Initializes the state of commands or data sources represented by the commands parameter from query parameters in requestUri parameter. Query parameters are associated with Endeca commands by ID (the query parameter name must be the same as the command ID). If a parameter name matching a command ID is found, the value of that parameter is deserialized by a CommandSerializationProvider to initialize the command or data source. This is done using RAW (not UrlDecoded) query parameters. Any remaining query parameters are UrlDecoded and added to the parameters collection.

Namespace:  Endeca.Web.Url
Assembly:  Endeca.Web (in Endeca.Web.dll) Version: (


protected override void Deconstruct(
	Uri requestUri,
	CommandInfoCollection commands,
	NameValueCollection parameters
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Protected Overrides Sub Deconstruct ( _
	requestUri As Uri, _
	commands As CommandInfoCollection, _
	parameters As NameValueCollection _
Visual C++
virtual void Deconstruct(
	Uri^ requestUri, 
	CommandInfoCollection^ commands, 
	NameValueCollection^ parameters
) override


Type: System..::.Uri
A URL, generated by a previous call to Construct(String, CommandInfoCollection, NameValueCollection).
Type: Endeca.Web.Url..::.CommandInfoCollection
List of CommandInfo objects describing the EndecaCommands that should be initialized from the state encoded in requestUri.
Type: System.Collections.Specialized..::.NameValueCollection
A collection of additional parameters that should be initialized from the state encoded in requestUri.

See Also