Gadget Server 1.1.1
Release Notes


 June 15, 2011

Copyright © 2011 FatWire Corporation All rights reserved.

Welcome to the release notes for Gadget Server v1.1.1. For the latest release notes, check the FatWire e-docs web site. The release notes contain descriptions of new features, changes in functionality, known problems, and other last-minute information about Gadget Server 1.1.1.

For additional information, contact FatWire technical support.

Document History:

  Table of Contents 

Getting Started

What's New in FatWire Gadget Server

Installation Notes

Known Issues in Gadget Server 1.1.x

Issues Fixed in Gadget Server 1.1.x

Known Issues in Gadget Server 1.0

Current Limitations of Gadget Server 1.0

Gadget Server 1.1 Supported Platforms

Contacting FatWire 

  Getting Started

The Gadget Server 1.1.1 document set provides documentation for different kinds of users. Updates to product documentation, as they are made, are posted to the following URL:  For a description of the documents, please refer to the Documentation Notes link on the site. Check the site regularly for the latest set.

  What's New in FatWire Gadget Server

What's new in Gadget Server 1.1.x

Gadget Server 1.1 introduces new deployment options, enhancements for dashboard and gadget customization, and updates for the administration interface. Additional platform support has also been added. These features are summarized below:


Dashboard & Gadget Deployment Options

 Dashboard Customizability and Extensions


Administration Interface Enhancements


New Platform Support*

 *Please refer to the Supported Platform Document  (SPD) section for complete platform information.

What's new in Gadget Server 1.0

FatWire Gadget Server enables enterprises to harness the power of gadgets - small applications that can be placed on websites and easily customized by site visitors - to provide visitors with a personalized and highly interactive experience online. FatWire Gadget Server enables organizations to:


Benefits of FatWire Gadget Server:

 Installation Notes

Refer to the Gadget Server Installation Guide for installation and deployment requirements / recommendations


Note the following:

Known Issues in Gadget Server 1.1.x

Gadget Server Admin App

(#24653) Gadget title names are not validated, it is possible to enable a gadget with a name that already exists

(#24677) Pagination count will appear incorrect when deselecting / selecting filtered views of Gadgets

(#24705) Registering gadget which requires features which are unsupported (i.e. not enabled via Shindig) may result in an Internal Server error, this can be resolved by enabling the feature by following the directions provided in the Gadget Server Installation Guide

(#24742) OAuth gadget will lose personalization if dragged to a new location in the Admin Dashboard

(#24823) Gadget validation is only for the xml descriptor, it will not check to guarantee successful rendering of the gadget on the Dashboard, this should be verified prior to deployment

(#24828) Deploying a gadget that uses flash within

(#25106) OAuth gadget requires login when settings are changed

(#25172) Entering text in the Gadget URL Descriptor field that his not prefixed by http:// will result in failure to immediately validate the url and the message upon save will be "Failed to create gadget. Reason: consumer key cannot be empty. consumer secret cannot be empty”


(#24230) Slideshow sample gadget requires xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar to be copied from gas-os/WEB-INF/lib folder to <JBoss_home>/lib/endorsed folder to render on Dashboards deployed using JBoss

(#25137) Modifying user profile requires refresh for changes to be reflected in OAuth gadgets

(#24553) When a large number of gadgets exist on the dashboard, it may require multiple movements to render the gadget in the desired location

Issues Fixed in Gadget Server 1.1.x

Gadget Server Admin App

(#23287) When enabling a gadget for a site, the transfer box will list all sites, not just the site(s) for which the selected gadget is not enabled

(#23337) When enabling gadgets for a site; selecting multiple sites to enable the gadget for and then removing a site, the gadget add will fail. You must retry selecting only the site(s) that you wish to enable the gadget for


       (#23290) Gadgets do not render completely in IE7


       (#23347) Refresh is sometimes required to view changes to the Dashboard in IE8

Known Issues in Gadget Server 1.0

Gadget Server Admin App

(#22888) De-selecting all filters displays all gadgets rather than none

(#23252) Multi-ticket expiry errors are logged in CS Production futuretense log. These can be safely ignored

(#23287) When enabling a gadget for a site, the transfer box will list all sites, not just the site(s) for which the selected gadget is not enabled

(#23288) If the Gadget Server Admin App is selected on a site that does not exist on the CS Delivery system, a blank screen will appear or an error will appear in the Admin App and the application will not be accessible. To resolve this, mirror the site configuration to the production CS.

(#23083) Pagination settings are not preserved after registering new gadgets

(#23337) When enabling gadgets for a site; selecting multiple sites to enable the gadget for and then removing a site, the gadget add will fail. You must retry selecting only the site(s) that you wish to enable the gadget for

(#23352) If an X display is not present when a Gadget is registered and images are added, the server may respond with a 500 error or a crash. Please have an X display available.


      (#23022) Drag and Drop is not capable of scrolling on large dashboards


      (#23290) Gadgets do not render completely in IE7


      (#2) Refresh is sometimes required to view changes to the Dashboard in IE8


Current Limitations of Gadget Server 1.0

The following are currently not supported in Gadget Server 1.0






 Gadget Server 1.1.1 SPD

  Gadget Server Management and Production
Content Server version - Content Server 7.6 Patch 1+ with WEM installed only
Operating System

- Linux Red Hat 5

- Windows 2003 / 2008

Application Servers

- Tomcat 6 (same version as listed in Content Server 76 SPD)

- JBoss 4.2.3


- Oracle 10g R2, 11g

- SQL 2008


- JDK 1.6.x (same notes apply as are stated in Content Server 76 SPD)

Development Environments - Content Server 7.6 Patch 1+ JSK (Windows/Linux)

- IE7

- IE8

- FF3.5.x

- Minimal width for dashboard slot is 980px, the default  height is 2000px

 Contacting FatWire 

To contact FatWire Corporation about technical support for your product:




      Gadget Server 1.1.1
Release Notes


 June 15, 2011

Copyright © 2011 FatWire Corporation All rights reserved.