" in the 'Site Plan' Tree in the left nav

(#15520) Dash UI throws exception on save and then save & close when revision tracking is enabled

(#15522) Dash UI: AddLink, Include buttons would display even if user didn't opt for it.




(#14251) When running RemoteContentPost to import product assets, products are being assigned to parents that are in another site because the parents have the same name in both sites.



(#15115) Property per-client-log does not show logs

(#14476) ContentServer exception running CS recursively when an image is not found or there is a problem in the image

(#14496) asset:import is ignoring any value wrapped in CDATA. Most obvious this is with CSElement file attribute for the actual ElementCatalog url column.

(#14583) Events fire on both cluster nodes. There is no synchronization between seperate event manager threads when the lock is already released.

(#14881) NioFileLock leaves .ftlock files around

(#14882) Event engine blocks on long running events

If the event engine is executing an event, and this event takes a while (let's say 5 mins), then during those 5 minutes not other events will be run. Not even events with other names. In other words, the event engine is single threaded, whereby each event should run in it's own thread (or adopt a worker model)

(#14884) 404 error not forwarded to error page in Weblogic

(#15206) CS doesn't work properly if you set varchar2 to CHAR in Oracle

If you setup Oracle database to use CHAR for VARCHAR2 instead of BYTE which is the default. This causes problems where the system tries to save the data from url fields in the database rather than on the file system.

(#15248) Asset.Search tag for basic asset does not work on Oracle 9 when parameter what="*"

(#15258) Recommendations would get loaded in the asset edit screen even if they did not apply to the asset

(#15301) PULLDOWN attribute editor not functioning properly in Advanced UI

(#15329) SampleSites.html opens sample sites, but requests login for InSite

(#15348) Doclink and Dash would not work on the same machine because of cookie conflict

(#15385) JVM deadlocks on trying to deploy CS on weblogic on a single threaded machine

(#15412) Security issue: user with "SiteAdmin" (NOT GeneralAdmin) role can access to all the other sites and administer them

(#15420) While adding an embedded link 'Include', the FCKEditor would show Invalid exception saying " No selection or the Selection is invalid".

(#15431) While editing assets, template subtype now showing up in dropdown menu.

(#15435) When you create a SiteEntry that is NOT a wrapper, the pageletonly flag in SiteCatalog is set to 'T'. If you run the SiteCatalog entry, you wouldn't be allowed to (preview in CS-Direct is fine). If you edit the SiteEntry asset to make it a wrapper, the flag is changed to 'F'. This should let you run the SiteCatalog entry but it wouldn't under Satellite Server unless you flush the cache manually. The problem here is Satellite Server is not informed of the change. Again, it works fine in preview in CS-Direct.

(#15440) While adding an embedded link 'Include', the RealObjects Editor would show Invalid exception saying " No selection or the Selection is invalid".

(#15531) Site launcher error while sharing assets


Satellite Server

(#14931) Publish and Cache issue - a time window exists where blank pages would get stored in cache for valid assets

(#15162) Satellite Server returns 404 instead of 403 on protected pagelets

(#15361) Users could not pass parameters from SatelliteServer portlets back to ContentServer. Now they can.

Users can now call a method in a custom portlet class (that extends the com.openmarket.Satellite.portlet.Satellite class) that will add arbitrary parameters to the request. This allows them to send any param to CS that they want to, whether they come from the portlet session, a config file, or out of thin air. Javadoc documentation is up-to-date for these classes. While this does not go so far as to define an ini file configuration naming convention, it provides all of the flexibility that such a mechanism would allow, but remains clean and simple.


 Issues Fixed in CS 7.0

Application Servers

 (#11461) Need patch from BEA to enable javascript in portlets.

Javascript doesn't work on BEA managed server set up in Production mode. To use the portal defined from Weblogic Administration Tools Portal (the WebUI, not the WorkShop), contact BEA to obtain patch CR 131778. Install the patch.

(#13719) Log file futuretense.txt is not created when using Sun JES 2005 Q1.

This is fixed by Sun in JES 2005 Q4 release



(#13765) CatalogManager doesn't support Oracle users with access to multiple schemas

When the oracle database user has access to multiple schemas, all these schemas are read when CatalogManager tries to find the table structure of tables.  This issue was specific to Oracle 8.1. Alloy supports Oracle 9 and 10, and this issue is not observed on those.

(#14509) Oracle 10g & DB2: timestamp data type displays incorrectly


Flex Assets

(#14325) Exception in futuretense.txt while creating a new Content item

(#14636) Error 13050 updating a multi value ordered blob attribute on asset:save

(#14775) multiple ordered attributes doesn't work with Blobs


Insite Editor

(#4687) InSite Editor Allows Removal of Data Considered Required in the UI

(#8434) InSite Editor Console Needs Scrollbar Or Abbreviated Action to Take

(#12971) InSite Editor - The Edit button with Ektron does not change to View

(#14227) Template to render Optional fields of an asset using InSite Editing would not show anything for the optional field if the template was of type jsp

(#14658) InSite: Incorrect access to start menus

(#14890) Select Template list box on 'insite' page over lapping the 'Get Link' link if Template name is bigger.


Insite Templating

(#13993) Save does not work on Tomcat

(#14861) Invalid exception while deleting an asset, that placed into a slot of InsiteTemplatingTemplating and Removed from the template and then try to deleted.



(#12096) Using Content Server Management tools cannot query/update/replace/delete Content

(#13118) Site Plan tree displays the site plan from source after replication

(#13501) Even if the eWebEditPro field is required and the value is not entered, user is able to save the asset.

(#13545) double-clicking on tree entries causes nav and tree to get lost

(#13761) Promotions Assets can not be copied

(#14011) Using FlushServer in propeditor for commons-logging.properties doesn't work

(#14074) site launcher creates attribute names with spaces between name and prefix

(#14126) Embedded links to pages in FSII are nonfunctional

(#14127) CS Direct page editing form resets Template field

(#14224) Spaces in role names cause problems when assigning workflow to a start menu

(#14244) JSP files are now deployed using a non-hashed filename by default, instead of the very cryptic cx_X39823492384234MyJspName.jsp

(#14269) While working with Real Objects on Firefox data does not get saved for the real object field

(#14298) Tree Applet - need to press spacebar or enter key after applying the latest Microsoft patches on XP

(#14377) XML field being unencoded on save

(#14473) jsp pages in FSII with code that contained string value="<ics.get... does not work in WL9.2. It has been changed to value='<ics.get...

(#14477) COM.FutureTense.Servlet.ServletRequest.init() waiting to lock

(#14499) Asset details show up in the history even before the user hits save and actually create an instance of the asset.

(#14564) render:callelement call from a template does not log dependencies when called element has assetset tags that render unkowndeps

(#14569) SAFE: selecting all roles in grant or deny throws truncation exception

(#14573) Asset delete - deletes asset even if the asset is shared across sites

(#14591) *.qry exceptions with SystemPageCache records in Webphere with JITC enabled

(#14640) SS does not display the portlets in JBOSS Portal correctly, no content type error

(#15145) Creation of Site Visitor/User creation is not working for the CS on the Sun portal Server,Oracle



(#1647) Export to Disk does not work with out Argument field like URLPREFIX=/mysite&OLDTEMPLATE=true. - need to show an error when this occurs

(#8714) Admin->Publishing->Destinations->[xxx]->Set Default Templates is very slow

(#10104) Lock-out needed to avoid publishing crosstalk between receiving assets and outgoing assets

(#11621) Publish session still says it is running after you restart application server.

(#14094) During static publishing should be able to customize the destination for a Blob

(#14149) Unable to mirror AssetTypes

(#14261) Exception during mirror publish: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000

(#14281) Poor publishing query performance

(#14405) target listed twice in OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Actions/BatchPublish

(#14186) PublishConsoleFront performance issue

(#14474) During static export of blobs, CS creates folder mugoblobs, this folder name should be customizable

(#14814) static publish (export to disk) doesn't update assetdate correctly


Satellite Server

(#14222) URISyntaxException writing page url through SS

(#14824) applications of type rss+xml not supported on remote SS


Tag Issues

(#13605) assetset:getattributevalues: immediateonly=true not working

(#13768) asset:loadrevision does not work and throws an exception.

(#13982) render:satelliteblob does not work when using c/cid/fieldname set of attributes

Workaround is to use the satellite:blob tag and specify the parentid attribute with a value set to "asset-cid:c" where c and cid are replaced with the actual values.


Template and Elements

(#15048) CSElement: The Revision Tracked CSElement does not show related association in version preview

(#15049) CSElement: Revision Tracked CSElement shows association even after rolled back to non-associated version



(#13292)The History and Visitor Attributes do not upgrade automatically from previous versions of Content Server to CS 6.2.

 Error during deserialization of history attribute on an upgrade from 5.5.1 to 6.2 The user to edit all visitor attributes and history attributes that have constraints, and basically re-specify the constraints in the UI.



(#13434) Uploading binary files to flex asset with XMLPost does not work

(#13990) XML Post fails to import UTF-8 characters correctly if encoding is specified

(#15180) When you share an asset and select All Site Option instead of a sample site, Dash Search does not work on these shared assets.


 Known Issues in CS 7.0.2

The known issues in release 7.0.2 are described in this section and are sorted by feature set.

Access Permissions

(#15056) Can't edit recommendations without SiteGod role

If an editorial user is added to the UI and that user is not given SiteGod privileges, the user cannot edit Recommendation assets if they are more than static list recommendations. The following error appears on the screen: Error -3 encountered while saving. Error: errno=-3 on call to catalog manager for table 'RuleSetDef'


Application Servers

(#3651) In BEA LDAP integration, CS does not ask realm name from user and assumes default of 'myrealm'.


Attribute Editors

(#8220) The XML code for attribute editors can have no extra white space in the text entry field in the New or Edit Attribute Editor form.

This includes hard spaces between lines of code and indenting. When there are additional white spaces, the attribute editor does not work properly when a user attempts to add a value for the flex attribute that uses the editor.


Cache Management

(#13961) Remote Satellite Server throws an Unexpected exception in fetchFromCSandStream

(#14356) No error displayed if user if cluster members cannot write to the SystemPageCache folder

(#14426) Setting cc.cacheResults=-1 or 0 doesn't work.

(#15230) asset:children not recording compositional dependencies if asset was not loaded


CS-Engage Assets

(#14070) Delete buttons do not work on promotion content

(#15588) Recommendation Asset: Improper behavior when Recommendation Asset created with Dynamic lists.



(#605) Deleting tables using CatalogManager.

If you have enabled revision tracking for an object table, and then you delete the table using CatalogManager, Content Server still thinks that the table is being revision tracked.

(#2037) SystemSQL column tablename is allowed to be null.

Content Server allows the value in the tablename column in the SystemSQL table to be null. However, for result set caching to work properly, this value must be specified.

(#2534) Cannot log in to Content Server if username is the same as "id" value in SystemUsers.

You cannot log into Content Server if the username you are using to log in has the same "id" value of a different user in the SystemUsers table. For example, DefaultReader has an ID value of 2. If you create a user with the username "2," that user cannot log in.



(#2272) Selecting a specific HTML file for import does not work properly if more than one file exists in the directory location.

(#2548) CatalogMover does not export from columns that hold blobs.

For example, a table is created with a column using the data type specified by the property cc.blob. An image is uploaded to the table. When CatalogMover exports the row, the image is not written out to the export data.



(#1131) LONG and LONG RAW columns cannot be mirrored.

When using Oracle, LONG and LONG RAW columns cannot be mirrored. Use a URL column rather than a LONG or LONG RAW.

(#1700) For Microsoft SQL Server databases, Content Server recommends maximum length of 4000 characters for Varchar columns.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database allows a maximum size of 8000 characters in a varchar type column. Using JDBC, however, it is possible to insert/update data of only 4000 characters or less using prepared statement technique (Content Server users this technique). Attempts to insert/update data larger than that size fail with an error. As a result of this anomaly, Content Server’s insert/updates fail with the following message in the logs “Disallowed implicit conversion from data type ntext to data type varchar”.

It is therefore advised that that the varchar column be created with capacity less than 4000. If size requirement for this column is greater than 4000, please consider using a ‘URL type’ field.

(#3617)  Content Server doesn't handle field length correctly when using UTF-8.

e.g. The maximum length of asset's name is 64 characters in html form (input type="text" maxlength="64"). If I enter 64 ä-letters into the text field, SQLException occurs. That happens because the name field is VARCHAR(64), which is 64 bytes which is incorrect for UTF-8.

(#13270) Case sensitive database causes error on call to CatalogList for catalog template

(#13274) If using MSSQL, need to install with standard SQL authentication


Embedded Links

(#6623) It is possible to embed an embedded link inside another embedded link.

CS-Direct does not stop users from embedding links inside other embedded links. If this happens, the links may not be resolved on the page that displays the asset (that is, they are broken links).

(#10323) Embedded pagelets, using the 'Include' link, can not be rendered in the InSite Editor if ewebeditpro is true.

The Insite.Edit tag should have the ewebeditpro=true attribute removed when displaying an embedded pagelet.

(#15122) Include Image Marker not appearing on Ektron/RealObject/FCKEditor.

Include Image Marker not appearing on Ektron/RealObject/FCKEditor. Important: The visual marker for Include is not appearing in Ektron/RealObject/FCK Editor, but the include is being added.



(#13626) Editing fails if MAXLENGTH is specified for an ewebeditpro field.

Setting the MAXLENGTH attribute in the eWebEditPro does not allow an asset to be saved. This requires a manual edit in an eWebEditPro file. Edit ewep.js and search for "var editorEstimateContentSize=". Change whole to body e.g.
    var editorEstimateContentSize="whole";
    var editorEstimateContentSize="body";

(#13865) Links to anchor tags created with eWebEditPro within insite editing have the complete URL encoded which causes problems when content is published.


First Site II

(#13963) Site Replication throws exceptions when replicating First Site II with only Core and Document Schema installed.

(#13964) Cannot create a media asset when only the following First Site II components are installed - FSII Core, FSII Store Schema and FSII Store Demo Data


Flex Asset

(#9442) Asset types other than flex assets may show in the Admin when tree is not displayed.

When the treeview is toggled off and you click "List All Flex Family Asset Types," the list returned are not all flex assets.

(#10500) Changing a flex attribute from multi-valued to single-valued causes problems for some existing data

The UI should prohibit this change if there is any multivalue data for the attribute in the system.

(#10844) FlexAssets: CS has problem distinguishing between attributes with same name but different case

If 2 attributes exist with same name but case is different, e.g., Name and name, and one has external editing and storage, we do not do the right thing when creating an asset which has both or either one of the attributes. Existing data is overwritten with incorrect data or data is lost.

(#12143) Creating Flex Assets with foreign characters in the name corrupts the database.

(#14764) Deleting all ratings does not work in CS

When user deleting all the ratings from one asset from CS-Direct UI, CS Direct UI just ignores the command and behaves like nothing happened. However, if the user did delete through other ways, by setting ruleset to null/"" in loaded asset before save or through new UI (we allow people to do that), CS only delete the entry created in AssetType_Extension table and left RuleSetDef and RuleMap untouched. The leaves the asset into a stage that no more ratings could be added anymore. (You would see an unique id violation when trying to set ratings again).


InSite Editor

(#7316) InSite Editor needs to perform an additional check when revision tracking is on.

When a user views an asset in the InSite Editor, the InSite Editor checks to make sure the asset is not locked and it displays the most recent version. However, it does not lock the asset until the user clicks the pencil icon.

At that point, when it does lock the asset, the InSite Editor should check the version one more time. It does not. Because the asset was not locked, it is possible that another user could have opened, edited, and saved it while the first user was viewing it. This means that the original user could now be working on an out-of-date version of the asset.

 (#11890) Selecting a workflow assignment may close InSite Editor.

If an assignment link is selected from InSite Editor and the link points to an asset that is unsupported for editing by ISE, then ISE will close.

(#13061) InSiteEditor does not refresh to show the pencil icons for editing after the deny permission to edit is removed for author user.

To keep up with the performance, insite content is designed to be cached with other part of the pagelet. The current implementation keeps track of all direct dependencies, including access permission and workflow state, which are all direct related to the asset instance.  The workaround is to flush CS and SS cache and the pencil icons will start showing correctly.

(#13865) Links to anchor tags created with eWebEditPro with insite editing get messed up.

When you add a link to an anchor tag in eWebEditPro during in-site editing and save it the link gets prefixed with the current URL.

(#14790) Cant edit an asset from 'Insite editor' if the asset type is enabled for revision tracking

This behavior is also inconsistent. If user 'logs out' and 'logs in' into Advanced UI, then it working properly. But, in many cases user have to clear the cache and proceed.

(#14791) In InSite Editor users get a Javascript error on clicking 'Edit' button associated with eWebEditPro/Realobject, if the asset is enabled for Revision Tracking.

(#14800) Invalid message on previewing the asset in Insite Editing mode if that asset was created using CS-Desktop.

(#14817) Delete is not working properly from 'insite' for multiple valued attribute editors.

Delete is not working properly from 'insite' for multiple valued attribute editors. This is using insite:addvalue tag

(#15010) Javascript error occurs during creation of Document Asset from Insite, when only one Document Definition exists.

This happens when Document is not enabled for CS-Doclink and in the template dmv="true".

(#15423) On previewing any asset whose template value is FSIILayout, you get a javascript error.

(#15582) In InSite Editor, when you create content through Document Management View it does not work properly,

The error occurs as for some reason parent pick from tree is not changing to drop down in the popup screen. Single valued parent works fine, but this problem comes up with multi valued parents


InSite Templating

(#15166) Insite: Search drop down shows blank lines if start menus do not have description

(#15574) If you create a template using insite templating and have slots in the template, then a visitor who is not logged into CS, sees the slots empty and does not see the content that is supposed to be in those slots.  However if the same user logs in to CS in the same browser session, then they can see the slots content.

(#15575) When a template is changed in development and it is published to Staging server, the Template_Composition table in Staging is updated with data from development so users lose all the content they put in the slots in Staging.



(#13570) CS installer does not deploy webservices jars

(#13876) Windows install fails if there is a space in the path to CS home directory

(#14249) File was.policy should have an additional property modifyThreadGroup and satellite.properties property cache_folder should not be ""

(#14723) CS Uninstaller does not work

(#14741) Installer wipes ominstallinfo folder when home directory = install directory

(#14953) Satellite Server installer does not display help

(#15439) AIX encryption fails due to a JIT compiler error while running installer or CS after install

To workaround this issue use the option -Xjit:{IBMTest.initKey([B[II)V}(disableTreeSimplification) This disables the failing optimization for only the method that suffers from the problem.

(#15594) When cs.use.short.jsp.names=false (the new default value - used to be true by default), jsp elements that contain dots (such as "www.inc.com/common/flexLinkButton ") will not get deployed properly.

They will be deployed without the .jsp extension so the appserver won't know how to run them. To work around this, clients who use dots in their jsp element names should set cs.use.short.jsp.names=true.

(#15688) Cluster member upgrade changes ft.sync to mycluster on the cluster member, but to "blank' on the Master server

(#15717) HSQL shown on database list for Resin Installer.  HSQL is not supported for Content Server.


Installer - Upgrades

(#15644) Upgrade doesn't set the fckeditor property in futuretense_xcel.ini

After upgrade, you must manually set the property xcelerate.fckeditor.basepath=/[CONTEXT_ROOT]/FCKeditor/ e.g, /cs/FCKeditor/

(#15730) Upgrade from CS 6.3: Incorrect KeyView.jar file gets inserted in Windows

There are two Keyview.jar files when upgrading - one comes from CS 6.3 install and another is installed by the upgrade code In CS 6.3 - it was 'keyview.jar' In CS 7.0.2 - its KeyView.jar The correct one is KeyView.jar. While upgrading on Windows - sometimes KeyView.jar is replaced by keyview.jar - which is the incorrect version.

Workaround: Copy KeyView.jar and replace it in Web-INF\lib folder (In unix/linux - both files coexist - so CS can pick up the correct jar file)

(#15747) Upgrading to CS 7.0.x fails if the FirstSiteII data relating to AssetSubTypes was edited before upgrade.

So if you are using FirstSiteII and modify FirstSIte II data ( in CS 6.x or CS 7.0) and then try to upgrade to CS 7.0.x. It will fail on AssetSubtypes table.
Workaround - If you face this failure, then run the following scripts at database and restart the upgrade.

delete from assetsubtypes a where a.assettype='Page' and a.subtype='Cart' and a.pubid=(select b.id from publication b where b.description ='FirstSite Mark II');
delete from assetsubtypes a where a.assettype='Page' and a.subtype='Home' and a.pubid=(select b.id from publication b where b.description ='FirstSite Mark II');
delete from assetsubtypes a where a.assettype='Page' and a.subtype='Product' and a.pubid=(select b.id from publication b where b.description ='FirstSite Mark II');
delete from assetsubtypes a where a.assettype='Page' and a.subtype='Search' and a.pubid=(select b.id from publication b where b.description ='FirstSite Mark II');
delete from assetsubtypes a where a.assettype='Page' and a.subtype='Standard' and a.pubid=(select b.id from publication b where b.description ='FirstSite Mark II');
delete from assetsubtypes a where a.assettype='Dimension' and a.subtype='Locale' and a.pubid=(select b.id from publication b where b.description ='FirstSite Mark II');


(#15774) Image, Linkset and Article asset type elements are always imported even if the BF sample site is not installed

If custom asset types of the same name exist then the upgrade installer will incorrectly overwrite the elements.

Workaround: Before the upgrade is started,

1) Locate the file ContentServer\Xcelerate\Populate\ElementCatalog.html in the directory from which the installer is being run. Please delete the entry for the asset type which is causing the conflict.  e.g. If Image asset type name is being used then search for all entries starting with "OpenMarket/Xcelerate/AssetType/Image" and delete those records completely. A sample entry to be removed is shown below.

<td><ft4509b/>Show Image Details<ft4509e/></td>

2) Locate the file ContentServer\Xcelerate\Populate\SystemSQL.html in the directory from which the installer is being run. Please delete the entry for the asset type which is causing the conflict and start the upgrade again.  e.g. If Image asset type name is being used then search for all entries starting with "OpenMarket/Xcelerate/AssetType/Image" and delete those records completely and start the upgrade. A sample entry to be removed is shown below.

<td>Select summary info for an image</td>

The workaround for this issue is valid for the CS 7.0.2 Advanced interface, but not for the Dash interface. In the Dash interface, a custom asset type named "Image" or "Article" will not be listed as a New or Search start menu item, and it will not be displayed in the asset tree. See issue #16077.

(#16077Dash UI does not allow you to search for or create Image or Article assets since Image and Article are reserved asset type names.



(#13471) CS does not support table names and column names with multibyte UTF-8 characters in Oracle 9i, MS SQL Server, and DB2. 

Its recommended not to use muti-byte characters in the following:

·                      UserNames

·                      ACLNames

·                      RoleNames

·                      Template Names

·                      AssetType Names and FieldNames


Java API

(#1513) Content Server requires column names returned in length order.

When implementing an IList, Content Server requires that column names be returned in length order, especially when one column name is a prefix of another column name (i.e., order and order_id). This can affect performance if the implementing IList class wants to maintain a column order.

(#2046) ics.CommitBatchedCommands() does not return the correct status.

ics.CommitBatchedCommands() does not return the correct status or set the errno variable properly in every situation.

(#10085) no session web services requests degrades performance with ldap

(#13653) JSP Processing Adds Whitespace

Take an xml page that wraps code that streams a document back to the user -- this allows for checking the user credentials before the doc is streamed. If we try to call out the a jsp to do the validation the stream fails - it actually spits the bytes into the browser since something IS coming before the header. The jsp the I called was completely on 1 line so it should not have 'preserved' any white space

(#13870) Can't use ics.sendmail to deliver emails through an SMTP server that authenticates

Message exception sending mail Sending failed; nested exception is: javax.mail.SendFailedException: Invalid Addresses; nested exception is: javax.mail.SendFailedException: 530 Authentication Required The only solution is to roll your own javax.mail client

(#14131) Participants.tld has duplicate entries for Addparticipant

(#14402) ASSET.REFERENCEDBY tag is broken

(#14653) Asset export of non-page/collection assets does not contain unnamed associations.

When using asset:export / asset.export tags on an asset that isn't a page or collection, the output XML doesn't contain info about the unnamed associations.

(#14765) GetCompleAttribute would throw exception if the asset does not have a parent

In flex Asset, getCompleAttribute method always assumes that there is a parent for the passing in asset type + definition, if there is none, a CS.DB exception would be thrown relating to getting "assetid" from ResultSet while the resultset is empty.

(#14801) ASSET.LOAD does not set any error number when trying to load an asset that doesn't exist

(#15045) Tag asset:deletevoids does not work, and it corrupts the approval subsystem  



(#13974) Keyview doesnt work correctly for translating Microsoft Excel to HTML on Linux. 

(#14739) KeyView XML, HTML filters can not both be used in same JVM instance

Basically if you try to access the filter XML followed by HTML or HTML followed by XML the JVM crashes (we are talking about a register dump here). This occurs if there are 2 filters on the same page each with a different type or if 2 filets are used in serial. The Text filter is not affected. This behavior has been seen on Linux (JBOSS) and HP-UX (WEBSPHERE).

(#15201) KeyView crashes the JVM.  This may not happen every time, but there is a very strong possibility that it crashes the JVM.  And this could happen on all platforms.



 (#1597) Content Server Events (APPEVENT) are ignored if the previous event took too long.

For example, if you have a Content Server event that is scheduled to occur every minute and one of the events took 70 seconds to execute, the next event is ignored.

(#2035) Changing cc.contentkey causes problems.

Changing the value of the cc.contentkey property to something other than the default value causes problems with CS tables that depend on this property. FatWire recommends that you do not change this property.

(#2775) Mirroring sets errno incorrectly.

Mirroring fails to set errno if it fails to write a file to the folder specified by defdir in the SystemInfo table.

(#13128) If a user has an asset checked out, and admin removes access permission for the user, the item is still checked out to the user. It does not automatically get checked in.

(#13969) LogDef does not could cause un-linked cache

If there is a un-recognized rendermode passed, the system will cache the page and not log the dependencies. This will cause the page not being flushed in anyway since there dependencies are not there. The correct behavior should be 1. cache the page and log the dependencies anyway or 2. if the dependencies are not logged, do not cache the page.

(#13870) ics.sendmail does not work when using authenticating SMTP server

(#13987) Preview operation picks up incorrect Satellite Server URL if multiple Remote Satellite Servers are registered

(#14317) CSE allows dirty updates with revision tracking

(#14609) Web services not working properly for processing application/xml SOAP responses

(#14721) During Edit of Attribute, Error is Thrown and Data in Attribute is Lost

This is an isolated case where the client was trying to use an embedded link with an invalid type of "image". However even if the attribute is incorrect and invalid, when saved, it should not leave the attribute empty. It seems that when the attribute is saved, the original data is removed and the attribute is emptied. It then tries to load the attribute with the new data but throws an exception due to the invalid embedded link. Instead of it saving the attribute now as empty, it should retrieve the original data and repopulate it so it doesn't lose the attribute. This can most likely happen to attributes regardless of what the error or exception is.

(#14750) Preview does not work with xml debug turned on

When xml debug is turned on Preview does not work anymore. Reason is that the xml element is validated against the dtd when xml debug is turned on , but the validation fails. This is the code piece that CS barks about (in ShowPreviewFrames) <if COND="IsVariable.target=true"> <then> <ARGUMENT NAME="target" VALUE="Variables.target"/> </then> </if> Best to check all xml elements against the DTD, at CS build time.

(#14751) There is no way to see the History, when Toggle Tree is Off.

(#14789) Change in behavior for multi valued checkbox attribute for AssetMaker assets

In CS 6.3 we used to allow a construct like this: <PROPERTY NAME="checkbox" DESCRIPTION="checkbox"> <STORAGE TYPE="CHAR" LENGTH= "36"/> <INPUTFORM TYPE="CHECKBOX" SOURCETYPE="STRING" CBDESCRIPTIONS="A, B, C" CBVALUES="0, 1, 2" DEFAULT="" INSTRUCTION="A check box field" HIDDEN="NO"/> </PROPERTY> in an Asset Descriptor File. This would allow users to select or deselect multiple values for a checkbox attribute. The saved attribute will be stored as a comma sparated string in the database. This is the only way we allowed multiple values for an AssetMaker asset attribute. In Alloy we will not allow this behavior thru the new UI. Checkboxes will always show up as RadioButtons for AssetMaker assets.

(#14826) SiteLauncher has no UI if the tree is disabled

(#15038) When a flex asset is shared but not the dependencies, UI (Dash as well as Adv) do not show some fields like Locale, Parents etc for those assets

(#15061) RealObect type of editors do not display correctly on Dash UI.

(#15096) Advanced UI - Java applet issue on client when first using Alloy Advanced UI and then using to 6.x UI on same URL (same port number and domain)

(#15453) SitePlan allows you to Place/Unplace pages even if Asset is checked out by another user.\

(#15467) CS: xcelerate.displayablenameattr causes "Variables.useraclname" to be displayed

When adding a custom user attribute (called "Shimei" for example) to all users, going to "Admin Tab > Sites > [siteName] > Users" to list all the users after setting xcelerate.displayablenameattr to "Shimei" would display the list of user names as the value of this attribute instead of the actual user name (which is fine). However, the Roles column displays "Variables.useraclname". Also, when clicking one of the users, it does not properly open up the inspect screen of the correct user. More "Variables.***" is displayed on this inspect screen.

(#15526) If you change a multi valued attribute to single valued attribute, it does not remove the multiple values.  So if you had 2 values as "Apple" and "Banana", the single value becomes "Apple,Banana".

(#15574) When you generate templates with slots through Page Builder, and a user accesses the template without logging into CS, the user does not see the slot content

The homepage have several slots with information arranged into them. The problem is this homepage *only* show the templates within the slots while they are logged in Content Server. I mean, accessing the home directly (as a visitor) the slots appear empty. They need to login in Content Server and then refresh the home page to make visible the slots' content. It seems Insite Templating queries the Template and also ElementCatalog tables. Setting to this table the "Browser" ACL it works. By default ElementCatalog has the ACLs: SiteGod,ElementEditor,ElementReader I activate the DB debug and this is the first error related to the execution: [2007-06-21 13:08:10.391][CS.DB][DEBUG] <!--FTCS|||result=failure|||reason=No access allowed for requested action.|||err =-3|||command=SQL|||params=tablename=ElementCatalog|||-->

(#15616) ImageEditor doesn't work in firefox as it is ActiveX based.


Multi-Lingual Assets

(#14448) No content displayed in the home pages introduced for MLA. Home(fr), Home(de) and Home(es) does not have any content displayed when previewed.

(#14601) Dimension list is not showing in CS-Desktop page (MS Word).

(#14497) A revision tracked asset does not show its locale detail when inspected from the show versions option.



 (#1752) The publishing process cannot mirror query assets that are referenced in the code in an attribute editor asset.

Because the publish process does not parse the code in attribute editors, it cannot determine whether an attribute editor uses a query asset. To work around this problem, explicitly publish the query assets that you are using with your attribute editors.

(#5493) Multiple users cannot perform bulk approvals at the same time.

It is recommended that only 1 user runs bulk approval at any given time. If you do need multiple users to run bulk approvals, please schedule accordingly.

(#12973) Publishing is not transactional, and when it fails changes are not rolled back.

When a publish operation fails midway, it does not clean up entries in AssetPublication table on target.

(#13942) JSP is not always regenerated after a publish in cluster environment

(#14216) Flex family should be entirely mirrored, even if only part is enabled in site

If you don't have all flex family members enabled in your site and you initialize the publish destination, only those enabled members get created on the destination site. This causes all kinds of problems on the destination server. For instance, editing the Start Menu items won't work. Editing assets won't work. Etc.

(#14265) Problem approving shared templates with mappings for assets in multiple sites.

1. We have one Template called "T" 2. We have two sites called "A" and "B" 3. We have one Page asset per site: P1 is on A and P2 is on B 4. The "T" Template is shared to both sites 5. The "T" Template has two mappings: Homepage for A has a value of Page:P1, and Homepage for B has a value of Page:P2 6. When we attempt to approve the T Template to publish the A site, it requires us to approve BOTH P1 and P2. 7. However, we only want to approve P1 since the B site is not ready to be published 8.

(#14855) Changing display template results in multiple assets in pub list

For a site that uses static publishing when you change the template on an asset and save it, and publish, then  the asset remains in the publish list with the old template and also shows in the new one. Changing to a 3rd template on the asset and publishing added it to the publish list 3 times (one for each template it had been saved and published with). This is a problem because the template the user want is higher in the list than the other ones, and so the html output is overwritten with one of the template choices the user doesn't want.

(#15030) AssetPublishList and _Publish tables need to be manually cleaned prior to publish especially if any publish operations have failed midway in the past. CS needs functionality to do an automatic cleanup before publish

(#15158) CS: Publishing checked out assets causes it to be permanently locked on destination when publish fails

With revision tracking turned on, and if you were to publish over an asset that have been checked out on the source machine, it is still marked as locked in the destination until the publish ends. However, if the publish fails, this lock cannot be removed and future publishes of this asset will fail since this asset is locked on the destination machine.

(#15606) "Unapprove" button functionality is NOT working properly, if the asset is approved to more than one destinations in 'dash' UI. Limitation


Revision Tracking

(#145) Tracker table is wider than the source table.

The tracker table created by the revision tracking feature for a tracked table is always wider than the source table. This means that you cannot track tables that are close to the maximum row size supported by the database.

(#13034) The Rollback button does not appear if the revision is set to 2

(#15147) On Dash UI when you try Tracking:Rollback for first time with version not selected gives error

(#15161) On Dash UI Revision Tracking:Message gives clickable icon and when you click on it you see an exception

(#15255) CS uses a lot of CPU when it accesses RevisionTracking tables. These tables are created when an asset is revision tracked.

(#15729) Removing revision history doesn't remove flex attribute files of revision

(#15709) Unapprove doesn't work for a checkedout asset in Dash or Advanced UI


Satellite Server

(#2525) Satellite Server does not preserve the IP address of site visitors.

If you use the Content Server REMOTE_ADDR variable to return the IP address of a site visitor, the value returned contains the IP address of the Satellite Server machine instead of the IP address of the visitor. Workaround is using a cookie to set the remote IP address.

(#14901) Preview link somehow uses the wrong SS link if there are 2 rows in SystemSatellite table

Workaround: Solution set the co-resident SS as the second in the list using ContentServer Explorer

(#15359) SS does not correctly pass params when they contain a doublequote mark

(#15533) Remote SS sends ft_ss cookie to client



(#10765) For assets that inherit attributes from parent assets, inconsistent behavior between inspect screen and search results

(#15138) Advanced search for Select Attributes does retain all search criteria when you select multiple attributes in search criteria

(#15173) User cannot search a basic asset if it does not have category field set

(#15181) Search for INT attributes does not work

(15504) Advanced search does not work on custom date fields

(#15541) Upgrade from 7.0 to 7.0.1 automatically disables search engine.  Since the design of indexing has changed, you must recreate all the indexes again before restarting search engine in 7.0.1.

(#15623) The number of results returned by Search Engine might be different than what user expects based on the number of assets that exist.  This happens because Search Engine has an intelligent filter built-in that excludes certains types of assets like attributes from this list.


Site Launcher

(#unknown) Need to reapprove assets shared by Site Launcher.

Any approved assets which are shared when a site is replicated with Site Launcher will need to be re-approved in the source site after site replication.

(#14933) Site Launcher: the CS-Desktop information in the replicated site does not set the description field for CS Desktop to enabled in the copied site

(#14934) CS-Doclink information is not automatically enabled in the copied site for assets where it was enabled in the original site

(#15179) If site to be replicated is too big, then sitelauncher takes considerable amount of time to replicate (more than 2+ hrs). 



(#2458) SQLEXP adds a percent sign (%) to the front and back of the literal when LIKE is used.

(#) POST tag sends login and logout requests to the URL being posted.

The POST tag works incorrectly when USERNAME, PASSWORD or LOGOUT attributes are passed to it. Login and logout requests are sent to the URL being posted to instead of CatalogManager. One workaround is to perform login before this tag is executed. Alternatively, FormPoster API can be directly used to perform the post operation.

(#5763) SEARCHSTATE.ADDRICHTEXTCONSTRAINT fails when the resultset returns more than 1000 rows.



(#3210, #13653) JSP pages rendered have too much white-space

(#8014) Do not use <throwexception> in template code.

Do not use the tag <throwexception> in the code of a template asset. <throwexception> effectively kills execution in CS for itself and any nested or parent CS engine. This breaks template execution and streaming of data to the client. In addition, when a user approves a template for export publish, a <throwexception> terminates the execution of the approval page and the user gets no feedback.

(#12055) Approval may display an error (-10004) if template logic expects an argument that is not supplied by the Approval process.

Element logic which expects to be passed an argument may generate an error (-10004) when called during approval for export publish if that argument is not present. The error code is displayed in an information box after approval. The template writer should decide whether the error can be safely ignored, i.e. if the error occurs because the template or element is being called out of context and does not affect the approval dependencies.

(#13942) JSP is not always regenerated after a publishing to a cluster.

Workaround is to restart the cluster members once publish is complete

(#15107) Asset.import is not saving file content for templates

(#15117) SiteEntry user interface doesnt provide ability to set usage (this is there in the template screen)

(#15118) Template: cannot reset Usage field without restarting CS

(#15436) If you make the SiteEntry asset a wrapper, when you previewing other assets, it will pick up this SiteEntry even though it is not intended. This is especially true if this SiteEntry is only wrapper in the site.


Users and User Management

(#3267) CS supports only Reads (not Writes) from the Active Directory implementation of LDAP.

For an installation of Content Server that uses Active Directory for User Management, the jndi user specified should only have read permissions. We do not guarantee what will happen if he has write permission.

(#2153) The dir:replaceattrs tag does not give an error when an attribute or user does not exist.

The dir:replaceattrs tag, which is part of the CS-Direct application that Content Server uses for user management, does not throw an exception when it is trying to replace the user attribute value of a nonexistent user attribute or for a nonexistent user.

(#8455) Deleting a user at the Content Server level does not delete that user at the CS-Direct level.

When a user is deleted at the Content Server level through Content Server Management Tools, that user is not deleted from CS-Direct sites.

(#9647) To remove a user from LDAP, first remove the user’s roles in CS

If a CS Administrator wants to remove a user from the LDAP, he should first remove all the user’s roles in the CS-Direct interface. If this step is not completed, the user can have dangling rows in UserPublication table when LDAP is used to store users (& ACLs) and CS database (UserPublication table) is used to store user roles.

(#13432) Updates made to ACLs are not reflected consistently

If the updates are made using CS User Admin Screen, they are reflected immediately. However, if ACLs are updated directly in LDAP server, then we recommend that you

1.                   Restart your portal/Application server for the changes to take effect or

2.                   Flush ACL cache using the url

If a user without any ACL logs in to CS, CS allows user to perform only those operations that a user with Browser ACL can perform.

(#13481) Advance Search UI screen stops rendering if you delete a user from CS Management Tools or CS Explorer

 If a user is enabled for a site and you delete the user from ContentServer Management Tools interface or from SystemUsers in Content Server Explorer, AdvanceSearch UI screen will not render. The workaround is to delete the corresponding user entry from UserPublication table

(13560) Call Stack is printed in futuretense.txt whenever a role is updated or deleted in LDAP

A call stack is seen in futuretense.txt on Weblogic 81 portal installations (See below). This is a debug message and does not indicate any problem with the LDAP integration.

May 13, 2005 3:30:05 PM][CS.AUTH][INFO] Print Call stack. Delete Role WorkflowAdmin from database and from ldap. Page name is OpenMarket/Xcelerate/Installation/AddRole
java.lang.Exception: Inside delete method of FlatLDAPRoleManager.
at com.openmarket.xcelerate.roles.FlatLDAPRoleManager.delete(DashoA14174)
at com.openmarket.xcelerate.roles.RoleManager.save(DashoA14174)
at com.openmarket.xcelerate.roles.FlatLDAPRoleManager.save(DashoA14174)
at com.openmarket.xcelerate.commands.RoleManagerDispatcher.Save(DashoA14174)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at com.openmarket.framework.commands.Dispatcher.Execute(DashoA14174)

(#13599) DefaultReader is not needed in CS if integrated with an external LDAP

This is an inconsistency between database and LDAP user management. You need DefaultReader in database (SystemUsers) in case of native user management but you don't need this user in any system in case of external/LDAP user management.


User Interface

(#14072) CS allows users to delete assets that are part of a promotion

(#14116) Get Arguments button in the Content Filter screen gives you wrong status value, and shows "Missing Translation key"

(#14134) Data corruption issue in related fields when using pickfromtree attribute editor 

(#15004) DashUI: though Category attribute is not required for Basic assets, it shows up in the UI as a required field

(#15054) Dash UI - split pane icon is still visible after deleting an asset 

(#15081) Dash UI - search query text is not refreshed when clicking on "Show Asset"

(#15083) Dash UI - Linking assets for the first time does not maintain same order as search screen

(#15084) Dash UI - links in multi valued blob attribute are pointing to incorrect blobs after sorting

(#15098) Template drop-down does not have the correct values for basic assets

(#15099) Dash UI - Copy keeps referenced by incorrectly

Dash UI - Copy keeps referenced by incorrectly 1). Create a product asset - say A - (this is the master) 2). Create a translation - say B 3). Go back to asset 'A' and click on copy (dont click on save) Observe - In the Relation tab - the Referenced by shows 'B'. (this is because its copying everything from A - which is incorrect) On saving - the referenced by is refreshed correctly

(#15104) Dash: "Tags" tab does not appear on the top after clicking on "dash" button

(#15172) Dash UI does not show the invalid license exception but goes to unexpected error page if u try to login to a URL that is not in license file

(#15067) Toggle between UI windows throws JavaScript error

(#15076) Attribute editor does not work correctly for any storage type if u set TExtField_blanked

(#15088) In Mutiple (Ordered) checkbox - an “X” image shows up even before clicking on “Add New” button

(#15093) Ratings screen does not verify an integer field

(#15102) While creating Tag, it accepts leading spaces.  Which should not be the case.

(#15105) Dash UI - search pane - The selected item is getting deleted but the very next one is getting selected automaticallhy in the Search Results

(#15126) Dash displays 1 version where as Adv UI shows 2 versions when you edit a flex asset with revision tracking enabled.

(#15128) Leading spaces are not getting trimed while creating Flex Family in Advanced UI

(#15132) JavaScript error while clicking on "Apply" OR "Cancel" under "Page Layout" in Preview Page

(#15150) on JBOSS 4.20, dash UI is non-functional

(#15168) "In Segment" & "Out of Segment" options show up as ready for editing even though there is no segment is there to edit

(#15170) The value should be encrypted while entering the value in "Password" field and after saving the record also the entered value should get encrypted

(#15211) If the number of attributes in an asset is large and you scroll down the asset pane, the control buttons also scroll off the window.

(#15233) Access Permissions are inherited to child Folder. UI is supposed to show it the inherited permissions too, but it does not show.

(#15283) If you have 3 fields with image editor attributes, when you edit an asset with values for all 3 fields set, and delete the second image, it copies the third image in place of the deleted image i.e. in second Image Editor

(#15284) Advanced: "move up" OR "move down" ICONS are not appearing in case of Image Picker - multiple (ordered)

(#15539) Close link in Preview does not work on UNIX Firefox browsers

(#15600) Dash: compare locale has incorrect font for optional fields 

(#15608) In the ui.properties for dash scroller if you place an image file with dimensions bigger than "Size" = 969 KB and "Dimensions" = 681 * 485 then that scroller image does not load

(#15623) Dash: by default, Dash UI displays 500 assets in a search result.  In some cases, it might display less than 500 results, even though the total number of assets is greater than 500.

(#15626) Dash: If the number of assignees is large then the first create screen loads slowly

(#15627) Dash: you will not be able to create a Page asset unless you create a record in the category table for page asset type for your site.

Dash UI requires the category field to be specified for page assets.  To specify a category you must have categories defined.  Since by default there is no category defined, you must create a category for page asset in each site you plan to use the page asset from dash UI. This is only specific to Dash UI since Advanced UI does not place such restrictions on the Page assets.

(#15631) Dash: Add new translation is much slower compared to create or copy of assets.

(#15685) While editing a piece of content with the TextArea editor the Addlink / Include buttons disappear in the Dash UI

(#15689) Dash UI throws Error -105 when you try to manually enter a date attribute in format 2007/4/5 and try to save the asset.  If you use the date picker, then it correctly formats the date to 2007-4-5.. 

(#15707) Unable to save Timed Action Events



 (#1570) Page Debugger: Port conflict on Windows 2000.

The default debug listener port of 1025 for the Page Debugger may have a conflict on Windows 2000. This can be changed to some other port number.

(#1756) BulkLoader does not handle attributes of type blob or URL field.

(#3209) Page Debugger doesn't work for JSP pages.

Page debugger fails when trying to debug JSP pages.



(#8211) Canceling Set Participants causes the workflow to be set to all participants.

If you select a workflow for an asset, then go to the Set Participants form, then click the Cancel button, the workflow is set to all participants, as if you had selected the Select All button.

(#9651) When a user takes a Retained Assignment workflow step, an entry in the workflow history is not created.

On a retained assignment, entering content into the "Action Taken" text box produces the following message: “This step retains the current assignment. Content entered into the “Action Taken” field will not be recorded.”

(#9654) After doing "Finish My Assignment" the "Abstain" function is missing.

When a user has finished their assignment and the assignment is 'queued' (in an all-voting step) the Abstain function is incorrectly missing from the workflow actions dropdown. If this occurs when the asset is in workflow deadlock, the user may change his vote to fix the deadlock.

(# No bug Id)  Workflow behavior varies when done from Dash as compared to Advanced UI

In advanced UI, when we create a new asset whose asset type is associated with a workflow process, and if that workflow process has a start-step-type set to "Assign participants from a list" we do not show a "Select Participants" option so that users can optionally select the set of participants. The users can continue their operation and asset save will be successful. However, workflow for that asset will NOT be started. The status screen for that asset says that the asset has the workflow process associated but the state is inactive.

In dash UI, for the same scenario, again asset creation is successful and workflow for the asset is STARTED. However the participants for the workflow will be ALL the users for the set of roles specified in the workflow process definition. This behaviour is identical to the one where a user selects the Select All option in the Select Participants screen and starts the workflow for the asset.




(#1558) XML namespaces are stripped from XML elements during evaluation.

(#13735) XMLPost can malfunction when reading files from dir with mixed extension names

(#13990) XML Post fails to import UTF-8 charcaters correctly if encoding is specified

Import is successful if you remove the encoding <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> and run XML Post

(#13735) XMLPost can malfunction when reading files from dir with mixed extension names

(#14151) xmlpost: can't set an attribute value to be empty

(#14495) XMLPost Creating Recursive Dependency on Itself When Trying To Modify Parent

(#14678) XMLPost: problem adding flex assets with 2 or more parents with the same name

(#14183) RemoteContentPost does not work for Revision Tracked assets


CS Clients


(#5928) Undocumented limitation: You cannot specify named associations for an asset with CS-Desktop.

(#8125) You cannot specify values for flex attributes of type asset with CS-Desktop.

This means that flex assets that have a required attribute of type asset should not be enabled for CS-Desktop.

(#8504) When you edit a flex definition and change the number of parents that flex assets using that definition can have from single to multiple, there are problems with existing flex assets of that definition.

In such a case, when a CS-Desktop user opens a flex asset that was created with the original definition, there are no parents marked for the asset. To work around this issue, be sure that you do not enable flex asset types for CS-Desktop until you are completely finished configuring their definitions.

(#9414, #12962) CS-Desktop toolbar does not show up when Word is used as email editor in Outlook. Also on Windows XP, it does not load correctly

If Outlook is already open, CS-Desktop toolbar will not be displayed when MSWord is opened to connect with ContentServer.  This only occurs if MSWord is configured to be the default email editor for Outlook and Outlook has been opened first.  Outlook maybe closed and MSWord reopened as a workaround.

Workaround: CS-Desktop is a word Add-in and not just a template. There is a very subtle difference between the two of them. Especially in the way they are loaded and run. The workaround for this bug is to move the CS-Desktop.dot from the word's startup folder out to somewhere safe for example in c:\Program Files\FatWire\. Now when you start Word or Outlook, the Content Server toolbar add-in won't be loaded. If you need to load it, Click on Tools --> Templates and Add-Ins -> Click Add and browse to the CS-Desktop.dot, when you add it and click okay, it will load our CS-Desktop add-in.

(#10337) CS-Desktop does not support connection via a proxy server.

(#11741) CS-Desktop Images are not saved if folder does not exist.

During file conversion by CS-Desktop (implemented by Verity KeyView), CS-Desktop writes image files to the folder specified by property keyview.imagedir in futuretense_xcel.ini. There are two requirements for the folder keyview.imagedir:

1.      It must be a web-accessible folder that matches the URL prefix specified in keyview.imgurl. This ensures that CS can preview the CS-Desktop images.

2.      The folder must exist before CS-Desktop is used. This ensures that the KeyView file conversion completes successfully and saves the images.

Note that after installing CS, keyview.imagedir is set to $SHARE-directory/remoteimages and keyview.imgurl is set to /futuretense_cs/remoteimages/. You may edit these value to point to an appropriate folder, or you may keep these values and create a folder named remoteimages.

(#13371) Using CS-Desktop the saved contents from word are not shown fully in the preview.

When data is saved using CS-Desktop in the form of table content then entire data is not saved hence not previewed.

(#13413) Unable to login to CS from CS Desktop using HTTPS as the validation for URL fails.

(#13648) Revision-tracked flex asset stays locked after closing CS-Desktop if the asset existed before revision-tracking was turned on or if the version number was updated from CS-Desktop.

(#14198) CS-Desktop toolbar does not show up when Outlook is open.

(#15712) CS-Desktop is not supported on 64-bit OS machines.



(#10337) CS-DocLink does not support connection via a proxy server.

(#13934) Help link on CS Doclink does not work.

The help file is present in the installed folder but not registered correctly.

(#15190) Doclink version number shows the CS6.3 version number

(#15482) Template field does not work properly in CS-Doclink

(#15657) Erratic behavior while dragging any file from FSIIAtricle folder to other folder.  Sometimes Microsoft “Send error report” pops up and the application ceases to function


Content Server Explorer

(#3439) Content Server Explorer (CSE) issue with Export to Zip format

If your Content Server system is using the UTF-8 or Shift-JIS character sets, please be aware of the following problem with exporting tables in the ZIP format from CSE. File names (such as an element's url file) containing non-English characters will cause the export to fail. As a workaround you can export those
records or the table using the CSE format. There is no problem with the content of the files (any valid UTF-8 or Shift-JIS characters will work), only the file names are an issue.

(#3644) CSE crashes when importing project with an empty catalog

Workaround is to make sure that all the catalogs in a project have at least one record


 Contacting FatWire 

To contact FatWire Corporation about technical support for your product:

Web: http://www.fatwire.com/support





 CS 7.0.2
Release Notes



Copyright © 2002-2007 FatWire Corporation All rights reserved.